cosimomarraffa · 1 month
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Ich bin die nächsten Tage auf einem Online Seminar 😊 und freu mich auf spannende und inspirierende Inhalte für mein Geschäft. Was machst du diese Woche?
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cosimomarraffa · 1 month
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the next couple of days I am attending an online training 😊 and I am excited to learn new inspiring things to build my business. What are you doing this week?
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cosimomarraffa · 2 months
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Join us as we dive into …..journey through the unique 6D approach:
 David Jefferies FRSA
Director | Consultant Psychologist, Behavioural Analysis, Investigations, and Strategy.
 Listen, enjoy, follow, and subscribe.
We’d love to hear what resonated with you and how we can improve.
  …to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
 The psychologist, a member of the British Psychological Society, delved into their specialization in criminal psychology, emphasizing their focus on deception detection and behavioral analysis. They shared their expertise in spotting indicators of untruthfulness and providing effective interview techniques. The Mind Palace shared their ongoing project of writing a book that integrates their knowledge of deception detection and interview techniques.
 The Mind Palace articulated their personal mission statement, highlighting the significance of enjoying life, being kind, and making the world a better place. They discussed their approach to writing and research, emphasizing the use of a mind map to organize ideas and the non-linear nature of their thinking process. The Mind Palace delved into the evolution of deception detection, emphasizing the move towards a holistic approach that integrates various cues such as language, facial expressions, body language, and physiological changes. They stressed the importance of staying proactive and keeping abreast of developments in deception detection, emphasizing the significance of looking at the whole picture and identifying points of interest from at least three different types of cues.
 The meeting concluded with The Mind Palace's insightful reflections on the necessity of ongoing development and keeping abreast of modern practices, drawing an analogy to the ever-evolving nature of medicine. They expressed their aspiration to positively influence their audience and create practical, impactful resources for business owners and professionals. The section ended with expressions of gratitude and anticipation for future collaborations.
  Chapters & Topics:
 The 6D Podcast Process
Cosimo Marraffa outlines the 6D podcast process, where guests are asked about a crisis they've overcome, their future desires, decisions made, personal declaration, devotion to their goals, development process, and their viewpoint upon achieving their desire. The process aims to provide a simple way for people to get to know each other and for guests to share their experiences and insights.
* Mission Statement and Personal Values
 Exploring Personal Experiences and Goals
Cosimo Marraffa and The Mind Palace delve into personal challenges and aspirations, with The Mind Palace recounting how they overcame the crisis of starting a business during the pandemic and their decision to write a book on deception and interview skills.
 The Mind Palace: Specializing in Deception Detection and Crisis Management
The psychologist, known for their expertise in deception detection and behavioral analysis, shared insights into their work and passion for helping people spot indicators of untruthfulness. They also recounted a personal crisis they faced when COVID-19 impacted their new business, and how they turned it into an opportunity by providing tutoring services to students in need, ultimately helping themselves and others.
* Overcoming Crises and Adapting to Change
 The Mind Palace's Book Project
The Mind Palace, in a conversation with Cosimo Marraffa, reveals their current project of writing a book that combines their expertise in deception detection and interview techniques. They express their desire to spread the word about these techniques to a wider audience and discuss the process of writing the book, including the challenges and progress made so far.
 The Mind Palace's Mission Statement
The Mind Palace discusses their three rules of life, which include enjoying life, being kind, and leaving the world a better place. Cosimo Marraffa praises the mission statements and inquires about the practical steps to achieve them, to which The Mind Palace emphasizes the importance of putting thoughts into action.
* Writing a Book and Spreading Knowledge
 The Mind Palace and Staying Relevant
The speaker, known as The Mind Palace, shares their method of organizing thoughts and ideas using a mind map. They highlight the non-linear nature of their thinking process and the importance of staying relevant by incorporating new evidence and ideas into their work. The discussion also touches on the diverse focus areas of different analysts and the need to connect with others to stay updated.
* Continuous Learning and Development
 The Mind Palace's Holistic Approach to Detecting Deception
The Mind Palace emphasized the shift towards a holistic approach in deception detection, incorporating analysis of language, facial expressions, body language, and physiological changes. They compared this approach to seeking medical care from a general practitioner who may refer to specialists, highlighting the need to consider multiple cues from different areas to gain a well-rounded view of truthfulness and deception.
 The Mind Palace's Vision for the Future
The Mind Palace shares his perspective on the need for continuous improvement and staying ahead of the curve, drawing parallels to the medical field. He vividly describes his vision of sitting on top of a mountain, reflecting on the impact of his work and expressing his desire to make a difference in the lives of his readers and audience.
  Action Items:
 * David Jefferies will write and publish a book on deception detection and interview skills.
 Key Questions:
 * What is your desire for the future and how are you working towards it?
* What is your mission statement or declaration for your current project?
* How do you see yourself delivering your desire and making a difference in the world?
  For the whole transcript write to [email protected]
  DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
0 notes
cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Join us as we dive into …..journey through the unique 6D approach:
David Jefferies FRSA
Director | Consultant Psychologist, Behavioural Analysis, Investigations, and Strategy.
