coolzoroark1234 · 5 months
ferid is hungarian: proof + age guesstimate
so i’ve been re-reading the michaela light novels and i stumbled across a part where there was a character who had a name of hungarian origin, and it instantly reminded me of ferid. i think from the beginning after doing very basic research on his name, i came to the conclusion that ferid is hungarian but here’s a very long analysis post proving that! with evidence >:)
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coolzoroark1234 · 9 months
sharing my gallery full of BSD live actions images (part 23)
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coolzoroark1234 · 9 months
I think the reason I don’t typically like AUs where Soukoku join the ADA together is that writers will use it as a way to villainize the Port Mafia to an extreme and ridiculous degree. Like EVERYTHING becomes their fault. Every mafia member is ooc. Kouyou is always evil. Mori becomes a super villain. All of the nuance of Bungo Stray Dogs, all that gray morality, just disappears because people want Dazai and Chuuya to be good™. And one of them being a mafioso conflicts with that author’s image of what it means to be good. It messes with the roots of BSD’s story to the point that the characters are unrecognizable.
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
People thinking Dazai looks down on or doesn’t think Chuuya’s smart or interesting. People who think Mori is a mustache-twirling supervillain out to ruin Dazai’s life or something. Like seriously, people thinking Mori would abuse his two favorite blorbos just don’t understand the character. For one, that’s just not the kind of character he is! It’s not in his character, and it would be incredibly stupid of him to do that and he would know that! And I think it’s been shown pretty clearly through his interactions with Dazai and Chuuya that that’s not the case?? And fics where teenage SKK are scared of or wary of him and constantly on edge around him out of fear… none of that is canon at all. Young Chuuya was respectful but not unquestionably subservient, and Mori doesn’t expect him to be! Mori likes that they were rude teenagers, he found them hilarious! And now adult Chuuya has nice conversations with Mori and Kouyou over tea and indulges Mori’s weirdness. If we’re counting the mobile game as canon, then iirc at one point Chuuya goes to the aquarium with Mori and Elise, to protect them, but Mori is encouraging him to lay off a bit and have fun! Fics where Mori overworks Chuuya or coldly disregards his health upset me because that’s not it! If Chuuya is overworked, it’s because he’s a workaholic and won’t listen to Mori telling him to take a break! Mori gives his higher up subordinates a large amount of freedom as long as they get their jobs done, he doesn’t even really try to get Kouyou to come back during the Kyouka stuff, and he lets Akutagawa do whatever as long as he gets results. He’s not a saint but he’s not the devil, that’s his whole thing, and protecting Yokohama and the mafia itself is his whole purpose.
Wow this segued into a whole lot about Mori. My other thing is people who think Kunikida is the voice of reason or the stick in the mud rule follower. He is not. He is just as insane as the rest of them! Oh, and “ukeified” Chuuya, for lack of a better term. I will not go into detail on that because it enrages me but it is always so obvious and disconcerting to see
come off anon can we be friends
i truly think that a lot of people just villainize mori because the translations got a bit screwed up in terms of him + elise's interactions and because he's the easiest scapegoat. they ignore that he's easily one of the most important parts of the tripartite agreement that keeps yokohama and all your fave blorbos safe, or at least safe when it's being upheld. i don't think he's a saint, but he isn't the demon that everyone makes him out to be.
also. the point on kunikida. yes. kunikida is the voice of reason in the way that. where's that meme that's like "it's odd to think that the average person doesn't know this much about x topic." "oh, yes. but surely they know about [ insert thing about x that the average person certainly doesn't know ]" "yes, of course they would." he broke into the meteorological bureau because the weather was wrong, canonically. he's so self-sacrificial it's insane. people tend to reduce him to a "rule follower" and he is to the extent that he follows his own laws and morals. one of his dislikes in his canon character profile is "authority".
