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Why YOU should volunteer?
April 22, 2020
Hello again and happy Thursday! This will be the last post for a while, but I hope you have enjoyed our journey of learning more ways to care for ourselves and our animals. From recipes for humans and pets to fashion for animals we have really covered it all.
animeals on Wheels is the reason for the creation of this blog, so I would like to leave with a few ways you could get involved.
On their website they say “Volunteers are needed to make monthly deliveries of pet food, adopt a senior and their pet(s), host pet food drives, assist with inventorying donations and organizing the Animeals pets, food room, repackage pet food donations, pick up donations of pet food throughout the community and represent Animeals at special events.”
All help is encouraged and greatly appreciated at animeals on Wheels. You can volunteer remotely or in person. There is an volunteer overiview section on the website for you to find more info.
Bye for now! 
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels
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Best TEXAS parks for you and your pet!
April 15, 2021
Hello everyone! I hope you were able to celebrate a great National Pets day last weekend!
Its Spring and the weather is finally heating up! Warm weather is the perfect time to go out and explore what nature has to offer. Texas is such a huge state and in this ginormous state you can find tons of beautiful spots to stop and observe nature.  
Now, I understand it isn’t possible for all of us to be able to pack up and take a tour of Texas’ natural wonders, but it IS possible for us to find a local park to enjoy!
Going outside and being in the fresh air has many benefits:
1.    It can Improve your memory! A University of Michigan study found that in a test of memorization, those who walked down the street outside, did better than people who didn’t.
2.    Stress Relief! Being outside and getting that fresh air in your lungs lowers stress levels.
3.    Vitamin D levels rise! Vitamin D is helps to maintain strong bones, helps the body absorb calcium, and helps muscles move.
Those are just a few of many reasons why you should enjoy the outdoors!
Dallas, Houston, and Austin are the big cities I think of in Texas so I am going to give you guys a few park suggestions in each city. Enjoy!
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I recently went to Austin, TX and while visiting, I went to Zilker Park. “Zilker Metropolitan Park is considered "Austin's most-loved park." This 351-acre metropolitan park is home to a variety of recreation opportunities, facilities and special events for individuals and families.” There are so many acres of grassy land that are perfect for animals. Many people had their dogs with them while they had a picnic and enjoyed the nice weather. While walking on the trail that oversees Lady Bird Lake, many people had their dogs on leashes, as per the request of the park, and took advantage of the long trail.  
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In Houston, Herman Park is a great spot that has tons of green space. “Hermann Park is located in one of the most picturesque areas of Houston. Nestled in between the Museum District, the Texas Medical Center and Rice University, Hermann Park provides Houstonians with plenty of greenspace to enjoy Houston's temperate climate. Hermann Park is one of Houston's first parks and is one of the premiere parks in the department's inventory of parks.”
For Dallas, I will give you two park ideas.
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The first park is great if you want to walk with your pet in a downtown area. “Klyde Warren Park is a central gathering space connecting Downtown and Uptown Dallas. The 5.2-acre deck park, designed by The Office of James Burnett, is an urban green space built over the recessed Woodall Rodgers Freeway between Pearl and St. Paul streets in downtown Dallas.”  
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The second park is more of a trail and its great for getting active with your animal. “The Cedar Ridge Nature Preserve trails are located within 633 acres of City and County-owned property in southwest Dallas, containing escarpment and forests that are ideal for birding. There are eight separate hiking trails totaling approximately 6 miles.”
Thanks for reading and I hope you can enjoy one of these parks with your animal!
Cover Photo by Daria Obymaha 
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National Pet Day 2021!  
April 8, 2021
Hey everyone! Welcome back to the blog. As of today we are 2 days away from National Pet Day!
Sunday April 11, 2021 is National Pet day and I’m going to give you a few ways to celebrate. If you have never heard of National Pet day it is a day “founded in 2006 by Pet & Family Lifestyle Expert, Animal Welfare Advocate Colleen Paige, to celebrate the joy pets bring to our lives and to create public awareness about the plight of many different kinds of animals awaiting a forever home in shelters and rescues all around the globe,” as stated on Nationalpetday.com
Here a few ideas on how to celebrate this Sunday.
