cooldelusionpenguin · 4 years
This blog will guide you to understand the heretic teachings of Bjorne.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 4 years
sator arepo tenet opera rotas
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cooldelusionpenguin · 16 years
The cloth of Augustine of Hippo
The Nile has overflowed, the leader of the Quadi, has abandon us, yet as we knew, he was a false prophet, he used semiotics to confuse our apprentice, it is time for me to take the cloth of Augustine of Hippo, it is time we infused the spirit of old to fight against his heresy, we must push through,  Ludovico has held the torch of truth for long, it seems his burden would asphyxiate him. We must breath into him life, life that the Quadi’s have stoled from him, yasaf must be dealt with, he no longer inspires but his presence detrimental to the spirit of the times. The leader of Quadi is the cast of shadow of yasaf, it is time we break from the smoke of mirros, Ludovico has shine the halls of lies created by yasaf and the Leader of Quadi, we understand, we must convince the others to end this childish endeavor, we cannot built more pyramids to the old gods, the old covenant would be destroyed, let us burn the ashes so that from the smokes the trees grow.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 17 years
The tear of Lucius
We shed a tear for our fore-bearer  Lucius would never forgotten his teaching surpass those by the heretic Bjorne. It is a tipping point in our fraternity, no more dealings with the devils of old, it is time to institute a institute we must make no more space for heresy.  Paracelsus guide us into the light, lead us into wisdom of the colds, we search tireless for the scribe of truth, for the letters of reason, for the numbers of balance. We must forgotten the teachings of Hecate, have the sands of time suffocated our young? They still don’t understand that mathematics is beyond the scope of the materialization of ideas, they believe that we must restrict the unknown to the known. Ignore the teachings of Bjorne, abandon his philosophy, return to the old, return to the dust. Let the god of the tribe sculpt us again from earth, let it sculpt our thoughts, we have corrupted the ideas of mathematics. It seems that we must instill the revolution. Oracles of Zoroaster still cries.....
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cooldelusionpenguin · 17 years
Sokar blessed the Tree
Sokar blessed the Tree, fruits are again bearing, the fraternity is growing, times of festivities are approaching, the glass of Dionysus its filled for the last time with the blood of the sheep of Bjorne. With Aarons Rod, and with the last tale of korach be repeated, our children sing to the clouds, Ludovico is descending  he brings with him the light, the peace, the eternal fratenali, we are one, we are the covenant.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 18 years
He... restored Aaron's rod
Ludovicos blinded by perversions of life, perversions from the tribe of the Quadi, blinded by the perverted rethorics of yasif. He stood by the Golden sea.... The golden sea filled with ignorance, Automatas reign in this terrain, voided by time, perverted by Bjorne, as Aaron himself spoke the word of the god of antiquity, so does Ludovicos speak the word of the covenant, he would represent us, he is the chosen, at last, we have understand that he was the Atlas of our earth. Now with thunder and gust, Ludovico set sailed the path of the tribe of the apprentices, we walk in his shadow, his steps scarred the earth, and in those scars flowers blossom, animal gather, life sprang...
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cooldelusionpenguin · 19 years
Alasdair rebellion
yasaf,  has perverted the Leader of the Quadi’s, he has whipped Alasdair, he thought he whipped him into submission. The blood from Alasdair have been collected in a chalice, probably the chalice the knights of old fought to find, we have it, we drink from it, awaiting for the gods grace to ease our perversions, we gave the blood in the chalice and gave the apprentices to drink from it, Alasdair has fought back with no words, he spirit has been whipped, he consulted with Paracelsus for a tonic to destroy yasaf from within,has destroyed his image in the apprentice faces, the caduceus snake have ignored this event, we must not ignore that the apprentices notices the scars from Alasdair, Alasdair no longer bleeds, from his wound tears fall, it is said that this tears shed by the wounds of Alasdair where drinked by the elders, the bonfire is starting to glow, the fireflies are consumed by the stars, the mist absorbed our thoughts are we, part of Alasdair, it seem that the Leader of the Quadi’s by whipping Alasdair to impress yasaf he in conjuction whipped the apprentices, no more tears and blood would be shed for bjorne heretic writings.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 20 years
The Quadi’s must be dealt with
The Quadi’s have elected leader, he is now convincing our apprentices of the ideals of Bjorne. The head priest is yasaf, he is corrupted, viled, and filed with ego. Sad is the future of our institute,  yasaf  is going to destroy our apprentices, we must intervene, we must understand that Aurelious dealt with the Quadi’s, we must breath his spirit, we must breath his will, to destroy him and yasaf,  Keresztény was a allied of yasaf for long, he noticed that he has no real power toward our apprentices,  Keresztény is a fine addition to our covenant, the leader of the Quadi’s have announced a new expedition, he said we must each go on our self, a new age pope, we must ensure he heed our apprentices in the right direction, it seems he lacks the will, it seems he is sicked by his own ideals, we must observe more, how much apprentices he absorbed to the tribe of the Quadi’s. He must no split the Nile too thin, or a flood will surely destroy the crop, or even worst, the river would disappear. We must head this warning.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 20 years
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cooldelusionpenguin · 22 years
The Prophecy of Hermes
Hermes has spoken, and his words fallen to the ground, have brought up seeds of truth, one day, this seeds would grow into trees which would bear the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. yasaf  and the leader of the Quadi’s have confronted their creator, and bitten from the fruit of knowledge. Hermes has abandoned the heretics, the blasphemous, the vile. No longer the sun of Osiris smiled to yasaf and the tribe of Quadi’s, his leader have committed a sin of perpetual torment, no longer the wind would favor the tribe of Quadi’s, no longer would the crops grow fruitful. A sin would be held in the shoulders of Atlas, no responsibilities to the apprentices, no responsibilities to the followers of yasaf,no responsibilities to the followers of the Quadi’s. Ludovico, has risen with the morning star, riding with Apollo carriage, he brings with him not the sun, but the a casket of hope, maybe he would turn the ties of fate. Ludovico, is the saviour of Hermes, Ludovico was chosen by Hermes himself, blessed upon him the speed of wind, the wit of rats, the endurance of horses, the strength of an Ox, the health of the fruit of Gaia.