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
❥ · ゚₊
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▸𝚂𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝟻, 𝙴𝚙.𝟻
✧·····················*﹡❋ ❋ ❋﹡*·····················✧
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
My type is the main bsd cast in the gaiden's artstyle
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
I saw someone else complimenting your art and figured it was my time to strike because your what actually got me to start posting on tumblr
I love chuuya so much
id meet up with my freind and spend the whole time showing them all your posts i love how you draw chuuya so much hes so and so so
hes my top ranked chuuya of all time and at the top of my chuuya ranking list
also your whole page in general has a very warm and pleasant feel
(and i love your mori hes pathetic)
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as a thank you i gift thee a chuuya and mori, ft. hat hair
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
Fukuzawa, during his Mori guarding days: This little girl that's always around you.
Mori: Oh you mean Elisa chan.
Fukuzawa: She is your daughter?
Mori: Nope.
Fukuzawa: Sister?
Mori: No.
Fukuzawa: Cousin?
Mori: Nuh uh.
Fukuzawa: Niece?
Mori: No.
Fukuzawa: Grand daughter?
Mori: I'm not that old.
Fukuzawa, exasperated: What is she then?
Mori: She's my wife. 😄
Fukuzawa: ............. 😶
Mori: .........😃
Fukuzawa: (Slowly unsheathes sword.)
Mori: Fukuzawa dono, ......that was a joke.
Time skip.
Fukuzawa, petting Elise's hair: I see, she's your ability. (He's low-key intrigued by such a unique form for an ability).
Mori: Yup. 😊 (Proud that Fukuzawa finds her cute).
Fukuzawa: Doctor.
Mori: Yes?
Fukuzawa: Why does your ability take the form of a small blonde girl?
Mori: ...................
Fukuzawa: .................
Mori, smiles ever so sweetly: Fukuzawa dono.
Fukuzawa: Yes, Mori?
Mori: You shouldn't ask questions you don't want the answer to. 🙂
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
People thinking Dazai looks down on or doesn’t think Chuuya’s smart or interesting. People who think Mori is a mustache-twirling supervillain out to ruin Dazai’s life or something. Like seriously, people thinking Mori would abuse his two favorite blorbos just don’t understand the character. For one, that’s just not the kind of character he is! It’s not in his character, and it would be incredibly stupid of him to do that and he would know that! And I think it’s been shown pretty clearly through his interactions with Dazai and Chuuya that that’s not the case?? And fics where teenage SKK are scared of or wary of him and constantly on edge around him out of fear… none of that is canon at all. Young Chuuya was respectful but not unquestionably subservient, and Mori doesn’t expect him to be! Mori likes that they were rude teenagers, he found them hilarious! And now adult Chuuya has nice conversations with Mori and Kouyou over tea and indulges Mori’s weirdness. If we’re counting the mobile game as canon, then iirc at one point Chuuya goes to the aquarium with Mori and Elise, to protect them, but Mori is encouraging him to lay off a bit and have fun! Fics where Mori overworks Chuuya or coldly disregards his health upset me because that’s not it! If Chuuya is overworked, it’s because he’s a workaholic and won’t listen to Mori telling him to take a break! Mori gives his higher up subordinates a large amount of freedom as long as they get their jobs done, he doesn’t even really try to get Kouyou to come back during the Kyouka stuff, and he lets Akutagawa do whatever as long as he gets results. He’s not a saint but he’s not the devil, that’s his whole thing, and protecting Yokohama and the mafia itself is his whole purpose.
Wow this segued into a whole lot about Mori. My other thing is people who think Kunikida is the voice of reason or the stick in the mud rule follower. He is not. He is just as insane as the rest of them! Oh, and “ukeified” Chuuya, for lack of a better term. I will not go into detail on that because it enrages me but it is always so obvious and disconcerting to see
come off anon can we be friends
i truly think that a lot of people just villainize mori because the translations got a bit screwed up in terms of him + elise's interactions and because he's the easiest scapegoat. they ignore that he's easily one of the most important parts of the tripartite agreement that keeps yokohama and all your fave blorbos safe, or at least safe when it's being upheld. i don't think he's a saint, but he isn't the demon that everyone makes him out to be.
also. the point on kunikida. yes. kunikida is the voice of reason in the way that. where's that meme that's like "it's odd to think that the average person doesn't know this much about x topic." "oh, yes. but surely they know about [ insert thing about x that the average person certainly doesn't know ]" "yes, of course they would." he broke into the meteorological bureau because the weather was wrong, canonically. he's so self-sacrificial it's insane. people tend to reduce him to a "rule follower" and he is to the extent that he follows his own laws and morals. one of his dislikes in his canon character profile is "authority".
