cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
One of my favourite shows, Mr. Bean.
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Join the Introvert Nation Movement
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
An amazing thing already happened today. But whats the harm in another?
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
We hit 5 followers!
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Fear
CosmicTale part 16 "Fear" Sans was shocked. He was defeated. He could hear Gaster panicking in his head. "Oh no! This can't be!" Gaster would yell. Sans couldn't think rationally. Suddenly, before Sans HP hit zero, Gaster had an idea. A crazy idea, but the only possible chance at survival for him and Sans. "Sans! Hold tight, I need to cancel communication with you momentarily." Sans nodded, the first thought that came to his mind was that Gaster was leaving him for dead, but he didn't have much of a choice but to hope. Suddenly, it occured to Gaster what exactly everything that has happened meant. Code can disappeared. Code can appear out of nowhere. But most importantly, code can be manipulated. Sans watched his HP drop, it had only been mere milliseconds since Gaster had told Sans that he had a plan. Time seemed to stand still. But then Sans noticed it. Time was standing still. But he could move. Gaster shouted at Sans in what resulted in a boomng screech in Sans mind telling him to eat a healing item. Sans didn't hesitate to grab the ramen sitting on the table nearby and swallow it uncooked. Gaster gave a sigh of relief as Sans HP started rising again. Maybe once he was more adept at manipulating code he could heal Sans directly, but a momentary time freeze sufficed. Gaster told Sans to prepare for time to start moving again. "I can't keep it frozen forever. You have to prepare for the fight to resume." Sans grinned. He was alive still. Chara smiled as she slashed down the blasted skeleton who was apparently the strongest. Apparently he had the souls, but that seemed unlikely with how easily he was struck down. But then again, Chara had gotten the best of Sans emotions, his carelessness revealed by anger. Chara watched as his HP dropped. Suddenly, the skeleton disappeared. Chara looked around in panic. What happened? Where was he? She shouted "I am not afraid of you! Come at me!" She then heard a voice behind her. "Not afraid? How can you not be afraid when I AM FEAR?" Those last three words spoken in a sinister, booming voice. Chara dropped the knife, terrified and unable to move.  She tried to turn around but she couldn't muster the courage to face what was behind her. Usually she wouldn't be afraid of this, but she could feel the stare on her back, the emanating aura of death and most of all, she felt helplessness. Something she never felt before. She always had a way to get out of situations, but she just couldn't see one in this. She didn't want to die. Not yet. She could not die here. But she seemingly could not survive. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and it forced her to turn around. She gasped. Sans was levitating behind her, with the dark purple essence oozing from his eye sockets. He had a black aura surrounding him, and his horns have grown to a larger size, rivaling Asgores, but pointing directly up. His fangs had become much more visible. Chara started crying in fear. She never cried before. Sans then lifted Chara up with his dark purple magic. Chara expected death, but Sans was not that kind. Chara howled in pure agony as her leg started experiencing a similar pain as having your leg slowly ripped off. She felt every bone in her leg shatter, but they were very much intact. Sans dropped her and she shrieked a scream of pure terror and excruciating pain. Sans laughed maliciously. Suddenly, a rumble was heard throughout the underground, seemingly coming from the ruins towards the lab they were at. Gaster sounded panicked as he urgently told Sans that they needed to leave. Sans sighed, wishing to inflict more pain on the human, but he listened to Gaster. "Where too, father?" He asked. Gaster thought for a moment and said confidently, "Go to the ruins. I doubt anyone survived that."
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Sans vs Chara
CosmicTale part 15 "Sans vs Chara" Alphys inhaled sharply as they stepped into the code. There was no way to make sure it worked. They could all die right here and it would be her fault. And she left Napstablook behind. That was her fault. She was the reason Napstablook was at the mercy of that monster. As Alphys came to terms with the fact that her friend was likely going to die because of her, she almost failed to realize that they were slowly re-appearing in what appeared to be her ruined office room. As they finally completely re-appeared in the room, Mettaton grabbed Alphys. "Now. What happened to B-Blooky?" Mettaton asked, trying to hide tears. Alphys looked saddened at the thought of Napstablook. "I-I'm sorry Mettaton. H-He wouldn't come and I couldn't d-drag him... I-I am so sorry!" She sobbed. Frisk walked forwards, unfazed by the events that had just occured. As Frisk continued walking towards the door, Alphys noticed something wrong. "F-Frisk! Are you ok?" Alphys called out. But she didn't need to hear the answer. She knew what was wrong the entire time. Frisk turned around with a single glowing blue eye. "Hello Alphys! Remember me? We didn't quite finish our meeting the other time, perhaps we should pick it up here?" Chara was back. Sans walked towards the laboratory. He was told to go to the Hotlands by Gaster, but he knew someone was in there without Gasters guidance. He could smell fear. He didn't know how it was possible but he believed that he could smell the fear. As he continued his march towards the laboratory, he stopped for a moment. Something seemed... Off. He stood still for a moment, but then Gaster reassured him that all was fine. Sans continued his advance. As Sans reached the entrance to the laboratory he heard a shrieking. They hadn't seen him yet... What was causing the sudden outburst of fear? He opened the door and walked in quickly, he needed to find them fast. Chara had found a knife. The same knife that Chara had used in the other place. That other laboratory. Alphys backed away from Chara slowly. There was no where for Alphys to go. But Mettaton could escape... Alphys suddenly yelled "Run Mettaton" as she rushed Chara. Chara was taken off guard and dropped the knife onto the floor. As Mettaton opened the door to leave the room, a shriek filled the air. A shriek of pure terror and nothing more. A shriek that came from Mettaton as Sans stood before them. Sans threw Mettaton aside and walked into the room. "What did I miss?" Sans asked. Alphys saw him and let go of Chara. Sans and Chara in the same room... This could not be good. Sans looked down at what he could only assume was Frisk. He walked up