cooperclaystown · 3 years
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
i just ranted and i dont know if this is show or book and im nowhere near caught up in the show but did people miss the part where his dad stopped acknowledging him?? i dont know what kind of fantasy lives people are living but if i come out to my family i might as well be packing up bags and leaving. and yes i know for a lot of people that's not what life's like but for some of us reality means being closeted until we have fanacial stability
Another fan criticism i heard was that Cooper's secret was that he was gay and we live in the 21st century how could that 'ruin his life'? Because he's into sports. That's why. Yes there's a lot of support now for lgbtq members, but homophobia is still present. Literally the other day I was reading a news of some sportsman who was banned for standing upto homophobia or something i don't remember the exact details but. And the colleges who were recruiting cooper withdrew their support for some time after he was outed. And he's a 17 year old, still not comfortable enough to share his identity with the people he's closest to, so obviously it's a closely guarded secret and he wouldn't want the whole world to find out.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
a lot of typos but that's just what ranting's like
listen. listen. i haven't been to tumblr since probably may, my last scheduled (im not even trying to spell that right and my keyboard isn't set to english) post went out in june at the latest and it wasn't even in this blog
i don't use this blog a lot, all eleven of you know that. and my hopes were low for the show, they were *low* listen, ok?
but im not even halfway to through the second episode and it feels like some awful netflix teen show, riverdale is taking notes
i knew it wasn't gonna be like the book! i got that! the actor's are all in their late 20's and the book doesn't have enough plot to be a whole show but i thougjt that meant they were going to explore the characters more, not turn bronwynn into a sterotypical nightmare, throw addy's personality away and make her a "mommy is mean and life sucks and my biggest problem is that i cheated on my loving awesome bf for no apparent reason!" character. i read the book almost two and a half years ago and i remember enough to know her storyarc was probably the biggest and the whole thing about her being in the clininc because her boyfriend asked her to and her inability to stand up for herself and ok. i get it. there's a lot of room for her to have an arc here but i... just don't understand why the show did her like that.
and full disclosure here? i dont even remember her or nate's secret. i do however remember nate having a personality. i remember being worried about him and wanting to know what was going on with him. him and bronwynn were so good in the book because yes, we expected them to be together we knew it would happen but it was nice. like i said i don't remember that much but it wasn't so godawfully cringey as the show is.
back to bronwynn again. just. ughh. honestly the show has such potential for the switiching back between pov's (like they did during the interrogation!) but i feel like i don't know any of the characters. bronwynn and nate felt like main's (as in more than addy and cooper) when reading the book but i literally don't care for either of them right now? or maeve, she was much of a side in the (first) book but she had a role ! she was there !
so. onto cooper. i'm incredibly fond of cooper, you can tell. cooper and addy are my favorite characters from both books, i love them both dearly and they both individually mean so much to me. im still figuring myself out but i realized cooper was gay chapters before it was revealed and i clung to him. (and then i wonder how it took me so many years to realize i'm not straight) it was the fact that NO ONE KNEW. because he was afraid and yes he trusted his friends and he genuenly loved and cared for keely (even tho she got done wrong in the bpok- nowhere near enough screen (book?) time). and you can go look at my pinned post, im so fond of cooper because his storyarc felt -feels- like it could be me. easily. and i loved kris , despite his lack of proper screen time. and the fact that the two had each other was very important to me.
which, in my brain there's a logical jump here, why is there so much sex?? i dont even want to ellaborate on this one but uh, i read this book in middle school and i remember it being trending topic with the seventh graders?? kris and cooper had an caring relationship in the book and here it's a "let's be more than friends with benefits" (that's where the jump came from). and like i said, addy's secret might have been cheating but it was not like this. and yeah the actors are aged up (alwyas an awful idea) and teenagers have sex but still, it's the fact producers forget the big deal is that it's KIDS that saw a classmate die in front on their eyes and a child that is manipulated by her boyfriend and pressured by her mother, a high schooler with the weigh on the world on his shoulders selling drugs to stay afloat, a teenage girl trying to plan her entire life. big deal of YA books? THEYRE TEENS! that's why they resonate.