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
Mori Ougai’s belief as the boss is [...] “The boss stands on top of the organization, and at the same time, be the slave of all.” For the sake of the organization, the boss must always take the “logical optimal solution.” That is the duty of the boss. [...] “Therefore, no matter how much your heart aches, you have to ignore your personal feelings.”
Kafka Asagiri, for the BSD exhibition
On Mori and regret.
This man acts based on his perceived "optimal solution". It means relying on cold logic, detached from (his own and others') emotions. In that way, he fits right in as one of the smart characters of BSD, contrasting for example Dazai's way of working with/around people's feelings, and Fyodor's way of manipulating and twisting those feelings into monsters.
Mori remains cold, logical, distant, efficient. It meant disregarding Yosano's and the soldiers' deteriorating mental health during the war because the concept of an army that cannot be wiped out was too good. It meant following Natsume's plan and taking the old boss' place himself to fix Yokohama's underground and protect the city and its people. It also meant disposing of Mimic by sacrificing Oda in order to get the special ability business permit, despite (and perhaps because of) Dazai's attachment to the man.
The thing is, humans are not logical creatures, and will inevitably encounter conflicting emotions.
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(does this look like the face of a man without regrets to you?)
Mori in Dark Era tried to pass on to Dazai his practice of putting aside his own feelings for the sake of choosing the most efficient solution that will benefit the group. It backfired spectacularly, so much so even, that Mori regrets it to this day.
For the BSD exhibition, Asagiri wrote some individual character commentaries, all very interesting insights into their characters and the writing intentions. For Mori, here's what he wrote:
“He who fell out of the optimal solution” Mori Ougai’s belief as the boss is described in the novel “Dark Era” and “Dazai, Chuuya, Fifteen”. That is “The boss stands on top of the organization, and at the same time, be the slave of all.” For the sake of the organization, the boss must always take the “logical optimal solution.” That is the duty of the boss. There is an unspoken additional point to it. “Therefore, no matter how much your heart aches, you have to ignore your personal feelings.” We can catch a glimpse of that in this scene. [the ADA-PM alliance meeting] Mori’s expressions after “Burnt it.” and “Like what you did to your predecessor”, gave us a glimpse of his true feelings that were made sacrifices for the sake of the “logical optimal solution”. (By the way, it goes without saying that Dazai is inducing Mori’s thoughts by words that will make him regret the past. It is to make him decide to form an “alliance”.) source and translation: Popopretty
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(notice the inclusion of Hirotsu in this scene. Remember that later, Hirotsu suggests that Dazai knows why Mori did what he did to overthrow the old boss, which, in my opinion, is both a proof of Dazai's support in Mori's goal, and a reminder to uphold it.)
One of my favourite parts of the Dark Era light novel is a small scene during the epilogue that was not adapted into the anime. This is two weeks after Dazai defected:
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To quote Asagiri again, "Therefore, no matter how much your heart aches, you have to ignore your personal feelings." Mori is conflicted about the outcome of the Mimic incident. He holds in his hands the Silver Oracle he himself gave to Oda, and reflects on its purpose: to "help the man mentioned above without hesitation in the face of any and all trials". Didn't he fail to do just that with Oda? Didn't he set him up and sent him to his doom? Didn't he abandon him to his trial?
But he rationalizes the events by saying he got the permit they so badly needed. No matter if he sacrificed one of his men. No matter if he drove Dazai away. He accomplished his priceless goal. It was a total success.
And yet, he poorly folds a paper airplane with the very Silver Oracle he gave Oda, throws it, watches it crash immediately, and mourns the loss of his right-hand man, without ever moving on.
But we have a direct example of Mori expressing regret.
