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These alternative cats are the enemy of the people. That's why we won't let them in the gaggle today.
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Kathy, this alternative cat, is just tired of those fragile snowflakes with their trigger warnings and safe spaces. Grow up, get some thicker skin, she's done handing out participation trophies.
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Look, I'm a smart guy, I can tell when I'm being fooled. Killary was lying to us all, she's on ISIS payroll, you know. But now we finally have a straight talker in the White House. He's not trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Like I said, I'm not an easy guy to fool. Now leave us alone, Yvonne and I are just getting acquainted. We met on Tinder. She's a real woman, 1000%.
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These protesters blocking my commute. Why can't they just protest peacefully in some park out of sight? I'm going to miss kick off! We're playing San Francisco and I just gotta see us trounce that Kaeperdick. With his disrespectful kneeling. Why can't he just stand like a patriot and go protest peacefully, when he's not on the clock, in some park out of sight?
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I got to where I am through hard work, says this alternative cat. I did it by myself, pulled myself up by the bootstraps, you know. No one helped me.
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"The real story is the leaks; why are there so many holes in this cat bed?"
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This cat is absolutely real. The watermelon is fake.
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The powers of this alternative cat to protect his home are very substantial and will not be questioned.
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Cat Bannon is here to help drain the swamp
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We aren't making a mess, we're cleaning it up, say these alternative cats
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“I was a good student. I understand things,” this alternative cat said. “I comprehend very well, okay? Better than, I think, almost anybody
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This alternative cat was a victim of Obamacare death panels. RIP.
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This alternative cat is done with the establishment regulating every area of his life. He's not wearing seat belts unless he wants to, from now on.
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This alternative cat says "don't tread on me. Tread on the others. The immigrants and women and black people and stuff. But not me"
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Obviously this is a cat, but MSM wants you to think she's not. Don’t believe the liberal liars.
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This alternative cat doesn't buy her coffee from Starbucks anymore. She doesn't want explosive caffeine! Credit to Maddie Stands on Things
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I went online and bought all of Eevannkas fall line because KellyAnne told me to, says this alternative cat, but I'm no sheep, I don't just do what I'm told. Wake up sheeples!
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