Listen, enjoy, follow, and subscribe.
We’d love to hear what resonated with you and how we can improve.
…to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
The psychologist, a member of the British Psychological Society, delved into their specialization in criminal psychology, emphasizing their focus on deception detection and behavioral analysis. They shared their expertise in spotting indicators of untruthfulness and providing effective interview techniques. The Mind Palace shared their ongoing project of writing a book that integrates their knowledge of deception detection and interview techniques.
The Mind Palace articulated their personal mission statement, highlighting the significance of enjoying life, being kind, and making the world a better place. They discussed their approach to writing and research, emphasizing the use of a mind map to organize ideas and the non-linear nature of their thinking process. The Mind Palace delved into the evolution of deception detection, emphasizing the move towards a holistic approach that integrates various cues such as language, facial expressions, body language, and physiological changes. They stressed the importance of staying proactive and keeping abreast of developments in deception detection, emphasizing the significance of looking at the whole picture and identifying points of interest from at least three different types of cues.
The meeting concluded with The Mind Palace's insightful reflections on the necessity of ongoing development and keeping abreast of modern practices, drawing an analogy to the ever-evolving nature of medicine. They expressed their aspiration to positively influence their audience and create practical, impactful resources for business owners and professionals. The section ended with expressions of gratitude and anticipation for future collaborations.
Chapters & Topics:
The 6D Podcast Process
Cosimo Marraffa outlines the 6D podcast process, where guests are asked about a crisis they've overcome, their future desires, decisions made, personal declaration, devotion to their goals, development process, and their viewpoint upon achieving their desire. The process aims to provide a simple way for people to get to know each other and for guests to share their experiences and insights.
* Mission Statement and Personal Values
Exploring Personal Experiences and Goals
Cosimo Marraffa and The Mind Palace delve into personal challenges and aspirations, with The Mind Palace recounting how they overcame the crisis of starting a business during the pandemic and their decision to write a book on deception and interview skills.
The Mind Palace: Specializing in Deception Detection and Crisis Management
The psychologist, known for their expertise in deception detection and behavioral analysis, shared insights into their work and passion for helping people spot indicators of untruthfulness. They also recounted a personal crisis they faced when COVID-19 impacted their new business, and how they turned it into an opportunity by providing tutoring services to students in need, ultimately helping themselves and others.
* Overcoming Crises and Adapting to Change
The Mind Palace's Book Project
The Mind Palace, in a conversation with Cosimo Marraffa, reveals their current project of writing a book that combines their expertise in deception detection and interview techniques. They express their desire to spread the word about these techniques to a wider audience and discuss the process of writing the book, including the challenges and progress made so far.
The Mind Palace's Mission Statement
The Mind Palace discusses their three rules of life, which include enjoying life, being kind, and leaving the world a better place. Cosimo Marraffa praises the mission statements and inquires about the practical steps to achieve them, to which The Mind Palace emphasizes the importance of putting thoughts into action.
* Writing a Book and Spreading Knowledge
The Mind Palace and Staying Relevant
The speaker, known as The Mind Palace, shares their method of organizing thoughts and ideas using a mind map. They highlight the non-linear nature of their thinking process and the importance of staying relevant by incorporating new evidence and ideas into their work. The discussion also touches on the diverse focus areas of different analysts and the need to connect with others to stay updated.
* Continuous Learning and Development
The Mind Palace's Holistic Approach to Detecting Deception
The Mind Palace emphasized the shift towards a holistic approach in deception detection, incorporating analysis of language, facial expressions, body language, and physiological changes. They compared this approach to seeking medical care from a general practitioner who may refer to specialists, highlighting the need to consider multiple cues from different areas to gain a well-rounded view of truthfulness and deception.
The Mind Palace's Vision for the Future
The Mind Palace shares his perspective on the need for continuous improvement and staying ahead of the curve, drawing parallels to the medical field. He vividly describes his vision of sitting on top of a mountain, reflecting on the impact of his work and expressing his desire to make a difference in the lives of his readers and audience.
Action Items:
* David Jefferies will write and publish a book on deception detection and interview skills.
Key Questions:
* What is your desire for the future and how are you working towards it?
* What is your mission statement or declaration for your current project?
* How do you see yourself delivering your desire and making a difference in the world?
For the whole transcript write to [email protected]
DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Podcast mit Dagmar Schur | Training. Beratung. Coaching Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Nürnberg Bayern | Schwerpunkte sind • Trainings und Coachings für Führungskräfte • Coaching von Geschäftsführern bei strategischen Entscheidungen und bei der Weiterentwicklung von stimmigen Unternehmensstrukturen • Entwicklung von Teams • Klärung von Konflikten zwischen Abteilungen und Einzelpersonen | Autorin von "Komm Dir selbst auf die Spur - Ein kreatives Arbeitsbuch"
Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/@marraffatrainingacademy
…zum Download der 6D's bitte whatsapp an 01719430074
…to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Podcast mit Dagmar Schur | Training. Beratung. Coaching
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Podcast mit Dagmar Schur | Training. Beratung. Coaching Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Nürnberg Bayern | Schwerpunkte sind • Trainings und Coachings für Führungskräfte • Coaching von Geschäftsführern bei strategischen Entscheidungen und bei der Weiterentwicklung von stimmigen Unternehmensstrukturen • Entwicklung von Teams • Klärung von Konflikten zwischen Abteilungen und Einzelpersonen | Autorin von "Komm Dir selbst auf die Spur - Ein kreatives Arbeitsbuch"
Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/@marraffatrainingacademy
…zum Download der 6D's bitte whatsapp an 01719430074
…to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
Wunder, schönen guten Morgen. Hier ist Cosimo Marraffa von Marraffa Training Academy und heute haben wir die Dagmar-Schuh mit als Gast bei unserem Podcast.
