coolio-tulio · 7 years
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this is the most frightening ad i’ve encountered on here
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
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this is the Bun of Spoons. reblog to share in her magics of abundant spoons.
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
me staring blankly at my wip: 
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
cracking open a cold one with the girls except it’s my icy heart and they’re teaching me how to love again
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
Sometimes I just wanna throw a brick at you dumb fucks
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
yo treasure planet was literally the best 2d disney film ever made like the setting? the colors? the flawless transition? the gorgeous world building? the three dimensional characters? a main character who’s never pressured to get into anything remotely close to romance? complex relationships? an antagonist who has layers to his character? the soundtrack? i could go the FUCK on,
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
i wanna disconnect from all social media and go herd sheep and sell berries and mushrooms and herbal salves on the side of some mountain road for a living
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
Marauders Era Fancast 2k18
JAMES – Devin Bostick
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SIRIUS – Tommy Wiseau
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REMUS – Jake Short
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PETER – Noah Munck
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LILY – Belela Throne
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SEVERUS – Charlie Wright
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REGULUS – Timothee Chalamet
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LUCIUS – Jeffree Starr
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NARCISSA – Pamela Anderson
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BELLATRIX –  Raini Rodriguez
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ANDROMEDA – Miranda Cosgrove
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DUMBLEDORE – Pewdiepie
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
bwocked. bwocked. bwocked. nyone of you awe fwee of sin
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
it’s like i always say: fuck
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
I love this fucking movie
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
Ragnarok got siblings close in age 100% right, and Black Panther got siblings with a decent age difference 100% right. Both of these thrill me, because there just aren’t enough good and accurate sibling relationships in media.
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
someone: kylo ren is redeemable!
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
you must teach your heart to accept what cannot be changed.
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coolio-tulio · 7 years
Things I want in the next 5 years
- a stable job that i love
- enough money to live comfortably and travel
- a fulfulling relationship
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