coolsharkpirate · 1 month
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Did a thing for my partner and I. First pixel since I got sick last year! Yay for finally doing things!
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coolsharkpirate · 3 months
yesterday, tumblr totally deleted the account of a prominent trans girl on this website because she was posting safe for work transition timeline photos. this is supposedly "the queerest place on the internet" but i haven't seen anybody but trans girls talking about this. why does nobody else give a fuck?
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coolsharkpirate · 3 months
It's been almost a year since I left the community, and I still worry if everyone is ok. I don't want to reach out and ask, because I'm worried it'd make people uncomfortable.
But I miss the people I talked to, and I miss celebrating joys and mourning sorrows with them.
Been kind of thinking about it a lot, and I understand this is for the best, but I really do hope everyone is doing well.
On another note, I may be going through to downsize my customs, so if anyone on 1290 has your fancy, let me know and I may be willing to just give them away. I haven't been breeding/doing much with them, so I would like to give them a chance to be used I guess.
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coolsharkpirate · 5 months
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate I hope you had a blessed one with the family you wanted to. 🧡
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coolsharkpirate · 6 months
Bit of a Blast from the Past
Apparently I made my first plushie base 13 years ago, in 2010. Can't believe it's been that long, and I feel I have come a long way since then on my pixel art, but I am learning to appreciate where I was in my art even back then.
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coolsharkpirate · 6 months
Glad to hear you're doing okay, Lysa. Please continue thriving to spite people! Continue thriving because your daughter needs you. Continue thriving to prove that people can (and will) changes for the better.
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My mouth really hurts from wisdom tooth removal, but I love you anon.
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coolsharkpirate · 6 months
Continuing to get my life on track
Because I continue to get Anons telling me I am still a piece of shit and they wish harm on me andy family. I am going to continue posting how I'm improving. Thursday I went in and got my wisdom teeth ripped out. After breaking one of them 6 years ago. 🙃
I feel so much better even just a couple days later. I am going to start seeing them regularly to keep my teeth in better shape, AND I haven't had any issues since my spleen was removed!
For those who worry about how I'm doing, I am doing great and I hope you all are as well. 🧡
For those who just want to see me fail and have expressed anger/discontent at how well I'm doing, I hope you also have a wonderful day and time. 🧡 But please focus on something else, I really am not worth this much energy.
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coolsharkpirate · 6 months
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I am legit living my best life now, got to attend Ren Fest twice, I have so many pictures with people as this new character I created off the costume, and Bean was a delight today through it all.
I also bought a Death Cap Mushroom Hat, which is fantastic, and I love it so much. Everything else was done by myself and my husband. He made me the robe, you can't see the spine but I 3D printed an articulated spine, the claws, and the mask from files off Thingiverse, then I made the bag using a pattern I bought on Etsy, and then I hand sewed the fur capelet by hand using scraps of fur.
I have to fix a couple things, and would like to add a few more things, like an actual hood, though I want to also be able to wear the hat with it too.
Very excited to see where it is next year!
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coolsharkpirate · 6 months
Lysa, I think of you often.You deserve so much more than you have received from this "community". We only ever talked years ago briefly, but I want you to know you matter. I hope you are feeling better medically and mentally! I am reminded how most of the mweor userbase is terminally online and has never actually stared true evil in the face. They shamefully create such major issues and brutally harrass you over mistakes that human children make instead of focusing on ACTUAL, REAL PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD. It's clear you are not a bad person, as you and I both know the difference between edgy, traumatized kids and true evil. You are valid and I hope you are at peace, and remember what is truly important (your family, not the opinions of two-faced unstable internet users) I wish you, your family and your kitties nothing but happiness and health
Anon I can't express how much this hit me on a day I kind of needed it. 🧡
If you ever want to talk, I am always on Discord, I may have a bit of trouble if we haven't talked in years, I have a lot of gaps in my memory anymore, and hate how many interactions I have forgotten, but I am very much willing to respark friendships or conversations!
I am ashamed I wasn't a kid when I did it, though I was still learning and going through a part of my life, I should have been better and not acted out. People have every right to be upset and judge me, though I wish they'd at least try to give me a chance now. I am a completely different person.
I realized some people probably don't have my Discord, but it's Zombpossum, and I answer mainly after 8 PM EST when Bean goes to bed, but I try to check a few times through the day during her own time.
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
Oogie Boogie joined the gang, and couldn't believe my audacity to move the pillow while he and his siblings tried to sleep!
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
Kibbens, Kibbens everywhere
Yep, I went out to do something, and found these two on my back porch. I get so many kittens, these make four kittens this year I've brought in.
