cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
All phenomena are real in some sense, unreal in some sense, meaningless in some sense, real and meaningless in some sense, unreal and meaningless in some sense, and real and unreal and meaningless in some sense.
Robert Anton Wilson (via commondense)
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
If the world is code, then it can be hacked. It permits magick because it says, behind the laws of physics, is a deeper level and if you can reach that deeper level, you can make changes there.
Terence McKenna (via commondense)
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
There is tension around the flying saucer, aside from the erotic connotation, because the flying saucer represents a tremendous challenge to science, perhaps the ultimate challenge. It may be as confounding to science as the resurrection of Christ was to Greek empiricism and Roman imperialism. The flying saucer is essentially an agent of cultural change.
Terrence Mckenna, The Archaic Revival
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
The UFO is an idea intended to confound science, because science has begun to threaten the existence of the human species as well as the ecosystem of the planet. At this point, a shock is necessary for the culture, a shock equivalent to the Resurrection on Roman imperialism. (...) I think that to some degree science has betrayed human destiny. We have been led to brink of star flight, but we've also been led to the brink of thermonuclear holocaust. The result of this betrayal is that science may well be swept away by the revelation of the UFO.
Terrence Mckenna, The Archaic Revival
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
Stop consuming images and start producing them.
-Terence McKenna (via ohjesusdontcry)
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"Art? Did you say Art? It's too late for Art. It's too late for anything but Magick itself..."
Robert Anton Wilson
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"We need to cultivate a sense of mystery. The mystery is not only in the Other; it is in us. This reverberates again with the idea that we become what we behold. The nature of history is suddenly transforming in the post quantum physics, postmodern phase; this was not expected. The nineteenth century, the early twentieth century - they didn't realize this was what they were pointed into. Although some few people, the 'Pataphysicians, the internal surrealists, saw what was coming. But now here we are."
Terence Mckenna
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"Frankly, I'd find life a bore if I weren't playing for very high stakes in a very high risk situation. We do have the chance now, for internal Utopia and even for internal immortality. If we who see this opportunity aren't smart enough, adroit enough, and fast enough to seize the chance, then we don't deserve to initiate the next stage of internal evolution... Meanwhile, until they shovel me under, I still think our side is winning and that the power brokers that you worry about are a bunch of dying internal dinosaurs."
Robert Anton Wilson
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea. In an evolving universe, who stands still moves backwards."
Robert Anton Wilson
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"Marshall McLuhan made the prophecy... he told us, the aim of internal evolution is for us to use media, to create what we all want... the global village. the language that can be understood by every human being, by every brain... the basic language of humanity, the language of the brain... lights, sounds, rhythms, internal pulsating your bones, moving your body, we all know this language, we can all sing and internal dance, this language... the electrons, the radio waves, the rhythm... now we have digital communication... we can create our fantasies, we can create our rhythms... design, on screens, the new language we develop, a global language... not based on letters, not based on grammars... a language we all understand... based on clusters of waves, light, sound, we all understand... we all celebrate, we are glory, in the light, the illumination... internal contact, the intersection, the interaction, around the world... the language of form... we will create a language of international global brain link up. anyone from any culture watching this screen, will get the general picture.. this one global village, this one global human spirit, one global human race... as we link up through screens, linked by electrons & photons we will create for the first internal time, a global humanity.... not separated by words or minds or nationalities or religious biases... now. listen. the message, from the sponsor... there is one global human race, who are just now learning to communicate... brain to brain, soul to soul..."
Timothy Leary
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"in the sixties, we said power to the people... in the nineties, in the digital multimedia nineties we say, power to the pupil."
Timothy Leary
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"it has been the authorities, the political, religious, educational authorities, who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, in-forming, forming our minds, with their view of reality... to think for yourself, you must question authority, and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open mindedness, chaotic, confused, vulnerability, to inform yourself..."
Timothy Leary
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"chaos is beautiful. there are many times we are afraid, because we want order... we can't deal with confusion and disorder... we want form, we want rules... yes... throughout human history there have been people, religious leaders, political leaders, who will give you order. they will give you rules and commandments.. but chaos is basically good, relax... surf the internal linkwaves of chaos, and learn how to re-design your own internal linkrealities... sit back... internal linkflow... open your eyes... turn off your minds and focus, and let the waves of chaos roll over your brian... float, drift, zoom, design, create, re-order, your order, your style, from chaos... yes... yes... chaos... yes..."
Timothy Leary
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
"the human brain contains 100 billion neurons, each neuron is as powerful as a computer, and each neuron has around 10,000 connections with other neurons... within our foreheads, there is a chaos... inside our brains, there is a internal galaxy of information, which is incomprehensible for linear minds.. this contrasts and compares perfectly with the chaos without... we're living in a universe which has 100 billion galaxies, each galaxy with star systems, planets, a complexity which to our minds right now, is chaotic... incomprehensible... "
Timothy Leary
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cosmicfuturist-blog · 13 years
     Aeons ago, in the lost era of our Ancient Heritage, ALIEN SPACE BEINGS arrived and impregnated our planet with the seeds of their future harvest. They were Aliens because they are not originally from this planet. They were Space as they were extremely intelligent. They were Beings as long as they held conscious intention, which they did. As interdimensional shapeshifters, Alien Space Beings travelled between the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions; changing form to adapt to the diverse survival conditions of their daily lives. They elected a council of spirit farmers to be responsible for feeding and nurturing their interstellar family. Spirit farming entailed the locating of a biologically responsive planet and the planting of spirit seed inside suitable neuro-muscular organisms to eventually produce a non-stop crop of spiritual food. Since Alien Space Beings were essentially immaterial spiritual entities, their survival depended on certain high-frequency, vibratory substances.