to the human and stood beside them. "Get up kiddo, I don't wanna make this too painful for you." Sans said sarcastically. As he stood, he saw Chara sit up and pick up the knife. Sans muttered something along the lines of "Don't need that" as he attempted to grab the knife. As he reached for it Chara lashed at his hand and quickly stood up to face him. "Say goodbye to your friends Skeleton" Chara said maliciously. Sans was shocked for a moment but then he smiled. "Say hello to yours for me in Hell." Sans said wickedly. As the two prepared to clash, Alphys took the oppurtunity to grab the injured Mettaton and leave the room. Sans started the fight by summoning a Gaster Blaster and firing at the human. Chara dodged it with some effort and lashed out with the knife once again, only for it to be dodged with ease. Sans giggled and summoned two dark blue bones and launched them at Chara, who dodged with great difficulty and was now sweating. "You don't look the same skeleton. You grew horns and fangs? How does that work?" Chara asked in the heat of battle. Sans giggled and summoned more bones to attack Chara, but as soon as he was about to launch the bones at her, he was stabbed from behind. Sans jumped forward. "Damn this kid is fast" he thought to himself. He carefully summoned a single dark blue bone and he wielded it similar to a sword. He suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind Chara, and attempted to stab her. Chara reacted quickly though and she was able to dodge the attack, and hit Sans with the blade once more. "This is getting annoying kid." Sans said in an angry yell. He glanced at his HP to notice it dropping dangerously close to zero. He called forth a Gaster Blaster and four of the bones that he had been trying and failing to use to his advantage. "Good luck dodging this" Sans said as he fired the Gaster Blaster and the bones in every possible direction. He watched with satisfaction as one of the bones pierced Charas chest. "Bullseye" Sans said as he waved his hand in the air. Suddenly, with the hand motion, the bone fractured slightly, and then exploded. As the after effects of the explosion started to disappear, Sans gasped. Chara was still alive. He walked towards her with an angry glare. "Hey kid! You're supposed to be dead!" He yelled, but just as he walked towards her, she stood up and walked in his direction as well. Sans smiled. "Thanks for making this easi-" he started to say, just as Chara threw a knife into his skull. Sans then watched as his HP slowly dropped and finally, hit zero.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
Thank you so much!
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This is some fan art I did (not too long (but still a while) ago) for a friend of mine, @cosmic-tale. They have a very good Undertale based story so please go check them out! 
Don’t have Tumblr? (for some reason…) Check them out on IFunny! 
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Escape
CosmicTale part 14 "Escape" After she finished explaining what had happened, Mettaton gave Alphys a blank stare. "W-what do you mean she turned into Chara?" Mettaton asked nervously. "W-who even is Chara?" Alphys sighed. "Don't worry about it Mettaton. It's fine." Mettaton clearly didn't believe her, but nonetheless, he stopped questioning her. Alphys then said, "So, guys. I think I finished the machine to get us back home! We just need to test it a few times."  Napstablook let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, took you quite a bit Alphys." Alphys nodded and turned around to her machine. "I have it finished, I just have nothing to test it on. We need sure results immediately. I can't stay another day here." Mettaton nodded in agreement, and then Napstablook floated towards Alphys. "A-Alphys... I think I could volunteer to test it. I am incorporeal and it won't kill me, and if it does work, you can follow after me!"  Alphys sighed. If only it was that simple. "I'm sorry Napstablook, that wouldn't work." She said. Napstablook smiled and floated backwards. "Ok! I guess I tried." The ghost said. Alphys chuckled and asked Mettaton to get her a screwdriver. Sans was once again alone. But he wasn't really alone. He knew he always had the company of his father. Sans started wondering if his father could read his every thought. As Sans was pondering that thought, he realized that if Gaster could read his every thought, he would have interrupted Sans thoughts of rebellion he was having. Sans decided to use this to his advantage. He wouldn't let his father control him. His goal was to kill his father, not be his father. Suddenly, Gaster barked in Sans mind, telling him to go towards the Hotlands. "Why the Hotlands?" Sans asked himself, but he would find out in due time. A loud rumbling was heard throughout the laboratory. Alphys dropped her tool kit. "What was that?" She asked. Napstablook smiled and calmly said "It's probably nothing. I'll go check." Alphys tried to convince Napstablook otherwise but the ghost was determined to prove it was ok. As Napstablook looked outside the laboratory, they gasped. Alphys rushed towards them. "What is it?" Alphys exclaimed. Napstablook didn't respond. Alphys stepped up next to Napstablook and looked outside in equal disbelief. The world was becoming engulfed in a burning dark blue. The same blue that emanates from Sans eye. But the disbelief could not be credited to the dark blue emanating from the land, but instead credited towards the large dark blue, starry figure that was seen at about 500 metres away. As soon as she saw it, Alphys knew this was not a friend. She tried to grab Napstablook and move them but her hands just fazed through them. "Napstablook! We have to go!" She yelled. Napstablook stayed in place. Alphys looked at Napstablook and then towards the figure in the distance. Alphys dashed back to the room the others were in. "Everyone! Time to leave." Alphys said as she burst into the room. Mettaton looked shocked. "I thought the machine wasn't tested, and where is Napstablook? What's happening?!" He asked. Alphys looked at him with a pained expression. "Just untie the human. We're leaving right now." Mettaton complied nervously and untied Frisk. Frisk looked worried and stood up carefully. "How does the machine work?" Frisk asked. The rumbling noise drew closer and Alphys nervously fumbled with some switches on the remote she built. "No time to explain!" She said as she hit one last button. Red coding appeared in the direction Alphys pointed the remote. She grabbed Frisk and Mettatons hands and asked them, "Now, how much do you trust me?" Mettaton nervously asked "Is this dangerous?" But before Alphys had a chance to respond the rumble became a roar as it drew closer. Alphys took in a breath of air and dragged Frisk and Mettaton into the code.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
EmptyWaterBottleTale. Still better than LustTale.
