cooper-hendricks-blog · 10 years
"No, but I wish I had." Cooper said, shaking his head. "That's closer! I was walking down the street right, and I'm pretty sure I met George RR Martin." He whipped his phone out of his pocket, flipping through his pictures until he found the one he was looking for. Showing her the phone, he went on excitedly. "I took a picture with him. Well- It's not really with him. I mean, you can see him in the background though. And I suppose it could've just been an older, rounder gentleman with a beard, but- Nah, no. It was totally him. How awesome is this?" The experience sounded extremely lame now that he'd said it out loud, but perhaps his excitement would prevent her from scolding him over his forgetfulness.
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He knew the topic of the groceries wasn't one that he could avoid forever, so he decided it was best to just tackle now. Placing a hand on his hip, he copied her stance, saying, "Right, right the groceries. I was going to get them, of course, even after all that excitement. But I was thinking we could go out tonight, or even order in. You know, whatever you'd like. And then you could pick a movie for us to watch tonight, and I could get the groceries tomorrow." He flashed her a guilty smile, hoping that eating out sounded better to her than whatever she'd planned on making.
Hilary hummed to herself as she washed the dishes from lunch. She had sent Cooper on his merry way to go and grab a few groceries that they were low on and some of which she would need to help prepare dinner later that night. Just as she as finishing up she heard the door burst open from behind her and she perked an eyebrow — thinking to herself that the trip was a bit too quick for him to get to the grocery store. She turned to face him, wiping her hands on the dish rag when he dropped his bag onto the counter beside her.
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"Uh, you were walking down the street and you found five dollars," She pursed her lips as she took a wild guess. Cooper had always been so excitable about the tiniest things and it was one of the things she loved and hated about him. She placed her hand on her hip and the other leaning on the counter. "Or you met some small town celebrity on the way to the grocery and that’s why I don’t see any plastic bags with you."
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cooper-hendricks-blog · 10 years
Getting excited over little things was Cooper's specialty. While the prospect of bigger, admittedly more interesting  things happening made him nervous and skeptical, small things like a new documentary on the history channel or eating at a food truck for lunch tickled his fancy. Perhaps it was time that he work on controlling his excitement, but he couldn't help but react like a small child who'd just been told they were going on a trip to Disney World, especially today. He burst through the door of his apartment feeling eager to share his news with Hilary, only then remembering the grocery list in his pocket that he'd completely neglected due to his excitement.
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"You'll never guess what happened to me." he exclaimed enthusiastically as he dropped his bag off at the kitchen counter, hoping his girlfriend wouldn't remember how light on milk and bread they were. "This could easily be the best day of my life."
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cooper-hendricks-blog · 10 years
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cooper-hendricks-blog · 10 years
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