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The perception that Mori in BEAST is a completely different character than Mori is in canon, when that perception doesn't extend to any other character from that universe, rubs me the wrong way. The characters in BEAST are very similar to their canon selves, with some core traits getting a new twist. They are all one or two major life changes away from becoming these versions of themselves. As far as we know, Mori's only life-altering event was being forcefully removed from the Port Mafia by Dazai, and secretly put in charge of Atsushi's old orphanage.
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Mori unambiguously made that orphanage a better place, as stated by Atsushi himself. BEAST!Mori is a lot softer, vulnerable and honest. That Mori offers to be a father to Atsushi while he heals. He also expresses regret in not being able to help Dazai when he was in his care.
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I think it's very interesting, especially when knowing that Asagiri wrote both BEAST and Fifteen at the same time for the Dead Apple movie, because in Fifteen we have this:
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The beginning of the first chapter of Fifteen is a gold mine. It is narrated from Mori's point of view, the man of logic and calculations, and yet it is full of doubt. He is alone and struggling to fix everything with so many people against him. But, throughout this scene about grasping at the Port Mafia's power, there is also this secondary thought being woven in, of Mori having started to actually care for Dazai.
The teenager is scary to him, smart enough to be a threat should he decide to be done with all this and turn against him, and yet, he immediately (and with a hint of sadness) finds that Dazai reminds him of himself. This lonely, lonely man found a kindred spirit, bright enough to grasp any situation in seconds and prone to using an uncomfortable obsession to divert and keep you guessing his true intentions. Mori entered Mentor Mode™ then. He taught Dazai his ways, he shared his struggles and thought process, he fought tooth and nail to keep him alive.
So when he asked Dazai why he wanted to die, it was with the concern of someone who has started to care. It was with the mind of someone who is trying to prevent the worst by fixing the problem at its source.
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(translation: Reneray)
But it's also that self-projection/ability to relate that made him drive Dazai away, when he pushed too hard and forced Dazai to adhere to his optimal solution philosophy. Because Dazai cannot separate himself from his attachments, could not ignore his emotions like Mori does, and chose Oda over Mori's logic. From Dazai's point of view, that was betrayal. Mori and him were accomplices!
Dazai planted the idea that Mori was afraid of him taking over as boss, and Mori seems to agree with that thought (would it be because he feared for his life, or for Dazai's ability to replace him?) Yet, for a man afraid of his closest subordinate backstabbing him, he seems to be hanging on quite hard to the possibility of Dazai coming back, leaving his seat open to this day, inviting him back twice in the same arc, and...
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(yeah I used this picture at the start too. "I hAvE nO rEgReTs" he says)
Mori may try to convince himself he feels no regrets and no guilt over his own actions by weighting gains and losses objectively, but he still hurts and has a very hard time moving on. He's human despite his best efforts, prone to mistakes and doubts. He's lonely and wishes to impart his knowledge onto others. His cold logic has both helped him in fixing the city, and alienated him from some of the people he most cared about.
In a similar vein, should the ADA employee transfer be of topic again, and should Mori clash with Yosano again, I wish we get to see some similar conflicting emotions in Mori between the usefulness of Yosano's ability, and Yosano herself as a person. The war was 14 years ago, that's a long time, and I want to believe that counts for something.
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
We all know that Dazai was shot in the head.. you'll see my suicide note in the back of my closet if he doesn't survive
Anyways... Let us remember that in BSD light novel'4(55 minutes) he almost died. However he didn't because of Akiko.. Now his ability cancel out others' abilities making him immune, but once he was revived and his heart starts beating again, it sends a message to the brain which takes .5 seconds, however she was successful. That was because of Wells, Dazai was supposed to be dead for a long time but her ability allowed her to slow down time and make him live longer for atleast 20 minutes. Yosano's far away and Dazai was shot by Chu. His only possible outcome is death itself. But remember what Asagiri said:
"Dazai, Mori and Fukuzawa are the drivers of the story" or smth like that. Meaning Asagiri may or may not kill Dazai since he's important right now, making him the only one to be able to kill Fyodor. Maybe Dazai will live because there is no way to speak when you're literally shot between the forehead. Now remember what happened in the BSD light novel one? Where Kunikida used a gun from his ability and when Dazai was shot he lived? It's some sort of play.