1. Visit a Houston Pet Shelter!
Houston Human Society is open from 11am-5:30 on Sunday for Adoption.
“The Houston Humane Society is dedicated to, and working towards, ending cruelty, abuse and the overpopulation of animals while providing the highest quality of life to those brought to us for care.
They have dogs, cats, horses, and an assortment of other animals ready to be adopted into their new forever homes! The adoption process is simple, and they even offer certain discounts for some of our furry friends.”
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Friends for Life is another shelter you can visit. The location is curbside so you can call 713-863-9835 to schedule an appointment.
Address: Don Sanders Adoption Center 107 E 22nd Street Houston, TX 77008
“Founded in 2002, Friends For Life introduced the no-kill shelter model to Houston – saving animals regardless of their breed, age or condition.”
2. Donate Blankets, food and toys to animeals on Wheels!
“Donations are accepted year round Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm  at the WT and Louise J. Moran building location: 3202 San Jacinto Street, Houston, TX 77002”
Here are a few ideas! 
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Check out this Microplush Quilted Dog & Cat Blanket from Chewy.com. Its currently on sale and would be perfect for a newly adopted dog or dog in shelter!
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This Paw Door Hanging Scratchy Pad can also be found on Chewy.com!  Save yourself or an animal shelter a few dollars down the line by purchasing this scratch pad and saving your door!  
3. Have a cute pet party! 
Our cats and dogs may not completely understand what is going on, but it could be fun to throw your animal a little party to show your appreciation. Grab your pets favorite treat and stop buy your local pet store and grab a new toy and you are set for your party.
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If you want to take it one step further, visit a nearby dollar tree and buy some props for a photoshoot.  
There are of course a multitude of ways to celebrate National Pet Day and not one way is better than another. Its most important to have fun!
The weather on Sunday in Houston is looking to be dry and sunny so go outside and enjoy the heat!  
See you next week!
Cover Photo by Katarzyna Modrzejewska from Pexels
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Furry Friend Fashion
April 1, 2021
Welcome back to your community fishing portal. HA just joking! Happy April Fools day!
Today’s blog post is something fun that I promised you guys last week. Animal Fashion! I will insert some pictures and websites where you can purchase the best outfits for your cat or dog.
Most people choose to keep their dogs or cats nude simply because the animals feel more comfortable that way. Sometimes wearing clothing can be restricting as a human, so we can relate to wanting to break free. However, this post is meant to help the person looking for a cute insta worthy picture outfit for their animal!
It is completely unnecessary to dress your animal, but it sure is fun!
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Let’s Get Started!
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Our First stop when looking for the best dog and cat fashions is Petco. Petco Animal Supplies, Inc., or simply Petco, is an American pet retailer that sells pet products and services, as well as certain types of live animals.
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This first dog outfit is perfect for a rambunctious animal that likes to go outside! How cute is that carrot?
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This cat turtleneck is so adorable! Imagine how smart your animal will look wearing this during the winter season.
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The second is a major online store where you can find a plethora of items, pet outfits included. Amazon.com, Inc. is an American technology company which focuses on e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming.
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A cat in bunny years is a must have picture for a baby feline! Amazon offers this outfit and others similar in a variety of colors.
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When I saw this, I thought it was hilarious. Similar to the human Supreme brand , which has basic words on expensive clothing, this brand offers the same for dogs.
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Number three on the list is a niche pet clothing supplier specifically for Dogs named FurBaby Couture! Furbaby Couture™️ is an online shop that specializes in dog clothing and accessories.
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This first Louis Vuitton inspired jacket looks so warm and very fashionable! If you are a designer loving human FurBaby Couture is a spot you should check out.  
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This dog is also rocking a Louis Vuitton inspired look! However, there is a strap available for a human to hold on to.
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This spot is great when looking to purchase extremely inexpensive items. Shein is an online fast fashion retailer that offers everything from women’s clothing to pet clothing.
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Cat turtlenecks seem to be popular! This green outfit will look great on any cat!
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These faux silk pajamas would look so cute on a puppy or a toy dog! The pink color is so adorable and if you wanted, you could probably use Shein and find a matching outfit for yourself.
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The last spot for today’s list is a popular store amongst all shoppers. Target is a popular retail store that sells a variety of items for pets.
