cosmicsourced · 3 years
* JOHN  PRINE STARTERS from various songs of his !       change pronouns and/or tenses if necessary !
“  i’m  trying  to  hide  my  sorrow  from  the  people  i  meet.  ” “  i’d  like  to  stay.  ” “  i’m  tired  of  running  around.  ” “  i  could  built  a  castle  of  memories.  ” “  just  give  me  one  thing  that  i  can  hold  on  to.  ” “  no  matter  how  hard  i  try,   the  years  just  flow  by  like  a  broken  down  dam.  ” “  i  haven’t  done  anything  since  i  woke  up  today.  ” “  i  hope  i  didn’t  ruin  your  whole  vacation.  ” “  you  never  know  how  far  from  home  you’re  feeling  until  you  watch  the  shadows  on  the  ceiling.  ” “  you  don’t  have  to  be  alone.  ” “  just  come  on  home.  ” “  valentine’s  breaks  hearts.  ” “  you  can’t  win  for  trying.  ” “  new  year’s  eve’s  bound  to  leave  you  crying.  ” “  i  still  love  that  picture  of  us  walking.  ” “  it’s  just  like  that  old  house  we  thought  was  haunted.  ” “  summer’s  end  came  faster  than  we  wanted.  ” “  when  i  woke  up  this  morning,  things  were  looking  bad.  ” “  total  silence  was  the  only  friend  i  had.  ” “  a  bowl  of  oatmeal  tried  to  stare  me  down  and  won.  ” “  won’t  you  please  tell  the  man  i  didn’t  kill  anyone ?  ” “  sometimes  it  seems  like  the  bottom  is  the  only  place  i’ve  been.  ” “  i  sat  down  in  my  closet  trying  to  get  away  from  all  the  ears  inside  my  walls.  ” “  i  dreamed  the  police  heard  everything  i  thought.  ” “  i  remember  everything.  ” “  i  remember  the  way  you  turned  and  smiled  on  me.  ” “  i  remember  every  night.  ” “  i  remember  how  i  missed  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  i  miss  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  a  little  tenderness  was  the  best  i  could  do.  ” “  i’ve  been  holding  on  for  you.  ” “  look  at  us,  after  all  these  years  together  ” “  look  at  you,  pretty  as  a  picture.  ” “  look  at  me,  still  crazy  over  you.  ” “  in  a  hundred  years  from  now,  they’ll  look  back  and  wonder  how  we  made  it  all  work  out.  ” “  we’ll  go  down  in  history.  ” “  when  they  want  to  see  how  true  love  should  be,  they’ll  just  look  at  us.  ” “  storms  never  last,  do  they,  baby ?  ” “  your  hand  in  mine  stills  the  thunder.  ” “  you  make  the  sun  want  to  shine.  ” “  you’ll  never  know  how  much  it  hurts  to  see  you  sit  and  cry.  ” “  you  know  you  need  and  want  my  love,  yet  you’re  afraid  to  try.  ” “  someday,  i’ll  get  over  you.  ” “  i’d  rather  believe  in  love  and  give  it  away  as  much  as  i  can.  ” “  i’ll  always  miss  dreaming  my  dreams  with  you.  ” “  you,  my  happiness.  ” “  everybody’s  waiting  for  something..  ” “  the  saddest  words  i  ever  heard  were  words  of  parting.  ” “  sweetheart,  remember  me.  ” “  you  will  never  be  the  same.  ” “  life  is  empty  without  you.  ” “  i  know  you  loved  me.  ” “  you’re  still  the  first  one  in  my  heart.  ” “  i  can’t  put  all  the  blame  on  you.  ” “  i  guess  we  could  have  made  it,  but  pride  stood  in  our  way.  ”
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cosmicsourced · 3 years
THINGS  MY  BEST  FRIEND  AND  I  HAVE  SAID,   pt  i. warnings :  vulgar language, alcohol mention, d.eath, s.ui.cide, two twenty-something year olds cursing their way through life
change pronouns / tenses if needed !
