costaxserena · 4 years
It’s my first day off in forever! I’d love to read some new apps. Send one in, you know you want to!
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Lucien Tremaine (Aaron Taylor-Johnson): Berker Güven
Drew Anchorage (Matty Healy): Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Victor Van Dort (Daniel Sharman): Ben Platt
Viv Flieger (Medalion Rahimi): Anya Chalotra
Open characters
Iain Hopper
Sam Lyon
Sky Llewellyn
Scout Rogers
Plot-related characters
Atta Capell
Dante Xolo
Hades Vitalis
Héctor Rivera
Poseidon Vitalis
Richard Dorsey
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costaxserena · 4 years
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-Dash Parr
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costaxserena · 4 years
Does every character have to have a main blog or can they be a side blog
Updated Answer:
Either way is fine! We strongly recommend using a main blog, as it is harder to use all of the features of Tumblr (such as interacting with posts, using the follow feature, using the ask box, etc.) on a side blog. It’s up to you in the end, but we’ve found it easier to use main blogs.
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Welcome to Costa Serena, Sam! Please send in or submit your blog within 24 hours & have your submit box open. We hope you have a magical experience at the Coast!
Character: Dashiel “Dash” Parr
I would rather be called Sam or Sammy, I have no problem with either one. My pronouns are She / Her and my age is twenty-three. My time slot (according to google) would be Central European Time (GMT + 01: 00). What else can I say? Well, I am a somewhat shy and nervous person, but as soon as I let myself be known to others I become friendlier.
I’ll be honest, I am currently working in the afternoons from 15:00 pm to 22:30 pm and I spend a few hours in the morning studying. But I am like a nocturnal animal and could role-play at night and / or days off from work. I would roughly say that I can roleplay between one or two and a half hours a day. It may be that one day it may not be available for personal reasons or force majeure, although I will try to be as present as possible. I would rated my activity as a 6-8/10
Dashiel “Dash” Parr.
That is a difficult question because I have to choose between two characters: Jack Jack Parr or TJ Detweiller, I think I’ll be willing to play TJ Detweiller
Dash - Seeing faces around the place wasn’t a new thing for the middle son of the Parr, having got used to the coming and going of different people around the Neverland Juice Bar. Sometimes they’re nice and is just individuals who are looking for a conversation with a friendly soul and other times is an entitled jerk that just wants to grab a drink and leave. Either way, is nice to have the chance to not be stuck with the same persons each day, no matter if some days are slower than others. Mischievous smile danced on her lips when she saw the newcomer taking a seat right in the seat closest to him, deducing that things were going to get interesting. “It’s been a while mate, usual order or are we feeling daring today?”
TJ - No matter what or in which age one is, college or university are still a drag due to errands. It’s even worse when one has to spend the day stuck in the library, seeing how others are having fun outside while TJ has to stay inside to finish that project that wouls supossed a good grade. Life’s just unfair sometimes but complaining won’t fix anything. A devilish smile filled his face as he turned to his companion with a camera in hand, eyes shining with the audacity of a plan that would soon be revealed. “Hey pal, do you want to liven up the party a bit?”
I guess that drama that involved murder or drugs? I’m a bit sensible with that stuff
For the moment in a member of other group but if I’m accepted, I’ll try to be as present as I am there. Like it’s christmas I’m a bit busy but usually I try to stick around as possible.
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Deck the halls and cheers to the New Year
For this mini challenge we want to see how your characters spent the holidays! Show us how they decorated and how they celebrated Christmas and/or New Years, so we can share the joy. It can be with a moodboard and HCs or some social media posts of their festivities.
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costaxserena · 4 years
Is this group active? I was thinking of joining because this group seems interesting, but first I wanted to ask to be sure.
Hi, Nonnie! Sorry for the delay :) It’s definitely been a hard year, so we have been more lenient with  our member’s activity but we’re definitely active! We know it’s harder to be around much during the holidays, but someone is always around and we would love a new member! Activity usually spikes when we get new peeps to RP with!
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costaxserena · 4 years
hello! is this rp active?
Hello, nonnie! Activity is a little slow right now but we’re active and would love new members.
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costaxserena · 4 years
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- Jack Frost - Jane Porter
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costaxserena · 4 years
If you’ve been eyeing us for a while, there couldn’t be a better time to send in an application. We read new apps every day and usually send out same day acceptances. I’d love to read a new app today!
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costaxserena · 4 years
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All of our characters are made up of tiny headcanons that they’ve practically built for themselves along the way. This challenge focuses on those random pieces of information that we’ve known about our characters all along, but maybe haven’t gotten the chance to share through chats or paras.
