corinawright-blog · 6 years
“Alright, alright.“ Griffin smiled, his hands pumping the air. “I can’t even frame all Gryffindors in that light, but I will take sole responsibility for such heinous ideas.“ He said, looking over at her as they walked. “Have you ever gotten in?“ He asked, an eyebrow quirking. “Surely, after all these years you at least took a dip…“
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She scoffed playfully, a light smirk on her face as she shook her head, “Of course not,” she explained, mimicking the raised eyebrow at the boy. She pushed her hair out of the way of her face and let out a laugh, “Who knows whats in that lake. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
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“As good as I can be, I guess,” he responded with a shrug, the cloud of sadness that had been following him slowly returning. He then tried to lighten his own mood by smirking and nudging her. “Don’t call yourself that.”
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Cori grimaced lightly at his words, knowing that the boy was probably affected a lot by what had happened, “That’s good. I know it must be tough,” she signed slowly, not really sure how best to respond. Emotions had never been her strong suit. She simply smirked at he told her that, “You and I both know that there are times when I can be completely oblivious. I’d say, for a Ravenclaw, I’m a huge airhead.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
Hugo was always impressed with how quickly Cori picked up sign to talk to him. Not many people did, and when they did, they usually barely tried. But not Cori, and he loved her for it.
“Says the person who got distracted by nothing,” he teased before placing a bookmark in between the pages and carefully putting his book in his duffel bag. “How have you been?”
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“Okay, you don’t have to remind me of just how much of an airhead I can be,” Cori responded, signing slowly but laughing as she did so, a grin on her face. She tilted her head lightly, “I’ve been good. How about you?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
She couldn’t help but want to look out for Cori. She was so sweet and Margot just wanted to make sure she was okay. “As long as you’re okay” she smiled “Homework? Pfft c’mon Cori, there’s so much more better things to think about than homework. Like the new season of catwalks just around the corner, the fact that Ultra-Violet is making a comeback as this years colour of the year, Otters hold hands while they sleep so they don’t drift away, and just the other day a Hufflepuff was yawning and accidentally ate a bee” Margot laughed loudly, remembering the Hufflepuffs face “It was really funny…but anyway, there’s four things that are better to think about than homework” she shrugged with a bright smile on her features “I was out getting some photos of the grounds. The scenery around here is amazing and it makes for some wonder portfolio landscape shots”
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“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” she said quickly, smiling at the girl. A small grin appeared on her face as the girl spoke. She was right. Cori hated homework, which was why she had rushed through it, doing the bare minimum, and then put it all in her trunk to avoid feeling guilty about not trying hard enough. She laughed lightly, however, at the story of the Hufflepuff, “Merlin, that does not sound pleasant,” she said with a shake of her head, “Yeah, there does seem to be quite a bit more to think about than homework. Though, I have to admit. Most of the things have never crossed my mind,” she hummed lightly, “Get any good pictures yet?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
“Wowwwww. Even under this context I cannot believe you just said that. To me. Of all people.“ 
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Griffin huffed, exasperated. He was putting it on thick as he looked at her wide-eyed. “I can’t believe I’m even tagging along at this point. You sure you don’t wanna settle back into your nest somewhere?“ He asked, unable to keep a grin hidden. “Merlin! She’s two for two. I see how it’s gonna be. At least a lion can learn to swim - I dunno how well those wings work underwater. There’s only one way to find out. I’d say we’d need bait but Squidy can probably smell the bookworm from here.“
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She laughed lightly at his words and grinned a bit, pushing her hair out of her face, “Okay, okay. No, I’d rather do something fun,” she responded, raising an eyebrow at the boy, “Oh, Ravens don’t need to learn to swim. They’re smart enough not to get close enough to the lake for such things to happen. They’re not going to do anything silly that would put them into that situation. A lion, however...”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
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“ not really. ” he replied, dusting off his robes before cocking his head to the side. “ who would be when people are just.. ” he trailed off, shaking his head and looking across the courtyard. “ everyone’s mood is just fucking with me and i can’t deal with it. ” he looked back down at the ravenclaw. “ but hey, i have you to fix me up in a jiffy, yeah ? ”
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Cori grimaced lightly at his words, shuffling her feet a bit awkwardly. Yeah, that was exactly what she was trying to avoid. She pushed her hair out of her face, “Yeah, it sucks,” she said with a light nod before smirking a bit, “Oh? And who said I was going to do that?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
Hey, guys! I am about to get on soon to make replies. I know that I owe replies to Marcus, Margot, and Griffin. If I am missing someone, please like this post or send me a message so that I can look for your reply.
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
You’d think, after fifteen years of being deaf, Hugo would have learned to not read and walk at the same time. He always assured himself that he was still plenty aware of his surroundings when he did it, but he was lying to himself. Proof number seven-thousand eighty-three was running face first into his friend, Cori.
He nearly fell over, but managed to steady himself enough to look up and read her lips. He shrugged, a tiny smirk appearing on his lips. “No, I’ll never… survive,” he signed, slowly and sarcastically. He gave her a reassuring smile before asking “You?”