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Its never to early to get into the Christmas spirt! This cat is adorable in its festive wear. 
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These outfits from target are great because your cat can match with your dog if you have both kinds of animals! 
Thanks so much for making it to the end and I hope you were able to get some clothing ideas for your pets. See you next week! 
Cover Picture by Sam Lion on Pexels.com
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Recipe ideas Part two. This week? CAT FOOD 
March 25, 2021
Welcome back to the Cougar Paws for a Cause Blog! I hope you were able to rest and repower after the much needed Spring Break!
Last week on the blog I gave a meal idea for you and your dog that was simple and delicious to make! I understand not everyone owns a dog, so I didn’t want to leave out our cat owners.
Before I share a few wonderful recipes for homemade cat food, lets dive into the main food categories that cats enjoy eating!  All this information was found on pets.webmd.com. A very useful resource when it comes to pet safety.
Human Foods that Cats CAN and love to partake in:
1.     Meat-“Cats are meat eaters, plain and simple. They have to have protein from meat for a strong heart, good vision, and a healthy reproductive system. Cooked beef, chicken, turkey, and small amounts of lean deli meats are a great way to give them that. Raw or spoiled meat could make your cat sick. If you wouldn't eat it, don't give it to your pet.”
2.     Whole Grains:  “Many cats like corn, and polenta, a coarsely ground cornmeal, has a good texture for them. You can try brown rice, barley, and wheat berries, but you may need to mash them first. Cats tend to like smaller grains like millet and couscous. Just make sure any grains you give are cooked so your kitty can digest them fully.”
3.     Fish: “Fish have a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which help your cat's eyes stay sharp as well as help with arthritis, kidney disease, and heart disorders. Canned or cooked fish is fine for a treat.”
4.     Eggs: “Eggs are another super source of protein for your cat. But make sure they're cooked”
5.     Veggies: Not popular amongst cats but “they are a rich source of vitamins, and they're loaded with fiber and water to help with digestion. Try fresh cucumber or cantaloupe, steamed broccoli, or asparagus.”
6.     Cheese: “Cheese is a high-protein snack that's fine for your cat in small amounts”
Human Foods that Cats CAN’T partake in:
1.     Chocolate
2.     Grapes and raisins
3.     Onions and garlic
4.     Macadamia nuts
5.     Bread dough
6.     Alcohol
For more information you can visit this page about Cat Food Safety: 
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Alright lets get into some homemade cat meal recipes!
The recipes for today were created by Blogger Franny Syufy from The Spruce pets Blog!
Cat Breakfast
·       1 tablespoon nonfat dry milk
·       3 medium eggs
·       3 tablespoons cottage cheese
·       2 tablespoons veggies (grated)
·       Mix together the milk powder with a small amount of water.
·       Add the eggs and beat well.
·       Pour the mixture into a small non-stick frying pan and cook on medium-low heat until done.
·       Flip over like a pancake and spread the cottage cheese and veggies over half of the cooked surface. Fold like an omelet. Cool and cut to bite-sized pieces to serve.
Chicken Meal
·       1/2 pound chicken breast (boneless, raw weight, cooked)
·       1/2 large egg (hardboiled, split it lengthwise)
·       1/2 ounce clams (chopped in juice)
·       4 teaspoons canola oil
·       1/8 teaspoon salt substitute (potassium chloride)
·       3 bonemeal tablets (10-grain or equivalent)
·       1 multiple vitamin-mineral tablet.
·       Chop the chicken breast and egg.
·       Crush the bone meal and vitamin tablets finely, then combine all ingredients.
·       Refrigerate, then warm slightly before serving.
Thank you again to Franny Syufy for creating and sharing these nutritious and delicious cat food recipes!
I’ll see you guys next week with a fun post about Dog and Cat Fashion!  
Cover Picture by Wojciech Kumpicki on Pexels. 
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Dinner ideas for YOU and your DOG  
March 11, 2021
Staying inside due to the Corona virus has officially reached it’s year anniversary in the United States. In March of 2020, we had no idea the changes that would follow the introduction of corona to the U.S.