Dazai played Fyodor. Chūya may have some consciousness.
He may live now and not die.. yet. Dazai is one of the major Characters in the story, killing him now would be the same as killing the story. But his safety is not guaranteed. Since he's one of the "keys" the story needs to keep going, it has to. In the end Dazai may die, but not now... Or maybe Asagiri planned to make the Doa win, the BSD universe being destroyed in the process but Dazai knows it. He has some connection with the book, he used it to create hundreds— if not millions of universes where Oda is alive— and that's Beast. He created a singularity that allowed him to connect his memory to the Original Dazai, which means he can be an exception to The Book.
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion
I like Mori. Mori’s character is cool
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coolzoroark1234 · 10 months
One thing I noticed is how many of Bungo Stray Dogs antagonists project their beliefs and emotions onto their opinions of others.
Mori expects backstabbing because that’s what he would do.
Fyodor expects Dazai to have the same feelings about humanity as a whole as him.
Verlaine expects anger, both from Chuuya (during the N fight) and from Rimbaud (during the self singularity scene).
Koyo thinks of Kyoka as a fellow “flower of darkness”
Fukuchi expects Jouno to want to join him.
I guess the line “Evil expects Evil of others” is a more important line in terms of analysis than I initially thought
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coolzoroark1234 · 1 year
Of Dazai and the Old Boss – An Analysis Report
Wordcount: 1.374.
So ever since I started reading the manga, there was always one character I always wondered about; the Old Boss, or the boss that came before Mori. Sure he seemed like an unimportant side character in the way he’s presented, but I have reasons to believe he’s more than that.
First, let’s compile what we know about him.
1.     He was ruthless even when he’s not bedridden and paranoid, as was said by Kouyou whose lover was killed because she tried to escape the Mafia with him.
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And again when Tanizaki tried to kill Mori but was stopped by Kouyou, saying that if Mori died, the Mafia would return to its ‘wretched ways’. We can say with complete confidence that Mori’s way is so much ‘kinder’ than the old boss.
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2.       He was bedridden with illness that also made him paranoid of attacks. This is not the case before the illness strike because Hirotsu mentioned he become like that after the illness. If Mori hadn’t stopped him by slicing his throat, he would have burnt Yokohama down.
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4.       Wait that’s it? Yep. All we knew about him was in that episode and that chapter. But what we know about him was profound.
First let’s look at this scene:
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Notice how Hirotsu mentioned Dazai specifically? Here’s the original panel for that scene:
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In this, we can confidently say that Hirotsu singled out Dazai about how was the one who should’ve been most not alright with the development. The words used for it ‘Dazai –kun mo rikai suru tokoro de attarou‘  implies this. It hints that Dazai should’ve been resentful to Mori because he killed the Old Boss. But against all odds, he understood why Mori did what he did.
Then there’s this scene.
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It really bothered me and when I looked deeper this is what cemented my conclusion of Dazai and the Old Boss’ connection. So as we could see in this scene, Mori killed the Old Boss and had Dazai become the sole witness. Now this premise has many problems.
1. Other than Mori, who was a doctor so obviously he was to take care of the sick, notice that Dazai was the only one in the room. Now this is strange. He was the only one who was by the Old Boss’ side, all alone in the room with the vulnerable, sick man when there’s no doctor to hover on the bedside. This in and of itself is a proof of their bond. If they weren’t well-known to have it, then all the Mafia would be suspicious to the fact that he’s accompanying the boss when he’s the most vulnerable.
On top of that he was entrusted with the Boss’ security as he was in the room with Mori who might or might not harm him (spoiler, he harmed the boss.) so he was supposed to be the one to care the most about the Old Boss’ wellbeing.
2.       As we know from the light novel, Odasaku mentioned that Dazai was considered to become an Executive at 16. In this scene he was only 14 and at that point of time, he had enough sway in the Organization that he can be the sole witness to the boss’ will and everyone just—nods and go along with it, making Mori the new boss despite them should be having Five Executive that would have fought for the seat. Why?