Und wir fragen sie jetzt einfach mal, wie sie heißt, weil sie kommt, was sie so macht. Ja, vielen Dank.
Ja, wer bin ich, ich bin die Dagmar Schur, bin aus Nürnberg-Run auch da, wenn ich auch sehr viel unterwegs bin und nicht immer hier bin sozusagen.
Ich bin Trainerin, Braterin und Coach und bin das seit 25 Jahren. Meine Hauptgebiete sind Führungskräfte zu Schulen, zu trainieren, Konflikte zu klären, also Mediativen zu machen, zwischen Einzelpersonen, Teams und auch Unternehmen insgesamt übergreifend.
Und ich mache Coachings für Einzelpersonen, für schwierige Fälle, für Geschäftsführer, für Leute, die Einzelkotin vor allem bedarf. Genial, okay, super.
Wenn du mal aus der Vergangenheit irgendeine Krise, irgendeine Herausforderung mit uns teilen wolltest und wie du sie gemeistert hast, welche Werte das dann?
Na da gibt's natürlich einige. Vielleicht meine erste Krise war, dass ich nicht wusste, was ich studieren sollte, weil ich so in die Zwischenkunft und Mathematik und lauter Sachen irgendwie, alles irgendwie konnte, aber nicht so richtig tief und sich da oder schon tief, aber ich konnte mich einfach nicht
entscheiden und dann habe ich BVL studiert und es war eine absolute Notlösung, die mir zwar viel gebracht hat, weil erstens hatte ich viel Zeit, da muss man nicht so wahnsinnig viel arbeiten im Studium und konnte mich da selbst entwickeln und sind zweit und habe ich einfach viel von der Wirtschaft verstanden
, aber ich wusste immer, ich will nicht, wie wir äleren werden, ich will nicht kontroling machen oder sowas, dann alles muss irgendwas mit Menschen zu tun haben.
Und das hat mich sehr gequält, weil damals gab es noch gar kein Coaching, da sie es wäre Coaching braucht, braucht ein Psychator, der es ein bisschen abgedreht oder sowas.
Und da musste ich mich echt langsam reinfinden und ich habe viel Glück gehabt, sozusagen, dass ich da hingekommen bin, das überhaupt zu erfahren, dass es so was gibt und mich da also bin gefördert worden, quasi, dass ich da rein rutschen konnte und habe dann auch die richtigen Ausbildungen gemacht und
das war eine wirkliche Krise, weil ich dachte, ich kann man neben eigentlich nicht richtig arbeiten und jetzt nix gibt, was für mich taugt.
Ah, interessant. Spannend. Danke, dass du das mit uns so offen beteilthasst und wir sind ja glücklich, dass du da was für dich gefunden hast, was dich beflüge Für alle, die heute das erste Mal ein Kast dabei sind, wir haben hier immer so ein 6.de-Prozess, wo wir einfach mal aus der Vergangenheit für
die Zukunft, was als kleine Election nehmen und es funktioniert so, dass wir gleich ein Tag mal fragen werden, was so ein eher desire ist, den sie vielleicht früher hat und realisiert hat oder hat.
Für die Zukunft werden wir gleich sehen, mit was sie uns überrascht. Dann werden wir das zweite D eingehen, welche decision, welche Entscheidung sie für diesen Wunsch dann getroffen hat, dann welche Declaration sie diesbezüglich macht, nämlich Degration Statement, Mission Statement, wir kennen das auf
den Homepage, kennt man so das, da weiß man erstmal, wo man dran sind, dann das 4.D wird sein, wie sie sich Dann werden wir mit 5.D.
mit der Belot weitermachen, unser Handy, unser Computer einer und dann jeden Tag, dass wir irgendwelche Updates brauchen, wie Updated Ziele, das Ganze in der modernen Wirtschaft, wo wir heute so sind und am Schluss der Level, wenn sie auf dem Berg ist, wie sieht es da oben aus, weil hier Luft darf man
das schon nuppern und ganz um Schluss wird sie mit uns noch einen kleinen letzten Tipp teilen. Wir freuen uns schon auf das D-Sex-D-Prozess-Programm und dann dach mal, wir fangen ganz vor vorne an.
Dein Desire, das du mit uns teilen willst, mit den Zuhörern, erzähle einfach mal. Also, gibt es vielleicht zwei Aspekte, die auch ein bisschen zusammenhängen.