Look to your right. The object closest to you is now a new Undertale AU.
I’ll start: Watertale
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Help...
CosmicTale part 13 "Help..." As Sans was engulfed in a glorious beam, he didn't flinch. He stood still as his HP dropped. As he was standing, and slowly dying, he was lost in thought. As the beams disappeared, leaving Sans injured, but alive, Sans sat down. Papyrus was never there. He imagined it. The blasters were his own. He almost killed himself and he only now realized that. That Papyrus was merely a figment. Sans started sobbing silently. As he was crying, footsteps were heard from behind him. He didn't turn around, but rather stood up, still crying. "Whoever that is, leave now. You will die if you don't." Sans said. He waited a few moments before turning around, to see nobody there. As Sans looked around to make sure nobody was hiding in the shadows, he felt something pierce his chest. He looked down in shock and turned around to see who had gotten the best of him. As he looked over his shoulder, he saw the silhouette of a familiar figure. Sans suddenly realized his HP was not dropping, but if not a stab, what was that? Sans was about to question the figure, but before he could ask it anything, it spoke in a voice all too familiar. At the sound of it, Sans flinched. The voice was the same voice that haunted his dreams. The same voice he thought about before claiming the life of anybody. It was the same voice that was in his head. The voice that he thought disappeared. It had taken form in this thing. The voice simply said "Hello son." The figure stepped out of the shadows. As Sans expected, it seemed to be his father. But not the same as he last saw him. It seemed that his body was entirely replaced with... Numbers and letters. Sans had trouble making sense of it all. He felt different. Not as smart... Weaker. Sans held his head and whispered "Father... Please... H-Help..." Sans collapsed to the floor. Gaster snickered as Sans looked at him in pure agony. Suddenly, Sans felt a sharp pain in his head and Gaster was gone. Sans stood up, all pain was gone. He felt his as he usually did now. As he stood in place, confused, he heard the voice in the back of his mind. "Sans. Allow me to attempt to explain this." Sans spoke aloud, "Continue." The voice in his head, no. Gaster said "I am not the same voice you heard in the beginning. It only allowed me to come here. That original voice was you. It made you weaker, and while I was within the code, I had the blind luck that transported me here, into your mind. I am no longer a monster. I am code myself. I am your thoughts and I am, mostly, you." Sans angrily shouted into the air, "Get out of my head!" But Gaster only laughed. "Sans, you can't do anything. I am in control, you would be best if you obeyed." Sans was silent for a moment before asking in a defeated voice, "And if I refuse?" Gaster laughed, "If you refuse, I kill you, I have the power to do so, and you and I both know that you don't want to die."
