countcameron · 4 years
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New York Summer 2010 Part 2
“New York is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal, its politics are used to frighten children, its traffic is madness, its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it - once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough.”
Weeks had passed since the accident, Cameron stayed drunk and high being watched over his father’s security. Once Cameron started to sober up, running out of booze he decided to get a PI to try and find the girl from the accident. He took a lesson from his father’s own playbook. Since his father covered the accident up, it would take some time to find out what happened to her. Cameron wondered if she was alive or what was she up to. The flash backs of the cars crashing, the loud boom of the crash, their bodies being smashed against the seat and car tires screeching suddenly coming into a stop. The smoke coming from the hood of the car bringing a fogginess around their cars.
The police report was gone as if it never happened. Cameron should’ve known better, of course his father had a personal relationship with the chief. After another week or two his PI called him and told him where she was.
“Hey, Cam I found the girl. It looks like her name is Sadie, she’s from the city and she’s at Presbyterian.”
The PI hung up the phone and that’s when Cameron decided to go find her. His guilt was eating at him and he had to see if she was okay.
Cameron wore his navy-blue crewneck sweater and khakis, his Ray Bands covering his tired eyes. He inquired about the girl at the front desk asking what happened to her as if he didn’t know yet. The nurse explained to him, the girl was in an accident right out of the city, the crash impact caused trauma to her brain causing loss of her sight. After that day Cameron stopped every afternoon to check on her after school. A few days went by when he finally gained the courage to walk up to her. He followed her to group meetings and sat beside her, that is as closed as he could. He didn’t have the nerve to speak to her yet, but every time he got closer and closer. The young petite brunette took a deep breath as the group concluded for the day. Everyone said their goodbye and see you later. As she stood, she spoke to herself taking a deep breath. She wore a sweet flower oversized dressed that went right above her ankles.
'Seven steps to the refreshments table.'
She bumped into the table the words came out of her mouth.
"Five. Six. Damn it."
The table complained quietly as it moved against the floor making a screeching noise. She apologized out loud to no one and rested her palms against the tabletop to steady it and herself. Sadie took another deep breath, but in the next second she was startled by a voice she hadn't yet heard during group.
Finally, he spoke to her
“Hey there”
Cameron cleared his throat trying to get comfortable in the chair but decided to stand up to greet her properly. Sadie pushed her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose, something she had gotten used to doing so often around people that she didn't realize she was doing it anymore. She turned her head slightly in the direction the voice came from, or hoped it came from.
"Oh, you know. Just thought I'd introduce myself. This table and I have been to every meeting and I haven't once said hello."
Sadie quietly and awkwardly chuckled at her own sarcasm and turned to face where she hoped the source of the voice had come. Her sunglasses made it hard for her to make out what little shapes and colors she normally could, but they made people less uncomfortable too. Cameron looked at her and let out a small laugh, letting himself relax as she kept speaking to him enjoying her sarcasm.
“What happened?”
He asked taking a sip of his already cold coffee he had gotten before the meeting started. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear from her point of view.
"Are you asking what happened to make me need this support group or why I'm attacking this table?"
She took another deep breath, remembering her earlier decision to stop being so difficult. She took a deep breath before answering the question honestly.
"Car accident. I hit my head and it cost me my eyes. Mostly."
The two sat and talked for a couple hours getting to know each other. They were born and raised in New York trying to find themselves in a city where everyone is fighting for an identity. They came from different backgrounds; Cameron was the privilege elite kid getting everything handed to him. She was a girl that had always had to make ends meet, learning how to be smart and creative with how little her family had growing up. She saw the best out of any situation a trait Cameron wished he had the more he sat and spoke to her.
