corflore-blog · 5 years
somuns :
@corflore​ (Brain)
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“I beg your fucking pardon?” were the first words that came out of the former king’s mouth, slightly talking back to him with such language. Brain started it. “Is that a way to speak to your grand– Wait a minute…” Somnus paused for a moment, resting his thumb and index finger under his chin and slightly leaned over to examine the other male closely. After he was done taking a look at him, Somnus lifted himself back, crossing his arms “You should watch out, child. I’m quite a dangerous man is who I am.~” he spoke sarcastically, although him being a dangerous man is true and he had no shame about it. “Ever heard that myth about the sympathetic king who was jealous of his brother and set him up? Yep. That’s me.” Somnus winked at him. “Now who are you? I’m not exactly sure if we have met before, but you do look awfully familiar…” he leaned over once more, squinting at the other male.
      ❛Well, damn. I guess I deserved that.❜ he who cast the first stone receives the stone on the return. Moving on.
   Brain arched a brow as he tipped his hat back. ❝Grandfather? Last I was aware my grandfather was on a completely different world.❞ the keyblade wielder said with a shrug of his shoulders. It seemed like the older male caught on he wasn’t his grandchild either, thankfully. At least now they could avoid any form of awkwardness from similar appearances.
   ❝Noted.❞ though he was questioning on what ground was this elderly man was dangerous on. He could sense the power that radiated off the man (along with the betrayal, but who really paying attention to that). ❝Myth? Afraid I haven’t heard of this story you’re speaking of.❞ Brain more or less has read all books in the library right now. ❝A sympathetic king doesn’t ring any bells.❞
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   ❝Brain.❞ he gave his name. ❝Who are you aside from this sympathetic king you claim to be.❞
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corflore-blog · 5 years
hot stuff :
Oooh. This guy had good taste! Well, they were one and the same after all. How that actually worked, who knew?
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“Oh yeah? And do some clone type party tricks for free drinks?”
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      He better have some damn good taste! He was him or some like that. Too confusing to really sit down and think about, but whatever. ❝Why the hell not? It would get some hella interesting laughs are people freaking out~❞ people freaking out sounded way too entertaining for him to pass up.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
pan :
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Excuse him as he goes and tries to pummel the shit out of this idiot.
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      Dare he say it? ❝My my my~ Aren’t you a lively one~?❞ he was amused when he shouldn’t be. Pan trying to pummel him? More likely than you think! Him dodging and weaving and maybe retaliating? Well, more on the first and not so much on the second. Yes, he was still getting hit despite his valiant efforts. ❝Are you losing your touch?❞ he taunted. He may have past on No Name to Luxu (whoever called it Goat of Atonement can go shove it), but that didn’t mean he didn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
pan :
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“Is that someone asking to be murdered?! I think it is!”
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      ❝Well, I needed something today anyway. Have at you!❞
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corflore-blog · 5 years
geminixdreamer replied to your post: Holy hearts! I’m attending to my idol children and...
You have awoken my problem child aka Pan!!!!!!
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      ❝Aye~ i can do something right~❞
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corflore-blog · 5 years
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Holy hearts! I’m attending to my idol children and I see more of you have followed??? What did I do? lol~ Either way, today is KH Muses day! Also, they’ve been loud and demanding attention. By that I mostly mean MoM.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
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'ello!!! I’ll probably won’t be able to get around to replies today. Gonna work on iconing Invi, since I really had too much fun screencapping Back Cover. If anyone want to chit chat while I’m making icons please feel free to hit me up! My DMs are open to everyone~ /o/
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corflore-blog · 5 years
@monogatarinotoshokan &&. Melo (don’t shoot the messenger)
      ❝My my my, this isn’t something that was foretold in the scriptures!❞ Master of Masters jested with an air amusement. To note this master had suddenly appeared out of thin air without warning. How did he manage such a feat? Who knew, but the man himself but he wasn’t going to reveal such a secret himself! Let’s digress.
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   ❝Now what can a little lady like yourself be doing with such a wondrous magical weapon of legends? Wait! Don’t tell me!❞ Superbia gave a dramatic gasp for effects. ❝You wanted to become a Keyblade Wielder!!!❞ he almost fainted and actually almost did.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
@dulcisomnium (this is not noctis I swear...)
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      ❝Who the fuck are you?❞ were the words that instantly fell from Brain’s mouth the instant he saw the other male. It was terrifying how similar they looked to one another without actually being related. Maybe they were related and he just was kidnapped as an infant, but who know. 
