When she called them their little people, Eugene can't even hide the smile on his face and the way he got choked up, wiping away the worried look that he was sporting due to her most recent contraction.
"Ours," he reaches out, rubbing her leg lovingly. "All ours. Only ours. And while they may be technically ours, they're always going to belong to themselves. And be their own people. To grow up good, and loved, and warm. And happy."
Like neither of them had themselves.
The ground beneath their caravan changed to bumpy stone, jostling both of them lightly, but signaling that they were now getting into town and getting closer to the safety and comfort of someone with more medical experience than the two of them.
Normally, a foot rub from Eugene would be heaven. How many times in the past nine months had he sat patiently rubbing her feet, and she’d sunk into the pleasure and relief of it? Now, it was barely a distraction, but that wasn’t his fault, and so she made sure to smile her gratitude.
Traitorous thoughts kept racing through her head, about her mom’s complications while pregnant and wondering if they’d done the right thing, leaving Corona far behind them to live a simple life. Was that fair to the two babies about to enter the world? Didn’t they deserve all the comfort and security being royalty would grant them?
But then she remembered what made them leave all those months ago, all the pressure and being caged into a life she had no choice in. They’d left because freedom was a better option. They’d talked about this so many times. They’d bought this little caravan so that they’d have a roof over their heads and still be able to travel. This bohemian life was exactly what their children deserved.
“Be patient, little bobbins,” she murmured upon Eugene’s request. “Just hold on a little longer. This wait is nothing. You should try living in a tower for eighteen years.”
Except, no. They shouldn’t try that. She wouldn’t wish that life on anyone.
“There are absolutely two,” she assured him with a thin chuckle. “And one of them is a great dancer.”
“Oh, they totally get that from you, then,” he responded with a warm smile. He had gotten so used to associating the twins with still being unknown, since hey couldn’t physically see them. But when Rapunzel told him something like that, something that reminds him that they are living and breathing and have their own little personalities, the feeling of love grows even more overwhelming and it made it so much more real to him.
“I can’t wait to see what else they’re like,” he murmurs, giving her a warm smile, hoping possibly talking about the positives of their situation would distract her from the negatives. “What their little personalities will be like. I think that’s one of the things I’m the most excited for.”
“The books say that–” She cut herself off and squeezed her eyes shut, concentrating on breathing and not groaning while a particularly long contraction twisted her up inside. “They book says that,” she started again, once it was over. She couldn’t let Eugene worry. That would just make it worse, “their personalities are pretty clear after only a few months. And I’ve talked to women here and there who say that their kids are still basically interested in the same kinds of things that they were when they were little.”
She wondered if that was true for her. She supposed she’d always been an artist, and had always been interested in learning all she could. It wasn’t just the boredom.
“They’re almost here, Eugene. Little people. Our little people.”
The old fears that she’d turn out to be like Gothel were starting to bubble under the surface again, and she blamed the stress of the moment for that.
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"Oh, they totally get that from you, then," he responded with a warm smile. He had gotten so used to associating the twins with still being unknown, since hey couldn't physically see them. But when Rapunzel told him something like that, something that reminds him that they are living and breathing and have their own little personalities, the feeling of love grows even more overwhelming and it made it so much more real to him.
"I can't wait to see what else they're like," he murmurs, giving her a warm smile, hoping possibly talking about the positives of their situation would distract her from the negatives. "What their little personalities will be like. I think that's one of the things I'm the most excited for."
“I don’t think it could possibly hurt,” she chuckled thinly. “Don’t know if it’ll help, either, but it’s worth a shot.”
It was hard to focus on anything but what was happening with her. She was barely aware of Pascal scampering up beside her and petting her hair. Usually, she was aware of the swaying of their wagon as it moved, the creaking of the structure, but she didn’t even hear it now. There was just this pain, anticipation, excitement, and yes, fear. Plus Eugene. She was very aware of Eugene’s presence.
“How long until we get there?” she wondered. She was ready for this to be done, to fall into an exhausted heap with her new babies and sleep until she had no more sleep left in her.
At her approval, Eugene started to rub her foot, gently at first to make sure he wasn’t doing anything to make her even more uncomfortable than she already was. He focused extra hard on the way his thumbs moved, the distraction helpful. He was always surprised at how soft her feet were, even though she lived to feel the ground beneath them without a barrier. He was surprised by her constantly, it seemed. Both her strength and her grace, never faltering no matter what this seemingly cruel world threw at her. Leaving him in awe, standing in the glow she radiated through even the most mundane of times.