After a day with Sadie Cameron’s regret was starting to rise, and it hit him hard. She was a wonderful girl and didn’t deserve an asshole junkie crashing into her fucking up her life. He went on a two-day bender trying to take the pain away and self-hatred, but all it did was bring that night back and made him relive it. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the crash play over and over in his mind. He was mad at himself, but as a junkie on a binge he found any other excuse to shift the blame. She shouldn’t have been driving out there, what was she doing anyway? At the end of the day, he knew he would eventually have to come clean about what he had done, because the guilt would take him to a path of destruction and no return.
Cameron continued visiting Sadie in the rehabilitation center to talk to her and keep her company her nurses had noticed she was in higher spirits even though she was one of their best patients already. After a couple more visits it wasn’t long until Cameron’s father, Jack found out what he was up to. The reason he had taken care of the problem was coming back all because of his sons guilty conscious. Now he had a bigger problem in his hands, getting Cameron to do what he wanted. Cameron was a wild card when it came to him and his father having authority over him. Their points of view always clashing since he was a young boy and his father not showing any emotions towards him. Cameron was picked up from the rehabilitation center by his father’s driver after he finished visiting Sadie. He got in the car and saw a note on the seat, it read
-       This is the last time you visit her. It’s for your own good. Think of what this will do to your family.
           Jack Stone
When Cameron didn’t stop seeing her his father tried to pay her family off, it wasn’t a strange or a rarity in New York City. Everyone had their secrets and skeletons behind the perfect lives they attempted to live in the Upper East Side. Jack wanted to pay Sadie and her family to move to Switzerland to finish her recovery and live out their lives. Offering a new medical study that could possibly help her regain her sight, Jack made almost an irresistible offer. Over hearing that conversation made Cameron decided he was going to tell the truth even if she hated him. She deserved it after all, he was the reason she was blind. He started to clean up and went cold turkey. Cameron was going through detox, his entire body was weak, and he was itching to get that fixed that solved all of his problems, but he had to see her. Cold sweats, his hands and legs were shaking, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. His lips were dry and chapped, his eyes hollower than ever before.  He swerved through traffic, cars honking and tires screeching until he arrived. He waited in waiting room pacing back and forth biting his nails. He was nervous, running the scenario through his mind, he almost walked out multiple times.
Lately, Sadie had been doing really well with her basic rehabilitation. She had been having a lot of trouble with sleeping at normal hours since she couldn't exactly tell what time it was by looking out a window, but she had gotten into a rhythm and was waking up and falling asleep in the time bracket they wanted all on her own. She was in the mood to celebrate but only wanted to spend time with one person. It had been a few days since Cameron had joined her at one of her meetings, but she always held out hope that he would show up. They had grown close since meeting and she always had the seat next to her saved just in case so they could whisper jokes back and forth. She was in the middle of her braille course when an attendant came in to talk to her instructor. They were whispering about Sadie having company, but how they would advise against it. She caught his name and asked if she could go to the bathroom. You'd think they would have learned by now that Sadie's hearing had become her superpower. They excused her and she snuck away to the waiting room. She walked slowly, listening to her steps to place herself in the room. She softly said his name, afraid of being noticed by a staff member that could send her back to her class.
She sighed quietly to herself as she mumbled.
"You gotta help me out here, are you here? Marco!"
She laughed gently at her joke, shaking her head at the thought of him responding with 'polo'.
Cameron sat in the waiting room what seemed like hours to him. His legs shaking and palms sweating. His arms rested on his legs looking around to see if anyone was coming. He was crashing hard and couldn’t sit still for much longer. Cameron looked up seeing her.
He called out teasing her.
Cameron walked up to her, wiping the sweat off his hands on his pants.
“I didn’t think they were gonna let you see me.”
Cameron and Sadie sat down together for a moment doing small talk, how are you? and how you been? Cameron’s nerves were creeping up and he needed to tell her but not there. He couldn’t do it just yet.
“Do you wanna get out of here for a while?”
He asked standing up.
Sadie smiled when his voice carried to her ears. She heard movement to her right and turned, putting her hand out just in time for him to take it. Her other hand joined, and she held his hand between both of hers. Sadie's thumb moved over the back of his hand as they took a seat for a second.