Also, ein Desire, was vielleicht auch mit meiner Lebensaufgabe insgesamt zusammenhängt, ist, also das hängt mit der Mediation zusammen. Also ich bin ein Vermittler zwischen Welten, so würde ich mich mal bezeichnen.
Also früher gab's nur BVL und dann gab's Spiritualität und dann gab's Psychologie und aller Lüse und so weiter und meine Vermittlere Rolle besteht darin, in eigentlich diese Aspekte zusammenzubringen.
Also und das geht auch jetzt heute zu Tages sehr gut. Das Menschenlichen, wo BVL sind, sondern das die und in der Wirtschaft funktionieren, sondern auch das menschliche und das Innere dafür geschult wird, dass man das gut machen kann und sich selber gut ist und damit auch eine gute Ausstrahlung hat.
Bis eine und es andere ist, was im Moment sehr schwierig ist und damit an jeden auch verknüpft, dass von meiner Seite dieses Konflikte klären und das heißt, man muss sich gegenseitig zuhören, auch wenn man sich gegenseitig vielleicht abscheulich findet oder abartig oder Verschwörungstheoretisch oder
Fake News mäßig oder was auch immer heutzutage so aktuell ist. Das Wichtigste ist, dass man wirklich erst mal anhört und dass man neugierig auf das andere bleibt und dass das andersartige und es ist ein Moment ein sehr großes Wirken von mir zwischen Einzelperson in Unternehmen und auch übergreifend,
dieses zuhören, wieder in die Menschen reinzubringen. So, ich höre zu, obwohl ich es vielleicht erst mal abwärte, aber ich mache mich trotzdem auch dafür, die Basis dafür sich zu verstehen und auch miteinander, was dritte zu entwickeln und nicht bei seinem eigenen Verbleiben.
Also, das ist so ein, wo ich dran bin und ein Wunsch auch. Und was damit in Zusammenhang steht, dass ich jetzt ein Buch geschrieben habe.
Das hat zehn Jahre in mir gewirkt und jetzt ist es vor einem halben Jahr rausgekommen und das geht eigentlich darum, dass man sich selbst analysiert.
Also es gibt da so kleine Geschichten, die sehr berühmt sind und einen so ein bisschen anträgern zu verschiedenen Lebensthemen, die macht und ohn macht, wie gehe ich mit Konflikten um, wie gehe ich Zeit und Zielen um man solche Dinge und dann werden Fragen gestellt in dem Buch, die man sich selber beantworten
kann, indem man quasi reinrutscht, um zu sich selber zu finden und diese Fragen eben durch das beantworten, einen einfach mehr zu sich selber zu bringen.
Und das ist der zweite Rund, dass sich das, das bring ich gerade in die Welt rum, dass das einfach gut weiter kommt und weiter geht.
Wow, spannende Thema und sehr, sehr, sehr wichtig für viele, was für eine Entscheidung hast du getroffen, damit du das realisierst.
Also bei dem Konflikte-Thema habe ich keine Entscheidung getroffen, das ist einfach ein Anliegen von mir, das ist schon immer so quasi und mit dem Buch habe ich die Entscheidung getroffen.
Ich möchte das, was in die Welt kommt, was auch da ist, wenn ich nicht da bin. Also wenn ich Coachings macht Trainings, dann bin ich ja vor Ort.
Aber was kann ich den geben, wo die weiter an sich arbeiten können, die Menschen. Und da habe ich den Teilen getroffen, das muss ein Buch sein.
Und ich liebe auch Grafik und so deswegen ist das einfach auch sehr schön gestaltet und ist sehr einladend. Und ja, ich habe dann die Entscheidung getroffen.
Ich warte nicht, bis irgendwann Verlag sagt, okay, wir nehmen sie und wir machen das mit ihnen oder so, sondern ich wollte einfach die Oberhand behalten, habe mir einen ganz kleinen Verlag hier nun bei gesucht und habe aber alles selbst gemacht, also ich habe geschrieben, ich habe meine Lektoren gesucht
, ich habe mir also alles, was mal mit dem Buch weiß jetzt alles, wie das geht, habe ich die Entscheidung getroffen, dass ich das alles selber mache und damit aber auch alles in der Hand habe, also ich kann jetzt das Buch vermarkten, wie ich möchte, dann strug ich auch.
Sehr gut. Hast du deine Declaration oder eine Mission Statement, eine Wishing Statement, die eng so was formuliert, wo man das hört und sagt, da weiß ich, wo ich mit Dagmar Trampelne.
Ja, also im Grunde ist es das, was ich jetzt gerade schon erzählt habe. Also meine Mission ist, aufwärts zu bewerten, vorbehaltlos sound, neugierig bleiben und in alle erste Linie neugierig auf sich selber sein und bleiben und gespannt sein, was sich in einem Fonds und entlittelt, wenn man genauer hin
guckt, wenn man sich Fragen stellt, wenn man sich mit sich beschäftigt und sich dabei aber eben liebevoll anschaut. Wow, okay, das geht nur die Haut.
Wenn du jetzt sagst, welche Schritte konkret du gemacht hast, also die Devotion, wie du dich gewidmet hast, was würdest du da mitanführen?