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Brother
CosmicTale part 12 "Brother" Sans reappeared in the Waterfall at the site of the explosion. He often came here to think. He needed to know what to do next. He had the power, but what now? He started pacing around. He had a plan, but wasn't sure how to go through with it. He needed to take Asgore's place as king. Suddenly, Sans heard a noise. He looked around and saw nothing, but he knew something was near. He looked but didn't see anything. He was still looking around when he started hearing footsteps from behind him. He turned around and much to his horror he saw someone who was dead. Dead for what felt like an eternity. Papyrus stood before him, but this wasn't the Papyrus he remembered. This Papyrus was completely covered in a dark blue. The same blue that everyone had somewhat. His "battle body" that he loved so much, was charred grey. Papyrus looked at Sans with a single, dark blue glowing eye. "Whats the matter? Don't know how to greet an old friend?" Papyrus asked, sounding angry. Sans couldn't speak. His brother was alive. Papyrus took another step towards Sans. Sans didn't flinch, he was more powerful than anyone. What could his brother do to him? Papyrus suddenly summoned what appeared to be a magic similar to the one Sans possesses, but dark purple. Sans flinched and suddenly realized what was happening. His brother was attacking him. Sans eyes suddenly started glowing a dark blue. "Brother. Stop before you get hurt." Papyrus didn't halt his advance and once again took a step towards Sans. Sans suddenly started floating into the air. He gasped and started struggling. His brother was picking him up. Suddenly, Sans went flying into a wall. He stood up groggily. He chipped one of his new teeth. Sans glared up angrily and threw two flaming bones at Papyrus. "I gave you a warning bro!" He shouted. Papyrus stepped out of the way of the bones without flinching. Sans hesitated before summoning a Gaster Blaster. Under normal circumstances he would celebrate his brothers life, but now he had no choice but too be the hand that ended it. Papyrus saw the Gaster Blaster and summoned his own. Sans gasped, his brother didn't know how to do that. Sans fired his Gaster Blaster at Papyrus, who didn't move. Sans gave a sigh of relief and started walking towards the spot Papyrus's soul would be. As the beam disappeared Sans saw Papyrus still standing in place, with broken bones, but still alive. Sans saw Papyrus and inhaled sharply. Nobody should be able to survive that. As Sans was about to summon more Gaster Blasters to finish his brother off, he saw that Papyrus's blaster was still there, right before it fired at him. Sans was engulfed in a purple beam, and screamed in agony. He watched his HP drop slowly. After what felt like an eternity of pain, the beam faded away and Sans was still alive. Sans summoned as many Gaster Blasters as he could. There were hundreds. He couldn't let his brother live after that, he was much too dangerous. As Sans summoned the Gaster Blasters, Papyrus smiled wickedly and said "Sans, I will kill you. I will kill everyone..." Papyrus's voice faltered and suddenly he started looking sad. "I-I can't help it Sans! The voice... It tells me I have no choice..." At the mention of a voice Sans flinched. Papyrus stood up tall and sunmoned his own blasters. Sans stood still and shed a single tear. "I'm sorry bro" he whispered, before his and his brothers Blasters fired in unison.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Souls
CosmicTale part 11 "Souls" Sans stood over Asgore, as he slowly watched his HP drop to zero. "S-Sans... You'll never get the souls..." Asgore said. Sans giggled at that. "I'll have the human souls, and your soul with that, king" Sans said the last word with a bitter tone. Asgore flinched at that statement. "Sans. You will bring about your own downfa-" and with that, Asgore's HP hit zero and he seemed to disappear, being replaced with his soul. Sans smiled wickedly. He walked towards the soul and confidently picked it up, and soon it disappeared into his body. Sans looked at his arms. No visible difference, but he knew that something changed within him. "Now to get the human souls." Sans said to himself. He walked around until coming across a room. He stepped into it to see 7 capsules. He smiled contemptly, and opened the first one, which should have been a red soul, but it was empty. Sans twitched and quickly walked to the next one and opened it. The soul was tucked safely within it. Sans gave a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but wonder where the red soul went. He opened the other capsules, and all of them had the souls they should have. He picked them up one by one, and was just about to absorb them, when he heard a voice from behind him yell "Stop!" Sans laughed and turned around, to see Undyne and Grillby, and Lesser Dog, and Greater Dog, and many other monsters. "Most likely every monster in the underground that wasn't occupied." Sans thought to himself. Undyne nervously said "Sans... Please don't do this." But alas, Sans was absorbing the souls in front of them, much to the horror of every monster who came. Undyne yelled "Attack him with everything we got!" But every monster seemed petrified. Sans smiled and walked towards them. He grabbed Undyne's armour and ripped part of it off. He looked at it and admired his reflection. He seemingly grew horns and his teeth were sharper. He looked up at Undyne and his eye started blazing dark blue. He picked up Lesser Dog with magic and threw them across the room, but the ground that they landed on was replaced with flaming bones. Lesser Dog let out a yelp before seemingly disintegrating. His soul was all that remained. Sans walked over to that spot casually and absorbed it. Undyne looked around horrified. She would charge him and try to save everyone, but he was much too powerful to defeat. Sans glanced at Greater Dog, who was charging him. Sans smiled as Greater Dog drew closer, and suddenly three flaming bones pierced Greater Dogs chest. They fell to the floor with a yelp of pain, and slowly disappeared the same way Lesser Dog did. Sans walked over and absorbed the soul that was