coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
>lengthy tirade of a post about how people need to stop being antisemitic to jewish people over israel/palestine >ask the op if its actually about antisemitism or if they're a zionist >they laugh >'its a good post about antisemitism, sir' >read the post >one of the bulletpoints on the 'how to stop being antisemitic' list is 'stop demonizing zionism :('
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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where did i hear that before
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coughkaesque · 10 months
getting incredibly tired of westerners responding to firsthand accounts shared by palestinians in gaza with the reflexive demand to see a "source"
because by source, they always mean a western news report
never mind, of course, that international journalists are banned from entering gaza; the word of the western journalist, writing in passive voice about a genocide 6000 miles away, is still deemed more 'reliable' than the firsthand accounts shared by the victims living through that same genocide
a palestinian shares a video of an IOF solider brutalizing civilians in gaza? not good enough; they still need a ''source.'' the video in question was posted by a palestinian journalist? okay cool, but does someone have a more reliable source? can we get a word in from the esteemed fact-checkers over at the new york crimes, or the iraq-has-wmds-post? we just don't want to spread misinformation...
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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After Israeli social media shared these videos and they got viral, they tried claiming these men were hamas members, THEY ARE NOT. They're civilians who were displaced with their families in shelters before Israeli soldiers abducted them.
Families are recognizing their brothers/fathers/grandfathers and sons by the videos shared here. They already executed a number of them.
As a Palestinian, this is the most painful, horrifying thing I had to witness. 63 days of bombing, killing a huge number of these men's families, you also abduct them and humiliate them while filming??? How can they take pride in this. This is genocide, this is holocaust 2.0 and I hope it hunts everyone who can put an effort to stop it but didn't.
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
Paying close attention to the sequence of news coming out of Gaza, you can see how Israel has a method of placing people on a death plan long before the final strike hits their family home and kills everyone.
It all starts when Israel throws leaflets from the sky, the best way to describe them is death threats, ordering families to move to another area for safety.
A lot of families do move their elderly and children hoping for safety but they arrive, israel begins bombarding the outskirts of these areas, making way for its forces and snipers to get in and place themselves around UN school and civilian homes, preventing anyone from moving and placing the area under siege.
Then, Israel would target the solar panels and water tanks on top of those houses, making life impossible for the residents there. Israel would also tamper and destroy any means of communication, completely shutting off those people from the rest of the world.
For the last act of pure evil, Israel will finish off its plan by dropping bombs on those homes, killing everyone and obliterating entire families.
Methodical massacres and genocide is what we will always remember israel for. Its terror and evil colonial agenda will not be lost on us and generations to come. And until Israel is held accountable for its crimes, we will continue to fight against their wish to eradicate us.
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coughkaesque · 10 months
To this day people will cry over the knowledge and works destroyed when the library of Alexandria was burned down.
And yet no tears are shed as Palestinian archives and libraries are bombed.
Saint Porphyrius Church, built in 1150 and the 3rd oldest church in the world has been bombed.
It's not an accident.
Israel aren't simply killing Palestinians, they are trying to erase that there ever were Palestinians in the first place.
Destroying their livelihoods, trying to to destroy their culture and history and pretend this land was never there's.
It's easy to deny someone's existence when there's no record of them.
Which is why it's so important to look at the atrocities and bear witness to what's happening.
But to also recognise that Palestine is more than it's suffering.
There is a living breathing culture, of art, history, literacy which all come from the Palestinians.
Traditions they've carried for centuries.
So while we mourn the dead, we shall fight for the living. Fight for the preservation of their crafts, amplify their voices as they speak on their culture.
Palestinian history and culture is alive. And no matter how much the world wants to erase that, they cannot and will not.
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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The images that Israel claims are of fighters arrested and stripped in Gaza include a journalist and his family, two teenage boys, one United Nations employee, and the director of an UNRWA school.
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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They are targeting the people of the land they wish to occupy
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coughkaesque · 10 months
i can’t wait for the ideological deconstruction of the racist notion that all jews around the world regardless of culture, language, place of origin, ethnicity etc are “all one ethnic group” like it’s just the most self evidently ludicrous thing. i think that could also be a stepping stone in the path to deconstructing the idea of nation-states in general.
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coughkaesque · 10 months
Ramy Abdu says that Refaat Alareer has been martyred, assassinated by Israel.
Dec. 7
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He published the following poem on his twitter on Nov. 1
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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coughkaesque · 10 months
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Someone gotta tell these people soldiers in action don’t get murdered
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