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“All the trees are losing their leaves and not one of them is worried.”
-         David Miller
We all know that we are in this generation where there is no plenty trees. We experienced different calamities all over the world. But why are we not taking some action despite of all we have experienced.
Based on what Donald Miller said, “All trees are losing their leaves” It is true that the trees are not fertile as they used to be. We just use the gift of our Mother Nature and waste the beauty of it. We forget of how to take care of it and we also forget that trees will be helpful to us in many different ways most especially when it rains. Here are some examples of how trees became helpful. First, trees are the habitat of animals like bird, squirrel and other animals. Second, wooden houses made from trees, you can also create beautiful furniture and you can produce paper. Most especially trees provide clean air. Trees clean the air we breathe by taking in carbon dioxide through the leaves and then giving off oxygen we need to take. The roots of trees suck and absorb the water when there’s a rain so that it reduces the water. “Not one of them is worried” I also believe that it is true because we are unconcerned about what’s really happening with our Mother Nature. We saw campaign that they planted trees but not nurtured it after. Trees that are old are the ones who are stronger than the newly one.
Our campaign poster shows that we need to save our environment from being tortured. We need to take action. Help everyone to be nurtured. We need to help and restore our nature. Lastly, we need to save our nature for the future so that the next generation will have a beautiful nature just like it used to be.
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Prototype of Future Media and Information
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  The Power of Media and Information and the Responsibility of Users      
 " Media is a big problem around the world , it's powerful and can abuse it's power "    - Julian Assange            
                We can found many information not only in the media but also everywhere . We got a lot of information in our daily lives. But how can we say that the  information that we get is real and how powerful the media and information.       
                We all know that we are in this generation where a lot of people are in technology . We can browse and see many information everywhere in the internet . As we all know , we can benefit with the media because it made our life easier , with just one click thousand or millions of information we get .   
               I agree on what Julian Assange and that Media is powerful and it can abuse its power . Media is very powerful since a lot of people know how to use it . We can do many things with media and find information  with media , they post what they want and because of it , media become powerful they don't think what other people will feel because they just want to say their thoughts . Information is very important , it must be accurate and correct that's why we need to check the source of information. The information that we get in the media is not accurate sometimes. You need to think very careful and be wise with the information that we post . Media is very powerful that's why people tend to abuse its power. They get the important information of other people for their own sake . People might get or take advantage with you so you need to be very careful . Since you are the one who is responsible with your information, you need to be responsible enough for all the consequences that you'll get . We must be aware and think before we click so that we can't hurt other people   
                  All in all, we need to use the media and information wisely and be a responsible user of media so that we will not be fooled by other people.
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Media and Information Sources
           How do I choose from the wide variety of information made available from different sources?
            As we all know,we are in this generation where we can get different information everywhere and anywhere. But what are the things that you consider in choosing information that are available from different sources?
            As a student,we gathered so much information through internet and social media. We search for our assignments, some videos, music, information about our report etc. In searching on the internet,you need to check first if the source of information is verified. /if the source is verified,then you can trust that source. It is because there are many sources and they might copy the content of the verified source. Next, you need to check the contents of the information that you searched. If the information that you search is accurate then you can rely on that information. Another,we need to check the author, if he/she is a true author of a verified source or site,then you can trust that source.
            The information that we heared from people,also needed to check the source if the information came from an authority then we can rely on that. We can’t rely if the authority is just a student. The information also needs to be accurate.
             All in all,in choosing information from different sources,you need to be wise so that you can’t be fooled by fake neews. You need to be smart and know what is true so that you can rely on it.
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“How media is affecting everyday life”
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Information Literate Individual
“The biggest problem is that people feel they can find everything on Google and don’t search elsewhere, missing a lot of important information.”                                                                                                                             -    Mark Puterbaugh
           Information Literacy is the use of information to create new knowledge. How do we become an Information Literate?
                       As a student, we need to become one of the Information Literate because we can find information everywhere nowadays but as an Information Literate Individual you can tell if the information is correct and accurate. You can call yourself an Information Literate if you have the qualities such as knowing when the information is needed and we can able to find it. Next, knowing how to access needed information effectively so that you can decide on what you need to solve. You also need to evaluate information and its source critically to know if it’s reliable or reputable.
               I agree on what Mark Puterbaugh said, because we,millenials always rely on the internet. We always search the topic that we are looking for then all we have to do is copy and paste it on the Microsoft but we don’t read all the content. Sometimes we cut the text because it’s too long but we don’t realize that there are a lot of important details that are missing. I know that we are in the new generation were technology arises but let us not forget that we can always rely on books and other verified sources.
               All in all,we need to be a wise information literate individual so that the information that were going to spread and share will always be correct and accurate.
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* Traditional Media to New Media *
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* Evolution of Media *
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