Also für diese Konfliktzachen, da habe ich erst mal, das geht natürlich sehr tief, weil jede Konfliktklärung ist etwas extremstiefes und Konflikt bedeutet ja eigentlich als Ausdruck, ich habe etwas nicht verstanden.
In der Welt und von mir selber auch nicht. Und uns was klären es um Konfliktlärer zu werden, muss man erstmal sich selber extrem gut verstehen.
Und das war natürlich viele, viele Schritte, die ich getan habe, um mich selber gut zu verstehen. Und ich habe mich da extrem weiterentwickelt und habe auch viele Schmerzen erlebt, sozusagen auf dem Weg, aber den bin ich einfach vorbei, hat Lust gegangen, weil ich bin einfach der Meinung, dass wenn man
anderen Leuten Unterstützung gibt, muss man an sich selber auch arbeiten, dann skriegt es bei Heblichkeit oder sowas, dass man selber auch die Mütig bleiben und genau, diese Schritte bin ich einfach gegangen und gehe die immer noch.
Also das hört ja nicht auf. Ja und mit dem Buch bin ich einfach den Schritt gegangen, auf mein Inneres zu hören und zu sagen, Okay, ich bin nicht so eine die setzt sich Ziele so in.
Einen Jahr, wie ich das Blut raus habe und fertig, da mache ich diese Schritte, sondern ich bin eher eine die hört auf das innere Wusch, wo zeigt sich, dass da ein inneres Ziel ist und wo kommen dann und wenn man innerlich klar ist, dann kommen auch die Geschenke von außen.
Plötzlich ist da ein Verlag, plötzlich ist da ein Lektor, plötzlich ist da eine Grafikerin und so weiter. Also dann auf das Außen zu warten, um das in Angriff zu nehmen.
Spannend, gut. Jetzt hast du ganz sicher während du tätig warst, gemerkt, oh, wir brauchen irgendwie eine Weiterentwicklung. Das musste sich irgendwie der Belocken, wie hast du diesen fünften Schritt von unserem 6D-Prozess für dich erlebt und dann umgesetzt?
Na ja, das ist eigentlich ein ständiges Developen. Also in meinem Job muss man sich ständig oder es ist gut, wenn man sich ständig die Roll-Up, weil man ist ja auch so von Natur aus neugierig und deswegen überall, was man mal denkt, wow, da können es weitergehen.
Also als Trainerin beratern und coach, da mache ich halt Ausbildungen einfach, wo jetzt im Moment mache ich eine Sozialdrama-Ausbildung, zum Beispiel, weil ich das Gefühl habe, da geht es irgendwie weiter.
mit dem Buch ist interessant, da entwickelt sich jetzt schon wieder ein neues Buch, also eine neue Idee, aber das gehe ich genauso an dieses andere, das entwickelt sich im Moment innerlich und irgendwann wird wahrscheinlich Bush irgendwie die Welt kommen.
Aber ich bin da ständig dran, also Entwicklung ist einfach immer da und ist immer bewusst auch, man will dich es auch ergreifen kann.
Schönen. Sechste Idee ist ja unser Deliver, du bist oben auf dem Kili, hast es geschafft und genießt die Luft, die Aussicht, wie sie deine ideale Konfliktwelt aus.
Oh, das ist eine schöne Frage. Ich habe das vorhin ganz anders verstanden. Jetzt muss ich mal neue einspüren. Also, meine ideale Konfliktwelt sieht so aus, dass es sehr viele Konflikte gibt, ungefähr so viele wie Menschen, und dass das aber nicht verknüpft, ist mit den alten Kinder gefühlen, wie Wut,
Angst vor Ablehnung, Angst vor ausgestoßen werden und solchen Dingen, die das dann so verherden, sondern das Konflikte, was sind, wo eine Neugierde entsteht, was steckt dahinter, was kann ich lernen.
Jede Konfliktsituation berückt eigentlich die Chance für eine Lösung, die vorher noch nicht gedacht ist. Also man konflikt glöst, entsteht etwas, was früher noch nicht gedacht ist.
Und so sieht es ein bisschen aus. Überall sind Konflikte, aber überall Strahls, hell orange und lichtvoll, weil da drinnen stecken überall Möglichkeiten und die Menschen freuen sich und gehen drauf, sondern dazu und es kracht und explodiert und so weiter, aber irgendwie ist es cool, weil es sich dritterwurst
so arbeiten wir miteinander wie Menschen. Wow okay, das hört sich doch nach einer echten Lösung an und nach etwas, wo man dann auch ja gemeinsam was schaffen kann, weil es gibt eigentlich kein Leben ohne Konflikte, es kommt einfach nur auf des Konfliktmanagement, darauf an, wenn man das sozusagen da
schön zum Affluss kennt unserer Zuhörer. Deinen letzten Tipp des Podcasts oder was auch immer du mit uns teilen willst. Leid einfach unser Einder ein mit deiner letzten mit deinem letzten Satz, ein dessen Wunsch, Spaß auch immer.
Ja, vielleicht zwei Sachen, das eine ist sowie auch Coaching und Beratung funktioniert. Am besten, man geht immer von ihnen nach außen.