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Oh, it was Hugo. She hadn’t realized who it was at first, being too preoccupied, and she quickly had to focus on what he was signing. She had learned around the time they became friends, but it was still something that took a bit of thought to piece together for her. Still, she understood what he said, laughing at the sarcasm and rolling her eyes.
“I don’t know. I think I have to go to the Hospital Wing,” she signed slowly, trying to make sure she did everything correctly, but spoke as she did so, a smirk on her face. She glanced at the book in his hands and raised an eyebrow, “Reading while walking is not very smart. It’s almost like texting while driving. Distractions, distractions.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
Margot was out with her camera, taking some photos of the environment around the castle grounds and trying to keep herself busy to keep her mind off of the recent news circulating the wizarding world. Her dad felt the hit of he news about Harry Potter since they were at school together and had moved on from their childish arguments. She was crouched down to take a photo of the lake when someone had crashed into her and she lost the shot “Oh Cori, it’s you” she smiled and stood back up straight “Yeah I’m okay, don’t worry about it. Are you okay? You seem distracted” she asked hoping that the other girl was okay.
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Cori let out a small sigh of relief as she noticed who it was, smiling at the girl. Oh. Good. She was glad that she hadn’t run into someone who would undoubtedly shout at her. Margot was definitely the better choice. She nodded lightly, “Oh, yeah, of course. I’m fine,” she responded, straightening up and giving the girl a smile, a light laugh on her lips, “Just... thinking about my homework,” that was a lie. That was such a lie. Cori had finished her homework already, breezing through it so that she didn’t have to worry about it later. Could she have worked harder on it? Absolutely. Was she going to? No. She shook her head lightly, “Just got caught up in my thoughts. What are you doing?” she asked, quickly wanting to change the subject.
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
Cleopatra was taking a walk to clear her head. With everything doing all she didn’t know what to think . She also didn’t know what to feel about somebody dieing , she didn’t know him at all , she felt for the people who did know them though. “Woah , No need to apologize no harm done see?” she flips her arms over just to prove a point “I am fine really what about you?” she was worried the other girl was hurt . “I might as well Introduce myself Hi i am Cleopatra Greengrass and you?” 
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Cori dusted nonexistent dust off of her robes and looked up at the girl, a bit relieved that she hadn’t slammed into someone who would get irate over bumping into her. She shook her head lightly, “Oh, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” she said. She was a bit surprised at the introduction, not having thought that the little bump in the halls would warrant it, but also not complaining. A conversation would be a good distraction, after all. She smiled, “I’m Corina Wright. Call me Cori,” she responded, “So what’s got you out in the halls? Heading somewhere?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
“It’s the same way in our common room.“ Griffin gave his head a little shake. There was no doubt a cloud hanging over the student population, but it felt somehow thicker in Gryffindor tower where everyone was well aware of how close they were to the legacy of Mr. Potter. “Well if you were running towards it, I’d have cause to be worried. The word depressing is hardly in my vocabulary. I used it for the first time just now - I swear.“ Griffin smiled, stepping along after her. “Got any place in mind or shall we just wander? The squid could pick us off the beach, that could be entertaining.”
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Cori made a face for a short moment, “Oh, I bet the Gryffindor common room sucks,” she responded, suddenly grateful for being a Ravenclaw. She crossed her arms across her chest. She was Muggleborn and she was of course sad that Harry Potter had died, but she couldn’t stand it much longer. She grinned a little at his words and let out a laugh, rolling her eyes,”Alright, then you can come with,” she responded, beginning to walk down the hall a bit, making sure he was following her. She shrugged a bit, “I wasn’t really going to anywhere specifically, but your idea sure sounds interesting. I’d love to see a lion dunked in the lake.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
“Cori, that’s legitimately the most depressing thing I’ve heard all week. & I had a gran die Wednesday.“ Griffin grinned from ear to ear but waved the lie off. However, if there were an advocate to have ones feet off the ground, it was Griffin Lamb. “Fair enough. A nice day for it.” He raked a hand through the back of his hair. The current temperament of the castle was wholly one Griffin was ill-equipped to deal with. A boisterous boy, he rarely wore his heart on his sleeve & while he didn’t consider himself a great advice giver, he was at least a good listener. Alas, he was a much better distractor. “Mind if I tag along or were you seeking silence & serenity?”
