copacetictrash · 7 years
People scare me. One moment it’s “I love you” and “you make me happy” and the next it’s “I’m not sure anymore”
@therelatabletexts (via therelatabletexts)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
In fact, punk rock means exemplary manners to your fellow human being. Fuck being an asshole, what you pricks thought it was 20 years ago.
Joe Strummer (via strummingleoo)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
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“Sing to me, Paolo.” The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003) dir. Jim Fall
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copacetictrash · 8 years
“It happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don’t see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on.”
Nicholas Sparks (via naturaekos)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
I don’t do anything with my life except romanticize and decay with indecision.
Allen Ginsberg, from The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice  (via backshelfpoet)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
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copacetictrash · 8 years
It’s only in drugs or death we’ll see anything new, and death is just too controlling.
Chuck Palahniuk
(via weed-holic)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
(via mingdliu)
Then you said that loving me was the feeling one gets on a winter day, in front of a fake fireplace and having some hot chocolate with a huge bag of marshmallows. And you said that being with me reminded you all the nights you spent driving down the back roads and laying in the back of your truck while gazing at the sky filled with millions of stars. And that was how I knew I would love you, more than I would love anyone else.
You Are All The Nights by M.D.L
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copacetictrash · 8 years
“Just because someone used to be an important part of your life doesn’t mean you have to continue to cling to the friendship when it begins to die. Your relationship was once something beautiful and fulfilling, and that’s a wonderful thing. But at a certain point, no amount of watering and nurturing will bring it back to full bloom. The fact that its deteriorated doesn’t mean you’re incapable of sustaining meaningful friendships. It doesn’t mean you’re not worth the time and effort it takes to maintain a connection. And it isn’t any sort of evidence that you’re a burden or a bad friend. It just means that the relationship has run its course. It means that you’ve evolved into different people or moved apart or just lost each other in the clutter and preoccupation of life’s everyday demands. But it isn’t a reflection on your value as a person and friend.It’s okay to mourn the loss of a relationship that used to have a special place in your heart. But if keeping yourself tethered to this person is causing more damage than healthy detachment and ongoing growth, it’s also okay to stop watering the friendship and let it die out. You don’t have to sacrifice your wellbeing for the sake of maintaining a relationship that doesn’t serve you anymore. You’re allowed to be picky when it comes to the people you let into your mental and physical space. You’re allowed to conserve your time and energy only for people who reciprocate. Because you deserve to feel seen and heard and cared for. You deserve relationships that make you feel fulfilled and connected. And no matter how long of a history you have with a person, you deserve to let go of any friendship that hurts you and forces you to prove your worth.”
Daniell Koepke  (via internal-acceptance-movement)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you can’t ever thinks it’s over. If it’s right it will come again.
anti-socialwbu (via wordsnquotes)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
Somewhere out there, there is a parallel you and a parallel me and somewhere in that place, there is a parallel to our love that could never be. In this universe, I needed you to break me but in another my god I hope you fix me. Part of my heart is missing, and for the longest time I thought maybe you put it in your pocket when you left, or maybe mistook it for part of yours, but now I know that that part of me is elsewhere, somewhere where you can readily love it, and keep it safe. My whole life I’ve believed in falling in love, now my broken heart just preaches falling apart. But I know that elsewhere, you would never let it break up and fall apart. I know that no matter how far away or impossible it seems, somewhere, my heart and your heart beat the same, and I wake up next to you every morning and fall in love with the creamy, pale color of your gentle skin, and fall in love with the way you say good morning and fall in love with the scars on your body because you made it. And I know that somewhere else, you have no scars, and your skin is clear, healed, and nothing hurts because my hand is in yours and nothing can hurt when we are together. But I also know that somewhere, we never met, and I spend my days loving those who will never love me the same before settling down with the one who convinces me the most, and you never truly believe in romantic love, and the bruises on your body are marks of lust, and the bags under your eyes are lack of sleep. Somewhere, our eyes met once and we felt complete, yet it scared us both, so we lost eachother in a crowd. And so here in this universe, I am at least okay even though you are gone, And I wonder if maybe one day, this moody blue world without you will send me a sign that somewhere else, we remain intertwined when we are old and gray, and that our love only grows each day, and that somewhere else, the parts of my heart that I lost throughout my life find their way to you, and you love them even though they don’t always make sense.
in this universe, you must go, but in another, we will forever be intertwined (via steadytrembling)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
I hurt myself just to prove I can. I smoke cigarettes I don’t want and drink liquor that comes in plastic bottles. I fall asleep drunk and screaming at love: LOOK. YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DESTROY ME. LOOK. I CAN DO IT MYSELF.
Fortesa Latifi - when love leaves (via notstrongonlyaggressive)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
‘I loved her so much. I’m never gonna feel that again. It doesn’t happen twice.’ ‘Doesn’t happen once most times.’
Mystic River (2003), Dir. Clint Eastwood (via wnq-movies)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
I text him back, “I’m good, yeah. :) How are you?” I don’t tell him that I’ve spent the past hour sitting in the bathtub sobbing, or that I’ve just thrown up my breakfast lunch and dinner, or that everything hurts and I don’t know what to do. A minute later he replies. “You never use emoticons. What’s up?” And I don’t know how to respond to that, so I don’t. “Do you want me to come over?” (Yes. Yes. Yes.) “Hey. Stay where you are, okay? I’m coming.” Deep breaths. Stop hyperventilating. Fingers for god’s sakes stop trembling. “You don’t have to. I don’t want to be a bother.” I’m trying to play it cool. It takes him all of two seconds to reply. “Fuck that.” He says, and I wince. “I’ll come for you every time. Don’t you ever think I won’t.”
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #202 (via blossomfully)
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copacetictrash · 8 years
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Luna tomando banho - work in progress.
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copacetictrash · 8 years
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copacetictrash · 8 years
i called in sick to your funeral
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