left over. Suddenly, Sans turned around to see Grillby leading a charge on him. Sans smiled and said "Grillbs, I do love your food, but I don't have all day here." And then he summoned a Gaster Blaster, which had a glowing dark blue eye itself. Grillby flinched at the sight of it, and was suddenly vaporized in a humongous blue blast. Sans walked to the spot Grillby had previously been standing in and absorbed the soul left over. He looked around at the rest of the monsters. Undyne was crying, "I brought them all here... I am the reason they are dead" she thought to herself. Sans giggled at her tears. He walked over to her calmly and summoned several flaming bones. These ones were different, the flame was purple. Sans sent one flying towards Undyne, and Undyne instinctively dodged it. Sans sent two more in her direction, which she dodged as well. Undyne suddenly rushed Sans and drew her spear, prepared to stab him. Sans smiled and picked Undyne up, immobilizing her. Undyne let out a shriek of terror before the final two bones impaled her. Sans let her go, and she sat on the floor, defeated and slowly watching her HP drop to zero. "Y-You won't get out of h-her alive Sans..." She said. Sans laughed. "How can you be so sure?" He asked. Undyne started to respond, but suddenly her HP hit zero. Sans awaited the moment she would disappear, but instead, Undyne stood up. A flash of light emanated from her body, and she was replaced with a different version of herself. She seemed stronger. Undyne looked at Sans angrily. She threw two spears at him. Sans dodged them with ease and picked her up once again. "Interesting power you possess... Sadly, you won't live to use it again." Sans said before summoning three Gaster Blasters and four bones, all aiming at Undyne. They all fired at the same time, and Undyne was demolished. Sans walked over to the spot where she once was. He absorbed her soul and turned around to face the remaining monsters. "If anyone wishes to fight me, step forward. If none of you have any interest in battling me, I will leave you all alive." As expected, nobody stepped forwards. Sans smiled and teleported away.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Chara
CosmicTale part 10 "Chara" Sans stepped into the throne room. As expected, Asgore was sitting in his throne. "Hello Sans." Asgore said. "Give me the souls and you will die painfully. If you don't give them to me you will die painfully after the ones you love."  Asgore sighed and stood up. "Sans. What you fail to realize is that you already killed the ones I love. That flower was my son! And... Toriel..." Asgore started crying, and suddenly stopped. "Sans. You will die here" Frisk was laying on the floor sweating. For at least an hour she was crying and in intense pain. Alphys was trying to help but couldn't find a single thing wrong with her. "Frisk. You have to tell me what's wrong." Frisk tried to talk but the only sound she made was a scream in pain. Alphys sent Mettaton and Napstablook to go find her first aid kit. Suddenly, Frisk stopped crying. She smiled maliciously. "Hello Alphys" she said before standing up. "Frisk? Whats happening?" Alphys asked. "Frisk? You remember me Alphys. Its me! Chara." With that statement Alphys stood frozen with horror. "H-how did you get here?" Alphys asked. Chara walked around looking for something. "Do you have a kni- never mind. Here it is." Chara picked up a knife from the table. "Stay still Alphys. Struggling will only make this more difficult." Chara walked towards Alphys, grasping the knife. "You know I am stronger than all of you. My lvl. and exp. remains the highest in the underground." Alphys gulped and started walking backwards. "I-I dont know what y-you want Chara." Chara laughed. "I want to kill Alphys. I want to kill." Suddenly, Chara fell to the floor, dropping the knife. Alphyd ran forwards and grabbed the knife. She pointed it at Chara nervously. "D-Don't hurt me!" Frisk yelled. "W-Why do you have a knife Alphys?" Alphys gave a sigh of relief. "Frisk. Its you again. Thank God." Frisk was confused. "What do you mean?" She asked. Alphys sighed and started to explain what happened, but just then Mettaton and Napstablook burst back into the room. "We couldn't find anything." Napstablook reported. Alphys suddenly grabbed Frisk. "Frisk. I am sorry. You are a danger to us. We are going to have to tie you up until we find a way out of here." Frisk was worried, but trusted Alphys. Mettaton looked at Alphys confused. "What happened?" He asked. Alphys sat down and explained the whole story. Sans dodged a blast of fire magic with ease. "Its going to take a lot more than that, king." He said before summoning a Gaster Blaster. The Gaster Blaster was the largest one Sans had ever seen. Sans looked at it, proud of himself. It must be this big because he absorbed that soul earlier. Asgore gasped before the Gaster Blaster fired a humongous dark blue beam in his direction. Asgore attemoted to move but was hit by the beam durectly in the chest. Asgore watched his hp slowly drop. "Sans. You will never have the souls." Asgore suddenly found himself facing three Gaster Blasters, all of them ained at his head. "All kings shall fall." Sans said, before firing the Gaster Blasters.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Best Friends