“  i fuckin’ bamboozled myself.  ” “  YOU MOTHERFUCKER.  ” “  we need matching onesies.  ” “  if i tell you i did something stupid will you promise not to make it a thing?  ” “  the vibes are just weird today... let me see what sign the moon is in.  ” “  the moon is in pisces? damn. sad bitch hours for sure.  ” “  i finally got to use my texan accent!  ” “  what do you think of when you think of me?  ” “  i’m actually having a really difficult time right now because i literally want to bang my own brains out.  ” “  i think bucky barnes would love you.  ” “  i think bucky barnes would fucking hate you.  ” “  i hate my fucking brain, dude.  ” “  i didn’t come here to drink wine coolers on your couch all night. i came here to drink straight whiskey and pass out on the floor of your bathroom.  ” “  give me your fucking venmo before i come over there and fight it out of you.  ” “  do you have your crystals on you?  ” “  i DO NOT have my crystals on me. i’m raw dogging this shit.  ” “  _____ always says my name so sweetly, it makes me want to cry.  ” “  oh, you’re down bad, aren’t you?  ” “  you need the time he was born, right?  ” “  go ahead and ask, but don’t be sus about it.” “  he was born in 1999? THAT’S A WHOLE CHILD.  ” “  he’s not a child. he’s 21. he has a full beard.  ” “  i have a five year plan of setting you up with him. it’s been in motion for months now.  ” “  why do you keep trying to set me up with people? i’m literally dating someone right now.  ” “  why do i keep getting drawn to sagittarius men?  ” “  you called me a ‘certified badass witch’? thank you, i love that.  ” “  she’s so short, i could just knee her in the chin.  ” “  people are so fucking weird.  ” “  is it weird that i already know what kind of headstone i want?  ” “  maybe i’m clairvoyant and my heart palpitations this morning were just a bad omen of all the shit that was gonna happen today.  ” “  i think i would be interested in fucking him if i didn’t work with him, but alas, dats da way da cookie crumbles.  ” “  dude, i made $200 in tips this weekend. that’s so many burritos.  ” “  i’m about to cry in the back of this fucking uber.  ” “  i think the universe is telling me i don’t need to date.  ” “  I JUST ACCIDENTALLY LIKED A PICTURE OF HIS FROM FIVE YEARS AGO.  ” “  i was very close to saying fuck it and fucking ____ last night.  ” “  i can’t find my FUCKING glasses. this is the worst day of my life.  ” “  look me in the face and tell me to stop romanticizing him.  ” “  i took advantage of the alone-time and busted out my tarot cards. i needed a conversation with the cosmos.  ” “  oh shit, you rock with ABBA?  ” “  of course i rock with ABBA. chiquitita is what i play when i want to die. sometimes it makes it worse, but whatever.  ” “  if i die, you’re my bestest bestie.  ” “  i just saw wild horses for the first time in my life and started crying so i think i’m PMSing.  ” “  logically, i know she’s manipulating me. but emotionally? mmmmm...  ” “  this whole fucking thing is a shit show.  ” “  oh, his venus is in scorpio. that guy FUCKS.  ” “  i’m convinced seth rogan is my true soulmate.  ” “  STOP SAYING MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED. YOU’RE SCARING ME.  ” “  if someone breaks in, stab me with my epipen. it’s adrenaline so i’ll beat the ever-living fuck out of them.  ” “  is an epipen like a temporary super soldier serum?” “  i don’t believe in god. i believe in shit you’ve never even fuckin’ heard of, buddy.  ” “  stop telling me to download mods that show my sims woohoo-ing! i don’t want to watch them woohoo!  ” “  if you had an o.nlyf.ans account, i would tip you so good.  ” “  oh my god, this is exactly like when tony found out bucky killed his parents.  ” “  ...HOW THE FUCK IS THIS LIKE WHEN TONY FOUND OUT BUCKY KILLED HIS PARENTS?  ”
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cosmicsourced · 3 years
* ABBA STARTERS !       change pronouns and/or tenses if necessary !
