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Life socks. You’re welcome for that. But seriously, life as a sock is terrible. You can’t do anything right cause you don’t got bones. The only thing that you can do right is letting people walk all over you. But u have to take it cause you don’t have a choice, cause you’re a god damn sock. Honestly do me a favour and appreciate that you are not living you’re life as a sock. Just imagine having someone’s entire foot inside of you and imagine think about, I mean really think about it cause some people do not wash they’re feet regularly. So yeah that’s my life what’s your’s like.
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Six strings to hang yourself with
I want death. All I have ever known is death. My parents criticize me, because they know they fucked up with me. But I’m alright. Because I don’t care about people’s opinion. I’m tired of peoples shit, always complaining about they’re problems and I’ve got problems you know but you don’t hear me complaining. Suck it up butter cup or just go hang youself with these six strings. Life is crap and people are crap, everything is crap. So all you gotta do is take that crap, make it into a stew and throw it back at all these bull shitters.
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Spring through a screen
This shit weekend is hell i gotta watch the house when my parents are gone to a god damn Garth brooks concert. Now that pisses me off cause I gotta stay and do my homework and stuff and my no is gone to see a band that she doesn’t even like. I like that band tho and I’m not aloud to go cause someone’s go to watch the god damn house. Well you wanna know what when she comes home tomorrow. She’ll be coming home to a trashed house. A I mean beer bottle everwhere, couch burnt to a crips, tv shot my a shotgun, some random guy in dress. She’s gonna freak after what she’s gonna walk in on. IM GONNA MAKE HER BLEEEEEEEEED! What a fucking douche canoe leaving me here when she had an extra three tickets to give away or sell. That selfish fucking bitch. I hope she dies in a hole millions of kilometres deep.
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Pinned down to nothing
Pinned down like a lifeless being. With only one puspose. To keep us happy whenever we want to torture these little lifeless pins. Who knows, maybe they have names. Maybe they have families. Maybe they have lives. But we’ll never know, because we take advantage of them. Maybe they have dreams, or gaols they want to succeed in. But we just keep torturing them. This is how I see the world in my very odd corrupted mind and I honestly cannot be trusted... with others and myself. I tend to scare people. With my thoughts and I also tend to make people hate me and I offend a lot of people. But I never regret anything I do, because life is short and you can’t regret the things you do cause you’ll always be second guessing yourself and that trash. So I say live it well and live it with a tolerance for alcohol.
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I am chuck
I am a bird, my name’s chuck and I’m hella free. I’ve lived in this swamping part of the saint larents for most of my life. The rest of my life consists of me flying around and catching fish. I’ve had a few children here and there with my wife Janet. Some have died some are still alive but most of them come too Sunday supper at our lovely home. Of course I’d love to Invite you, but you might not enjoy what kind of stuff we eat. For example we tend to eat a lot of fresh raw fish. But that’s up too you. Anywho my best friend is Oscar he’s an osprey. We fish a lot together and what we adores flying high in the sky looking for potential fishing spots. When he find a perfect spot he comes over to my place and kicks me out of bed and yells at me to hurry up and come fishing with him. We’ll fish for hours but we always catch something. But today is different...today instead of actually fishing he brought me too a new location. for the first time he didn’t think to check for cabins or boats because all he was thinking about was the amazing fishing spot he found. All he was saying on the way here was you have too see it it’s amazing. Oh, I saw it alright there were fish everywhere ait was the most glorious thing I’ve ever seen. We were catching twenty pounders and thirty pounders and it was one of the best days of my life. But this wasn’t only the best day of my life. It was also the worst day of my life, in fact it’d be the last day of my life. What you see before u was the last moments of my life and god I didn’t see this coming. All I remember was hearing a, BANG! and then boom I was in this room talking with to you and I don’t even know who you are I don’t even know who you are. But you remind me of a goose, you look frightening as hell but ur actually just super annoying.
