cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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Attention immediately turns towards her, initial surprise on his face instantly wearing off. Gaze narrowing, he turns on the soles of worn shoes. Turning, so that he’s completely facing her. Blue eyes scanning her face, before he shakes his head in the slightest. “Technically, we’re called Warlocks.” Albeit, that wasn’t the technical truth as to what he was. Mouth pulls into a faint smile, not seeming all too bothered. “You’re not prying. I should have been a bit more aware.” Generally, he was. This one however, had caught him completely off guard. “But since you’re already here… would you like to see a trick?”
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Warlock, of course! Hazel Evers had read stories of magical people...but to finally see one up close was possibly the most fascinating thing she had ever seen! And this was coming from a girl that loved the sight of blood. “I promise I will not tell a soul, I’m good at keeping secrets.” She assured him with a smile, followed by a nod to his question. “I would love to see a trick very much!”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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“It was, wasn’t it?” Even he’s rather amused by it, displayed by the smirk that forms across his lips. Truth be told, cheating death and reversing someone’s ghostly state was something that would never get old. The power of it, everything - it was a blissful high. “I didn’t see you here that day.” Most of the entities within the Hotel hadn’t really bothered to keep themselves hidden. Ah well, his statement had only been mere observation. He couldn’t possibly have expected to see all of them. “Have you been here a long time?”
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“I was here when this building first began. Devout servant to a man who cared not of how deep my loyalty went. You met him, the sad...pathetic man playing cards with the witch. Now he plays alone because no one would want to spend time with him if it saved them by the grace of God.” She snickered at the thought, knowing Mr. March was alone while she still thrived. Sweet victory if you ask her. “Since you came here there had been whispers. About what exactly you are.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
cruel intentions → sentence meme
❝You amaze me.❞
❝God forbid I exude confidence and enjoy sex.❞
❝Do you think I relish the fact that I have to act like Mary Sunshine 24/7 so I can be considered a lady?❞
❝I’m the Marsha Fucking Brady of the Upper East Side, and sometimes I want to kill myself!❞
❝So there’s your psychoanalysis, Dr. Freud. Now tell me, are you in…or are you out?❞
❝What shall we toast to?❞
❝Silly rabbit. My triumph isn’t over them. It’s over you.❞
❝You were very much in love with them. You’re still in love with them.❞
❝It amused me to make you ashamed of it.❞
❝You gave up the first person you ever loved because I threatened your reputation.❞
❝Don’t you get it? You’re just a toy. A little toy I like to play with.❞
❝Tastes good.❞
❝So I assume you’ve come here to make arrangements? But unfortunately, I don’t fuck losers.❞
❝Most people are sheep. Who are you to criticize something you’ve never experienced?❞
❝I just don’t think people should experience the act of love until they are in love.❞
❝Are you a lesbian?❞
❝I didn’t meant to offend you. I just picked up on a little bit of that lesbian vibe.❞
❝The only reason I let him keep up the charade is because the man has a mouth like a hoover. Oof!❞
❝This sure doesn’t take like an iced tea.❞
❝Yup. Then I fucked your daughter.❞
❝I’m impressed.❞
❝Well, I’m in love.❞
❝They told me they loved me, and I believed them.❞
❝Would you cut your psycho-babble bullshit!❞
❝There’s pictures of me on the internet!❞
❝My advice is to sleep with as many people as possible.❞
❝But that would make me a slut, wouldn’t it?❞
❝Fucking idiot…❞
❝Well I know this sounds corny, but whenever I feel the temptation of peer pressure, I turn to God and he helps me through the problem.❞
❝I don’t know what I could possibly say that would rectify the harm I’ve caused you.❞
❝The truth of the matter is that being with you was the only time I have ever been happy.❞
❝My whole life has been a joke. I prided myself on taking joy in others’ misery.❞