“  are  you  sure  you  want  to  hear  more ?  ” “  things  look  different  in  the  morning  light.  ” “  if  you  hurt  my  feelings,  i’ll  cry  out  loud.  ” “  i’m  not  the  kind  of  girl  you  marry.  ” “  don’t  you  realize  i  may  be  an  angel  in  disguise ?  ” “  it’s  lonely  to  be  free.  ” “  i’m  not  a  man’s  toy,   i’ll  never  be.  ” “  i  don’t  believe  in  fairytales.  ” “  i  do  believe  in  sympathy.  ” “  won’t  you  have  a  drink  with  me ?  ” “  i  can’t  help  my  ways.  ” “  i’m  just  not  the  kind  of  girl  to  hide  my  face.  ” “  i  was  so  afraid.  ” “  we  were  young  and  full  of  life,  and  none  of  us  prepared  to  die.  ” “  there  was  something  in  the  air  that  night.  ” “  i  never  thought  that  we  could  lose.  ” “  if  i  had  to  do  the  same  again,  i  would.  ” “  you  were  robbing  me.  ” “  one  of  us  had  to  go.  ” “  one  of  us  is  crying.  ” “  one  of  us  is  lying.  ” “  tell  me  what’s  wrong.  ” “  i  hate  to  see  you  like  this.  ” “  the  heartaches  come  and  they  go.  ” “  take  it  now  or  leave  it.  ” “  now  is  all  we  get.  ” “  i’m  really  glad  you  came.  ” “  my  fate  is  to  be  with  you.  ” “  i  have  to  sit  down  for  a  while.  ” “  what  happened  to  those  wonderful  adventures ?  the  places  i  had  planned  for  us  to  go ?  ” “  it’s  slipping  through  my  fingers  all  the  time.  ” “  i  wasn’t  jealous  before  we  met.  ” “  i  used  to  think  i  was  sensible.  ” “  everything  is  you.  ” “  what  can  i  do ?  ” “  i  hate  to  spend  the  evening  on  my  own.  ” “  you’re  a  tease.  ” “  if  you  need  me,  let  me  know.  ” “  take  a  chance  on  me.  ” “  i  don’t  want  to  take  about  the  things  we’ve  been  through.  ” “  i  was  in  your  arms,  thinking  i  belonged  there.  ” “  you  must  know  i  miss  you  .  .  .  ” “  i  apologize,  if  it  makes  you  feel  bad.  ” “  i  don’t  want  to  lose  you.  ” “  everything  about  you  is  right.  ” “  neither  you  nor  i’m  to  blame  when  all  is  said  and  done.  ” “  take  it  easy  with  me,  please.  ” “  please  don’t  let  me  down.  ” “  you  thrill  me.  ” “  you  make  me  feel  dizzy.  ” “  you’re  a  love  machine.  ” “  i  don’t  want  to  hurt  you,  baby.  ” “  there’s  no  place  in  this  world  i’d  rather  be.  ” “  honey,  you  nearly  kill  me.  ” “  i  can  read  in  your  face  that  your  feelings  are  driving  you  wild.  ” “  this  is  goodbye.  ” “  breaking  up  is  never  easy.  ”
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cosmicsourced · 3 years
* LORD HURON STARTERS from various singles !      change pronouns and/or tenses if necessary !
“  i  swore  that  i’d  become  better  for  you,  and  i  tried.  ” “  i  tried  to  change  my  ways.  ” “  i  bare  a  flame  that  burns  a  thousand  suns  for  you.  ” “  i  bore  a  flame  that  burned  a  thousand  suns  for  you,  but  it  died.  ” “  i  could  never  love  somebody  else.  ” “  i  told  you  i  could  never  love  somebody  else,  but  i  lied.  ” “  i  lied.  ” “  i'll  be  coming  back  for  you.  ” “  i  told  you  i’d  be  coming  back  for  you,  but  i’m  not.  ” “  i  would  dance  until  we’re  bones.  ” “  i  read  your  letter  and  i  cried.  ” “  there  were  tears  of  joy.  ” “  the  chains  are  broken.  ” “  i  made  a  vow  to  stand  beside  you  til  the  day  that  i  die.  ” “  i  could  never  live  without  your  love.  ” “  i  told  you  i  could  never  live  without  your  love,  but  i  lied.  ” “  i’m  all  messed  up  with  nowhere  to  go.  ” “  it’s  hard  to  make  friends  when  you’re  half  in  the  grave.  ” “  i’m  not  dead  yet.  ” “  i  got  something  to  say.  ” “  you  look  like  hell.  ” “  there’s  a  stranger  in  my  eyes  again.  ” “  you’re  tired  of  me  and  i’m  tired  of  you.  ” “  i’ve  been  out  way  too  long.  ” “  if  she  asks  about  me,  tell  her  i’m  not  dead  yet.  ” “  i’ve  been  waiting  for  you  to  come.  ” “  it’s  driving  me  insane.  ” “  does  he  make  you  say  his  name ?  ” “  does  it  hurt  when  you  lie  to  me ?  ” “  if  you  asked,  i’d  set  you  free.  ” “  aren’t  you  worried  what  i’ll  do ?  ” “  little  girl,  you’re  not  so  young.  ” “  is  he  ready  to  die  for  you,  baby ?  ” “  i’m  fond  of  living.  ” “  i  would  have  given  it  all  for  the  girl  i  love.  ” “  when  did  i  lose  your  love ?  ” “  was  it  him  you  were  thinking  of ?  ” “  i  could  never  betray  your  love.  ” “  you  had  me,  heart  and  soul.  ” “  i  was  all  yours.  ” “  that’s  just  how  it  goes.  ” “  i’m  not  the  person  i  was  this  morning  when  the  sun  rose.  ” “  i’ll  never  replace  your  love.  ” “  i’ll  be  taking  a  life  this  evening.  ”
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cosmicsourced · 3 years
* THE WORLD AND OTHER PLACES by jeanette winterson starters      change pronouns if needed !
“  i  will  come  for  you.  ” “  i  will  throw  myself  across  chance  for  you.  ” “  you  are  the  dream.  ” “  it  would  have  been  so  much  easier  if  i  had  been  an  easier  person.  ” “  i  have  learned  what  love  costs.  ” “  a  new  beginning  .  .  .  i  saw  this  in  him  and  it  frightened  me.  ” “  journeys  make  me  nervous.  ” “  they  are  liars.  i’m  telling  you  because  i  know.  ” “  i  like  heights.  ” “  are  you  asleep ?  ” “  i  want  to  take  care  of  you.  ” “  will  you  marry  me ?  ” “  you  have  the  sun  inside  you.  ” “  don’t  hurt  me.  ” “  i’m  no  saint.  ” “  you  are  my  new  testament.  ” “  you  are  not  hard  to  love.  ” “  if  i’m  honest,  i’ll  admit  that  i’ve  always  wanted  to  avoid  love.  ” “  give  me  all  the  parts  of  love,  but  not  the  simple  single  word  which  is  so  complex  and  demands  the  best  of  me.  ” “  despair  made  it  too  dark  to  see.  ” “  kindness  has  always  been  a  surprise.  ” “  there  is  no  passion  without  pain.  ” “  i  don’t  know  what  i  want.  i’m  just  drifting.  ” “  life  has  no  point.  ” “  what’s  wrong  with  settling  down  and  getting  married ?  ” “  did  something  happen  to  you ?  ” “  if  you  could  make  a  wish,  what  would  it  be ?  ” “  love  is  enough.  ” “  i  knew  i  could  get  away  and  better  myself.  not  because  i  despised  who  i  was,  but  because  i  didn’t  know  who  i  was.  ” “  one  day  i  woke  with  the  curious  sensation  of  not  being  myself.  ” “  you  need  to  get  some  sleep.  ” “  i  was  worried  about  you.  ” “  will  you  sleep  with  me ?  ” “  when  i  hold  you  in  this  night - soaked  bed,  it’s  courage  for  the  day  i  need.  ” “  why  don’t  you  get  married ?  ” “  it’s  not  enough.  ” “  i’m  getting  divorced.  ” “  you  were  not  designed  to  be  my  landscape  or  my  lifeline,  nor  i  yours.  ” “  if  everything  i  have  become  were  not  machine - made,  i  might  be  able to  take  the  risk  of  being  human  with  you.  ” “  don’t  let  this  happen.  ” “  i  can’t  walk  away.  do  you  understand  that ?  i  can’t  walk  away.  ” “  the  love  has  gone.  ” “  i’m  unhappy,  which  like  all  important  things,  goes  without  saying.  ” “  where  are  you  now ?  ” “  i’m  trying  to  be  good.  ” “  i  could  have  saved  him.  ” “  i  felt  he  limited  my  life.  ” “  i  never  made  him  happy.  ”
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