He has been worried, at times, that he wasn’t going to be able to do this. He wasn’t going to be enough for her, or for the two souls knocking on the door to come Earth-side. But when he looked at her and saw her, raw and real and pure, he felt calmer. She’d never expect anything from him he couldn’t handle. And if she did, then he needed to believe in himself, because she was always correct when it came to him. Even if it stung at times, or he didn’t believe it himself
Even now, the strength she was showing left him feeling so proud of her. He could see the pain and timid nervousness in her eyes and features, but knew anyone else in her position wouldn’t be handling it nearly as well. She was an inspiration, she was all his, and she was about to give him the greatest gifts he’ll ever receive. A thing years ago, he wouldn’t have considered a gift. A thing now he craved, only with her. A life of domestic simplicity with the little firecracker that was his wife and the mother of his children.
“Soon, I’d hope,” he responded a few moments later, once his brain caught up with the words she had said to him. “We aren’t too far, we made sure not to be too far away in case anything happened. Maybe twenty minutes at most? Max is hustling.”
He lifted her foot and pressed a kiss to the top. “You just tell those two to be patient just a little bit longer. Their dad is not a doctor, and he’s not looking for a hands on crash course today.”
Of course, if he needed to, he could. He was good in situations like that, where he needed to be level headed and make things happen for the safety of both his life and his family’s.
But he just needed a little freak out to build him up.
He switched to her other foot, starting the same way, and gave her a playful smile. “You are sure there’s two in there still, right?”
While his words were teasing, the thought of having twins was so ingrained in their lives now that he would be a little heartbroken if it ended up just being one. Though the doctors and Rapunzel were both very sure, it always nagged at Eugene’s inner thoughts, and wouldn’t feel real until he was holding them in his own arms. Two was crazy, but two will be their new normal. And two will be the adventure of a lifetime.
Normally, a foot rub from Eugene would be heaven. How many times in the past nine months had he sat patiently rubbing her feet, and she’d sunk into the pleasure and relief of it? Now, it was barely a distraction, but that wasn’t his fault, and so she made sure to smile her gratitude.
Traitorous thoughts kept racing through her head, about her mom’s complications while pregnant and wondering if they’d done the right thing, leaving Corona far behind them to live a simple life. Was that fair to the two babies about to enter the world? Didn’t they deserve all the comfort and security being royalty would grant them?
But then she remembered what made them leave all those months ago, all the pressure and being caged into a life she had no choice in. They’d left because freedom was a better option. They’d talked about this so many times. They’d bought this little caravan so that they’d have a roof over their heads and still be able to travel. This bohemian life was exactly what their children deserved.
“Be patient, little bobbins,” she murmured upon Eugene’s request. “Just hold on a little longer. This wait is nothing. You should try living in a tower for eighteen years.”
Except, no. They shouldn’t try that. She wouldn’t wish that life on anyone.
“There are absolutely two,” she assured him with a thin chuckle. “And one of them is a great dancer.”
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At her approval, Eugene started to rub her foot, gently at first to make sure he wasn't doing anything to make her even more uncomfortable than she already was. He focused extra hard on the way his thumbs moved, the distraction helpful. He was always surprised at how soft her feet were, even though she lived to feel the ground beneath them without a barrier. He was surprised by her constantly, it seemed. Both her strength and her grace, never faltering no matter what this seemingly cruel world threw at her. Leaving him in awe, standing in the glow she radiated through even the most mundane of times.
He has been worried, at times, that he wasn't going to be able to do this. He wasn't going to be enough for her, or for the two souls knocking on the door to come Earth-side. But when he looked at her and saw her, raw and real and pure, he felt calmer. She'd never expect anything from him he couldn't handle. And if she did, then he needed to believe in himself, because she was always correct when it came to him. Even if it stung at times, or he didn't believe it himself
Even now, the strength she was showing left him feeling so proud of her. He could see the pain and timid nervousness in her eyes and features, but knew anyone else in her position wouldn't be handling it nearly as well. She was an inspiration, she was all his, and she was about to give him the greatest gifts he'll ever receive. A thing years ago, he wouldn't have considered a gift. A thing now he craved, only with her. A life of domestic simplicity with the little firecracker that was his wife and the mother of his children.
