coolbeansfreya · 10 years
In cabin dance party maybe? Or a movie night?  
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 Thank you! Yeah it’s okay gotta make the best of I guess. I was planning on it I might. I mean I will but not sure exactly what. 
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Alright, let's be specific. When adorable, big enough to carry us, clean pigs that fly come by then I know we could get rescued. We'll be a bit lean on clean I mean, as long as we're out we're out right? Haha, thanks, but that's true, I bet they do a bunch of tricks like spinning around or going upside down. But if we hold on tight enough I'm sure we'll last the ride. Imagine getting hit by a flying horse though? Ouch. Well hey, you didn't know. It was extremely unexpected. It is kind of scary, but everything no matter how lost can be found. Yeah definitely. Me too, I'm stoked. 
Sweetheart, you can wear a paper bag and be covered in mud you'd still be really pretty. Yeah, but they probably won't because no one would want to be in a place like this. It is bonkers, I swear. After all that I would want a good side salad for a week... Alright, alright haha, I think you need a box of pizza stat. What kind of pizza do you like? Yeah, me too, this place overall is messed up. I guess I can see but I mean, the beach is nice and the scene is lovely, but then I come back to see the cells and kind of don't feel so happy anymore. Well hey, maybe we could pretend we're trying to look for soap or something. It's not like we're escaping, we're just trying to find one place for privacy for everyone.
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You brought it up! Well the mud part at least. I was just fine thinking about cute little pigs flying and yeah I rather get slapped with mud then to spend another day here. Ride them back! hahaha you’re so precious. But wouldn’t we just fall off, riding a pig we’ll it’s a very bumpy ride, I should of just said flying horses. Um yeah I think so something seemed off I should if just went the other way, how stupid am I, I just kept on walking. Yeah meaning I feel like we’re on island no can find and it’s scary. Me either it just really inhumane and really messed up on some many levels. Of course! I can’t wait.  Well i’m a start looking ugly on just hide it more and then you’ll just be tempted to stop, then my checks won’t have to hurt so much. Yeah exactly I mean they should take one good look at them self and put themselves in a place like this. I get that your rich but having all that every night is just bunkers. There is nothing wrong with kicking your feet up and eating pizza straight from the box, it’s the best thing in the world actually and i’m craving pizza right about now, pizza is so wonderful i getting hungry so i think i better stop talking about pizza..yeah. Oh man that’s really messed up. We came up with so many what if’s I don’t even know what’s the first really messed up part of how this whole thing is going down. I don’t understand how some people actually like it here, to be honest I think they’re just going a bit inane..or just lost hope. I don’t know I’m not sure. Maybe one day but i’m not sure if there are they might bring us in thinking were trying to plan an escape or something
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
You seem rather perky today good sir.
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Buggers, can you imagine a group of boys and girls to our rescue? That'd be splendid.
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I wish some cute, single girl or guy would come save me.
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Ah, happy birthday mate! I would give you a hug if I could. Sorry you have to be stuck here for your birthday though. Maybe you could do something fun in your cabin.
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Um so today is my birthday.. I believe, it think it is. So happy birthday to me? Another day in this cabin laying on the couch, best birthday ever.  
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Well, what if a group people worked like ants in this place to get to a certain goal? I mean, the possibilities are endless. I suppose you're right, that sounds like the better option to be honest. 
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What is the harshest punishment they can give here?
Um i’m thinking they can accomplish where we are in today. No, what’s the point? To get caught and be sent back with bruises? No thank you. I just do as they even if I hate it to my core. 
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Hey, you never know what these pigs could have gotten themselves up to Ari, for all we know it might not be mud... ew. I actually on't want to think about that. Ha, even if it means freedom? Maybe if flying pigs exist we could ride them back home. That's a possibility. The mud on my clothes will be worth it then. Yeah, it was done so clean. I mean, I just remember coming home from a club and then it all went blank before I found myself. Do you think those guys are the ones that took you here? It does, or just a show in general. What if that's what they're doing, at least, I hope not. I don't want anyone seeing any of us like this nonetheless can't imagine anyone finding this entertaining. Buggers, remind me to give you the biggest hug once you're out. 
