cosmic-m-b · 2 days
I love the idea of Spock being super queer, highly expressive and very emotional from a Vulcan view point. Like...
What humans see:
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What Vulcans see:
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cosmic-m-b · 4 days
This is Bagel,
Bagel is a Rabbi
Rav Bagel is very wise
Rav Bagel is sad
Rav Bagel is waiting for his dindins
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cosmic-m-b · 18 days
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cosmic-m-b · 18 days
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I saw this on Reddit and fucking cackled.
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cosmic-m-b · 1 month
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Jim go the fuck to sleep
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cosmic-m-b · 2 months
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"The House," a parable I drew about leaving the Mormon church that I originally made for exmo Reddit. As people on the internet have pointed out, you can also see it as representative of plenty of other institutions (various high control religions, yoga cults, the united states government, etc) so take your pick
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
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This is a BIG deal. Re-elect Biden
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
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I didn’t do the cosplay just for the meme….
Flying to Italy and finding the exact field to recreate the picnic scene was pretty amazing. The costume took me a month to make 😮‍💨 it was so nice to shoot it in THE field!!
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
Arte alucinante
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
Happy Pride month and a belated Juneteenth, pretty please help a black bisexual disabled person afford rent, and moving expenses
my original plan for rent assistance fell Tf through so I need about $350 before July 1 :( I know that’s not a lot of time but I’m desperate for anything anyone can spare at this point
please let me know if anyone would like me to do some proofreading for papers or anything in return I just really need help 😭
V / C / pls ask for pp or z
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
I think mormons can practice a little witchcraft. as a treat.
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
Happy last day of LGBTQ+ pride month, just as a reminder we're celebrating LGBTQ+ sloth next month so remember to schedule your time off and/or hit the zoo to visit the sloths
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
i really want to see genderqueer be an identity we talk about in great detail this pride month. genderqueer saw more usage in the 90s and 2000s, with the rise of the term non binary we've seen more people gravitate toward that label as it becomes the more socially accepted term to use given its notoriety. i would like to bring back alternative labels for this experience, since our diversity is what makes us so unique and strong as a community
genderqueer is an identity that has a long history, and a myriad of definitions and folks who express it in different ways. it really can mean whatever the hell you want. it can mean that you're cisgender but express your gender in a queer way. it can mean that you're trans, take hormones, have gotten top and bottom surgery and dress however you want. it can mean that you dress "normal" and pass as cishet but have a queer gender on the inside. it can mean that you combine masculine and feminine aesthetics. it can mean that you strive for gender neutrality. it can mean that you want to be so ambiguously gendered strangers can't tell who you are.
there's no guidelines or rules, genderqueer is an identity meant to embrace the freedom one can have with gender expression. it can mean as much or as little as the person using it wants it to. it's a beautiful term that is just as flexible as non binary, and i do not postulate to replace that term, but rather bring light to another identity that may suit folks slightly better. it's a beautiful identity. it's what I came out as first in 2011 and I'm happy to be back at all these years later.
2024 is a great year to be proud of being genderqueer and to proudly tell people about this part of yourself. let's celebrate ourselves louder and prouder than ever before. there are many ways to exist outside of the binary, and folks deserve to know about older terms that have been used by the community as well as newer ones
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
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I. Am. Disgusted. SIGNAL BOOST this!! This is unacceptable! We need to remember what pride is and what we stand for.
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
i hate being an adult because no matter how hard you try your house is never ever ever ever ever clean
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cosmic-m-b · 3 months
It’s almost July, and many of you will be tempted to call it wrath month. And you’re right, it is a month of wrath. but not for queer people
July is disability awareness month in the US. Queer people are very much in the public eye right now, with some places strengthening protections for us while others roll them back. It’s a scary time for us, and June is important for us to maintain our visibility and fight for our lives
But disabled people don’t have that. We’re forgotten by a world that is hostile to us. We have less rights than other people (limits on how much we can have in our bank accounts, losing our income if we get married, etc.) and even the few protections we have are routinely ignored. Businesses and government offices find every loophole they can to avoid accessibility requirements. We are treated as an inconvenience at best, and often subjected to policies driven by eugenics.
so yes, this is a month of wrath, but it is the wrath of the disabled.
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