"Soon, I'd hope," he responded a few moments later, once his brain caught up with the words she had said to him. "We aren't too far, we made sure not to be too far away in case anything happened. Maybe twenty minutes at most? Max is hustling."
He lifted her foot and pressed a kiss to the top. "You just tell those two to be patient just a little bit longer. Their dad is not a doctor, and he's not looking for a hands on crash course today."
Of course, if he needed to, he could. He was good in situations like that, where he needed to be level headed and make things happen for the safety of both his life and his family's.
But he just needed a little freak out to build him up.
He switched to her other foot, starting the same way, and gave her a playful smile. "You are sure there's two in there still, right?"
While his words were teasing, the thought of having twins was so ingrained in their lives now that he would be a little heartbroken if it ended up just being one. Though the doctors and Rapunzel were both very sure, it always nagged at Eugene's inner thoughts, and wouldn't feel real until he was holding them in his own arms. Two was crazy, but two will be their new normal. And two will be the adventure of a lifetime.
In fact, she had completely forgotten about that, and a bright if pained smile spread. “You’re a genius, Eugene!” she beamed. “That sounds perfect!”
Counter pressure! Why hadn’t she thought of that?
Without any further preamble, she made her way slowly over to the bed and crawled in, sighing as she laid on her side and let the mattress cradle her weight. Everything hurt, and the things that didn’t hurt felt like they weren’t even there, she was so focused on the ache.
“It’s fascinating how things in the body are connected,” she rambled mindlessly, trying to distract herself. “And, I mean, I know that the lower back is right behind the uterus, but one tends to thing of it more like bowl-shaped, because your good ol’ bones are keeping the back part in place.”
He saw the pain in her smile and fought the urge to fret and worry, instead thinking of actual ways to help and be useful.
“Bodies are pretty crazy,” he replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently grabbing her foot. “The fact that you’re able to just….do what you’re doing is awesome.”
He hoped it was doing exactly what it was supposed to and that everything went smooth, perfect, and they could finally meet the twins.
“Would a foot rub help or hurt?” Eugene asked, moving his hand to gently rub her calf. “I cant imagine your foot would affect labor but I’m asking first.”
“I don’t think it could possibly hurt,” she chuckled thinly. “Don’t know if it’ll help, either, but it’s worth a shot.”
It was hard to focus on anything but what was happening with her. She was barely aware of Pascal scampering up beside her and petting her hair. Usually, she was aware of the swaying of their wagon as it moved, the creaking of the structure, but she didn’t even hear it now. There was just this pain, anticipation, excitement, and yes, fear. Plus Eugene. She was very aware of Eugene’s presence.
“How long until we get there?” she wondered. She was ready for this to be done, to fall into an exhausted heap with her new babies and sleep until she had no more sleep left in her.
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He saw the pain in her smile and fought the urge to fret and worry, instead thinking of actual ways to help and be useful.
"Bodies are pretty crazy," he replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently grabbing her foot. "The fact that you're able to just....do what you're doing is awesome."
He hoped it was doing exactly what it was supposed to and that everything went smooth, perfect, and they could finally meet the twins.
"Would a foot rub help or hurt?" Eugene asked, moving his hand to gently rub her calf. "I cant imagine your foot would affect labor but I'm asking first."
As the time wore on, she smiled less, not because she was less happy, but because she was distracted by her body and the way it kept pinching and twisting and squishing. And the twins weren’t being much help, either. They were making a ruckus in there!
She listened to his stories, but her mind kept wandering to what was going on inside her and drifting back to stories about her mom…
But no. This wasn’t the stage her mom was at when things went wrong. She’d made it past Arianna’s complications.
“Sorry, what?” she asked. He’d said something about bumps? Oh, Max! “No, I’m fine,” she assured him. “We’re fine.”
He tried to remain calm on the outside, focused on what they were doing, but he was hyper focused on her. He caught every shift and pause, sigh and stop of breath. Always ready in case things change, but trying to keep it to himself so he wouldnt bug her. After all, she was busy dealing with what her body was doing. He didn’t need to add to it.
