cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
last night the kindest soul – @dakotasborn – brought to my attention that my other blog had been resurrected and, upon investigation, i found that all drafts and and inbox as i’d left if before my long weekend. i have yet to receive any information on why the account was terminated in the first place. 
HOWEVER, i’m going to take this as a cosmic sign. so i will be archiving the old blog, and continue threads here. i’ve been wanting a fresh start for a while, so if life gives you lemons or something. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
last night the kindest soul – @dakotasborn – brought to my attention that my other blog had been resurrected and, upon investigation, i found that all drafts and and inbox as i’d left if before my long weekend. i have yet to receive any information on why the account was terminated in the first place. 
HOWEVER, i’m going to take this as a cosmic sign. so i will be archiving the old blog, and continue threads here. i’ve been wanting a fresh start for a while, so if life gives you lemons or something. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
last night the kindest soul – @dakotasborn – brought to my attention that my other blog had been resurrected and, upon investigation, i found that all drafts and and inbox as i’d left if before my long weekend. i have yet to receive any information on why the account was terminated in the first place. 
HOWEVER, i’m going to take this as a cosmic sign. so i will be archiving the old blog, and continue threads here. i’ve been wanting a fresh start for a while, so if life gives you lemons or something. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
last night the kindest soul – @dakotasborn – brought to my attention that my other blog had been resurrected and, upon investigation, i found that all drafts and and inbox as i’d left if before my long weekend. i have yet to receive any information on why the account was terminated in the first place. 
HOWEVER, i’m going to take this as a cosmic sign. so i will be archiving the old blog, and continue threads here.  i’ve been wanting a fresh start for a while, so if life gives you lemons or something.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
fall break’s on, so i’m doing replies BUT i’m also taking care of all my (overdue) health appointments and studying for mid-terms && making presentations
thank you for bearing with me
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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this just in: dick is practically donna’s slightly less attractive twin brother.  
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the fucking disrespect i get for my amazing writing
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
he  supposes  it  depends  on  the  environment  .  either  the  heroes  are  too  serious  for  his  liking  or  the  moments  soon  become  ones  like  this  .  really  ,  what’s  wrong  with  getting  to  know  each  other’s  abilities  .  plus  it’s  not  like  batman  gets  out  of  gotham  very  much  .  with  all  his  knowledge  ,  they  sure  struggle  at  taking  holidays  .
❝      i’ve  handled  worse  than  embarrassment .      ❞      it  was  his  first  day  with  the  justice  league   &   his  big  mouth  got  him  decked  by  big  barda  .  that’s  worse  . 
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index  is  held  up  ,  a  momentary  pause  .      ❝      that’s  a  possible  option  ,  but  i  have  t’know  .  from  a  scale  of  one  to  ten  ,  how  much  am  i  goin’  to  regret  it   ?   &   is  it  goin’  to  slag  me  in  half   ?      ❞
❝  Well thank GOODNESS for that.  ❞ She snorts, shaking her head. After a moment, Court holds the Staff out horizontally with one hand, the other coming up to draw attention to the buttons near its center. She frowns at them, because her hands remembered their function more than she could verbalize. And that DEFINITELY wasn’t something you told people.
 ❝  SO, important part, control panel, which plays a part in explaining how I could but won’t slag you in half... I think. If I’m interpreting that right.  ❞ Because she could totally understand future slang. Court mentally filed ‘slag’ away for future investigation. 
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  There’s a pause as she tries to put it into a scale.  ❝  Prolly a solid seven. But that’s if I was aiming and turned up the juice. It’s usually set to a frequency that puts it below a taser... Do they have tasers where you’re from?  ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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ya bitch is fucking dying
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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you love hoodies.  you love shorts. dogs are better than cats. it’s hilarious when people get hurt. shopping is torture. sad movies suck. you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid. at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega. you used to be obsessed with power rangers. you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. you go to your (step-)dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps. you used to collect hockey or baseball cards. baggy sweats are cool to wear. it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours. you love to go crazy and not care what people think. sports are fun. you talk with food in your mouth. you sleep with your socks on at night. you have fished at least once.
you love to shop. you wear eyeliner. you wear the color pink. you go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport. you hate wearing the color black. you like going to the mall. you like getting manicures and/or pedicures. you like wearing jewelry. you cried watching the notebook. dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. you don’t like the movie star wars. you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid. you like putting make-up on others. you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city. i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am. i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying. i hate funerals. i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. i’ve stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily. i watch the news. i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. i am a morning person. i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar. i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well. my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes. i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. i am ticklish. i love white chocolate. i bite my nails. i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.
TAGGED BY: @legacycarried
TAGGING: @dakotamom @favdream @questionsofmoraliity @ofbewitchment aaand anyone else who wants to
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
Court uses “asexual” to describe her sexual orientation, despite being more closely aligned to gray-asexuality or demisexuality, because if people don’t even know that asexuality exists to begin with, she assumes they definitely don’t know what the other terms mean and doesn’t want to explain her sex life to every one  and  their mother. She finds the umbrella term of asexual to both leave wiggle room and make the point that sex is generally off the table. While she’s gotten some backlash, most people she discusses her orientation with accept it. 
She’s not a sex repulsed ace and has, in fact, had sex ( good  sex at that ). But she doesn’t really go out of her way for it or tend to get sexual urges. If her partner wants sex, she’s happy to do it, she’s fine having intercourse, it’s nice -- or even fine with her partner having safe sex with other people as long it’s communicated and they get tested before she has sex with them again. It’s just that she doesn’t really feel a NEED for sex. To Courtney, it’s like a good spar -- releases pent up feelings and gives a great adrenaline rush. 
When she has sex it’s about the closeness. She, at that point, truly has feelings for her partner and the closeness that sex offered helped to show this. Laying in bed with them afterwards was also a huge bonus that she fucking loves. 
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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❝ So... Do all mutants have really crazy family trees or is that just the Summers clan? Because if you do, you guys are wild. ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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  ❝ Hey, Al... Everything alright? Ya look a little peeved. ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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❝ OH WOW -- you have no idea how jealous I am of you. You’re arms -- you -- look amazing. Even though I’m fit, I have, like, none muscle definition. ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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     ❝ Look, I don’t know what the Rogues could possibly want to do in MY city, but consider this a formal invitation to NOT. ❞ Her face is set in a deep frown as she lands on her feet. Why did people have to show up when she had assignments to finish? The audacity. ❝ But -- HEY -- if you give up now, I won’t slam dunk ya, promise. ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
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   ❝ Hi! I’m Stargirl, honorary Teen Titan of sorts. Meaning I appear to steal food and help out if they buzz me. ❞
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
me: like this for a starter ppl: *like, for a starter* me: wat the fuk
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cosmiclegatee-a · 7 years
like this for a short starter
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