❝I succeed in hurting the first person I ever loved.❞
❝Please give me another chance. I’m a wreck without you.❞
❝You spend all your time preaching about waiting for love. Well here it is. Right in front of you, and you’re going to turn your back on it.❞
❝But you are going to have to live the rest of your life knowing that you’ve turned your back on love.❞
❝And that makes you a hypocrite. Have a nice life.❞
❝And how are things down under?❞
❝E-mail is for geeks and pedophiles.❞
❝That little wager of yours? Count me in.❞
❝ What are the terms?❞
❝In English? I’ll fuck your brains out.❞
❝Because I’m the only person you can’t have, and it kills you.❞
❝You’ve got yourself a bet, baby!❞
❝Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way.❞
❝Why can’t we be together?❞
❝You wanna know why? Because I don’t trust myself with you.❞
❝You could be a model. It’s too bad you’re not sexy.❞
❝I can be sexy!❞
❝Keep your legs together. This isn’t Jamaica.❞
❝Introduce them to your world of sex, drugs and… what else do you do?❞
❝My God. You are completely pussy-whipped.❞
❝What happened to us?❞
❝You’re in love with them, you don’t love me anymore.❞
❝Hmm, quite the predicament you’re in.❞
❝Well let me tell you something, people don’t change overnight. You and I are two of a kind. At least I have the guts to admit it.❞
❝Not only will you ruin your reputation, you’ll destroy theirs.❞
❝I know how to alleviate menstrual cramps, thank you very much.❞
❝It’s not like you have a husband - unless you’re married to Jesus.❞
❝It’s not you, it’s me…I’m completely fucked up.❞
❝I thought I was in love with you, but it was just a lie.❞
❝I just wanted to see what you were like in bed.❞
❝I wanted it to work, but unfortunately I feel nothing.❞
❝You’re such a coward! Look at yourself!❞
❝Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Don’t fucking touch me!❞
❝I can’t stand that holier-than-thou bullshit, and yet, I’m completely infatuated.❞
❝It’s okay. You can laugh. I promise not to tell anyone.❞
❝Okay, let’s try it again only this time I’m gonna stick my tongue in your mouth, and when I do that I want you to massage my tongue with yours. And that’s what first base is.❞
❝They took down my pants and started writing the alphabet with their tongue.❞
❝I’ve been very well-informed of your reputation.❞
❝You promise people the world in order to get them into bed with you.❞
❝Relationships seem too distracting. I’d rather concentrate on my studies.❞
❝Get your ass on the bed and prepare for the fuck of your life!❞
❝How can someone so charming be so manipulative?❞
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
‘stay for me.’
‘what’s this between us?’
‘i don’t want your apology.’
‘you know i have feelings for you.’
‘yeah, i remember the drill.’
‘you’ve never hurt me. ever.’
‘then leave her/him/them. at home.’
‘i don’t believe it.’
‘this is breaking my heart.’
‘you met me at a very strange time in my life.’
‘what keeps you up at night?’
‘i wish you were here.’
‘i let you down.’
‘something strange happened here.’
‘you’re not safe here.’
‘i wasn’t ready to say goodbye.’
‘we are not the same, and never will be.’
‘don’t touch me.’
‘is it my fault?’
‘i’m not like them.’
‘i forgot my name again.’
‘i don’t know who i am.’
‘your fear of looking stupid is holding you back.’
‘are you still alive?’
‘i don’t like being told what to do.’
‘am i making you uncomfortable?’
‘nobody cares if you don’t go to the party.’
‘it was supposed to be fun, and you ruined it.’
‘where the hell are my friends?’
‘stop pretending life doesn’t terrify you.’
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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  “It’s surprising how delicious a little CRUELTY can taste.”
                                            Indie Miss Evers||created by: manda
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
“No, not yet but I do believe that our little Sally and Liz are going to be telling him not to much sooner and he will remember all of it but at the moment he is still not in his right mind as it were.” James looks at her and then chuckles softly “I would prefer that he know tonight but he hasn’t been pushed far enough or hard enough for the memories to be shaken from where he hides them so his invitation to Devil’s Night is just another way of pushing him toward that edge.”