Also lässt sich nicht vom außen leiden, dieses Ziel muss ich erreichen, weil mein Nachbar hat es auch oder weil ich Geld brauche oder sonst etwas, dann immer gucken was es in mir, welche Intuitionen meldet sich um dem nachgehen und das ist das beste, der beste Wegweise, dem er hat, um sein Leben zu gestalten
. Eine Tipp und das zweite ist alles Genießen. Also sowohl die guten Sachen, wo man denkt, abends läuft ja cool, als auch die Sachen, die nicht so gut laufen, laufen, erstens bringt Sex zu leiden und zweitens wenn man es genießt und sagt, oh, das fühlt sich schrecklich an, aber Mensch, was könnte ich
For the whole transcript write to [email protected]
DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Podcast with Polish Translations Expert Sylwia Biczyk
┃ Creative writing facilitator ┃ Transforming the way linguists build their brand on LinkedIn by leveraging creative writing to produce authentic social media content ✒️ Connect and your personal gift: https://sylwia.systeme.io/get_your_visualization_by_sylwia Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de Firma: https://www.marraffa.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cosimo.marraffa Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/@marraffatrainingacademy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosimomarraffa …to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074 Good morning, this is Cosimo Marraffa and Sylwia Biczyk and we will today go through the 6D process. And, Sylwia Biczyk will give us her viewpoint on how her time is being until now, how she is going forward. But before we start, Sylvia, please tell us, who are you, what you are doing, what you are why are you here. Hello Cosmo and thank you so much for inviting me over. My name is Sylvia, and I'm an English-to-Polish business translator located in Warsaw, Poland. I've been a translator for over 14 years. About a year ago, I started experimenting with creative writing as a way to express myself and build an authentic presence on social media. This is all related to my job, because as a translator, I'm very high-quality-oriented, very much trying to convey my client's message. Sometimes this is limiting when I want to express myself on social media because on social media I use completely different writing skills, so I'm not supposed to be high-quality, I'm not supposed to be super faithful or be very analytical. For content creation, you need a completely different set of skills and so I had to teach myself new skills if I wanted to build a successful online presence. And this journey helped me to create a space for fellow linguists and other freelancers where we can practice our writing, share our pieces and just brainstorm ideas so that for all of us, the online presence is a source of joy and pleasure and not a stress and frustration. Wow, this sounds interesting, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing and if we ask you what one challenge that you had in the past was and how you got to overcome it, what would you imagine here? Being present on LI was hard, I had a love-hate relationship because on one hand I knew that it was a platform for professionals where I was supposed to market myself, where I was supposed to show my expertise, but at the same time I felt a lot of frustration because I felt I had no ideas. I felt that translation is not a sexy subject and so there was a lot of frustration in me because I just couldn't express myself freely because I had high expectations and just felt potential clients will judge me based on what I write. So there was a lot of self-doubt and frustration and one day I just had enough I told myself that something needed to change and I had a vision in front of my eyes of what the situation would be like, what the ideal situation would be. I would like, in six months, my clients to find me on LinkedIn; they would love my posts, they would love to work with me and everybody would be very happy to find each other on LinkedIn. And I thought to do that I needed to work on my writing skills. So I found a quick writing course which I took and I liked it so much that after I completed it, I said to myself that I would try to write just for myself for 10 minutes every day. And to see where it goes. So, I did and at first, they were just little pieces that I wrote for 10 minutes, nothing special. I’d take a photo or I write about the conversation that I overheard. Over time, it got easier to write and it gave me a lot of pleasure. It was fun to write something creative and to come up with ideas. Over 3 months, I noticed that not only did I have ideas to write my little creative pieces, but also that the ideas for LinkedIn posts started to come and I was able to transform a simple everyday situation into posts related to translations somehow. So for example, I had a plumbing crisis at home and I had to find somebody to fix it. It inspired me to write about looking for a translator: whether you should look for an agency or an individual translator; what you should think about when you're looking for the right person. It really got easier and I felt that it was a process, it was a transformation and if I could do that, despite not being a professional copywriter, if I could do that not being a professional in that field, then other people could do it too. And this is where I thought about creating a space for others to go through the same process. Thank you, thank you, I think you will touch the heart of a lot of listeners today because this is something that is somehow in us that we want to bring out the world. Let's jump directly into the 6D For the whole transcript write to [email protected] DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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cosimomarraffa · 3 months
Podcast with Polish Translations Expert ┃ Creative writing facilitator
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
Podcast with Rubina Anjum Fractional CFO
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
Podcast with Rubina Anjum Fractional CFO👩‍💼, offering enhanced financial insights to service-sector businesses. I'm your money-saving ally📊💥 London Area, United Kingdom
Homepage: https://pplaccountants.co.uk/
Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cosimo.marraffa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@marraffatrainingacademy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosimomarraffa
…to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
Welcome everybody this is Cosimo Marraffa and Rubina Anjum on the Marraffa Training Academy podcast and today is the next session of our 6D podcast and we'll have a nice interview because Rubina let us know what's going where are you, who are you, and what are you about. Hi my name is Rubina Anjum and I'm a qualified chartered management accountant.