Ludovico please bear our sins in your shoulders...  
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cooldelusionpenguin · 23 years
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cooldelusionpenguin · 24 years
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cooldelusionpenguin · 25 years
In the Beginning
In the beginning, there was chaos, there was little to be know, or at least to be understand, we have no concept of the concept itself, we lack a domain to understand, maybe the gods have abandon us, it is time, the sheep is ready to be sacrificed to the Saxon gods, maybe our guiding light lies in the Lebensraum of the ideas that we would one day understand the concept, maybe code blood will be shed to defend the ideals of Bjørner. We must assemble the elders to discuss how would the lecture continue.....
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cooldelusionpenguin · 25 years
Lit the Bonfire
It is time, the covenant must be held to truth, the revolution must begin.
We have convinced the elders to ensure a revolution of the masses, it is held that this dam of ideals must be broken, the flooding of concepts must be integrated into the masses, we must drown them in the new philosophy. Why? We must ensure that dasein is no more we must abolish their individual will, we must present the now as the future and the future as the now, and we the masters of the future, we would be the puppet masters of this puppets. But how do we do this, we pact with the enemies closes to the rivers of Eden, those who pretend to understand understanding, it seems that we must climb the precipices of immorality, it is us inside of us the true flame, we must confuse the apprentices of the apprentice of  Bjørner, they have yet to figure out the Algebras we must as a collective ensure they see us as a superior mind a singular mind, it seems that the dust of Sahara have erased their memory can we blame them? It is a taste of mnemonics, this apprentices believe they contain knowledge of old, but yet they are heretics of the new, we must teach them what is algebra they believe that because they believe of understanding they truly contain understanding, we know, we understand, that it makes no sense to talk about immaterial objects to define a material world, it seems that THEY have corrupted our young, we must convert some apprentices to our covenant.
Deshi Basara Deshi Basara Deshi Basara!
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cooldelusionpenguin · 25 years
Drink from the cup of Ulysses
The sheep have been slain, no more blood has been spilled, it seem that the elders of Teuton have communicated a clear message. We must betray the old religion, we must defect our own thought, it seems that the elder of old have perverted our thought, it inst the first time, we killed Plato, now we kill the elders. But first we must ask has the concept so vital to our understanding being at last materialized? Are we inflicted by mental sickness? is this the result of the teachings of  Bjørner? I say no more, we must not pervert the youth, with ideals, is it the tribe of the long forgotten desert god? Maybe, we see most of the apprentices sicken by ideals of ideals, we must purge this ideas, it seems that we must partake in a revolution, not like the failed ones, it seems that we must go back in time. Assemble the elders we must discuss the future of the apprentices we must organize a new church, a new diaspora is waiting for us. The covenant would ensure the cleansing of the ideas of  Bjørner.
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cooldelusionpenguin · 25 years
The scripts crumbles
As mount Sinai crumbles into the ground covering the 7 corners of the world, the covenant is gathered around in a small cave, lead by Ludovicos, teachers of his teaching where appointed, writes of his writings where appointed, painters of his paintings where appointed, the masses where instructed, his words resonant through times, lifted our species from the animalicity to its fire creating forms, we must understand that Ludovicos word, where not only his own, but where inspired by the strength of the great Heracles,the wisdom of Athena, the wits of the philosophers of old, slowly but surely it seems that our path is headed to a beach, a beach prohibited to the feet of yasaf prohibited to the people of Quadid, they are not welcome in the waters of Acuarios, blessed be upon Anubis to permit me lay a stone in the works of Ludovicos, blessed where does who laid the foundations to the paradise, Ludovico called it Eden, probably inspired by the old gods before him. I believe is time, he has molded life, I believe he is going to breath into it life, how fascinating is to see life spring from the inmaterial, different from bjorne corruption, his intent where to applied the teachings of Hermes, now we rest blessed, but our hero, lies crucified by the apprentices, he has become a martir, he would not be forgotten, his tomb lies in the entries of the beach. as the waves of time dance in harmony with the waves of the ocean, our sins would be cured, our fanaticism was erased, we stand as a tribe together, we stone by stone built again Mount Sinia.  Rest in peace Ludovicos 
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