cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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Feel good and love yourself bath spell
Lemon slices - love, boost energy, cleansing, element of water, moon correspondence
Mint leaves - boost positivity, protection 
Black tea leaves - courage, banishes boredom
Lavender bath salts - love, protection, peace 
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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Was he ever a chef? Or did he only eat the food?
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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i woke up in a cold sweat knowing that it was my sworn sacred duty to create this image
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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gotta introduce the plot somehow I guess
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
the magic of coconut oil
As you all may know bleaching your hair damages your hair, some have more damaged hair than others and some have less damaged hair but still, your hair will be in a death state if you don’t use the right things. My hair got very damaged lately and I wanted to do anything I could to bring it to a decent state. I tried many products, I really did and I ended up to one conclusion: coconut oil is the only answer to bleached damaged hair. It’s seriously pointless to waste money on all those hair products you see in drugstores because believe me when I say that most of them are just sh*t, PLUS coconut oil is very cheap so it’s a win win situation!
Of course coconut oil won’t be enough to keep your hair healthy and back to normal but it sure helps the process. Here’s what I did:
I went to a chinese food shop downtown and bought a 500mL coconut oil jar (yes, the one used for cooking), when i got home i brushed my hair and applied the oil on dry hair from my roots to my ends, wrapped the whole thing with foil and a towel and then left it on my head for more than two hours (since the moment it has to stay in your hair for at least two hours). After that I shamphooed my hair twice with a normal shamphoo to remove the oil untill I didn’t feel my hair greasy anymore then used conditioner as usual. When I blow-dried my hair I immediately realized that my hair was SO much softer, I almost had tears of joy. The only cons of this is that the oil will fall on your neck and face this is why you’ll have to always have a towel around your neck to remove the dripping oil. The perfect way to do this is to leave the coconut oil on your head a whole night and I sure will try this when the weather will be warmer and when I’ll be ready to cover my bed with towels, untill then I’ll keep leaving it on my head for 2 to 3 hours.
Oh! This remedy is not only for bleached hair! If your hair feels dry and dead you must have to try this aswell! Coconut oil gives the hair all the proteins it has lost due to various reasons (heat tools, weather, bad diet ecc). Try it! You will not regret it!
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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5 amazing uses of green tea for skincare!🍵🍵🍵👌 greentea-and-lemons greentype skincare9111 skincareobsession skincarebyalana1 skincarerocks skincaresolutions101
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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So. I get asked a lot how I keep my hair from looking like a dead animal what with the constant pastels. And lately it’s been looking a little worse for wear, so I’m busting out my deus ex machina. Now, this ain’t pinterest my friends. This is not a spa day. This is pure atonement. It looks like puke and it SMELLS like puke. But boy almighty does it mend your mistakes. I have never gotten silkier hair from any other product or recipe. And some people have told me the smells LINGERS a little (I’ve never had this problem, a good scrub with some fruity shampoo usually does the trick). But if you’re ready to face the wrath of god, you’ll come out the other end with the hair of a goddess. Beauty is pain, after all.
Keep reading
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
Like or reblog if you’re a Maladaptive Daydreamer who has problems sleeping such as:
- sticking to a sleep schedule
- falling asleep at night
- staying asleep at night
- oversleeping
- etc.
I want to know how common this is amongst us. 
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
no one ever talks about borderlines being completely right about being upset? it’s all chocked up to the bpd irrationality but where is our validation for lashing out at the correct time? when someone is genuinely doing something to wrong us? but no ofc it’s always “irrational bpd behavior”
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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Intricate details elevate this sculpt of How to Train Your Dragon’s Toothless, making the Night Fury even more fantastical.
“Haku-Toothless” by hontor: http://bit.ly/2Jlw4ZV
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
Raspberry Lemon Friendship Muffins
I’ve been making these muffins a lot this summer, so I thought I would share them with you all! Everyone seems to really like them, and I feel like they’ve done their job of strengthening and reviving my friendships with others.
This recipe makes 12 standard size muffins. Feel free to make substitutions to the recipe as you see fit! 
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2 and ¼ cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
A pinch of salt
1 cup sugar
½ cup oil (coconut, canola, vegetable)
1 cup light sour cream (can be substituted with plain greek yogurt)
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Zest of 1 lemon
1 and ½ cups (12 oz) fresh raspberries
Preheat oven to 375 degrees fahrenheit. Grease a muffin pan or use parchment/foil muffins cups to line the pan.
In a large bowl mix together the flour, baking powder/soda, and salt. Make sure all of the ingredients are evenly distributed.
In a medium size bowl mix together the sugar, oil, sour cream, eggs, vanilla, lemon juice and lemon zest. Whisk until the sugar dissolves.
Pour the mixture over the dry ingredients and fold until combined. Be careful not to over mix!
Fold in the raspberries until evenly distributed. (A tip I use to make sure all the berries don’t sink to the bottom is that I mix them with a little bit of flour before I fold them into the mix.
Use an ice cream scoop to evenly divide the mixture into you’re already greased/lined muffin pan.
Bake for 18-25 minutes depending on oven type. To check to see if the muffins are done you can insert a toothpick into a few of them. If the toothpick comes out clean, then they are done!
Magic and Correspondences:
Lemon- Purification, healing, removal of any negative influences or blockages. The yellow from the zest corresponds with friendship and healing.
Raspberries- Growth, the strengthening of relationships. The red of the berries is associated with passion, desire, renewal, and joy. 
Sugar- Sweetens not only the muffins, but the magic of them too. It can sweeten the bond and energy in your relationship.
 Vanilla- Love, passion, peace, and luck.
You can also draw some friendship sigils on the parchment/foil cups if you use them. While mixing the muffins channel your intent to revive and strengthen your friendships with others. Feel free to pair this with a spoken spell, but I prefer to just focus my intent and channel it’s energy into the muffins when I’m adding the ingredients, mixing them, and while I watch them bake. 
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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@the-diplodocus-is-my-favorite this post is your fault. 
This was Ivan’s “perverse” piece. This was Ivan’s “perverse” piece. To be fair, that tuba does sound a little promiscuous there in the middle.  I think Ivan and Francis could have made good suffering artist buddies if their bouts of artistic suffering had happened at the same time. 
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
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I love the dentist and x-rays #dentist #teeth #clean #xray #mouth
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cosplay-commodity · 6 years
Your future spouse is currently walking around making memories that they’ll tell you about one day.
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