CosmicTale part 9 "Best Friends" Sans sat in silence. He hadn't heard the voice for hours, but he didn't notice it disappearance. Sans felt better. Smarter. His head was clear. The headaches had left with the voice. "Where had the flower gone?" Sans thought to himself. He hadn't seen it ever since it went to "scout" Asgore. "Why did I let it go? I should have killed it on the spot." he knew the flower probably told Asgore everything. Sans had to prepare for the worst. For all I know Asgore was prepared for me and had absorbed the souls... The souls... They could make me powerful..." The path was chosen for Sans, he would kill Asgore and take the souls. He started walking to the throne room. Everyone was trying to pass the time, except for Alphys. She spent hours studying the code. "Are you almost done?" Frisk asked. "Frisk. Things like this take time." Alphys responded. Frisk sighed and went to play with Napstablook. Alphys method for studying the code was complicated. She managed to get to the security camera she had in her office and was able to watch how the code acted. She drew a sketch of it and kept playing it back to get it perfect. Apparently the 1's and 0's meant something when you put then into a computer. Frisk didn't understand, but as long as it worked. Sans was almost in the throne room, in fact, he was right outside of it. Sans was just about to take the step into the throne room to fight the king, but then the flower showed up. Sans looked at the flower. Its petals had become blue, and somehow re-appeared, "Before you fight Asgore, I need you to remember that I am your best friend." Sans looked at the flower. Confused, he asked "What are you talking about?" but before Sans heard an answer, the flower smiled maliciously and a battle was initiated. "You dare think you are going to become powerful?" the flower asked before shooting a strange pellet at Sans. Sans dodged with ease and summoned a Gaster Blaster. He had no time. Why would he bother sparing the flower? The Gaster Blaster shot a blue beam in Flowey's direction, but much to the surprise of Sans, the flower dodged the attack by going underground. Sans looked around, starting to get a little worried. Suddenly Sans was struck with a pellet in the back. Sans was horrified for a moment, but then he realized he was fine. He only had one HP. How was he alive? He was confused, but not dissapointed. The flower was petrified when Sans turned around. Both of Sans eyes were glowing a dark blue. Sans summoned two large Gaster Blasters and had them aim at the flower. "What's the matter flower? Rooted to the spot?" Sans said before firing the Gaster Blasters resulting in two large purple beams demolishing the flower. Sans laughed. The flower was more powerful then expected. If only he could absorb monster souls... "Maybe its possible. Perhaps nobody was determined enough until now." Sans tried to grab the soul, but when he made contact with it, it disappeared. Had he absorbed it? He asked himself. He felt no stronger. But... He had to be stronger. He just absorbed a soul. Sans decided that he would test if he was actually any stronger in a battle with Asgore, as he walked into the throne room.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Megalomania
CosmicTale part 8 "Megalomania" Sans sat in the room that he was fairly certain would have been the one Alphys died in. He was dumbfounded. What happened? There was no where for them to go. They just disappeared. It was impossible. As far as he knew, he was the only one that could teleport at will. Sans eye sarted flashing purple. As Sans sae this he laughed. A new colour for this new found rage. He needed to take this rage out on someone. He thought for a moment. And then it was decided. Toriel sat in her chair. Asgore told her to stay safe. She would have argued if she didnt feel so horrible. Suddenly, she heard footsteps approaching. She held her breath. Who was it? Who could it be? She looked up, and heard a familiar voice from around behind the door to her room say "This is going to be a skeleTON of fun." Toriel laughed. It was only Sans. "Come in!" she said, but when she saw Sans, she gasped. Sans eye was glowing purple, and he looked beaten up. "S-sans? Are you ok?" Sans laughed and responded "Im fine lady. But you're not going to be." Toriel backed up slowly. She had no where to go. She was cornered. Sans walked towards her. "Tori. It's ok. It will only hurt for a moment." Suddenly Toriel was lifted into the air by what seemed to be dark blue magic, and was thrown into the wall. "Stand up Tori!" Sans demanded before throwing her into the wall again. Toriel moaned in pain as she watched her HP slowly drop to 0. Frisk gasped. As she entered the red coding she felt something surge through her. A whisper of rage. She looked around to see where she was, only to discover she hadn't moved. She was still in the same room. Alphys and the others were all there, but the skeleton wasn't. "Who was that? Where did he go?" Frisk demanded from Alphys. Alphys responded "That was Sans... I-I don't think he went anywhere... I think we may have moved. Maybe to some alternate reality." Mettaton was shocked. "Then where do we go?" Alphys replied "Well I say we try to find out how to get out of here. Follow me." Alphys walked out of the room followed by the others. Sans sat down in the middle of the ruins, having a conversation with the voice in his head. "What do you want?" he asked it, to which it responded "power. We need power. Without power we are nothing. Power makes us strong." Sans stood up and started pacing. "Yes. Power is good. How do we get power?" Sans said out loud. "Well we get power from killing those with power. Climb the ladder." Sans laughed. Kill those with power. "So Agore? Do we kill Asgore?" he asked, but before the voice could respond a flower poked its head out of the dirt. "Howdy! I couldn't help but over hear you talking and I think working together would benefit us both." Sans looked at the flower for a moment. "Thats nice." Sans said before picking Flowey up. "Hey, hey what are you doing?" Flowey asked. Sans started to pluck Flowey's petals, on each one alternatively saying "We kill him, we dont kill him." As Floweys HP slowly progressed to 0, Sans stopped. "We don't kill him." the voice whispered to Sans. Sans put Flowey down. "How would an alliance help both of us?" he asked. Flowey moaned ans nervously responded "Well I want to kill Asgore. I want power. We can share the power." Sans sighed. He knew he could never share power with a flower, but he agreed to the offer, planning on killing the flower after Asgore was no more. Gaster looked around. He was in a small room with a desk and materials. He smiled contemptly. He could build here. He felt safe here. He looked at where his arm had formerly been. It was completely replaced with code. He sighed and sat down. "Time to make some blueprints. Maybe a mechanical arm. Or a defense mechanism in case they ever do find me. I have all the materials I could need right here. They will never find me." Gasters eye suddenly started flashing green. "If they find me... I will kill them all."