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Life of a lizard
It’s hard living this life. A lizard life. Being yellow isnt always easy. But you see, I don’t understand where I got this aweful pungent colour from. My father has green scales and my mother has blue! Even mixed together they don’t give you yellow! So how did I become yellow?! Anyways, living a yellow life isn’t always the best because people sometimes under and over estimate me. Some other lizard the other day came up to me and asked “why are you always so happy?” When I asked what he meant, of course his reply was; “ Well, because you’re yellow. Is that not the colour of happiness??” That’s just only the start! I was walking home from the store, last Tuesday, and some idiot picked me up and was about to eat me because he thought I was a freaking banana! Like are you serious?? A banana!? Luckily I was a little sweaty, I managed to slip right out of his fingers like butter.... these are only just a few daily events that happen throughout my yellow life, and let me tell you, I don’t appreciate it. 😑 So if you see me in the streets, don’t and I mean DONT, pick me up and mistaken me for a banana and don’t ask me if I’m happy, because the chances are, I’m not, because of these things happening to me on the daily.
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A tale of a beast
The stretch of this beast you see before you is nothing compared to the noise he makes when it has a hang over. In fact this is a quote from the belly of the beast “I’m just gonna casually walk and throw up *loudest noise of someone puking in the world*”. If he is disturbed in his time of agonising pain this Spanish speaking beast will tear you to shreds, just look at the fear in that poor huskies eyes. But all in all he is and will always be a peaceful being but just don’t get on his bad side or else he’ll rip your arms off.
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A strange life
Life is strange. Sometimes things happen and the universe throws something in your face. Sometimes it’s bad and sometimes it’s good but you can never resist the pull that the universe is doing to you. It pulls your attention like a dog can’t resist a bone. Love is a little like this. Weather it’s by accident or even on purpose. But it can lead to a life of amazing adventures. That’s what I have with this beautiful frantic beast before you. Every moment of life is incredible if you have some as in incredible as life by your side. Sometimes it may be tuff but if the bond is strong you can reach over your expectations of life and be amazed by the beauty of this strange world. But love is part of human nature and that may sound strange or scientific but it is the truth.
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A prank
When you love music as much as me you tend to wanna learn an instrument. Like many people I know, I started in high school. But in my family learning an instrument is like our legacy. My grandfather, my father, my aunt, all of her children and more people in my family circle. But all these cousins, aunts and uncles at least know one instrument and it’s almost always a guitar. So as teenager I decided to be rebellious and learn the saxophone first. My father was mad cause he wanted me to learn the guitar. So just to piss him off more I learned how to play the drums. He was furious and he continuously attempted to make me learn guitar. So just to piss him off more I learned how to play one song on the banjo that ended with the words “go f*** yourself you lazy a** hobo”, so I borrowed my friends banjo and played it for my father. He absolutely lost it and said “fine I give up on you go live with your momther if your gonna be a disrespectful child”. So I did. Two weeks after he kicked me out I bought my first guitar and learned how to play it and never told him.
Two months later he asked me to come to a family reunion with him and everyone brought they’re guitars. But I did not. So as we’re all sitting around the fire my cousin pulls out his guitar and I said “hey can I see that for a moment” so he handed it to me. The entire time my father’s talking to his cousin. Then I start playing blackbird and my father glances over and yelled “what the f***... f*** you” and I said “you shouldn’t have pushed me so much to play u a** hat”.
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My love
Love is a strange thing. Personally I don’t think this cat love and or appreciate wgat the hells going on. But I loved it so I had my love take a picture of this beautiful moment. My love... that’s weird to say am I right. I mean a normal teenager would say something like girlfriend or gf... but I always say my love or my sweetheart or even my better half. But maybe I’m just in my own little world stuck between unrealistic and material. I wouldn’t know... but what I do know is that my sweetheart has secrets that I don’t know about. But I also have secrets that she doesn’t know about. Some are terrifying and some are unbelievable. I just keep them to myself. Even if I keep telling her to open up and talk to me when she’s sad. I just don’t... she always tells me to talk to her when I need to. But I can’t cause I’ll drive her away. It’s not cause I’m afraid or anything... it’s just that no one can handle what I am put through on a daily basis. Maybe I’m surrounded by love but I’m closed of too the core because of my experience in this insane world?
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Looking through the broken glass
Looking through the mirror. Do you see the person that you are or hope to be? Are you satisfied with yourself? That image that you see across from you, does that person define who you are? That icy reflection that you see polishes you off. What you may see behind that glass, may not be the person that you were hoping to be, but if one tries hard enough, they will manage to convince themselve. They will manage to see their true self, which is the true, beautiful , and dashing person that everyone else around them, sees. So, how do you see yourself? Are you happy with what lies behind that glass? Does that persona makes you happy?
