corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
Angeal and Aerith finally have bios! Come check them out, if you're so inclined. c:
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
headcanon time!
he likes other plays, not just LOVELESS. he mostly quotes it because it bugs people (zack, sephiroth, etc). LOVELESS is his favorite, though. he likes the hero in it and like to equate himself with the role.
he was never close with his family. his mother and father didn't show him a lot of love and his father especially was hard on him. that doesn't excuse what he did to them, but it does explain it a little.
he knew he was adopted, ever since he was small. he used to think that was the reason his parents didn't love him. (they did love him, but they showed him in ways that weren't conductive with his personality.)
she's kind of a mother hen to the other turks. she likes taking care of them and doting on them, even though she isn't much older than most of them.
she's older than she looks, and she uses this to her advantage. she likes to trick people into thinking she is a teenager.
she's very passive aggressive.
he has five siblings, and he is number four in terms of age. he gets along well with his younger sister, visola, and his younger brother, michael.
his father is an admiral in the shinra army, and his mother is a military nurse. they have a surprising amount of children for how terribly they get along.
after retiring from shinra, he and his sister visola open up an item store in junon. he's the shop owner who tells you he used to be in SOLDIER, who, if you visit later in the game, dons the black robe.
she is closer to elmyra as a mother than she was with ifalna, though this is mostly because elmyra was there for more of her life than ifalna was.
she loves boy band trends and listens exclusively to their music for a year or so at a time.
she's no op but on e because the slums crowd funded her treatment for her. she pays them back with flowers and favors.
he doesn't pay for anything he can get out of, in spite of being a reasonably well paid man. he has a lot of money saved up, in spite of sending money home to his mother every month, because he still feels guilty spending money on himself.
he loves dad jokes.
he goes out of his way to learn the names of all the infantrymen who go with him on missions, and where they are from. he doesn't enjoy being considered "better" than them, so he ingratiates himself with them and tries to be their equal.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
angeal tag drop ;)
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
happy father's day!
kunsel isn't particularly fond of his father!
neither aerith nor cissnei knew their father!
genesis straight up murdered his father!
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
starter for @askaeristheflower
Cissnei had known about the girl in the church for most of her adult life, thanks to the fact that she'd been a Turk for all of that time as well. She had seen pictures of her, been shown a map of the church she frequented, as well as her house, and knew all about her history as the last of the Ancients.
But one thing that she hadn't done was met the girl.
Reno and Rude and even sometimes Tseng were usually assigned to watch over little Aeris, but today, things were a mess with some missions and conflicting schedules. She had had no escort yesterday at all, so today, it would be Cissnei's job to keep an eye on her.
No point in being rude about it. She found herself approaching the church doors and pushing them open, where she knew what she would find inside. Sure enough, there was the other girl, kneeling by the flowers growing up from between the floorboards.
"Hello," Cissnei called as the girl looked up. She was sure she had already been identified as a Turk, just from her outfit, but she hadn't been planning on lying to the girl either.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
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1# friend, the best there is
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
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zapping kunsel with my low poly laser beam
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
Sephiroth almost inflected on those words, Genesis could feel it, and he knew, finally, that Sephiroth cared. It was infuriating to have to dig through the walls of Sephiroth's protections to get to see how the man truly felt. Genesis had been dealing with this for years, though, by this point, and he knew better than anyone -- except possibly Angeal -- that this was just how Sephiroth was.
Still irritating, though.
Something about those words made Sephiroth sound almost vulnerable, like a child asking a parent if they were ever coming home again. It was almost imperceptible, but Genesis heard it in that voice, even if no one else was able to. Sephiroth didn't want him to go.
That was at least a partial victory in his book. Angeal hadn't been surprised when he had said he was leaving, but he didn't want to go along with it. He wasn't sure Sephiroth would be able to be convinced either, but at least they cared that he was leaving. But of course they did. (But of course, what if they hadn't?)
Genesis was not satisfied, because he knew what was going to happen. Angeal and Sephiroth would be sent to hunt him down and take him out. But now, at least, he was certain that neither of them would take the job seriously. They were friends, after all -- a word that Genesis did not use lightly, in this case.
"No," he replied simply. "I'm not."
Sephiroth found it harder to maintain something like a neutral expression as Genesis went on. It wasn't a particularly professional conversation, and yet--
He didn't know how else to respond to it. To react to it, because the jumble of emotions together was powerful and unfamiliar. Or familiar in an unfamiliar way, and--
What was he supposed to do? Were secrets being kept? Were there secrets to keep? There were, of course, professionally speaking, and theoretically no one was entitled to one's private thoughts, actions, conversations. But too there was the distinct impression of something slipping away, something that needed to be grasped onto. That wasn't real, was it? That was all... him. All just one of those many things to keep quiet about when it happened, because Shinra's best had no such experiences.