Many people spent the first part of their self-titled “ quarantines” trying out new things. Weight loss was a goal many people wanted to achieve while spending time at home. At-home workouts on YouTube and Instagram quickly became popular since there wasn’t much to do. Another quarantine fad was cooking and baking, trying out new things in the kitchen. On the popular video sharing app, Tik Tok, instant whipped coffee, inspired by South Korean delicacy Dalgona Coffee, went viral due to its unique look. For weeks, people were mixing instant coffee, sugar and cream together and placing it on top of milk in order to have their morning drink in a new way.
If you are interested in dusting off some of your cooking ware and trying out new recipes for you and your pet, keep reading!
This first meal is perfect for you and your furry friend. Blogger Rocky Kanaka put together two recipes that are perfect for feeding you and your dog using similar ingredients. A salmon meal will be healthy and filling for the both of you.
The Ingredients that are needed for both meals are
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 salmon portions WITH skin
1 Squash
1 Head of broccoli WITH stem
3 potatoes (any kind will do)
2 Carrots
Cooking instructions for the Dog meal are as stated below:
Cut broccoli stem, peel carrots and cut squash. Keep the peelings as this is for your dog. Mix together and steam in rice cooker or bake in oven.
 Air fry potato shavings after pouring in 1 table spoon olive oil in air fryer (or place in oven.
Pan fry salmon in 1 table spoon olive oil with skin on. Start with skin side down on the pan at a medium temp. After flipping, pull off crisp salmon skin off both pieces of salmon and place in dog bowl.
Once everything is finished cooking mix all together in dog bowl. Chop to small bitesize for ease and a cleaner floor!
WARNING: Your dog will be very excited about this meal but it MUST COOL. Let it cool for 15-20 minutes.
Cooking instructions for the Human meal are as stated below:
Cut broccoli, carrots, squash and steam in rice cooker
Slice potato chips with a slicer.  If you only have a knife, make french fries instead. Trying to cut thin potato chips by hand is not easy.
Air fry potato chips after pouring in 1 table spoon of olive oil in air fryer (or place in oven).
Pan fry salmon in 1 table spoon olive oil with skin on. Start with skin side down on the pan at a medium temp. After flipping pull off crisp salmon skin off both pieces of salmon and place in dog bowl.
Again, I would like to thank Blogger Rocky Kanaka for this wonderful recipe. If you would like to watch a video with more ideas, it will be linked below! 
Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels
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Why YOU, yes YOU, should get an Animal!
March 4, 2021 
Apart from human contact, having an animal companion is the next best choice! While some choose to have a family with a baby human, a puppy or kitten can be the same emotionally. Affection and attention can be poured out into that little animal at any time! 
In a University of Michigan poll the results found that Three-quarters of pet owners aged 50 to 80 say their animals reduce their stress and give them a sense of purpose!
“Nearly 90% of older pet owners said their animals helped them enjoy life and feel loved; roughly 80% said their pets reduced stress; and almost three-quarters said their furry friends provided a sense of purpose, according to the poll. In addition, 64% of pet owners — and 78% of dog owners — said their pets helped them stay physically active. Sixty percent also said their pets helped them cope with physical and emotional health issues” said Time.com.  
As a senior, it can be beneficial to have a furry friend with you! Here are 4 reasons why YOU should take that step and adopt a pet.
1.     New Experience – Even though you may be used to your normal routine, having an animal can push you out your comfort zone and cause you to form new habits
2.     Companionship – The animal will always be with you. As they grow your relationship will grow and you can have fun with them.
3.     Keeps you moving- Depending on what animal you get you may need to take them on walks. Walking with the dog can be done every day!  
4.     Less stress- Studies show that 70% of elders with animals say that their pet helps them cope and gives them support
Picture from Madeline Bassinder on Pexels! 
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WELCOME to the aniMeals on Wheels BLOG! 
The aniMeals on Wheels program was founded so that homebound clients on Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston program would not feel compelled to share their limited food and resources with their four-legged friends. Thanks to partnerships with other non-profit organizations, such as Emancipet, we can assist our Meals on Wheels clients with receiving much needed veterinary services (such as vaccinations and spay/neutering).
Volunteers are needed to make monthly deliveries of pet food, adopt a senior and their pet(s), host pet food drives, assist with inventorying donations and organizing the aniMeals pets, food room, repackage pet food donations, pick up donations of pet food throughout the community and represent Animeals at special events. 
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