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The understanding of the unknown.
Tomato, tomawto, potato, potawto. Now in life things just get confusing. But just remember this potato had it hard and it came out a queen. It’s children are half it’s size and they’re as fabulous as she is. But let’s put aside this giant potato for a minute. And talk about everything around us. What do you see in your in right hand. A phone? A mouse? Nothing? But here’s the thing, in your had you have the knowledge of the universe and maybe you know that or maybe you don’t. But to understand that you have this all powerful knowledge is almost impossible to understand. Take the giant potato for example, I don’t know why it’s like that. Maybe it’s because of the minerals in the soil or something, in reality I don’t know and it’s not impossible to know. But you must go out of your way to hunt down the real reason why it’s really like this. The same goes to the knowledge of the universe it’s almost impossible to understand it. But if we want to understand it, we must go out of our way to understand how it tics.
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First blog of term 3
Thoughts and dreams are nothing without the people who make them real. Life is nothing but failed and succeeded dreams. Sometimes our dreams make us cry and smile. But our mental state is what blocks us from success. So if we have something to unblock the clog in our brains, those dreams are more easily successful. But we need something to unblock our brains. That’s usually why we have family and friends to keep us in sense of speaking “sane”. They help us find ourselves and bring us back into reality. This is what we need as humans. Socialisation is the base of human life and there is nothing to it. So when there is a connection between people they up lift each other and that’s how you unblock the clog in your brain. Now all you have do you is fight for your dream.
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Beautiful planet
The winter chills are flowing in the air. There nothing more, or less. The world is clear. The world’s being cleansed and there’s nothing in its path holding it back. Only it within itself can control everything. These trees are nothing more than specs of a larger system on this beautiful planet.
The winter chills are running down my back. Making its way to my veins. Crystallizing my blood into network of frozen highways. I can’t feel anything. It’s so cooled. Am I dying under this threshold of frozen landscapes on this beautiful planet.
The winter chills are leaving the north and going no where. Their disappearing. Into space the coldest place. But I ask myself why? And I don’t get a response. Everything is dying slowly on this a beautiful planet. So I ask myself. Is this a beautiful planet?
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The universe
Darkness and light. The tunnel of the universe. Everything around us is connected. We as humanity are connected. But we’re loosing sight of why we’re here.
We were put here to balance everything out not too consume and destroy. We are supposed to be watching over nature and life. Not ruining everything around us. We are tunnel in the universe. Nature and life are just trying to get to the light, and trying to stay out of the darkness. What lurks there are murderess things. We should be helping them and not fighting too eradicate them.
We are the problem in the universe and we should be eradicated. But the universe has a plan for everything. It may not be a good one but it’s a plan.
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Times running out.
The bells are ringing, I can’t here anything. What’s happening? Why is it hard to breath? I can’t see. I’m Burning. I’m Drowning. Is something chewing on my leg, is that a person. What the hell is happening.
“Your dying.” “Who’s there?” “Time.” “Time?” “Yes, time.” “Wait, who am I?” “You are human kind.” “Time.” “Yes.” “What the hell is happening to me.” “You are dying.” “What do you mean I’m dying. How did this happen to me.” “Throughout your time here on earth, you’ve created war, famine, disease, death and you’ve brought down so much life with you.” “What are u talking, time.” “You causes global warming killing half of the world marine and wild life and you hunted the other half. Because of this global warming all the plant life dry up and burned and died.” “I’m sorry please give me another chance.” “You only had one and this was your own undoing. You did this to yourself. Now you die alone.” “Time I’m sorry please come back. TIME! TIME! I’m sorry please, I’m sorry. ”
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The butterfly theory
This was the end of a life and the beginning of a new life. The day before this day an old sol passed on to the next world. Now this beautiful insect was a sign, saying that she has gone too a beautiful and peaceful place.
The butterfly theory, this is what this beautiful insect also meant. Saying that that all her choices in life led to this beautiful moment in time saying that all the moments in her life were gonna be treasured by everyone who ever crossed her path.
This was the beginning of my life the big realization. The moment that I called the big realization. Which made me finally see life in a different prospective. Made me realize that life is beautiful and I have to cherish every moment of it as long as I’m alive. Live every moment like it’s my last.
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