Aw, well you're the perfect example of how someone looks cool beans still when they're blushing so I might say more nice things. Well, I guess that depends. I mean, I get living the high life is nice, but if they're the type who splurge and laugh at others who don't get to dine that nicely then that's who they should consider rude. But oh yeah definitely, how do you deal with that much seafood and meat every night anyways! Yeah me too, they're probably genies. That just makes most sense. Or what if they have a charity and they lie about where people's money is going to. So they're lying and doing this to us. It's a wonky situation, yeah. I mean, it's a nice place, but for some people it's not too bad, for others it's objectifying I suppose. We are entitled to some privacy. Is there someone we could ask privately? Like someone who works here? [lowers voice] Maybe, randomly, we check out the bathrooms for hidden cameras or microphones one day. They can't be too hard to find in a bathroom I'm sure. And at least we'll have one camera-free zone.
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I didn’t even think of the mud part Freya. Like just imagine not only getting hit by the big itself but when one flies by and slaps you right in the face with mud. Yeah I take that back no pigs flying anytime soon. It’s honestly a little scary. I don’t know I mean for sure I know the cops and detectives are on the case but we got swiped clean without a trace. Like when they took me it all happened so fast. There was a few guys not crowding me but just around, next thing you know I’m passed out in a van and I woke up here dazed and confused as ever. I don’t know this just all seems like an episode of Lost or something. No they really couldn’t it would be like a riot and with so much we’ll over power them and they’ll lose for sure. Like I said you may not know but I do.
Now you got me blushing! Again! Stop it because I seriously can’t handle anything sweet like that coming out your mouth. But I’m flattered hahaha. You see they’re the ones who should be here, I can appreciate the value of a dollar menu. Steak and lobsters every night it just a little too much for me. Yeah I’m one thousand percent sure all this is breaking money I couldn’t even began to think where they’re bring in all the cash from. I’m not sure who agrees to help run this but their just as twisted as him or they have no idea where their money is going into. And fast, this feels like a step up but yet a step down from prison. Do you get what I mean? Yeah, and what I also learned from the movies is that they gotta work from the inside out, but how are they going to pull something like that off? I honestly would like to know if they do becasue that’s just a little bit too much, we are entitled  to some privacy. 
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
You know, that's true. I can't imagine a sloppy mud covered pig hitting me in the face and then flying away before I run after it. I mean, I hate flies hitting my face, so a pig would be wonky. Yep! Definitely a silver lining. They can't, but I wonder why the president in on this right now I mean, he must know that a bunch of celebrities are just gone. They must have planned that part out really well assuming no one's questioned anything. Yeah, yeah probably Too many people would make it too many people to manage. They can't punish us all at the same time anyways. I'm not so sure about awesome, I mean, you're awesome. But thank you anyways. 
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Ugh. I could just kiss you by how adorable you are, I'm serious. You're wonderfully grand and beautiful and lovely and yeah. They probably don't even eat Burger King nonetheless know what it is. It's probably steak and lobster all day for them, and the people who try to get them in trouble. If that's the case though, I want to know how and where they got the money for this place I mean, who would want to fund a place like this nonetheless spend a bunch of money on it. The justice system is pretty screwy. Well, I guess it's best they start now then and figure out this place like the back of their hand. It's like a game suppose, you gotta make them play and figure their weak points. That's a possibility, but we just gotta be smart about it. You said they watch us through cameras right? We can test it out if they have cameras in the bathroom by doing something to let us know, maybe. I have to figure that part out still.
Not until one flies into your face your not. I guess that is call the sliver lining. Am I correct? I’m pretty sure that’s what It means. I don’t actually think they can bring in just about every celeb here, if so I honestly think that the president might have to step in and i’m sure they don’t want that, so I have a feeling they’re keeping it pretty cautions around here. They’re just probably satisfied with the amount they have planned as long as we’re being punish. One great compliment after another. Freya you’re a pretty awesome girl do you know that? and thank you I really do appreciate that.
Shh no don’t say that because you don’t, I don’t even thinks that’s possible because you my friend are gorgeous. Yeah exactly They don’t get that stuff from coupons or working at burger king. Yes no matter what they always get bailed out no matter what because they always have the money for it. I don’t think that’s right, the whole justice system is pretty fucked up. I really don’t trust in that thing or the people who run it. Yeah, but wouldn’t that take some years since they spent years trying to work on this place I mean the people who might try to out think them  has to have a whole lot of time on their hands and be very clever. Evil people don’t play. Hmm how so? I’m pretty whatever it is we just might be called back for our punishment, unless you have a plan in mind or something if so do share.
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
I feel like you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve because of that.
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You’d think me being a pornstar and being in this situation that’d I’d be okay with it…
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Or you could express that energy into a new hobby.
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I'm sure a pretty girl like you could easily get laid in place like this though.
I swear to god if I don’t get laid I’m going to die from all of this pent up energy and anger.
