corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
 They don’t even know you                       Let them find the real you,
      All they see is scars.                                  Buried  deep within.
   They don’t see the angel                          And let them know with all
       Living in your heart.                                          you’ve got
                      That you are not your s k i n.
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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Please do not take this as me going on hiatus, cause I’m not. I’m just gonna be a slug for a while.
So I decided i’m going to move my SI to another blog. I know, I have too many blogs to begin with, but I have a way of keeping track of each one. Now, the reason behind this is because I am in serious need of a breather, and spending time circling around my SI is my best option. I will still be active here and on corrxptionem but things will most likely be queued still unless I have a ton of motivation for said thread. For a more in depth reason, it will be under the cut.
Keep reading
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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Just a forewarning. School starts for me tomorrow and I’m currently taking 3 AP classes. That means activity might not be very much during the weekdays, but during the weekend it shouldn’t be an issue.
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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    “Alright,so let’s say I do believe you.” The male stretched his arm up behind his head. “Why would whoever stab you even do that in the first place? I guess you look sorta fancy,maybe they thought you’ve got money. Did you find anything missing since the guy stabbed you?”
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     “It was a mugger. In truth I was attempting to help someone else and I suppose I provoked them a bit. They smelled a little bit of alcohol too. And I did have a watch on my wrist that went missing. It was silver with faux diamonds resting on the even numbers, the odds written in roman numerals.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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           【!!】”I-I’m okay with taking the car.” So long as she wasn’t the one driving, it wouldn’t make her uncomfortable. That and it would be faster. She wouldn’t like to have them walk quite a distance away only to have him have to walk back on his own. “I… I can pay for the gas,” she offered, knowing that it might be quite a drive either way. “I-It’s the least I can do in return for your help.”
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     “Oh please, do not stress so much. It’s just a simple act of kindness, you do not have to repay me.”
He shifted to lead her to his home, only taking a few minutes to get there. He carefully unlocked the car, going to the passenger’s side and swinging the door open for the girl.
     “Ladies first. Is there anything else that you would like before we get going? Like water or a snack? We can stop at a little shop before we get on our way.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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               ☣ “Yea, I would believe that.” If this guy was trying to freak Cassius out, he’d have another thing coming. The haunt had seen and encounter too much to be bothered by such things. “Alright then, walking corpse, what is it? What creature are you that makes rising so easy?”
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     “Unfortunately, that is one of the many questions that I do not have an answer for. Both of my parents are dead so I never really was able to get an answer. However, if you do not believe me...”
He carefully shifted to pull the collar of his shirt down, allowing the male to see two slightly darker patches of skin on his chest, one directly over his heart.
     “This is where I was shot twice, both a fatal blow.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
:: ( wizard ) ::
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         “ Tomorrow, I’m all up for that! Then it’s a plan, I’ll try          to whip up some food too with the help of my mother          so when you come to the house and eat. I can’t wait t-          -ill you meet the family! ”    In the end, if it made the male happy and he didn’t find out that Youta was a    wizard then everything would be all good at the end of the day.
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     “I’ll certainly be looking forward to the event then. I can’t wait to taste your cooking and your family sounds like wonderful people. I’m sure it’ll be a lovely gathering.”
He shifted his body to head to the morgue, giving a small wave of the hand.
     “Just let me know when you’ll be coming by.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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             The stranger made a good point. There wasn’t much he could              argue against, so he might as well just let this guy walk him               home. That didn’t mean he still didn’t feel bad about it. “Thanks.”              Miguel gave the male a smile. “I was really just mad at myself               for not bringing an umbrella. I should’ve checked the weather.”              The brunet is silent for a moment, thinking of something to               say. “Your name.” He murmured, not exactly talking to the other.              “Um, what’s your name? I can’t keep calling you really nice               umbrella man.”
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     “No need to be angry with one’s self over something so little. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s just some have consequences and others do not. This one has a chance, but it’s very minor I’m sure.”
He walked in silence with the moment, his delicate smile remaining on his lip as he walked. His gaze diverted back to the man beside him when he asked for his name.