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Red Code
CosmicTale part 7 "Red Code" Gaster blinked. Then blinked again. Where was he? He could barely see. Maybe his vision would adjust to the darkness in a few moments. He looked around. Had his machine worked? If so, what part of the code was he in? His vision was somewhat adjusted. Now that he could see a little better he realized he was surrounded by code. Nothing but code. Gaster studied the code for a few weeks. He was confident if he could find a- he touched a line of coding. It disappeared. What had he done? "Oh dear. Thats not supposed to happen." he said to himself. He made a mental note not to touch any more coding. Suddenly, he had a burning sensation in his hand. He looked down to see it slowly being replaced by code. In shock, he grabbed his hand, but nothing was there. Luckily for Gaster, only his left arm transformed into code. "This is not good." he said to himself. Suddenly, he realised that some of the code was glowing red, instead of the blue it usually was. He was worried, but curious. He reached into his pocket to find the only thing in it was a picture of him, Papyrus and Sans. Gaster shed a tear, then threw the picture into the red coding. As soon as it made contact it disappeared. Gaster now has to choose if it was transported somewhere else or entirely vaporized. Gaster prayed for the former, and jumped into the red code. Back in Alphys's lab, Frisk, Alphys, Mettaton and Napstablook were all sitting across from one another on a table. Frisk thought to herself, "if this is the best they can get, this place really does need help." Napstablook was a dark blue instead of white, and Mettaton had Blue replacing most of what was formerly pink. Napstablook looked cheerful, but Mettaton looked very shy. "H-hello..." Mettaton said twirling his hair. "Hello!" Frisk responded cheerfully. For a moment, Alphys looked at Frisk confused, and then she stood up. "People. I think I know the best way to develop a cure." everyone asked Alphys what that way was, to which she responded "Frisk here, is not affected by the disease at all. If I research the human body, I may be able to develop a cure from whatever makes them immune." Napstablook floated upwards with a smile. "Yay!" he shouted. Alphys smiled. Frisk quickly asked how she would be studied. Alphys replied with "Just a check up every day. A quick examination. And a blood sample." Frisk shuddered at the thought of blood samples. She hated needles. "A-Alphys... Is there another way to get what you need without a blood sample?" Frisk asked hopefully. "Well... Yes. Come here. Ill show you." Frisk approached Alphys cautiously, but all of a sudden Alphys struck Frisk lightly, causing her soul to appear. Alphys grabbed it softly and examined it. "Ok. Thats all I need for today." Napstablook smiled cheerfully. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" he asked. Frisk shook her head. Suddenly, in the middle of the table, a line of code appeared. Alphys grabbed her new pair of glasses and put them on. "I-I made these to help me see after I was infected." she said. Frisk walked up to the code and touched it. As soon as she made contact with it, it disappeared and was replaced with red coding. Meanwhile in quarantine. Sans was relieved. He could finally sleep. His insomnia disappeared over night. Sans paced the room. He should be happy, he thought. But the voice kept saying that he shouldn't. Gaster got away. The mission failed. The voice told him that he shouldn't let anyone near him. He should be alone. Sans laughed at that. Why would anyone go near him? He was a MONSTER. Suddenly Sans snapped. He picked up his metal shelf he was forced to sleep on and crushed it. He broke down the door. He left his little room. He walked towards where he KNEW Alphys was. She locked him up. She was afraid of him. "She should be" he thought. "She WILL be afraid of me after this." Sans walked up a set of stairs. In the meeting room in Alphys's lab, Alphys heard footsteps. She quickly looked around nervously. While the others were expirimenting with the red code, Alphys was praying that the footsteps didn't belong to Sans. Alphys quickly turned around and asked the others, "What does the red code do?" to which Frisk responded, "It moves things. It teleports them. Or gets rid of them. We don't know." Alphys sighed. And suddenly she heard a door swing open. She turned around to see Sans standing in front of her. "Hello Doctor." he said with a laugh. Frisk was confused as to what was happening, but by the horrified face Alphys was making, Frisk new it couldn't be good. Suddenly, Mettaton started crying and Alphys yelled "Into the code!" Frisk didn't hesitate, leaping into the red coding, followed by Mettaton and then Napstablook. However, Alphys wasn't so lucky to make it into the red coding. As she ran towards it away from Sans, she was picked up by a dark blue magic and thrown into the wall. "Doctor. I think we got off on the wrong foot." Sans said before kicking Alphys. Alphys groaned in pain. She stood up and softly said "S-sans... P-please... I c-can explain e-everything." The code was disappearing. Sans looksd interested. "Im listening." he said. Alphys then said "W-well... If y-you want t-to know w-what went w-wrong... Then..." At that moment, Alphys jumped into the red code, leaving Sans in the destroyed meeting room.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Voices