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“Oh! That is so poetic, the prodigal son returning to a celebration before realizing his true purpose and home. Oh Mr. March you are simply genius!” She gushed. “Is there anything I could do to make our proper guest more welcome? Maybe we can lure a sinful parasite to appease one’s appetite.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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          There was…blood everywhere. He knew he should have expected this, but well…surviving hadn’t exactly been part of the plan. Hell, still being conscious was a shock. Shock…that was probably when he couldn’t feel any pain around the gaping hole where his cheek had been. “I fucked it up…” he replied softly, blood pooling and oozed out over his tongue as he turned slowly, almost zombie-like, to the maid in the door. 
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She seemed so unphased by it, course seeing blood and wounds...one becomes numb to it. She gently took a handkerchief, placing it upon his cheek. “There, there. You did nothing of the sort, everyone makes mistakes...and to be quite honest it is not as bad as it appears.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
cont.     /    @cortezxlaundry / MISS EVERS.
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“ cleaning shit-stained sheets didn’t get you anywhere either. ” he shoots back. && man she’s right , coke was a bust. it didn’t last. he eyes her then. “ you really never tried any of that shit? ” he asks.
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“It got me further then you think model boy,” she huffed. “Cleaning is my release. Being able to present a challenge, washing something that to the untrained eye can never be unseen. And at least my little habit didn’t get my cut sliced open did it?”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
Me hearing March call Miss Evers “homely”:
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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   “It’s surprising how delicious a little CRUELTY can taste.”
                                             Indie Miss Evers||created by: manda
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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Like Moria, Hazel finds a way to change her identity. With her new found freedom, she began to have the ability to change to a more youthful appearance. This is revenge at March calling her “homely” in the past.
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
cortezxlaundry answered your ask
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“Well…you know, revenge is the best way to get over pain like that. Maybe if you tell me more I could help you out.” What did Tiffany have better to do right now anyway? It would be a nice way to pass the time, right? “I speak from experience.”
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“That would be hard, considering the one who has caused me the most pain is already dead.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
❛ I can see the pain in your eyes. It’s very familiar. ❜
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“Pain is all I have ever known my dear.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
She frowned slightly as she looked down at the key in her hand “Is she the lady down at the desk? She’s the one who gave me the key to this room.”
Standing up quickly, the small blonde grabbed the backpack beside her and hauled it over her shoulder “did she give me the wrong key by mistake maybe? I’m not sure… I’ve never done this whole… hotel thing.”
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“I’m Elizabeth by the way…but everyone calls me Effie…” she paused slightly as she adjusted the backpack once again “your hair is really pretty. I like the style…”
“Oh! So they did did they? No, no you are quite right. Room...52, right this way my dear!” She walked along the halls pushing her laundry cart. “Why thank you! People have accused me of dying it but I assure you I am a natural redhead.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
“A what?” Elizabeth looked at the older woman with confusion before she shook her head “oh? That blonde lady? No - I’m kind of done with being adopted out and fostered out…” She joked as she settled down onto the bed.
“I’m actually paying for this room…” she said trailing off slightly, not too sure if she was someone who’d call social services on her. Then again, how keen would the system be in California to sending a kid that skip out on a family in Massachusetts.
“I was told that this is a good place to lay low.”
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“Yes...her,” her face twisted in displeasure. It was clear The Laundress was not a fan of the woman they were talking about. “I am a simple Laundress dear, if you need a room Miss Iris or Miss Taylor can give you one.”
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cortezxlaundry-blog · 6 years
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“Lavender sounds fine, but I wonder if you have something. . .lemony?” He’d lean idle in the doorway, watching the maid out of curiosity, “As for the hair thing—It’s an expression of sorts—plus it is one of my favorite colors. In time I might have to tame it because of Senate but as of right now, I find it to be rather…fitting.”
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“Senate you say? Well, well! I will be sure to have your sheets smell like a fresh squeeze lemon for you Sir!” The Laundress was quite giddy about that. She did get closer to examine his hair in curiosity. “My, my...if washed properly I would say it would be a fine shade of blue. I have been told cold water helps, keeps the color in nice and vibrant!”
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