     “Peter Marks. It’s a pleasure. May I ask what yours is?”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
         to talk me down.
For better or even for worse…
                                 Remember me forever.
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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Sorry for being inactive today-- I’ve been unbelievably tired cause I haven’t slept well the past few days and I’m mildly sick so it’s kinda driven my motivation down the hole. Hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow.
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
Hey tumblr could we not break my icons k thhhxxx
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
Ahh, it all happened so fast. He had originally thought he was just going to be beaten to death, but it seemed that wasn’t the case. He never thought a bar fight could turn into a knife fight -- with one knife. Of course he enticed the man on purpose, but that was besides the point. It was absolutely invigorating, being stabbed to death by drunken man and being left behind the bar collapsed on the floor.
He was out for a few minutes, his eyes slowly cracking open when his wounds were healed. He let out a sigh and slowly sat up, halting when he saw another man in front of him. Oh dear.
    “Uh-- Hi there.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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“Peter, hmm? That’s a nice name.” Rosette retracted her hand, bending down to pluck the shards from her leg. “You’ll have to let me buy you lunch in return for saving me.”
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     “Ah, you really don’t need to repay me for such a thing, it’s really not an issue. I was simply being friendly. Your thanks was enough of a repayment for me.”
He tried to offer the girl a reassuring smile to show that he really didn’t need such a thing.
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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           【!!】His words, whether intentional or not, really struck a chord with Flaky. Was there someone else out there in the dark waiting to hurt her? Perhaps this part of town she was in was a bad place. Nothing like this would happen in Happy Tree Town. But despite how their town only really had two actual criminal offenders, people still got terribly, horribly hurt or killed every day. Even still, Flaky feared what other intentions people might have outside of her home. She was nervous as it was; She’d never been out of town before. “O-Oh my – Oh dear, I – Yea, okay. P-Please take care of me.” She’ll take the option of staying with the kind mister.
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A brow cocked upwards when he took notice of how concerned the girl became. Had she really not processed the idea before? She must live in a very peaceful town if that’s the case. It was quite a common occurrence, often displayed on the news. He gave a small nod and shifted to pull his car keys out of his pocket.
     “I will do what I can to do so. Would you like to go there by car or would you feel more comfortable walking? Again I want you to feel as comfortable and sage as possible.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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             ⇝”Well I just want to put my feet in it or something. I wish I could swim in it, but I can’t. Due to my ability to smell, water can go up my nose and damage my circuits!  Can you check though? I really want to touch it!” He chuckled looking back at Peter with a nice smile this time. “I’ve also noticed it’s really quiet here. Is this why humans like to go camping?” 
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     “Ah really? I’ll have to be sure to protect you from your body being covered in water then on the off chance it gets in like that... That certainly would not be a good thing. I’m afraid I wouldn’t know how to fix you if that were the case. Once we find camp I’ll go ahead and search in my phone for information.”
He looked around when the other took notice of the tranquility of the area around them, giving a small nod in agreement.
     “Yeah, it’s usually to help get away from the world for a while.”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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             ⇝”Well yeah, but it’s still nice to have company!” Once they made eye contact it was Kendrick’s turn to smile, then they were off. The droid of course followed and held Peter’s hand tightly “Okay! Spaghetti and meatballs! Yeah! Adorable? But it’s just me being excited for food and cartoons! If I’m the adorable one…” He gasped, “Does that make you the cool and prince type one!? Wait…What’s cuddling?” Granted the male has actually done it a few times with Peter, but he never placed a name for it. 
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     “I suppose I am if you want to put it that way. And cuddling... We’ve done it a few times. He basically just hold each other with idle touches here and there. I’ve never really put a name on it because I never felt the need to. But I suppose now is that time.”
He carefully walked to the car, unlocking it and moving to open the passenger’s side for Kendrick before moving to the driver’s side.
     “Would you like to hold my hand while I drive again?”
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corrxptionem-blog · 9 years
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Hi idk when I’m going to do anything on here because my chrome just freaking the fuck out and crashed and opened like 500 tabs at once out of nowhere so I panic restarted my computer and it’s fine now but that was scary and fuck me man
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