the show is really ruinung the characters and their world and all the things that i associate with this fandom. this tiny but lovely fandom that was just craving for conent and holding on to one another. so, this is as far as i got, one and a half epsiodes in. i genuenenly (listen, its a long day, its legible) actually truly hope y'all enjoy the show because you deserve to
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
Resources for Male Victims of Abuse
How to Recognize Abuse
**Emotional Abuse of Men
**Sexual Assault of Men and Boys
**Men Can Be Victims of Abuse, Too
**Domestic Violence Against Men - Know the Signs
**Information for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
**Help for Battered Men
**Battered Men, Battered Husbands
**For Male Survivors of Rape and Sexual Abuse
**Male Survivors of Incest and Sexual Child Abuse
**Help for Men Who Are Being Abused
Help Lines (Phone and Text Chat)
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (or 1-800-787-3224 for TTY)
National Dating Abuse Hotline: 1-866-331-9474
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-237-8255
Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men: 1-888-743-5754 (US and Canada)
Hopeline Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
National Hotline for Victims of Crimes: 1-855-484-2846
National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
Polaris Human Trafficking Text Line: Text “BEFREE” to 233733
**1in6/RAINN Chat for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Support Groups
**1in6 Support Groups
Male Survivor Support Groups
Pandora’s Aquarium - Chat (includes chats specifically for men)
Pandora’s Aquarium - Forums (includes forums specifically for men)
How to Find a Shelter
Domestic Shelters Search (shelter locator with filters to find shelters specifically for male survivors)
SAFE (located in Austin, TX, but states they can help people find resources/shelters in their area)
How to Find a Therapist
**Male Survivor Therapist Directory
Mental Health Services Locator
Resources for and About the Abuse of Kids/Teens
Love is Respect Hotline: 1-866-331-9474 (Hotline for teens)
Darkness to Light Helpline (Sexual Abuse): 1-866-367-5444
Darkness to Light Text Line: Text “LIGHT” to 741741
ChildHelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453
Children of the Night Hotline (Children in Prostitution): 1-800-551-1300
National Runaway Safeline: 1-800-786-2929
Covenant House Nineline (Homeless Youth): 1-800-999-9999
Stop it Now Hotline: 1-888-773-2362 (for adults concerned about the welfare of a child)
Jennifer Ann’s Group (for teens experiencing dating violence)
Other Resource Lists 
(While I tried to include the most helpful resources I could here (i.e., resources that lend themselves to one-on-one communication, individual reading, etc.), there are plenty of other great resources, including regional resources, listed in these links. Some of the resources are specific to men and others aren’t, but they are all helpful for male survivors.)
**Male Survivor (regional, international, and online resources)
**Husband Battering: Men and Domestic Violence
**Help for Battered Men: Online Resources
**Help for Battered Men: National and International Resources
**Help for Guys: Help for Victims (some resources for men, many general resources)
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
To people who are desperately asking for fundz/donations on tumblr.
Hate Reddit if you want, but using these subs are your best chance. People gather in these subs because they have charity to spare:
/r/Assistance /r/legaladvice /r/RandomKindness /r/Charity /r/care /r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza /r/Food_Pantry https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfPetFood/ https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfChristmas/ https://www.reddit.com/r/almosthomeless/ https://www.reddit.com/r/homeless
/r/freelance  /r/povertyfinance /r/thrifty /r/borrow /r/gofundme
/r/depression /r/familysupport /r/transitions 
I never see anyone actually getting any significant donations on tumblr and to be honest, tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. Use it as your last resort, it frustrates me to no end seeing people begging for help, reblogging the same post over and over, the same types of posts over and over, to no avail, when people are waiting to help you on a different part of the web  GO TO WHERE THE HELP IS. IF YOU WANT DIRECT ACTION TO WORK STOP WITH TUMBLR AND USE REDDIT.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
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If you follow me, you’ll for sure be tired of hearing this, but I can’t help it. If we let them, Texas leadership will let the media narrative be “oopsie, that storm sure caused a state of emergency that Texas couldn’t withstand 🤷‍♀️😅”
The truth is:
1. ERCOT chose profits and cost cutting over properly winterizing our grid. A similar (much less devastating) thing happened in 2011 and they rolled the dice betting on profits over people. The freak storm this week came and the people lost the bet.