I'm a member in practice with over 25 years of combined work experience in the corporate sector and in private practice.
Over the last 10 years in practice, I've had served almost hundreds of clients with relating to tax advice, digital bookkeeping, and advisory service.
Originally, I was a born and brought up in Pakistan and I moved to UK in 2010. That's all about me.
Amazing. Thank you for introducing yourself. If you would tell to the listeners what was a crisis, maybe from the last time, what would be one and how did you overcome this situation?
Like uhm, The crisis? Sorry, what's the question? And if you think about the last times and you had some crisis, what was one and how did you overcome it?
Oh, there are a lot of crises. In the last 25 years and but it's been good that that gives you to think out of the box and sort it out like in the one of the the firm where I was working, they started implementation of the software like the ERP.
So it's a huge organization, so we have to work along with the developers to make sure set up the systems and implement it and then we have done it successfully and now they're working on their digital software.
Wow, very very interesting. Thank you for sharing. So let's switch to the 60s. Tell us a little about one desire you have for the future.
Oh, being in practice and have my own practice firm from the last 10 years, I have the desire to serve my clients really with clear insights and efficiency.
As you know, when the entrepreneurs start their business, they keep financial things behind the business and just focusing on sales.
They never ever know that their output is being reflected in their numbers. So we have a desire to serve them, provide accurate and timely financial information so that they can make informed decisions.
and give them freedom to focus on their business, have to do their compliance on time, and with regulatory authorities. So that they can't face any penalties or non-filing things, give them the forecast so that they can foresee the future and know that how their business is doing, what are their future
trends, and what are their actual performance. Wow, interesting. Okay, okay. Are there some decisions you took so to make this desire happen?
Yeah, we have taken a number of decisions. ..
For the whole transcript write to [email protected] DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
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Sometimes we have to deal with sudden change. Have you ever experienced an unpleasant change, which in the long run was a big blessing for you? Please share in the comments.
Manchmal stehen wir urplötzlich vor einer unerwarteten Veränderung. Hast du schon jemals erlebt, das eine unangenehme Entwicklung sich als größter Segen entpuppt hat? Teil deine Erfahrung doch in den Kommentaren.
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cosimomarraffa · 4 months
Podcast with Patrick Little - Transformation Coach & PQ Mental Fitness Trainer
English: Transformation Coach & PQ Mental Fitness Trainer
Website: https://www.soberoasis.org/
PQ Landing Page: https://www.pq-mental-fitness.com/
Academy: https://www.marraffatrainingacademy.de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cosimo.marraffa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@marraffatrainingacademy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cosimomarraffa
…to download 6D's Skript, whatsapp to +49 1719430074
Geman Video: https://youtu.be/Xf1skgP87nA
German Audio: https://shows.acast.com/cosimo/episodes/podcast-mit-patrick-little-transformation-coach-pq-mental-fi
Welcome everybody, this is Cosimo Marraffa, Marraffa Training Academy and this morning we are all together with Patrick Little.
Patrick, we are very honored that you took some time out of your busy schedule and uhm are here with us.
and depth. Can you introduce yourself for the listeners? Yeah, thank you very much for the invitation My name is Patrick Little, I am speaking to you from Cologne in Germany where I live.
I grew up in Ireland as the fifth of ten children in the sixties and seventies. And then I came to Germany as a student for six weeks and forty years later I am still in Germany, now living in the Rhineland, previously living in southern Germany in Franconia for many many years where my children grew
up. I am very delighted to be with you here today. I am a transformation coach and a mental fitness trainer and I train people in both areas of personal development and professional development.
Love it. Thank you for sharing. If you look back on the past and uhm maybe take a challenge you had, what is one of the challenges you wanna tell us right now and how you overcame this?
Okay, so I can remember my father who left us far too early, 40 years ago, but his ethos was to leave the world in a slightly better condition than that in which we found it.
So there was always this family ethos of somehow improving the love of humanity and that is something that I absorbed very early and as part of that process I think a second aspect is uhm learning from our mistakes.
So as human beings we all make mistakes, the mistake is only really of value if we are willing and able to learn from, from it.
And so that is a skill that I have been developing over the years in my own life of course. And helping other people around me.
So I think those are the two things. This gradual improvement and learning from mistakes. Sounds good and sounds like an experience that you will use effectively to honor your fathers.
Mission statement, if we want to say it like this. If you want to share with the listeners one desire you have for the future.
And by the way, for everyone who today is the first time here, this is the 6D podcast. We go through 6Ds from the You Are Here map to the girl.
And 6Ds are basically uhm 6 words starting with DESIRE. The second is after you know your desire, what's the decision you take about this desire you have in your side, inside you.
The third is the DECLARATION. Making some kind of a vision, mission statement, declaration statement. The 4th D is the DEVOTION because every mission statement without action is like a nice shower but not more.
And the 5th D is the DEVOTION. Developing, after you have action steps maybe you see hey there needs to be an update.
You need to develop them and the 6th D is this view of the mountain where you deliver your desire. And you are there and enjoy the fresh air and the view and the view.