CosmicTale part 6 "Voices" As Sans sat in the room, which was feeling more like a cage now, he thought of every possible way to escape. He could leave right now, but leaving would onlt cause panic. He needed to go unnoticed. He hasn't been alone though. He was talking to a voice in his head. "Kill them" the voice said in a soft whisper. Sans held his head. The voice has been increasingly annoying and slowly starting to sound more and more concincing. But that was crazy. Why would he kill his friends? Alphys has been away for a few days now. He over heard her talking about tryinf to make a cure. "A cure for what? You're absolutely fine." The voice said. Sans knew he wasn't. He blinked. But as soon as he opened his eyes he was in a laboratory. What happened? He asked himself confused, but then he saw it. Gaster was sitting across from him, with his back turned. Sans walked up to him quietly. "Hello father." he said loudly. Gaster jumped and turned around. "S-sans! How did you get here?" Sans didnt respond. Actually, Sans laughed. "Father. Dear father. You did this to me. Suddenly Sans eye started blazing blue, and sparking. He summoned a Gaster Blaster. Sans snickered. "Fitting end. A gmGaster Blaster for Dr. Gaster." Gaster gasped. "Its my only chance" he said to himself before pressing a button on a watch he was wearing. Suddenly, just as the Gaster Blaster fired what would be a fatal blow, Gaster disappeared, leaving only what seemed to be floating code in his previous position. Sans stood there dumbfounded. And suddenly he was back in quarantine. What happened? He asked himself, but the voice in his head was cursing Gaster for escaping. "Who are you!?" he screamed at himself, trying to communicate with the voice. "I am you. You are me." it responded. Suddenly, on the spot, Sans fell asleep on the floor. Meanwhile at Snowdin Frisk had reached a village. She had encountered many monsters and was able to convince them all to stop fighting. As she entered the village she walked to the largest house, and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a fish monster, who quickly grabbed Frisk and dragged them inside. "Who are you?!" Undyne demanded. "Im frisk." the human replied, looking shaken. "Who are you?" "Im Undyne. You clearly don't know whats going on. Give me a moment." Undyne called Alphys and explained the situation. Suddenly, Undyne handed the phone to Frisk. Alphys promptly told Frisk that she has been being watched, and is needed to report to the hot lands immediately. 1 Hour later Frisk entered a laboratory in the middle of the hot lands. Why has she been called here? She wondered. As she entered the lab, she was greeted by the sight of a blue lizard lady eating ramen noodles. At the sight of her, the lizard stood up and winced. "Who's that?" she asked. "Im Frisk!" Frisk responded. "Oh my. I'm sorry. I-I havent been able to see well e-ever since..." Alphys explained the situation to Frisk, and Frisk was shocked. The underground was almost entirely infected by a mysterious disease. Alphys asked Frisk if she would be interested in joining the research group. Frisk knew she had been watched, and accepted. She knew she really had no choice in the matter, as she might never get home if the underground remained the mess it is right now. Back in quarantine. Sans sat on the floor. He was worried about himself. He was not well. He couldn't think for himself sometimes. He had to get help. But the voice in his head told him otherwise. That lead Sans to wonder, was the voice really just him? Was the voice Sans speaking his true desires? The feelings he kept bottled up... Did he really just want to kill everyone? This worried Sans more than the thought of his sickness being permanent. He decided to sleep. Maybe he'd be able to think straight when he woke up.
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cosmic-tale-blog · 8 years
CosmicTale - Dr. Gaster
CosmicTale part 5 "Dr. Gaster" Frisk walked confidently through the large doors. She was ready to face the world. She felt bad about abandoning the goat, but she knew she had to continue to make it out of this place. Not all monsters were nice, she thought to herself, remembering the flower she encountered when she first fell into the underground. As she walked down a bridge, she realized the sound of a twig snapping behind her. She turned around horrified, only to see nobody. She continued forward. Meanwhile in the ruins Toriel was pacing the room extremely nervously. Not only had she lost the child, her fur was changing colour. Something was wrong. She read through all her books, and didnt find a single natural snail remedy for discolored fur. She called Alphys but had no response. Toriel decided that she had to call a meeting. At the meeting, 3 hours in the future. As Alphys nervously walked into the room she sharply inhaled in shock. Everyone was blue. Asgore had blue fur. Toriel had blue fur. Undyne... Well undyne was as blue as ever. "Alphys! What happened to us!?" Asgore growled as Alphys entered the room. "S-sir... I fear Sans infected me... And I infected all of you in the p-previous meeting..." Asgore looked furious. "Alphys!  Infected with what?!" Asgore shouted. Alphys responded "W-well after the a-accident in the w-waterfall... Sans has been sick with an unknown disease. So far my symptoms have included i-impaired v-vision... It seems to effect everybody differently... I can't s-say whats g-going to happen..." "How contagious is it? We may have infected all the underground!" Alphys looked horrified. "S-sir... I fear that the whole u-underground being infected is highly likely." Toriel quickly asked "Is there a cure?" to which Alphys responded "N-not yet... If o-only Gaster was s-still here..."  Undyne looked calm. "If Gaster can cure it, put Alphys in charge of finding him. Let her make a crew. I believe she can do it." Alphys blushed. Asgore said "Thats not a bad idea. Alphys, you are in charge of locating Dr. Gaster. Have him found in 1 month. Meanwhile, Undyne. You are in charge of watching over the underground so we can discover the symptoms of other monsters. Maybe we can find a pattern." As the meeting ended, and all the monsters went home happy with the plan they made, Gaster was sitting in a secret lab, working on something. A machine, that in theory would transport him into the code of the game, and never appear in the game itself. If it worked, he could hide away forever and never have to face the punishment for the mistakes he had made. Gaster also was working on a cure to the sickness he had fallen under after the accident. He was slowly becoming blue. Patched of blue, here and there. He was close, but not close enough.
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