All Cornelius wanted was to get through the already thin corridor, some obviously unintelligent architect put columns on the sides, a great pathway with lots of traffic, but could only fit a few people. He sighed when he spotted a Carrow taking up most of the hallway, knowing simply wanting to pass would be asking way too much. “Alecto, could you move? Just let me through.”
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Alecto frowned, staring out the window into the courtyard. She had grown tired of watching the shadows on the lake shift and change in the common room, and so had escaped into the halls to find some amusement. Judging by the emptiness of the corridor however, that was lacking here as well. And so she had come to leaning against a pillar, watching the landscape out a window when someone cleared their throat behind her. 
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“A bit of light reading,” He said with an equally sly eyebrow, turning to face his roommate. “It’s just simply a history book, regarding the medieval histories of wizards. For History of Magic, you know.” He shut his book with a precise ‘snap’, the sound from the book resonating across the library. Cornelius often tried to stay mild in situations, observing people from afar before coming to any conclusions of what to do, and Regulus was no exception. Even after spending five years sleeping in the same room, he still was waiting for the perfect moment to find out what he should do with him. “What topics are covering for such a class?” He tried to make light conversation, be at least somewhat hospitable.
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Regulus looked over toward his roommate, chuckling at the question. “A bit of light reading,” he joked, flashing the cover of the thick tome toward Cornelius. “Just something for my Ancient Studies. What’re you working on over there?” He asked, moving so he was perched on the edge of the other boy’s table.
Regulus liked Cornelius for the most part, though he had to say that the two had never really spoken and that, while they were definitely not best friends or anything of the sort, he enjoyed his roommate’s company.
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Cornelius was a little confused by the request. The male had been evidently sorting books for awhile, the slapping of the books against each other was perhaps the loudest noise in the room at some moments, besides the silent scratching of quills against paper.
Thinking quick on his feet, Cornelius whipped out his wand, whispering “Wingardium Leviosa,” The book stopping in midair. He guided it to his hand, not seeing where the male pointed to ‘there’. “Where did you want this?” He was afraid to speak too loudly, in fear he might disrupt the silence around him. Cornelius took a few steps forward, knowing that the voice came from the obnoxiously large stack of books. Perhaps he would hear him better?
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Bright winter light poured through the windows of the library casting a comfortable glow over the shelves. Even the restricted section seemed brightened by the sun’s efforts. The place always feels like a shelter of refuge, warm and accepting. It’s occupants were rather quiet, except for some soft whispers here and there from groups of huddled students. Rows and rows of bookcases were filled with hundreds if not thousands of books in varying sizes and color. Empty spaces were kept unoccupied by magic, so that borrowed books could be returned to their spot easily.
The study tables were neatly arranged in the middle of the room, a few students scattered about them. The room was relatively empty considering that classes started tomorrow. Most were enjoying what little holiday they had left, but there were some who were desperately attempting to finish their holiday homework at the last minute. The scratching of their quills and turning of their pages adding to the aesthetic of the room.
Remus Lupin was half hidden behind the circular librarian desk as he sorted through returned books. The dusty smell of ancient texts tickled his nose. He was certain that he’d never finish. His own height was over six feet and the books sitting on the desk towered over him. Despite this, he liked the quiet work and he picked up yet another book and put it on top of a rather large pile destined for the herbology section. He watched as the stack shifted slightly and he held his breath. Luckily it righted itself and he was able to return his attention to the unsorted pile. “Let’s see… Owl Breeds The Complete Collection Volume 38.” He put it in the Beasts Beings and Creatures pile.
Soon he was laden down like a pack mule with a stack of books on his way to different sections of the library. He put one book down and slid it down the desk top hoping that when it reached it’s destination the charm used for re-shelving would kick in. Apparently that didn’t happen and he grumbled. “Um, Owl Breeds The Complete Collection. Do you mind, it goes up there.” Remus tried to point from around his stack of books.
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The crisp winter air of the new year made the windows of Hogwarts’ library frost over, and as Cornelius peered outside, the snow evenly spread across the rooftops, the courtyards with trampled tracks through them. The library was entirely silent, perhaps one or two other souls in there. He was supposed to be reading, his textbook in his hands. Cornelius observed as the people outside hurried, trying to not get caught by the frigid air.
In his moment of peaceful people-watching, he was caught off-guard by the simple sliding of a book, just down the row. “What do you have there?”
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Brandon Jones
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Brandon Jones
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