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Their names are Jack and Sally because that's what Bean called them. (Tux is Jack, Void is Sally)
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
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Oregano for #207882 on Mweor.com, includes the special lines for plants <3
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
Why don't you just reach out to people? People probably think you're going to be hostile towards them if you do.
I'm going to be honest, I'm scared to message or try to reach out. I have tried a few times over the months, but every time I have, it's either been out right attacks, I get blocked, or they just ghost me.
I do not blame anyone for being upset, or not wanting to associate with me, but it honestly also hurts, a lot. I am sure my past actions hurts them too, and I won't hold it against them, but I have been quite shy on even attempting to connect outside the people I trust and talk to already.
I've been told when I did try to rejoin the community I make people super uncomfortable, and even on 'open to anyone and everyone' servers where I planned to lurk so I could see updates, I have been told people were complaining I was there, so I decided it'd be best not to stick around because I don't want to cause drama for others.
I am in at least one Mweor server still, I don't say a word, I just spend my time silently rooting for people, and hoping they're doing well. It makes me happy to at least be able to watch from the outside in to know people I care about are doing well, even if they don't know I'm there or doing it.
In all honesty The Auction House and The Empire are the two I miss the most. But in the end, I'm paying for my actions, and I know I will never be able to regain the trust of the friends I had. Only being added on that it seems people are warned about me and told not to interact with me, and from some of the asks I've gotten, it's not even because of what I've done, but rumors.
At this point I have accepted I'll likely never talk to a good chunk of people I used to talk to daily, because neither of us will reach out, and that is just how life is.
Also, I don't pay attention to who I'm ToTing on Mweor, so I laugh everytime I get the notice someone sent me dust, dirt, or a mouse toy from someone I recognize. I am just hanging out Potion Bottle until Halloween when I clear #737's inventory on ToTers.
It just amuses me some are like "No hard feelings" but we all know what dust and dirt mean. Not that I care, I had a good laugh with a couple friends because, y'all can block me if you'd rather.
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Gonna just put this pic of Egís Louneur being unhappy I was picking up small bones instead of petting him with my pointy glove.
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
I miss you a lot, I hope you're doing well.
My Discord is always open to anyone who wishes to message me, and of course no one else will ever know if you have it. If you don't, I'm happy to message it out. I miss so many people from the community it's insane, but I have to say I've been a lot better recently than I have in years.
Not because of anything on here, but I've been taking care of myself for once, and it seems to be helping.
Even if I'm not sure who this is, I miss you too, and I hope you're doing well as well <3
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
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Decided to try my hand at offering art on Mweor.com again, figure Halloween Zombies are fun, considering my art mascot is in fact, a zombie them self.
Not 100% on price yet, but I'm only offering the non-eviscerated version as I'm not sure how much gore is allowed precisely.
Moon, Sky, and Clouds are changeable in color, as is everything else really, except the tree and hills.
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
There are still people out here who wish you well. Please take care of yourself.
I honestly really appreciate it, I know there are people who care, and people who don't even give me another thought. I am thankful for both, sadly they're the ones who don't seem to speak up.
I should probably not be feeding into them, but at this point I'm actually getting concerned about the anons. I'd hoped people would have moved on by now, I planned to just post random life updates here once I am satisfied people aren't using this to rant and go after me.
Overall I am doing fantastic, there is speculation that I've had the splenic infection for years. I may not actually be a diabetic, and it was just the infection causing my glucose to get real high, the infection causing my lethargy, my literal brain rot since January where my life was just kind of a confusing blur. I miss everyone on the mweor Discords a ton, I leave my discord open to anyone who'd ever like to reach out, though I know it's likely no one wants to associate with me still, and I can completely understand, but know I'm still open to helping, even if I'm being a bit of a bitch to anons on this account.
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I'm going to share a cute picture of Bean with her cat Amelio, who is a good boy, and has been by her side through all my medical issues.
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coolsharkpirate · 7 months
Your medical problems sound super fake bruh. Even if they're not, no one cares.
I'm sorry you've been having a bad day Anon, I hope you get a big hug and told how much you matter today. I don't care if anyone I don't talk to cares if I'm alive or dead, I am just happy to know I have people in my life, on and off the internet who love me and care.
Though if it makes you feel better, my incision from my Splenectomy is very irritated, and I'm supposed to be doing nothing, but I refuse, so I'm having more pain than likely expected this long after the operation. But I am healing, mentally and physically, and even spiritually, which I hope you get to experience soon as well.
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