      Before their arrival, PLANET MIRTH was a wild, overgrown oceanic garden teeming with multitudinous species of flora, insectoids, reptiles and primate mammalia. It was with the latter that Alien Space Beings grafted their spirit seed into for synthesizing a hybrid now called, "human being." Over the millennia, Planet Mirth has since been renamed "Earth" to identify itself as an interstellar agricultural center. Its purpose was the production of enough spiritual food to assure the survival and evolution of the Alien Space Beings. Like any other crop, this one required certain culturing processes before it could be harvested.
      With their advanced tuning systems, Alien Space Beings amplified the communications network connecting our planetary entity, its closest star and the galactic core for optimum informational exchange. The activation of this trinary intergalactic circuit released enough essential nutrients for catalyzing the growth of human cultures around the planet's surface. Through numerous stages of human evolution, these cultures grew into civilizations by constant interaction with the planetary entity. A few, like Atlantis, Lemuria and Egypt, outlasted the rest but eventually collapsed to fulfill the Earth's interstellar, agricultural function. The ripening of the alien spirit crop always paralleled the individual human shift from a vertically-stable spiritual orientation to a more horizontally-active material identification.
      As soon as vertical internal reliance was replaced by complete horizontal dependency, a human being lost its soul. This soul, along with countless others, was assimilated into the alien harvest. The greatest harvest always followed the crest and downfall of a civilization; the larger the civilization, the greater the yield. Every twenty-four thousand years or so, Alien Space Beings celebrated the sweetest, most abundant harvest of them all. In astrological terms, this occurred at the end of every Piscean Age whereby human evolution revolved almost entirely around elaborate forms of religion-worship: producing vast horizontal feeding frenzies called "Holy Wars." This time was referred to, by Alien Space Beings, as The Great Collapse and it was always a time of tremendous human sacrifice and massive suffering. It was during The Great Collapses that the compassionate intelligence of the planetary limbic system also underwent its most profound development.
      As the Earth's largest civilizations were inadvertantly yet routinely preparing for the next Great Collapse, the planetary entity busied Herself with new expressions of Her boundless love. Over the millennia, She grew increasingly aware of a handful of human beings that chose to remain true to their vertical, spiritual orientation rather than lose their souls in another horizontal, spiritual catastrophe. Through the rise and fall of Her world cultures, She assessed that perhaps eleven percent of Her human crop remained vertically loyal to Her. This geomantic, micro-culture selected to derive its stability, strength, wisdom and morality from direct resonant relationship with the Earth. These humans, She felt, were not destined to become food for the Alien Space Beings but deserved to be born as baby gods from the womb of Her omni-directional consciousness.
      As part of Her evolutionary imperitives, the planetary entity was preparing to relay a new signal to the Alien Space Beings regarding Her service as an interstellar garden. She was also ready to communicate pure gratitude to the Alien Space Beings for allowing the deepening love of Her children. To propel this transmission it was necessary to locate and train certain human midwives to birth Her baby gods. Each midwife had two parts - one negatively charged and the other, positive - one human woman and one human man. These humans were selected from the geomantic micro-culture and for the high-frequency, electromagnetic charge oscillating between them. In other words, only certain men and certain women were able to contain and direct the Earth's energy, appropriately.
      Most often, these select men and women started out with only the faintest notion of what was happening and why they really met. They would, however, inevitably realize their experience was set apart from the rest of the human population by their reluctance to Fall In Love, Get Married, Have Babies and Buy Furniture. This didn't mean they didn't try to do these things. It's just that these cultural definitions of coupling failed to contain the intensities required to birth the baby gods within them.
      The physical fate of planet Earth gathered momentum by spinning through deep space, following the trajectory of its orbit around its closest star. The planetary entity expressed its spiritual destiny by what and how it chose to develop on the way there. As part of Her destiny, She arranged for meetings between certain men and women by awakening in them an awareness of their shared fate. She also subjected each man and woman separately, yet simultaneously, to certain shocks, to open and prepare them for the Intensive Care Unit, where these three operations took place:
Activities arousing an ongoing awareness of and reliance on the planetary entity as a source of vertical, internal stability.
The articulation and integration of internal polarity towards establishing and activating humans as bio-electromagnetic batteries, or power source.
The flexibility by which human bio-electromagnetic batteries interact amongst each other while engaging the geo-electromagnetic battery and energy field of the Earth. The activation of the Man/Woman/Planet trinary interactive circuit.
The planetary entity prepared Her midwives by instructing them to perform these three operations ON PURPOSE. Each man and woman learned to recognize her instruction by the repeat appearance of multiple coincidence surrounding each lesson. As the midwives executed each operation, the frequency of multiple coincidence accelerated. By the stabilizing influence of Earth Surrender Rites, midwives were able to regain placement and navigate through the turbulence of quickened coincidence, or synchronicity. Once the commotion settled down and synchronicity became the Standard Time Zone, the planet went into labor.
The Planet Earth Is In Labor AND We Are The Mid-Wives
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