2. Because the grid got TAXED by the extreme cold weather, it couldn’t keep up having not been winterized. So millions of people lost power in said extremely cold weather. Without the heat in their homes to help keep the environment warmer, pipes froze and burst all in residences over the state. Also, those of us with heat were dripping our faucets to try to keep our pipes from freezing too (many did anyway.)
3. This led to a handful of days where we used 250% of the normal water consumption level (according to Austin Water at least, most of it wastes by main breaks.) So that critically depleted our potable water supply and then water was shut off to many locations to help manage the supply. Everywhere, a boil notice went into effect bc the water that is available is not fully clean.
ERCOT answers to Governor Abbott exclusively. It is a direct line from Abbott->ERCOT->Power outages->Broken pipes->Humanitarian crisis.
The storm? Unavoidable. The humanitarian crisis that immediately followed? CAUSED. BY. THE. TEXAS. GOVERNMENT.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
shout out to ace and aro kids who are constantly bombarded with the opinion that sex and romantic love are directly connected to living a happy life.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
it worries me so much that there’s been this (mostly unintentional) culture built up around coming out, to where young lgbt kids are putting themselves in danger at school and at home because they don’t want to “live a lie.” i just want to say, i came out when i was 15 and it created a lot of difficulties in my life that i could have avoided by waiting until i was older. it isolated me socially, it exposed me to homophobia from my parents, my family, my teachers, and my classmates at the most important developmental stages of my own confidence and sense of self… closeted people are not living a lie. closeted people are surviving. don’t let anyone pressure you to come out before you’re ready. don’t put yourself at risk when you don’t have to.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
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you deserve nice things
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
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feel free to block me pt. 2
( pt.1 )
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
I've been on Tumblr for years, but my husband knows my main account so I started this side account.
I've seen Tumblr move mountains for people so I'm hoping and praying that you guys can move mountains for me.
I'm 26 years old. I've been with my husband since I was 16 and he was 20. I know now that he was attracted to me because I was young and manipulatable but at the time I was so flattered that an older college guy wanted to be in a relationship with me.
Looking back there were a lot of red flags. He didn't like any of my friends and he told me who I could hang out with and when. He told me that my school work wasn't important because I was going to be a stay-at-home wife after high school while he went out and earned a living. As teenager living in a household that was unstable and on the brink of collapse, the idea of having a strong man take care of me was very appealing and so I overlooked the red flags.
He liked to get me drunk. He'd take me to his shitty apartment and he would load me up with Mike's Hard Lemonade and Smirnoff Ice and then we'd fool around. I had a lot of pregnancy scares from 16-17 because he didn't like to wear a condom and when I was drinking it was harder for me to insist. When I was 18, I got on the pill at least. He was always pushing my boundaries in the bedroom. I'd say no to something and he'd give me the silent treatment until I let him do it. Or he'd just do it even though I said I didn't want to.
He graduated college the year I graduated high school, and we moved in together. From the beginning, he was controlling, keeping tabs on me and watching the bank account like a hawk, but I chalked it up to needing to be frugal. We were really poor, but he promised to take care of me.
Eventually, though, I had to get a job to make ends meet. He didn't like that. The first time he hit me was when I told him I'd been interviewing for jobs. It wouldn't be the last.
God, just. Ten years I let him tell me I was helpless without him, I was weak, and stupid, and only he would ever love me. I let him hit me. I let him separate me from my friends and family. I let him kick my cat.
But I'm done. I'm going to get me and Midnight out of here.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
"x isn't trans, they're nonbinary!"
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
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some people say there’s a red string that connects fated lovers
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
pretty shitty how baseline human activities like singing, dancing and making art got turned into skills  instead of being seen as behaviors
so now it’s like ‘the point of doing them is to get good at them’ and not ‘this is a thing humans do, the way birds sing and bees make hives’.
