cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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Can we talk about this?
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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This is the only aesthetic thing you will ever see from me
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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Demon Levi makeup I did a few days ago for a possible video, the horns sort of blur into the wall tho... haha anyways I think I’d like to re-do this makeup cause I’m not too happy with it :/ 
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
You’re in charge of assigning every child on Earth the monster under their bed. One child in particular has caused every monster assigned to him/her to quit. You decide to assign yourself.
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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December, Rain at the Park by Yury Lugansky
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
Warning: I DO use dude, man, bruh, and bro as completely gender neutral terms, HOWEVER if I call you one of the above and it bothers you, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me.
This has been a PSA 
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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Oh what’s this?  A new OC? He was created for the elemental wars on IG but I quite like him so I may cosplay him again and try to fix him up and improve him
Short bio: His name is Cecil and he’s 18 years old. He is a metal elemental and a rebel due to not having an interest in fighting for other people causes. When he was younger he couldn’t control his element properly and lost control causing it to backfire at him. As a result the left side of his face is coated in gold metal and he is blind out of his left eye
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
The symbol “&” looks like a man dragging his butt across the floor.
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
The issue is that Clinton expected that groups that hated trump would come out instead of investing in policies that specifically address struggles that marginalized communities have. She expected that a hatred for trump would unite democrats to mobilize, not realizing people’s hatred for her was not going to change without an investment in these communities from her
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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Y'all pissed off Captain America
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
Man I'm scared, can you say something reassuring? I think Tumblr's overexaggerations are making me freak out a bit.
Neither Trump nor Hillary can do most of the things people seem to believe they can. While I do feel bad things may happen, they certainly won’t be as bad as tumblr’s predicting.
We won’t be put in concentration camps, or send to mandatory conversion therapy, or have our rights stripped away overnight. We will have every opportunity to speak out and fight anything we believe to be unfair. America’s not going to become North Korea in the span of twenty four hours.
It’s a scary time, but it’s not the end of the world.
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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this is real it’s happening and it’s terrifying
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
it’s a terrifying night to be lgbt in the united states.
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
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When you realize America needs you for a third term
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cosmicbatt-blog · 8 years
even if trump wins, it doesn’t mean it’s over. congress will not let him do most of what he wants to do (i mean, a lot of it’s unconstitutional, lmao). even if they do, it will a take a long time, perhaps even bleeding over into the next president’s term (and i hope to god that next president is a democrat). so do not assume that everything he proposes will happen! and voting is not our only way to participate in the government. protest. lobby. fight. don’t just accept a trump victory. if he wins, we need to fight harder than ever. we can’t give up. we can mitigate the effects of a trump presidency, but we need to fight.
millennials are a powerful group. we can make our voices heard. i know it’s scary. but it’s more important than ever to fight. don’t give trump an easy victory. fight as hard as you can for the entire 4 years he might be president. and help each other, protect each other. lift up your head and fight together. it’s easy to be discouraged, but the fight is not over.
i’m scared, too. i’m scared for my life. and take the time you need to take a deep breath and get away from everything for a little while. but in the end, if trump wins, we cannot make that easy for him. people are making a trump presidency seem like doomsday right now, but congress, checks and balances, and the actions of people – like us – can stop most of it from happening. the only bad thing that is really guaranteed to happen under a trump presidency is the appointment of some conservative supreme court justices (but even then congress has to approve them).
so tl;dr: if trump wins, the fight is not over. take a deep breath and hold your head high. he cannot, and will not, do everything that he’s proposed. so keep fighting and don’t let him destroy everything we’ve worked for.
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