cookiep0pz · 2 months
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Little Bangchan Things
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I don’t post daily because I have school, but I will try to post on weekends! It won’t be long before summer break, I’ll be back to posting twice a day!
Theme: Yellow, Duck, Bbokari, Felix
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cookiep0pz · 3 months
I’m going insane 😞😞😞😞
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cookiep0pz · 3 months
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🐸Little Bangchan🍀
Loves Green
Frogs are life!
Major sensory issues to noise, weird textures, and touch.
He gets your attention by pinching, it doesn’t really hurt.
All his shirts are either green, or have frogs on them, if they don’t have frogs on them, he ain’t wearing them.
Accidental drool, you carry wipes around everywhere because sometimes he just drools occasionally.
Green sensory headphones!
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Foods he will eat
Noodles, he likes to eat them dry with the seasoned packets on them.
Spaghetti, his favorite of all time! You better add meatballs.
Pizza, he usually picks the pepperoni off first and eats them, then eats the actual pizza.
Broccoli with cheese, one of the only vegetables you can get him to eat.
Chicken pieces, nuggets, tenders.
Jelly sandwich cut into triangles, he hates peanut butter.
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Fruits he will eat
Strawberries, he eats the green leaves as well, kinda odd?
Grapes, likes the crunchy texture
Pineapple, loves the juice!
Bananas, favorite fruit of all times!
Oranges, something he’ll eat with his jelly sandwich!
Dragon fruit, he likes the taste and the funny pattern on it!
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Foods he won’t eat
Steak, he hates the chew texture.
Chicken noodle soup, you always have to force him to eat it when he’s sick
Carrots, hates them with a burning passion, you give him a carrot, he’ll throw it at you.
French fries, but he eats mashed potatoes..
Any vegetable that isn’t broccoli with cheese.
Beans, he hates the texture.
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Sensory issues
Loud noise, if he hears any loud things or people he’ll start panicking and say “volume off!” or something like that
Weird texture, you give him a food with a weird texture, he’ll make a squinting face and spit it out, then he’ll glare at you.
You have to ask him to be touched, if you just touch him out the blue, like on his arm, he’ll freak out and start yelling at you.
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Him in general
He’s a big hugger, so prepared to be hugged all day and night.
He’ll blurt out random words that make no sense, it’s cute though.
He carries around a frog plushie!, his whole room revolves around frogs.
If he has candy,it’s over, even one skittle could get this kid all hyper.
His little age is around 2-4, if he goes younger he would be maybe baby-space to 1.
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Nicknames he loves
Little koala
Music man
Next member: Leeknow!
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cookiep0pz · 3 months
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If you are uncomfortable with little space I suggest you leave my page!
What i write: Little space sicfic fluff Cg!Reader scenarios What I don’t write: ‘Age play Kinks abuse towards littles s3x or any explicit stuff with littles
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Requests always open! Note: if I take to long to write out your request, I’m in school or my device died.. I’m new to writing so if I make grammar errors please don’t hate! My rules are very simple I don’t require much! NSFW DNI, SFW ONLY
Theme:rubber Ducky, Hyunjin
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cookiep0pz · 4 months
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