   Wait, he did have manners, so the keyblade wielder cleared his throat. ❝Sorry about that, forgot my manners. Seriously though, who are you? It one in a million to run into an exact copy or mirror image if you will. It has me a tad bit concerned.❞
   There was nothing in the book of prophecy that spoke of something like this.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
terra :
@corflore​ (Ventus)
Terra was just enjoying himself outside, polishing his keyblade. Though polishing his keyblade wasn’t exactly a hobby of his or much of a habit, but today was just a soothing and relaxing day for him. No unversed, nobodies or heartlesses. Or Xehanort. Terra had nothing much to worry about until he heard something loud and clear, flying around in the air as well as a voice that yelled out his name.
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“Ven?! Wha–?!” Welp there goes his day of relaxation. With his now polished keyblade, Terra immediately jumped out of Ventus’ way. “Ven, get down from that! I’ll catch you!” Was he even going to listen to him?
      Ven had miraculously pulled his glider out of that sharp nosedive at the very last possibly second. It was, somehow, enough time to give Terra to get out of harm’s way as he zipped off in the opposite direction. ❝SORRY ABOUT THAT TERRA! JUST GIVE ME A SECOND TO GET THIS UNDER CONTROL!!!❞ Ven yelled after he looped back around.
   ❛Now, how do I stop this again? It been awhile since I’ve flown so... I think I do- !!!❜ thought was immediately cut off when he was unexpectantly launched off the front of his glider and almost slammed into Terra, but instead hit the tree behind him... still in his keyblade armor. 
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   ❝Ow...❞ he said as the blond slid down the trunk of the tree and hit the ground. Luckily the armor absorbed the majority of the damage he would have taken if he wasn’t wearing it. ❝Okay, I’ll remember not to do that again.❞ he groaned rubbing his head after his armor had faded away and keyblade reversed summoned. ❝Sorry about that Terra! I didn’t expect it to have such a speedy result.❞ he chuckled nervously. ❝Please don’t tell Aqua!❞ he enjoyed living thank you very much!
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corflore-blog · 5 years
ava :
✧ Ava was still messing with the ends of her sleeves, her head tilted down. She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts about how the other was going to react and what she was going to say; that she almost didn’t notice the other approach until she felt the hand on her shoulder. She looked up in surprise, her mouth opening slightly at her words.
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She bowed her head again as she let out a breathe she had been holding, she looked up up at Invi once more. She was very much tempted to rush into the other’s arms and hug her- after all she had been on her own for so long and she… she missed the comfort of the other. She missed the other Foretellers, her friends- her family. They were everything to her and she had to leave it all behind during the war to ensure that her Dandelions got away safe. 
Listening to Invi’s words, she had to keep her tears from falling as she gave a small nod.
“…I’m glad to see you as well… I’ve missed you all so much- I’m just lucky that I was able to contact one of you…”
      A brow slightly rose from beneath her mask. ❛Was she concerned about my reaction that she did not notice me approach?❜ the master thought. She had heard that release of breathe. ❛Ava was concern...❜ for some reason it did amuse her in the oddest of caring ways. If Invi herself wasn’t indifferent towards the way others reacted to her words.
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   ❝The feeling is likewise, Ava.❞ for a moment Invi was silent before she spoke again. Part of her mind thinking on the part how Ava wasn’t able to make contact with the others. It made her wander exactly how far apart all of them were now, since then. Invi did consider it a miracle she had managed to find the younger Foreteller herself. For now she pushed the thought to the side.
   Invi then stepped back from Ava for there to be a little space between them. The once Union leader than opened her arms to her. ❝It feels like you need a hug.❞ Invi said hoping she was right, it wouldn’t be the first time she was wrong about something nor the last.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
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      ❝TERRA!!!❞ Ven exclaimed hoping his friend would get out of the way in time. Guess who decided they going to do something on impulse? Yes, it was Ven and what stupid impulse did he act on? Well, it may have involved his Keyblade Glider and using some Wind magic in a way you weren’t supposed to. ❝GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!❞
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corflore-blog · 5 years
kcystotheheart replied to your photoset: Just got done screencaping Kingdom Hearts χ Back...
//honestly it’s his job to be extra
He beyond extra, he extra extra.
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corflore-blog · 5 years
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Just got done screencaping Kingdom Hearts χ Back Cover and wonder who the hell gave Master of Masters permission to be this damn extra? xD
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corflore-blog · 5 years
hot ass :
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“Would you look at that? It’s me! Looking kinda spicy yourself.” Finger guns.
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      ❝Damn straight, hot stuff. How about you and me hit up the town~?❞ and perhaps drink a bar dry. Did they even have that kind of alcohol tolerance?
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corflore-blog · 5 years
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Kingdom Hearts III → Dramatic Axel
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corflore-blog · 5 years
Heading off to bed now, since i got this thing called work in the morning! Threads have been drafted and will be replied to in due time.
Good night and pleasant dreams everyone~
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