3.       In this case, Dazai cannot be adopted and raised by Mori as the fandom believed. If he was Mori’s and he became the sole witness everyone would call bull on it because he’d be perceived as Mori’s accomplice in taking out the Old Boss. They’d be executed and one of the upper echelon would take the throne themselves.
This would only work if the Port Mafia to believe that he couldn’t harm the boss and wouldn’t let harm come to him.
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But what about this picture, you ask? Well, Mori did have a connection with Dazai too seing how Dazai got the coat he wore from before he was 14 to 18 from him. That’s a good 4 years wearing the same thing. I think this was actually the same case with Chuuya not appearing in the Dark Era; the plot has yet to be told to the readers and kept secret.
And then there’s the possibility that they knew each other because of Dazai’s wounds. If the Old Boss is as ruthless as Kouyou made him out to be, it won’t be far-fetched to say he’s the one resposible for Dazai’s numerous injuries and was frequently sent to Mori, the doctor, to get treatment.
Summary:  the Organization needs to know Dazai well and for some reason connect him with not only being close enough to the Old Boss for it not be strange for him to be all alone in the room with him and having enough credibility that he can’t possibly lie about the Old Boss’ last will. On top of that, he needs some reason to be the one ‘most not alright with it’ in a personal sense.
So what would make this credible? What could make this work? It would be if by doing so he was giving up his rights to the throne.
Here cometh my conclusion: Dazai was the Old Boss’ son and the rightful heir to the Port Mafia. If he was one, it won’t be strange for him to have credibility as 14-year old kid claiming to be the sole witness to a boss of The Mafia’s biggest bad that made a city doctor its next Boss.  More than that, it would be natural for him to spend time alone in the Boss’ bedside when he was sick and vulnerable.
No, I won’t be dropping Darth Vader’s ‘I am your father’ bomb here, despite it being extremely tempting. How many father and child bound by blood have you seen in BSD? That’s right, none. No reason to break the pattern now.
But what is prevalent? Adopting orphans. Hell, it was dropped by Odasaku in his last moment as one of Dazai’s driving force. In fact, most of the main cast are either adopted orphans or have adopted an orphan. (Fukuzawa & Ranpo, Kunikida & Rokuzo, Akutagawa/Atsushi and Dazai, need I go on?)
Here’s my verdict: Dazai was the heir to the Port Mafia because he was the Old Boss’ adopted. When the Old Boss died, everyone in the Mafia who knew about it, thought that he couldn’t possibly lie because by doing so he’d be defacing the Old Boss and giving away his rights to the throne. This gave him the ultimate credibility and thus allowing Mori to become the next King.
Most of all, this also solve the mystery of Mori’s behavior. Why drive Dazai away when he’s 18, when Mori could’ve killed him or make him go away before? He made the preparation to drive Dazai away two years beforehand when Dazai was 16, a good two years after becoming boss. The answer was because this will reveal his play to his subordinate. In the light novel Odasaku mentioned about Mori’s fearsome reputation for being ruthless and clever as hell. And this is the key; reputation.
If Mori killed Dazai before he got a secure standing in the Mafia, he would be accused to be killing the Old Boss and taking down his heir. Everyone would be on the scent of blood like sharks, especially in a place as cruel as the Mafia. So he got himself a reputation, backed by people loyal to him (Chuuya, Kouyou and, in an extent, Ace who was loyal only to money) and when he was sure that he has shown what he could and would do to the whole Mafia and the world, he cut off Dazai because he was no longer needed and now poses only threat.
By exiling the Prince, he would be able to hog the throne for himself since the older members would not be rallying behind Dazai to retake his rights. Truly a long-running plan befitting of him.
But hey, that’s just a theory. A BSD theory. Aaaand cut.
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coolzoroark1234 · 1 year
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coolzoroark1234 · 1 year
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coolzoroark1234 · 1 year
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What in the heterosexual explanation is going on?
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