“Okay,” he answered, glancing out the window, trying to gauge how far away they were. They were on a main stretch of road now, which had to mean they were close. “Shouldn’t be too long now.”
He thought of how he could help as he got up and quietly cleaned up what little mess they had made, being awfully particular about cleaning up. Maybe it was his nerves, or he needed a distraction.
“Remember what that one woman told us about how I could help?” He spoke up, speaking his thoughts out loud. “She said one of the best things I can do is be a counter pressure against the pain. Push in on your hips. If you need that, these hands are ready.”
In fact, she had completely forgotten about that, and a bright if pained smile spread. “You’re a genius, Eugene!” she beamed. “That sounds perfect!”
Counter pressure! Why hadn’t she thought of that?
Without any further preamble, she made her way slowly over to the bed and crawled in, sighing as she laid on her side and let the mattress cradle her weight. Everything hurt, and the things that didn’t hurt felt like they weren’t even there, she was so focused on the ache.
“It’s fascinating how things in the body are connected,” she rambled mindlessly, trying to distract herself. “And, I mean, I know that the lower back is right behind the uterus, but one tends to thing of it more like bowl-shaped, because your good ol’ bones are keeping the back part in place.”
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// congratulations on the baby! How you're both doing good <3
hi!!! thank you so much!! we are!! he's my favorite little dude and he's such a blast!! he keeps me busy, though!
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Disney: So then, while Eugene is fighting the Brotherhood and Rapunzel is fighting Cassandra, everyone else is going to be trapped in the Lost Realm where Zhan Tiri was for all those years!
Me: Oh, cool! So they’re going to fight Sugracha?
Disney: … Who?
Me: Sugracha the Eternal? She was one of Zhan Tiri’s disciples, and at the end of “Painter’s Block” she got trapped in the Lost Realm with her.
Me: Ooh, and Tromus? I assume that’s where the House of Yesterday’s Tomorrow was sucked into at the end of “Rapunzeltopia.” So the gang gets sucked into the Lost Realm, and now they have to fight the Disciples!
Disney: No.
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Congrats on the baby ♥️! The last update was also about Rapunzel on the verge of giving birth so that’s a nice parallel 😅. I dunno if there is other way to read it other than scrolling back on the the thread and not closing tumblr app on my phone so I don’t loose the part whenever I took a break from reading and not have to do the scrolling again. It may take a few minutes and some patience to scroll back but you know what they say, “if there’s a will, there’s a way” and I also happen to have a lot of time so, yeah, easy-peasy 😏
no, that’s usually how i do it too, lol!! its just so time consuming!! but that's amazing you went through 3000 notes worth!!! thank you!! someday, ill put it all together in a document. XD 
thank you!!! <3 
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Same anon who asked about Breaking Point! Done reading up to the last update! It is sooo good! Are you planning to continue and finish this or this is as far as it gets? 😬
wooooah you managed to get all that read? how did you do it? i want to reread it too lol!! <3 we reply to it when we can! i just had a baby so that’s why its been very sporadic. things have been crazy! thank you though!! that thing has so many ups and downs, twists and turns. i love it!! @runningracingdancingchasing<3 
(also seriously if you have a magic way that makes it easier to read them....let me know please LOL)
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THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️
Hi! How can I read Breaking Point? Sorry for this ask since I cannot find the starting point and where to go next? 😬
believe me, nonny, i ask myself the same question LOL i tried to go back and at least find the first one for you but its so freaking massive it won’t let me. SOMEDAY i do plan on compiling everything together but ive been saying that since we started it XD but thank you for being interested in @runningracingdancingchasing and i’s shenanigans!!! that story is our giant baby LOL <3 
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Hi! How can I read Breaking Point? Sorry for this ask since I cannot find the starting point and where to go next? 😬
believe me, nonny, i ask myself the same question LOL i tried to go back and at least find the first one for you but its so freaking massive it won’t let me. SOMEDAY i do plan on compiling everything together but ive been saying that since we started it XD but thank you for being interested in @runningracingdancingchasing and i’s shenanigans!!! that story is our giant baby LOL <3 
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He tried to remain calm on the outside, focused on what they were doing, but he was hyper focused on her. He caught every shift and pause, sigh and stop of breath. Always ready in case things change, but trying to keep it to himself so he wouldnt bug her. After all, she was busy dealing with what her body was doing. He didn't need to add to it.