But he wasn't speaking to Genesis as Shinra's best, was he? Not for a long while. Not for many reasons.
"Are you coming back?" He felt exposed as a raw nerve, uncomfortable, like he ought to reach forward and pull the words back. There was nothing to be done about it.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 3 months
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Shinra's Mean Girls have arrived at the function 🥂
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
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“My mother’s name is Jenova. She died shortly after I was born.”
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion (2022) dev. Square Enix & Tose
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
Cissnei realized with an inward sigh that she was not getting to watch much of the target today. Fortunately, she had already called it in so that Tseng could deal with it. She attempted to turn back toward the church but this Nai character was much bigger and stronger than she was. She had little choice in the matter.
"I wasn't really coming back for you," she said, her voice all politeness and cheerfulness. "I had hoped to talk with your precious 'Poppy.' But we aren't going to do that, are we?"
Was Nai indicating that he was a piece of the planet itself? Or was he just saying random bullshit to throw Cissnei off his tracks? Probably the latter. He had sniffed out that she was looking for information, maybe, and was just saying random nonsense. Still, she would report it as usual.
Ah, so she had chosen to stay. He'd wondered. Nai sauntered out of the church, tossing a goodbye to Aerith before beelining in Cissnei's direction. He was going to cause so much chaos with this, it was going to be glorious.
Now he just needed to decide how much truth and how much bullshit he was going to give this turk.
"Aw, buttercup. You stuck around for me, I'm flattered." He tossed an arm over her shoulders, uncaring of her personal space. "Poppy's playing in the garden now, you know how it is. Learn some awesome unfathomably powerful new skill, get another history lesson and make fun of Shinra and then take a break talking to some plants. I'm sure you do something similar. but like, more murder." He casually steered her away from the church, still smiling.
"Poppy likes her privacy when she's communing with the planet, y'know? It's cute, that she thinks she needs to be all alone to talk to us. Like we don't hear her no matter where she is."
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
"Am I a fan? Of LOVELESS?" Genesis asked, raising one perfectly manicured eyebrow at the question. "You could say that. Though fan is such a petty word for someone who simply appreciates fine work."
Genesis made a sweeping gesture at the stranger, indicating himself. "You don't seem to know who I am, is that correct?" he asked.
@corruptedbyvengeance || so about that poetry
"Mmm, no. But I'd love to hear your thoughts anyway. It's fascinating seeing what insanity fans come up with." He really had not expected the scribblings to last this long but it really was wild what people came up with based on it.
Maybe he should write that final act for them to find buried somewhere? Could be funny.
"Are you a fan?"
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
“I don't know,” Aerith replied urgently. “They only brought me in today, and they haven't let me out of here. I assume there will be holding cell at some point, but maybe it isn't ready for me yet? They can't possibly expect me to stay here for the rest of my life.”
When she had been little, there had been a room for the two of them to live in. Aerith had decorated the walls with her artwork, sunshine and flowers that she had never seen. She wondered if they would put her in the same room. She wondered if that would be a good feeling or a bad feeling, to be back in a place where she had once had her biological mother.
She didn't remember Ifalna very well these days, and Elmyra would always be “Mom” to her because of it, but her memories of this place weren't all bad. She remembered when they had left, being very afraid, because everything was so different. She remembered the sky looming overhead like it would swallow him up. She remembered the blood spilling from Ifalna's wounds, and the words, “Please take Aerith somewhere safe.”
Elmyra had done everything she possibly could have, and it hadn't been enough.
"… Right." He deserved that, he guessed, especially when vague knowledge of the ancient project lingered in the back of his head ever since arresting a rogue staff of the Science Department. But at least being chewed out was nicer than being ignored or feared, it meant he had her attention at least on some level… unfortunately he'd immediately disappoint her.
"Look, I can't get you out - not from here. Only the Professor has the key." He moves to the control panel at the start of the catwalk separating them, but he doesn't dare touch it - no doubt alarms set in defense of his precious subject. Instead, Kunsel's head tilts back towards her, just as expressionless. "Do you know where they're keeping you? If it's in any of the holding cells… those I have access to." Those I can get you out of.
There was blood on his hands there, paying the price of his high security access, but at least now it'd be worth something... however he'd have to ask her to wait, to suffer through whatever the professor had in store for her.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
Zack's friend.
Aerith caught a breath in her throat. Zack's memory was faded somewhat in her mind, but his death was fresh, and the hurt was too. And this man – Zack's friend? A memory came up unbidden of Zack hanging around with another SOLDIER from time to time, and then another memory of that same friend coming down to the slums to look after her. At the time, she had found it a little annoying – the Turks already followed her around, and Zack had just ghosted her. She barely wanted to hear from his friends.