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She snapped her mouth closed quickly at her words. Well, that wasn’t at all the emotion that she was trying to pull off. She frowned, torn between whether or not she should ask about his gran or ignore it. Both options felt wrong in a way, but she really did not feel like bringing emotions into this, so she just shrugged and smirked at the boy, “You must be hiding under a rock if you think that’s depressing. I don’t know what is up with the Ravenclaws lately, but it seems to be doom and glum everywhere I go,” she responded, “Honestly, I’m trying to get away from the depressing stuff,” she grinned at him lightly and quirked an eyebrow, pushing herself off of the wall, “You can come along if you promise not to get depressing either.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
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────────── Everything was bright — too bright — leading to sensory overload. A feeling Evan was all too familiar with after all the mornings he’d woken up to an upset stomach and pounding headache after a night of non-stop drinking. It had become a habit, one nobody so young should have. But he didn’t care — it wasn’t like he was ruining anyone’s life but his own. Wearing sunglasses indoors was never an optimal way to not attract any unwanted attention to oneself so the Gryffindor thought it best to stir clear of the Great Hall that morning. Therefore he chose to eat his breakfast — if a bag of potato chips could be called that — on the Quidditch pitch. Nobody had practice on Monday morning anyway so the odds of not being disturbed while he tried to sort out his hangover were in his favour. He was lying down in the middle of the field, eyes scanning the sky for shapes in the clouds — something he hadn’t done since he was a child. Suddenly his view was blocked by the shadow of someone crossing the field which made the lion snap out of his reverie. ❝ Bloody hell, you scared the shit outta me. ❞ He addressed the other, eyes squinting beneath the sunglasses to get the face looking down at him into better focus.  ❝ If i’m in your way just lemme know, i’ll make myself scarce. ❞
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Going on a walk had been a good idea, Cori supposed. While the walk itself didn’t do much to help her clear her head, it did bring her across the Dolohov boy, who seemed to be... was he sleeping? She couldn’t quite tell with the sunglasses on. She figured he could be awake and just relaxing but she really hoped he asleep. Messing with him would definitely be a good distraction from the chaos that was going on at the castle. She wasn’t going to do anything bad, maybe draw a mustache on his face or spell his hair pink, something that was easily reversible. She just wanted some kind of little prank that could cheer her up. The consistent worrying that she had been doing in her dorm was doing absolutely nothing to ease her nerves. Of course, the (sleeping?) decided to throw a wrench in his plans by waking up (or maybe he was awake the entire time, she wasn’t sure) and looking up at her. Still, his reaction made her grin, “That was the plan,” she said, rolling with it, before moving to take a seat beside him. She threw him a smirk, “Having a nice nap?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
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she was downing the last of her drink at some party she probably hadn’t been invited to ( or had she been ?? ). the taste of freedom remained on lucy’s tongue, the smell of alcohol sticking to her breath. she was out of it, but certainly not done for the day. lucy was stumbling, her ever-present smile growing brighter as she approached yet another person ( like she hadn’t tried to charm half the party yet ). “wanna dance ??” she offered, one hand still clasping her empty cup, the other held out to the other person, an eyebrow raised.
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Cori glanced behind her, then turned back to the girl, one eyebrow quirked in confusion, “Me?” she asked, rather confused. She’d never been asked to dance before, by anyone, and was pretty sure this was a joke. Then, she realized that the girl was drunk. Ah, that made much more sense. She smiled at the girl, “I’m flattered but I don’t dance,” she said, tapping her fingers against the table awkwardly, unsure as to how to go about this situation, “Are you... are you sure you don’t want to drink some water?”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
Her brow wrinkled as she stared at the plain teacup before her. She cleared her mind, focusing only on the theory behind the spell. With a quick flair of her wand, she waited, hoping that something, anything would happen. But like the countless times before, her transfiguration did not go quite as planned. Blake looked down at the writhing, chattering teacup that now sported the bushy tail of a squirrel.
“I swear, I must be a squib, mate. I think the universe made a mistake by gifting me with any magical abilities.” She smiled despite the seriousness of the situation, trying to play off the immense disappointment in herself with light banter. She looked up at her makeshift tutor, hoping they would have some constructive criticism. 
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Cori raised an eyebrow lightly as she watched the girl perform the spell, trying to figure out where she was going wrong. Normally, tutoring wasn’t something that she was comfortable doing. She made top marks in her classes but she was never really confident in her abilities and was always scared of helping someone in the wrong way and messing them up, or failing and feeling horrible about it, but she had decided to go on a limb and help. Of course, it also helped that Transfiguration was perhaps her best subject.
“You’re not a squib. You wouldn’t be at Hogwarts if you were,” Cori said, smirking at the girl a little. She leaned forward, observing the teacup in thought, “When you were performing the spell, what were you thinking about? Transfiguration has lots of different variables that you need to be concentrating on.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
“We’ll share the blame then.“ Griffin chuckled. He followed her eyes to the broom. He beamed down at it before picking his head back up. “Yes! Completely chuffed. Weather’s great. I feel like it’s been forever, so it was good to be back out there. – Where were you heading?“
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“Ah, I will never understand the love for flying, but it seems like it was fun,” she responded with a light hum. She leaned against the wall and shrugged a bit, “I was just taking a walk. Wanted to clear my mind a bit. Figured a walk would be a good way to get away from all of the craziness.”
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corinawright-blog · 6 years
“I geuss what they try to tell us is you shouldn’t be alone iat this time after everything that happend. but don’t we just wanna be alone after something like this happend. i get it that people don’t wanna see ugly faces when you cry.” she looked at her. “everywhere where it’s dark are good spots, well for me at least, i like the woods. personally.”
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“Mm, the woods would be a prime spot,” Cori nodded in thought, humming gently as she worked it over in her mind. There was no way she would go into the woods alone, because she would be way too anxious over what was in there, but she wasn’t about to admit that, “That could work. But yeah, some people are annoying like that. They need to get a grip and let us have some privacy.”
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