"Okay," he answered, glancing out the window, trying to gauge how far away they were. They were on a main stretch of road now, which had to mean they were close. "Shouldn't be too long now."
He thought of how he could help as he got up and quietly cleaned up what little mess they had made, being awfully particular about cleaning up. Maybe it was his nerves, or he needed a distraction.
"Remember what that one woman told us about how I could help?" He spoke up, speaking his thoughts out loud. "She said one of the best things I can do is be a counter pressure against the pain. Push in on your hips. If you need that, these hands are ready."
How was it that even now, with the peripheral pain inside her, he was able to make her feel amazing with a simple word and gesture?
“You pick,” she decided, moving over to his side. “I’ll eat just about anything right now. Something that’ll give me lots of long-lasting energy, I suppose. I’m going to need it.”
She wondered if or when she wasn’t going to be able to maintain this any longer and would lose her cool, lose her grip. Yes, she was nervous, scared even, but she wasn’t freaking out. Yet. And she knew that if she reached that point, even if Eugene was already in the process of doing the same, he’d pull it together to take care of her.
He picks? He could do that. “Energy. Got it.”
They ended up just making a big fruit salad and using up some of the dried meat they had picked up yesterday. He had suggested salmon, but thought better not fill the tiny space with the smell of fish. He didn’t think that would be the best course of action for his pregnant wife. 
He told her stories he was pretty sure he hadn’t told her before, talking her ear off, trying to keep her happy and distracted. All the while, though, and probably more often than she’d like, he was checking on her. Making sure she was ok and asking if there was anything else he could be doing differently. 
Speaking of, as they sat across from each other a little while later after their had finished their lunch, he was at it again. “Do you want me to have Max slow down? It’s getting a little bumpy.”
As the time wore on, she smiled less, not because she was less happy, but because she was distracted by her body and the way it kept pinching and twisting and squishing. And the twins weren’t being much help, either. They were making a ruckus in there!
She listened to his stories, but her mind kept wandering to what was going on inside her and drifting back to stories about her mom…
But no. This wasn’t the stage her mom was at when things went wrong. She’d made it past Arianna’s complications.
“Sorry, what?” she asked. He’d said something about bumps? Oh, Max! No, I’m fine,” she assured him. “We’re fine.”
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“I’m sure he’d love that,” he murmured. Sure, the relationship he had with his father was a lot better now, especially after things with Zhan Tiri were over and things had calmed down enough for him to focus on other things. Knowing Edmund, he’d probably be ecstatic if he wanted to talk about his mother. He’d seen the way Edmund wanted to, but with everything that had happened, Eugene just couldn’t take anymore. Not yet. 
But now he almost thought he was ready. Ready to know her; ready to grieve. The best that he can. 
“You’re right, though,” he said. “I never let myself fully grieve, more just blocked it out and told myself I was fine. But I don’t think I ever was, and knowing she had a name and being able to put a face to her just...”
He took a deep breath and looked up at her. “What if....what if I went? That would probably be crazy, right? I mean, this could just be a passing feeling and I’ll be fine by the morning.” 
For once, this was something that Rapunzel couldn’t relate to. She couldn’t find a way to spin this to put herself in his shoes. When it was just Edmund, she could say, ‘I remember what it was like meeting my Dad.’ But now? She’d had two mothers, not none, and she knew them both. And there were days when she wished she could just forget the first one.
She didn’t have any advice for him. No suggestions on what he could do, how he could get past it. How do you live knowing the face of someone you’d always wanted, someone who would have loved you if they’d been given the chance?
So, instead of saying anything, instead of trying to find something to say, she got up and perched on the arm of the armchair, then drew him in, just hugging him and stroking his hair. Peering at the painting in his hand, she smiled gently. “I can see where you get your good looks,” she assured him.
But that didn’t seem like enough. She knew him, and knew he didn’t want to just spill his heart out with no real reaction.
“It’s okay to be confused and conflicted,” she assured him, her fingers still gliding smoothly over and through his hair. “It must be really hard. You wanted a mother for so long, and by the time you got one, it was too late. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, but I’m here for you.”
He leaned into her, letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he had been holding. How did she know just the right thing to do, even if he didn’t know what he wanted himself?
