I listen to Mitski a lot, and I have my favorite songs.
One of those songs is Me and My Husband. And I always see a lot of different interpretations and I always think it's really interesting to see stuff like that, so I wanted to chime in with my own interpretation.
For me, the song Me and My Husband had always been a more hopeful song. It always felt like a song where maybe they were going through a rough patch in their relationship. But they both knew at the end of the day that they loved each other.
But I think one of the reasons for that interpretation is because the song reminds me so much of my own parents.
I thought I would just share that little tidbit since it always makes me happy! :)
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The poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelly is such an amazing poem. Like I read it and it just simply blows my mind.
Since the point of the poem is about how political power does not last, it's not something that can be persevered unlike that of art.
and I think a good example of the transience of political power in the poem itself are these lines:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, Boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away"
It's such a good way to show how political power and power in general is simply temporary, since Ozymandias's political power is his "mighty" works, and yet it goes to say that there is nothing left of his power, everything he has achieved is lost to time.
Except for the monument left in the desert, also showing that art is something that can last through the centuries.
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