Kunsel. That was right. Zack had talked about his buddy Kunsel fairly often. They were – had been – very good friends, after all. That was why Zack wanted her to meet him.
The fear congealing in her belly dissipated somewhat. Was this someone here to help? At least, he would do no more harm. He was Zack's friend. She had to trust him, for now.
“What do you think they're going to do to me?” Aerith asked, a little bitterly. The science department wasn't known for its altruism. Everyone knew that. “Listen, you get me out of here and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Okay?”
"Kunsel - Zack's friend? We met a couple times." The answer is immediate and slightly rushed, pulling from what few scant interactions the one thing they had in common, feeling like an asshole for scaring her like he did - but what else could he have done?
Showing his face would just incriminate him immediately on the security footage, and there was no guarantee she'd even remember him from what scant interactions they had - had she even seen his face? He couldn't recall.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He sounds genuine enough, and although he'd like to take a closer look at her, he stays an awkward distance away from the glass cage, giving her space. "I'm not supposed to be here - we don't have a lot of time, I just…"
He just what? Wanted to see? Wanted to gawk at how low the company could stoop, at how there's nothing they won't tarnish? Wanted to understand?
"Why are you here - what are they doing to you?"
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
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new aerith icons by @dresspheres and new border by me!
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
She looked up when she heard her name, a vaguely familiar voice calling out to her. She couldn't place where she had heard the voice before, just that she had, and it didn't give her a great feeling. Of course, this person was calling her by her name, not referring to her as 'the sample,' or 'the Ancient,' or by her specimen number. So that was something.
She peered through the glass and shrank back almost immediately. It wasn't just some Shinra underling or even one of the Turks. It was someone from SOLDIER – same basic outfit as Zack's and Cloud's, but with some extra bits here and there, which meant SOLDIER 1C. She had no idea what someone like that would want with her, especially now that she was already here, already captive.
She huddled in the back of the cage, as far away from the door as she could get. Hojo wasn't here right now, but that didn't mean anything.
“Who are you?” she asked, her voice shrill with her fear. “How do you know my name?”
He didn't know the details - at least, not initially. He just knew that there was a massive commotion in the Science Department, that Hojo got his hands on something he'd been looking forward to for a long time… and that never bode well to the creatures he held in captivity.
But it wasn't a creature, this time around — whispers spread fast, glimpses spoken by the infantry charged with keeping guard of Hojo's most secretive projects, mutterings from the elder members of the Science Department… an ancient.
A girl, found in the slums shortly after the collapse of the plate.
He didn't want to believe it, he didn't want to believe a lot of things these days… not without seeing it with his own eyes.
And so he goes where he's uncalled for; takes a risk others in suits that were much closer to her than he'd ever been don't seem willing to — he sneaks into Hojo's lab, taking advantage of his high level clearance and "borrowed" keycards in order to proceed undeterred.
It wouldn't go unnoticed, his every movement recorded by Hojo's surveillance but… he just needed a little time.
As the elevator rises to the main floor, and a preliminary glance across the lab showed that they were as alone as he expected, Kunsel's gaze directs itself towards the glass cage in the middle of the room - the main event.
And there she is - different, grown just as he had in the time between their last interaction, but it's her.
"Aerith?" It takes some self control to not run towards her, but his steps are hurried, heavy boots echoing against the metal grating of the floor - but all she'd see would be the grim visage of a SOLDIER first class headed towards her, face entirely hidden.
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corruptedbyvengeance · 4 months
plotted starter for @sentmail | from aerith
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Aerith had always known the Turks would stop keeping her safe one day, and she even knew it would be one day soon. They had been following her for so long, and it was only a matter of time until Tseng turned on her and brought her in. She knew he would – she knew him well enough by now to know that the Company came before whatever personal feelings he might have. If he even had feelings. Aerith wasn't so certain anymore.
And so, there she sat, in her glass cylinder, waiting for Professor Hojo to decide what to do with her. She felt like she was five years old again, but at least then, she had had her mother with her. Now, here she was, twenty two years old and alone.
She would not give Hojo the benefit of her tears.
Because now she had Cloud. Cloud, and Tifa, and maybe even Barret. She knew in her heart of hearts that Cloud would come after her. He might seem like a tough guy, but she could see through that gruff exterior and saw the thoughtful, kind man inside of him. He was a good man, and he hated Shinra as much as she did.
So alone she sat, refusing to give up on her single thread of hope, and waiting. For as much as she hated to wait to be rescued, right now, there was little else she could do.
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