“Thank you,” he turned his head so he could kiss her shoulder. Her fingers felt nice and he tried to focus on the rhythmic movement in his hair while he pieces together what he was thinking.
“I’m sad because she’s gone and I never knew her,” he started slowly. That was the easy one to understand, at least. “I’m also mad because it’s another thing my father kept from me. Not her, obviously. But the memory of her. The chance to grieve.”
He took a deep breath. “I wish I would’ve visited her grave. I don’t even know if she had one, I never asked. I told him not to…not to talk about her. And now I regret it.”
She smiled gently, proud of him for opening up. She knew it wasn’t the easiest thing for him, how even now he was guarded around her. He’d talk, but he always had to convince himself it was safe, first.
“Your dad loves you,” she assured him gently. “He’d be happy if you changed your mind. Not that I’m saying you should do it to make him happy, just that… he won’t hold it against you, or tell you, ‘Too little, too late.’ If you decide you want to go to the Dark Kingdom and see your mother’s grave, he’d be glad to take you there. I’m sure of it.”
She kept on stroking his hair, grateful that she was allowed to touch it, and knowing it soothed him when she did. “It’s alright to grieve the mother you’ve never known. If you think about it, you grieved her for a lot of your childhood, until you decided to become Flynn Rider. And now the old wound’s opened back up. It’s strange, not knowing her at all, but you’re still allowed to grieve.”
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He leaned into her, letting out a breath he didn't even realize he had been holding. How did she know just the right thing to do, even if he didn't know what he wanted himself?
"Thank you," he turned his head so he could kiss her shoulder. Her fingers felt nice and he tried to focus on the rhythmic movement in his hair while he pieces together what he was thinking.
"I'm sad because she's gone and I never knew her," he started slowly. That was the easy one to understand, at least. "I'm also mad because it's another thing my father kept from me. Not her, obviously. But the memory of her. The chance to grieve."
He took a deep breath. "I wish I would've visited her grave. I don't even know if she had one, I never asked. I told him not to...not to talk about her. And now I regret it."
@coronas-dashing-rogue      Continued from here (x)
He so rarely talked about her. About how he thought or felt or just how often the woman he’d never known crossed his mind. She turned her hand carefully under his, not lacing their fingers, but giving them both the option.
“What are you thinking about her?” she wondered. She needed to figure out exactly what kind of comfort was needed from her.
He took a shallow breath, thinking. What was he thinking about her, specifically?
“A lot of things,” he answered, tracing the lines in her palm, grateful for something to focus and ground him while he opened up to her. “I thought I had gotten past it after we came back from the Dark Kingdom, but I keep having dreams and it’s making it worse.”
But that really wasn’t all of it. “I just don’t know what to think.” He slips his hand away from hers, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it, revealing a worn painting of his mother, the page crinkled and creased from him opening and closing it so many times.
“Edmund gave this to me,” he looked down at it. “He said he kept this painting by his bed. Wanted me to have something so I could know what she looked like.”
He was silent for a moment, staring at the woman in the painting, both a stranger and someone he should’ve known very well. His voice was quiet. “I feel like I wish I would’ve never found out what she looked like. It was easier never knowing. Now I know. I have a face that I don’t remember but I miss and it’s a weird feeling.”
For once, this was something that Rapunzel couldn’t relate to. She couldn’t find a way to spin this to put herself in his shoes. When it was just Edmund, she could say, ‘I remember what it was like meeting my Dad.’ But now? She’d had two mothers, not none, and she knew them both. And there were days when she wished she could just forget the first one.
She didn’t have any advice for him. No suggestions on what he could do, how he could get past it. How do you live knowing the face of someone you’d always wanted, someone who would have loved you if they’d been given the chance?
So, instead of saying anything, instead of trying to find something to say, she got up and perched on the arm of the armchair, then drew him in, just hugging him and stroking his hair. Peering at the painting in his hand, she smiled gently. “I can see where you get your good looks,” she assured him.
But that didn’t seem like enough. She knew him, and knew he didn’t want to just spill his heart out with no real reaction.
“It’s okay to be confused and conflicted,” she assured him, her fingers still gliding smoothly over and through his hair. “It must be really hard. You wanted a mother for so long, and by the time you got one, it was too late. I can’t imagine what you’re going through right now, but I’m here for you.”