Then you achieved what you are about and what you are inside. So Patrick, what's your desire for the future that you want to share with the listeners today?
Well my desire you know I'm in my early 60s now so I have plenty of time to look back on that.
My desire is to make a meaningful contribution to uhm meeting the existential challenges that humanity as a species faces. Interesting.
What is the decision you are taking to realize this, make this a reality, this desire? here. Yes, so the decision that I made some years back was to dedicate my life to this purpose, to not be distracted by uhm Sideshows, which appear to be entertaining or uhm interesting.
Meaningful, uhm but to dedicate my life to actually engaging with individuals and organizations, uhm and doing my own inner work, so that I am better positioned to, to make such decisions.
Such a meaningful contribution. If we go on your homepage, do we find a mission statement, a declaration or something like this that would uhm incorporate all of this?
Yeah, so the name of my business is Sober Oasis and that's using sober in its most general sense of having a clear view of things and the tagline to my to my on my logo is learning to live the lives we love.
So my goal is to do that for myself in doing so to help other people get to a point where they are really happy.
Be living the lives that they love. Sounds good, okay. And uhm what are the devotion statement after your desire is clear, your decision is clear, your declaration statement?
What are, how do you devote, how do you, uh what are your action steps? Okay, so, so if we, if we want to get the kind of clarity that I refer to, we need a certain level of uhm what I would refer to as meditation.
So in our world today, there's a lot of distraction, there's a lot of chaos, there's a lot of uuuh uuuh there's a, somebody used the term recently, the weapons of mass distraction, which I thought is a really powerful word.
So what happens there is that we we we lose we lose contact with our inner herself. and it's it's only in the inner self where I can really get clarity around my values, what are my values here.
So the the the the declaration is to to do what is necessary to get the clarity around my values and then to begin aligning my thinking my feeling and my actions around my values to get this coherence between the inner values and And the outer behavior and so in order to do that I am a practitioner of
various modalities of mindfulness and awareness and mental fitness on a daily basis which allow me or help me to achieve and maintain that clarity going forward.
Interesting and umm everybody knows that there is umm the biggest room in the universe the room of improvement. So the fifth step is about develop.
How do you use to develop and to update your actions to really reach your desire? Okay. So that's a very good question and I think that if we want to uhh want to be of service, if we want to be, have an impact, we need to keep growing every day.
And just as in the realm of physical fitness, and I have uhh I'm very keen on physical exercise, running marathon, cycling, swimming and so on.
So just as in the realm of physical fitness, we need a regular daily practice. And we experience that. If we take a week off or two weeks off or for ill or whatever, then our level of fitness falls back.
In in the mental area it is it is exactly the same. So what I need is I need a daily practice of mental fitness.
And I- I engage in such a practice and I've trained in the positive intelligence or so called PQ mental fitness modality.
And this is what I use with my clients to achieve and then to develop further a umm, level of mental fitness.
We which helps me to uhh not to uhh react impossibly to all of the impulses that hit me as I go through each day but to be able to uhh go inside into this quiet place.
And to uhh connect with my values and on the basis of my values to respond to whatever situation I find myself in.
Interesting and uhhm wow it sounds like something that uhhm depends what we believe. If it seems a little bit uhh specific but uhh yeah I can imagine it works uhhm very good and I see you pretty chill.
So let's. I love it. And 60 is about. But deliver. Deliver is when you are on the top of the mountain.
Tell us your picture you see when you, when this, this idea gets reality. Yeah and I think umm the delivery is really walking, walking the talk.
Right, so I believe that any leadership is, is based on not on ideas or on statements but on actions. So whether we are leading in a, in a corporation or whether we are the parents of children or whether we are.
In a voluntary organization, if we want to motivate any people towards the goal, then it is the most important thing is how I myself behave.
To model the behavior that I want to see in a- in those around me. And that I think is the- is the most important factor.
Uh, other skills of course, communication skills and so on, very important. One skill which is very underestimated I think in our world is the- the capacity to listen, to read this- to people.
Umm, to- another is to tune into our own, um, emotional world. Uh, many of us, uh, find ourselves called off from our emotions at some point in life.
But the really important one is to model all the behavior that we wish to see in our families, in our certain friends, in our family.
In our workplaces, essentially. Thank you. It seems that, um, this is a very huge need for the whole world and, um, a very nice desire and deliver view that you have for your s- self and for the one around you and your clients.
If you would give to the listener one last piece of advice. One last gift around and um at the top of the hour of- What is uh podcast?
What would this be? I would say to find a way of engaging with silence. To go deep within. To tune in to uh the core values that each of us have.
You every day and to develop the capacity of aligning our our thoughts our feelings and especially our actions with the values that we find within ourselves.
Thank you, Patrick. This was an amazing podcast. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank Thank Good night. I'm sure the listeners will uh keep commenting down uh or there where the thing to comment even is and feel free to connect with Patrick.
Feel free to connect with uh our training academy so you get the script of the 60s and for now I wish you all the best and for all the listeners a wonderful day and talk to you soon next time bye thank you very much bye bye bye Okay, let's head off.
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DEUTSCH Für das deutsche Transkript bitte email an [email protected]
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