This challenge is not mandatory; though it’s a great way to get to know your characters even further, feel free to elaborate on your answers as much as you’d like. This one is just for fun!
Band / Musician
Movie / Show
Place (Daily life and/or vacation spot)
What is/are their...
Theme song(s)?
Pet peeves?
Fictional character(s) they relate to the most?
Most prized possession(s)?
Childhood dream job?
Do they...
Have a quote/motto they live by? Which one(s)?
Have any musical talents? Which one(s)?
Practice any sport? Which one(s)?
Have a party trick? Which one(s)?
Have any phobias? Which one(s)?
Have any pets? Which one(s)?
Are they...
Allergic to something? To what?
Superstitious? If so, what do they believe brings them good/bad luck?
An early bird or night owl?
A dog or cat person?
Optimistic or pessimistic?
Indoorsy or outdoorsy?
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Sophia Reynolds
Victor Van Dort
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costaxserena · 4 years
We’re so happy to happy all our lovely members here! Shout out to you all guys! We’ve been wanting to have some fun, interactive challenges. Do you have any ideas that you think we’d love? Send ‘em to the main or to our Discord channel! 
And if you’re new and looking for a way to pass time, develop your writing and meet a bunch of lovely people, come join us! We’d love it if you checked out our variety of bios and choose a character to make your own! 
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Sophia Reynolds
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costaxserena · 4 years
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Welcome to Costa Serena, Laura! Please send in or submit your blog within 24 hours & have your submit box open. We hope you have a magical experience at the Coast!
Character: Sophia Reynolds
Laura, she/her, 23, and EST
The opening notes of Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5 began to resonate softly through the room, mingling with the sunlight that streamed onto Rosetta’s bed. Perfectly manicured fingers pick up the red iPhone XR that is thrumming along to turn the alarm off. Rosetta sighs deeply as she lifts her pink satin sleeping mask off her eyes, lashes fluttering to help combat the light that had flooded her room “Ngh!” she grunted, stretching her arms over her head as she sleepily looked out the window, then back to her phone. Why on earth had she gotten out of bed so early on a Saturday? Oh right, she was planning on meeting with Doctor Clayton to have dinner. Doctor Clayton…or big daddy, as she liked to teasingly call him. The two had been entangled in quite the torrid affair for the past month or so, and while Rosetta would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy the attention from such a strapping older man, there were some aspects of him that were gnawing at her stomach. Some of the things she’d seen in her rendezvous with him have started to make her question just what all she knows about him and just how good he is.
However, she didn’t have time to think about any of that now. Right now, she had to begin the process of greeting the day. A creature of habit, Rosetta pressed play on her Wake-Up playlist and began to hum along as Kacey Musgraves dulcet crooning coaxed her into her bathroom. Rosetta began the long process of showering, using products of her own design that she’d created while working for Chanel. Combining that with a boatload of Lush cosmetics items, Rosetta always ensured that she looked and smelled as pretty as the flowers she loved to spend so much time around. Hopping out of her shower, her bare feet padded softly on the ground as she threw on her robe. Snatching up her phone and clicking over to the makeup video she’d fallen asleep to last night, Rosetta sleepily wandered into the kitchen to fix herself a cup of tea. It was rare that she had the apartment to herself, and she was quite content with the silence. Well, apart from the beauty guru raging about the latest scandal in the beauty community. Not vibing on her energy, Rosetta scrolled into the recommended videos and was floored when she saw a familiar favorite.
Clicking the thumbnail, Rosetta was immediately glued as Dolly Parton’s Jolene began to sound off from her phone. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, Rosetta picked up her still-brewing tea cup and gazed out the window, her gaze decidedly pensive. Her mind wandered back to her entanglement with the professor. She had no qualms with dating a professor, but there was something about him that was so dangerous and unsettling. What had drawn her to him was now making her question just how much he actually cared for her. Maybe Tina and Peri were right…Maybe she really did need to start seeing other people. Clicking out of the video, Rosetta began to type up a text to cancel on her Doctor. She needed to spend a day thinking about what she needed for herself and her future. Would she send the text? That was to be determined.
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costaxserena · 4 years
Hi there, lovelies! 
We’ve been so happy to see more charas on the dash! But there’s always room for more and we’d love to get to know other RPers. 
If you’re interested in a Town/Animated RP where not everything is as good as it seems, we just might be the perfect match for you. Come check us out! 
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costaxserena · 4 years
will you guys be posting more of the folks from Book of Life?
Hi there! 
I’m so glad you asked this question, Nonnie. Yes, we most certainly will. Both Manolo and La Catrina are on the works right now and we’ll try and speed them up so you can check them out soon! :) 
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