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
"Yeah..." Freya trailed off, her hands running through her hair. She felt like she was being dragged by another force than the water. Things just didn't feel right in the place, granted, she had an easier time it seemed. But she still didn't feel right. "I feel like I'm at one giant Rent-A-Center or something." She paused for a moment an listened to Selena, still new to all the rules. "Really?" She asked, furrowing an eyebrow. "I mean, I thought renting a slave meant you have to treat them like they were your own. Hm." 
Freya looked at the shell even more, her smile widening. "Yeah?" she asked, giving her a softer smile this time. "I'll be sure to remember you whenever I see it then." 
Selena & Freya || The Beach Is Ours
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Well, as long as we're free I'll be pretty alright with the existence of flying pigs and such. That's the spirit, there's always something to feel pretty excited over no matter how bad things are. Haha, I suppose so, but I guess they don't see that unfortunately. I wonder how many more people they're going to bring here. You have, definitely and I'm glad to hear that. It's been seriously great speaking to you, mate.
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I'll take your word on it then. Haha, oh no, don't look at me. I look like a weird fruit when I blush. Oh yeah definitely, plus movie have some realistic value I mean how else do all of James Bond's enemies have all those great weapons and such? Plus all that good stuff could help them bail themselves out. I'm just saying, the people who created this place are smart, but someone smarter just has to outsmart them.True, alright, well maybe we could test that assumption out one day. 
Pretty much and when that happens at least then I know they’ll get what they deserve by then. If you believe that then maybe I should too, I need to try and keep my positive mind going. You see! We’re good people we don’t even wish are worst enemies to a hell hole like this. Aw I have? That feels really good to know, I’m happy that I can still cause people to smile while being here.
Well take it from me when I say they are quite lovely. I am? Yes! Aw look at you. Evil people always have the good stuff that’s a known fact. Well.. that’s what I see in movies but it kind of has to be true. They always be living fancy on the money they be stealing and making becasue of their no good side business. I guess? I don’t know really don’t take my word for it. These people are sick so they actually might. I wound’t put it pass them.  
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
It's pretty amaze-beans, I mean, if a group of people could work that well together who knows what they could accomplish. Haha, well I'm glad you're appreciating them right now. Oh, that's really unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that. You haven't ever tried sneaking out or something?
Sending the vibes your direction then, pal.
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Right? I find that so interesting. Ants are very interesting creatures never knew that until now and they work together so well like it’s unbelievable. Wow.. being in here got me talking about ants, that’s pretty sad.Yeah i’m masterless it’s just me in this cell. I really understand where he is coming from. Dreaming in the only escape from here. 
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Good vibes is always good. Send them my way. 
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
"Why wait for something when you have the now to do things?"
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-“Guess you will have to wait and find out won’t you?”-
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Haha, well a group's got to stick together so I suppose that's why. But the fact they can go up the ceiling and such is insanely wonky in a cool way. Sounds boring though, are you masterless too? Logan said he passes time by sleeping and it's rather saddening. 
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I'll give you an air hug then. Or at least spread you some good vibes.
Yeah I feel you. Could be a lot worse. I’m just in this cell sleeping or counting the ants along the wall. They travel in a very large amount it’s cray.. just fyi. 
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 even if i wanted that hug there are a whole bunch of skinny steel bars that are blocking the hugging distance from you to me.
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coolbeansfreya · 10 years
Haha, well if I see a flying pig I'll let you know because that'll mean someone's coming real soon! It'll happen one day, I'm sure. Oh yeah, that's true. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to stay here. Well you made me smile way too much so it's payback, ha. No need to say anything, I'm just telling the truth anyways. 
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I suppose they're quite lovely. Maybe I've been in Britain too much to notice them though so that's why I'm immune. Oh gosh golly, that's sweet. Now you're making me blush. I actually can believe that, it explains why they get all this good stuff like food and furniture without having anyone figuring what they're doing. Bathrooms, right. That's good at least. I guess the bathrooms can be a safe spot? Me either, hopefully not too far.
But what are the chances of that happening? Pigs will be more likely to fly by then.. I’m kidding but you know what I mean! Well I won’t hold my breath. Right? I know a handful of people who deserve to be here, but even I want wish them to a place like this. Stop you’re going to me blush. I don’t even know what to say now! 
Accents are the best. I don’t know why but I love them, and I love yours so just keep talking to me I will never get enough. I was just talking to Jade we came to the conclusion that they’re evil genies and they thought about this for years on in. Yeah pretty much besides the bathrooms? I don’t even know how far they’ll go honestly. No problem.   
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