corvus-system-blog · 5 years
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
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transgender men are not a fetish
transgender women are not a fetish
transgender people are not a fetish
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Scalding hot take apparently: if a demographic says “I don’t feel safe in the cisgendered heterosexual society, I need space in the LGBT community” and you say “I’m sorry, you’re not oppressed enough, get out” you’re a fucking asshole.
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
there’s a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. this is not true. we can grieve circumstances, relationships, missed opportunities. in fact, sometimes when you find yourself plagued with waves of emotion from sadness to melancholy you may be grieving yourself. the version of yourself that you might have been if things had been different, or if only you had said something, or if someone had stood up for you.
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
That system feel when you accidentally put something on your blog multiple times because another alter sees it and reblogs it too
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
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So proud of my mother for doing her own research after I sent her that meme. A sign she hung in her car window.
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
there’s a website where you put in two musicians/artists and it makes a playlist that slowly transitions from one musician’s style of music to the other’s
it’s really fun
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
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You are enough💫💫💫
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
It is never too late or too early to recover.
You are never too sick or not sick enough to recover.
You don’t have to earn the right to recover.
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Possessiveness 101
Totally cool: “Hey, do you want to be exclusive?”
Red flag: “No one but me is allowed to touch you.”
Totally cool: “It makes me feel weird when you flirt with other people, can we talk about that?”
Red flag: “If you loved me, you would stop being friends with them. You KNOW it makes me jealous.”
Totally cool: “I hope we’re together forever. I’m so in this for the long haul.”
Red flag: “If you ever left me, I would kill myself.”
Totally cool: “Your mom is really unkind to me, can we try to minimize how often you bring me when you visit her?”
Red flag: “Your mom hates me, you need to stop talking to her. She’s trying to ruin our relationship.”
Totally cool: “I love you so much, oh my god.”
Red flag: “It’s a good thing I love you so much, because no one else would. You’d be alone forever without me.”
Other important red flags to keep in mind: someone who wants to jump into emotional/financial co-dependence very fast (like moving in together right away, or becoming each other’s only confidantes right away) and won’t take no for an answer; someone who tries to minimize how often you leave the house or interact with other people; someone who threatens you or themselves or your family or pets or possessions or financial future; someone who uses guilt to keep you from leaving a relationship.
Very important reminder: You do not need a reason to leave a relationship. Neither does the other person (or people). A relationship is over when one of the people in it says it’s over, period. Obviously it’s kind to take the end of a long relationship seriously, but abusers and manipulators have lost the right to that conversation. Lie if you need to–your safety is much more important than their feelings.
Trust your instincts!
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
illness cancelled my little sister made me honey n lemon tea and if that doesnt cure me then her sheer endearing belief that it’ll work Will
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Futhermore: “tumblr” as you experience it is defined entirely by whom you’re following. If you think tumblr doesn’t focus enough on recovery or female artists or Jason Momoa, follow some recovery/female artists/Jason Momoa blogs, and tumblr will change.
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Have you ever heard of Shaun Keenan? Probably not, but you have now.
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Amazing art of dinosaurs in the wild American West? Yes please!
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There’s so many he’s done and they’re all just the best aesthetic.
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What I never knew I needed but a void has definitely been filled.
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Go to his website and give some support!
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
the sex positivity movement should never forget asexuals, abstinent & celibate people
being comfortable with not being interested in sex is just as important as being comfortable with having sex
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Okay, hot take? Bisexual and pansexual are functionally synonyms, and the decision to ID as one or the other comes down to personal preference and interpretation, and any attempt to further separate the two is driving a wedge between two communities that should have nothing but love and solidarity for one another. 
We have more in common than not, and the words for our respective identities should not be pitted against each other. 
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corvus-system-blog · 5 years
Frog and cranberries it must be fall.
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