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He took a shallow breath, thinking. What was he thinking about her, specifically?
"A lot of things," he answered, tracing the lines in her palm, grateful for something to focus and ground him while he opened up to her. "I thought I had gotten past it after we came back from the Dark Kingdom, but I keep having dreams and it's making it worse."
But that really wasn't all of it. "I just don't know what to think." He slips his hand away from hers, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a folded up piece of paper. He unfolded it, revealing a worn painting of his mother, the page crinkled and creased from him opening and closing it so many times.
"Edmund gave this to me," he looked down at it. "He said he kept this painting by his bed. Wanted me to have something so I could know what she looked like."
He was silent for a moment, staring at the woman in the painting, both a stranger and someone he should've known very well. His voice was quiet. "I feel like I wish I would've never found out what she looked like. It was easier never knowing. Now I know. I have a face that I don't remember but I miss and it's a weird feeling."
@coronas-dashing-rogue      Continued from here (x)
He so rarely talked about her. About how he thought or felt or just how often the woman he’d never known crossed his mind. She turned her hand carefully under his, not lacing their fingers, but giving them both the option.
“What are you thinking about her?” she wondered. She needed to figure out exactly what kind of comfort was needed from her.
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He hated this. Hated that she was trapped her, hated that he couldn't help her. Hated that he felt so strongly so quickly, mad at his own heart for making him so vulnerable. This shouldn't hurt. He's left plenty of times before.
Just not her.
He moved his hands, taking her face in his palms and kissing her like he should have the first time they parted. He wasn't going to waste anymore opportunities. He kissed her hard, trying to convey the feelings he didn't understand. Trying to imprint her kiss on his mouth so he wouldn't forget it.
He pulled away after a beat, giving her a small smile. "Wasnt going to make that mistake again and leave you without a kiss."
“Oh, I wish you could,” she assured him immediately. So fast that she knew it came from the heart, without even a moment to filter between her brain and her mouth. “But… Mother would be very upset.”
She thought about the way her mother shouted, asserted herself, and shuddered slightly. She wasn’t sure how much worse it could get, but she did know that she didn’t want to find out.
His hands were full, or else she would have kissed them, so she moved in and hugged him instead, inhaled his scent and closed her eyes and just lived in a moment more where they were together.
“I’ll let you know the same way when it’s safe again.” But rather than letting him go now, she just held him tighter.
He was never a hugger. Usually if a girl was hugging him, that meant they were getting the wrong idea and way too close for his comfort. He wasn’t a hugger.
But with her, he craved it. He wanted it to never end. He wanted to pick her up and hold her until the fate’s dragged them apart itself.
He found himself thinking of an alternate reality where he didn’t have to leave. Where she didn’t have to hide. She was there when the sun rose and set, lips to kiss good morning and goodnight. Never rushing. Never counting down the moments and unable to fully focus on the present.
Flynn wasn’t a dreamer. But Eugene was.
“I’ll be watching,” he murmured quietly, one hand moving up to the nape of her neck, running his fingers through the soft hair there. One more moment, he could breathe and stay for one more moment. “Today was amazing. Thank you.”
“Thank you,” she breathed in reply, nuzzling his neck. She left a soft kiss where her lips landed and breathed him in for just a moment more before, very slowly and regrettably, pulled away.
“You’d better go,” she mumbled. “Before she gets back.”
She didn’t want this. She didn’t want to be separated from him again so soon. She’d carry today in her heart until they got to be together again.
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He gazed down at her hands, his own reaching out and tracing fingers against her skin with a soft, slow touch. He hadn't even really thought about coming to her, his feet just....took him. It wasn't often that he needed this; that he would let his guard down so low and wear his heart on his sleeve. But if he did it around anyone, it would be her.
"I keep thinking about her," he murmured finally. "My mother."
❝ things are getting bad again. ❞ (coronas-dashing-rogue)
He’d come in with barely a knock. That was pretty unusual as it was, but then he didn’t even say hi. He just walked quietly to one of her armchairs and sunk down into it, his eyes staring at nothing before he spoke.
Normally she’d answer him with some kind of teasing quip, but one look at Eugene’s face and Rapunzel had no desire to do it. She set her journal aside and came to him. Kneeling before him on the floor, she peered up at his face, resting her hands in his lap. “Do you want to talk about it?”
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