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
december 1st! the first day of
not drawing jewish characters in christmas sweaters and honoring canon jewish characters and jewish headcanons by drawing them in hannukah sweaters with menorahs and blue and white instead of christmas sweaters and pine trees and red and green
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
what’s going on in india?
hi- i sincerely apologize if this is annoying but i’d really hope to raise awareness on what’s going on in india right now! basically modi has passed 3 new reform laws which makes it extremely difficult for farmers; the backbone of india’s economy; to make money. essentially private companies now buy directly from farmers rather than the government having a set price on crops grown by kisaans (farmers) all year long. thus leading to a significantly lower income. overtime many farmers will go into extreme debts and would be incapable of supporting their families. 65 farmers in punjab have already taken their lives since this bill was passed.
there have been peaceful protests in delhi where many sikhs and punjabis (as well as farmers from other states and religions) are fighting for their livelihood back, however the police brutality that they are currently facing is unfathomable. they are getting shot with water cannons and tear gases for protesting against bills that make it borderline impossible for them to live.
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3/4 of punjabs population are farmers, my own immediate and distant family are currently out protesting and are being actively impacted by this.
you can donate to khalsa aid right here! they are providing protesters with food and water!
you can purchase from kisaani.co! all their profits are sent directly to the kisaans in need.
i apologize for such a long post but not enough people are talking about this and i really hope that if you have the means you donate or share the links so it reaches someone who might be able to. thank you :)
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cooperclaystown · 3 years
how to not steal content that ISN'T YOURS
because so many lovely writers are having their work stolen, here's a friendly guide to not stealing work and claiming it as your own-- because copyright infringement and plagiarism aren't cute. provided below are some questions to ask yourself before reposting someone's work and pointers on what to do if it isn't yours. it's quite easy once you get the hang of it!
1. stop stealing work
first, i want you to ask yourself if you created the work that you're reposting. is the answer no? then don't post it! unless you have explicitly received permission from the original creator, then it isn't yours to repost.
2. stop stealing writing
again, did you write this? did you yourself stay up all night scribbling down your ideas? did you let out sighs of frustration over writer's block? did you spend endless time analysing word choice and rewriting sentences until you were satisfied? did you finally end and look over what you wrote and know it was finished? if the answer is no, don't repost it! what i want you to do is refrain from copying and pasting it somewhere else and say it's yours. it's really that easy.
3. stop stealing gifs
is the gif you're using in your gifset and claiming to have made one that you made, colored, and put your final touches on? if you didn't go through the tedious process of creating that gif then-- you guessed it! -- don't repost it! don't save it and put it on your own post. don't put it into your own gifset. don't edit over it and repost it. leave it alone.
4. stop stealing fanfiction
was it you that took the time to put yourself in the character's shoes to stay true to them? did YOU envision the words you were putting down as you brought your headcanons to life and happily fulfilled your supporter's requests? if the answer is no, don't repost it. not on other sites, not on your own blog, not even with credit. it doesn't belong to you.
5. stop stealing oc's
did you put out a piece of yourself that came from YOUR imagination through an OC? did you perfect this OC with love and care? just like i've said before, don't repost it! this OC belongs to the creator-- that's why it says original character. crazy, right? don't repost it.
6. stop stealing drawings
is it your paper in the picture? your brush strokes? your erased mistakes? your coloring and outline? is it YOUR art, YOUR signature? if not then i recommend not reposting it!
7. stop stealing poetry
did you pour your heart and soul into those lines? did you recite them to yourself, wondering if it flowed nicely? was a burden lifted off of your chest while you got your emotions out? did your hands shake as you let yourself show vulnerability to the world through your poetry? if the answer is no, don't repost it! don't add to it, don't take from it.
8. stop stealing fanart
tell me, were you inspired with an idea that you love for your comfort characters? did you smile and give your fandom a taste of YOUR spin on the characters? did your unique style shine through every stroke and detail? if the answer is no, don't repost it! don't add a caption or a watermark when you know you didn't create it.
9. stop stealing music
is it your voice singing through the screen? your chords? your notes? your lyrics? your song title? is it YOUR music? if the answer is no, then don't repost it! it isn't yours!
10. and if alI else fails, STOP STEALING WORK
this one may be a bit tricky but i think you can do it. ready? don't! repost! it! maybe leave a comment, a like, a reblog, or ANYTHING to compliment the creator instead. let them know you appreciate them instead of STEALING from them. thanks for reading, hopefully this helps someone struggling with basic decency!
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