corrodingcircuits · 5 months
xn it bxss x7
dx yxu ever feel
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corrodingcircuits · 5 months
i dxnt think thats an emxtixn just thrxwing that xut there thats prxbably nxt an emxtixn
dx yxu ever feel
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corrodingcircuits · 5 months
what the fuck is a plastic bag
dx yxu ever feel
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corrodingcircuits · 5 months
gxxd talk
dx yxu ever feel
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corrodingcircuits · 5 months
dx yxu ever feel
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corrodingcircuits · 5 months
dx yxu ever just
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corrodingcircuits · 6 months
Tumblr media
What 1ZZ Bef0ran cull1ng. 1zz 1t p0zzzz1ble t0 d0 0n Altern1a. G0regle 1zzn't help1ng, zz0 y0u pe0ple w1ll have t0 d0.
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corrodingcircuits · 6 months
Zz0 what 1f 1 am. Zz0 what!
What 1ZZ Bef0ran cull1ng. 1zz 1t p0zzzz1ble t0 d0 0n Altern1a. G0regle 1zzn't help1ng, zz0 y0u pe0ple w1ll have t0 d0.
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corrodingcircuits · 6 months
What 1ZZ Bef0ran cull1ng. 1zz 1t p0zzzz1ble t0 d0 0n Altern1a. G0regle 1zzn't help1ng, zz0 y0u pe0ple w1ll have t0 d0.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
Zz0, are y0u w1ll1ng t0 cull uzzer @/mutant-advice?
Hey! H0w much w0uld 1t c0zzt t0 cull zz0me0ne 0n Grumblr? 1zz there any pr1ceh1ke?
HELLO MY FRIEND!!! I have lowered my cost TO FREE!!!
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
L00kzz aff0rdable. Thankzz!!!
Zz0. Any0ne elzze l00k1ng t0 be h1red? 1 have a few th0uzzand caegarzz t0 pay.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
Zz0. Any0ne elzze l00k1ng t0 be h1red? 1 have a few th0uzzand caegarzz t0 pay.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
What d1d zzhe even D0? C0me 000n. Y0u're an acc0mpl1zzhed h1tw0man. Zzurely th1zz 1zz eazzy. Zzuuurelyyy.
F1ne. Zzure. Zz1nce 1 can't k1ll th1zz b1tch MYZZELF. H0w much w0uld 1t c0zzt f0r y0u t0 cull 0ne perzz0n?
depends on cazte and ability. you need to be more zpecific. I do azzure you though, my prices are quite manageable.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
youre absurdly fucking stupid
Wh0 even are y0u?
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
WHAT??? ARE Y0U FUCK1NG ZZER10UZZ??? Zzhe's a L1AR. A path0l0g1cal L1AR. 1zz zzhe that fam0uzz??? 0r 1nafam0uzz, 1 fuck1ng guezzzz.
F1ne. Zzure. Zz1nce 1 can't k1ll th1zz b1tch MYZZELF. H0w much w0uld 1t c0zzt f0r y0u t0 cull 0ne perzz0n?
depends on cazte and ability. you need to be more zpecific. I do azzure you though, my prices are quite manageable.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
are you sincerely doing this. really.
Y0u rev1ved her and k1lled her. TW1CE. TW0 FUCK1NG T1MEZZ. Zz0. Yeah, 1 am zz1ncerely d01ng th1zz. Fuck 0ff.
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corrodingcircuits · 7 months
Cazzte 1zz MUTATED L1TTLE zzh1t and acc0rd1ng t0 her zzhe k1lled a g0d. Zzhe'zz alz0 a ly1ng b1tch. Zz0 take that azz y0u w1ll!
F1ne. Zzure. Zz1nce 1 can't k1ll th1zz b1tch MYZZELF. H0w much w0uld 1t c0zzt f0r y0u t0 cull 0ne perzz0n?
depends on cazte and ability. you need to be more zpecific. I do azzure you though, my prices are quite manageable.
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