"They were whispering about not letting me see you but jokes on them, I can’t see you anyway."
She laughed gently before Cameron suggested they get out of there, responding with a simple nod.
"Always. Is everything okay?"
His voice seemed a little different and even his hand felt a little off in hers. She stood with him, holding his hand tightly so he could lead the way. Cameron couldn’t help but laugh. He loved her attitude and the way she saw things.
“Let’s go then.”
He walked with her to the parking lot it was easier than he thought to get away. He helped her in the car and started to drive away. Cameron took her down to one of his favorite spots in the city. He took her to one of his favorite pizza parlors, they could walk around the park and enjoy the day with a slice of pizza in hand. Cameron parked the car a few blocks down and walked to the pizza place alongside Sadie. She followed closely and carefully got out of his car with his help. She told him about how things had been since she last saw him, explaining her progress and how she could finally read again. She had listened to a few audio books, but they weren't her favorite, so she was excited to get back to reading stories herself. Sadie talked almost nonstop until they got to the pizza place. She carefully let herself in and walked in front of him grabbing hold of his sleeve when he was in arms reach. She stayed close to him still unsure where he was taking her but giving him her trust. She had a few things she wanted to ask him but decided to wait until they got to wherever they were going.
“I hope you like pizza!”
It was evident where they were as soon as the door opened. Cameron and Sadie walked in front of the register, Cameron looked at the menu letting her know the options, from meet lovers, to Hawaiian, and extra cheese.  The slices were as big as your face or bigger. Cameron ordered two slices one for him and one for Sadie of peperoni pizza. She picked up on the scents that floated around her, still unable to identify some of them but she was getting better with that.
"I love pizza!"
They stood to the side waiting for pick up before they walked off to the park.
“It sounds like you’re doing great at the treatment center. I hope they don’t get too pissed off for sneaking out.”
Cameron finally spoke after their quiet walk to the park.
"They might, but I'm one of the best-behaved people there, I'm sure they'll get over it."
She carefully sat herself down next to him once they found a bench in the middle of the park. Finally finding a place for them to eat and chat. After a couple bites of pizza Sadie focused her hearing on him, tuning out the cars off in the distance and the kids screaming around them.
"So, what is it, Cam? What's wrong?"
She knew that if she was reading him right, something was off, and she didn’t want to put it off too long. It had her on edge, afraid something was going to happen, and she'd never see Cameron again. She quietly cleared her throat and forced herself to take another bite of her food.
To be continued…
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countcameron · 4 years
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Cameron was losing it. 
Losing control of his mind, his thoughts were no longer making sense. He was losing who he was and becoming the monster that was crawling out of him. Cameron was hurting day and night out, not for hunger but satisfaction. Missing fulfillment in everything he did. Waking up to a feeling of emptiness. Music, the crash of the waves and his thoughts were leaving him with nothing but an empty pit. Nothing mattered anymore, his mind was lost, his feeling where nowhere to be found. The only thing that mattered anymore was killing and feeding and attempting to momentarily stop the hunger. 
The nights couldn't come quicker for Cameron, it was when he was most comfortable. He could work amongst the shadows of the darkness and hunt his prey with ease. He was becoming a good hunter finding the perfect prey, innocently walking in their lives thinking they were free to do as they pleased. Nothing out of the ordinary, the screams in between the midnight skies and light coming from he moon hidden behind the glamour  and picture perfect views of the city.
One more step. One more step. 
His hands wrapped around the young females throat, she was about twenty-three to twenty-seven years old, the heavy makeup made it hard to tell. Her five inch heels made it hard for her to run away from him, making her stumble to the ground. He was much stronger the last couple of days since he had been feeding constantly. It didn't take him much to take control of her, he picked her up with one of his hands bringing her up to her feet. He dragged her down the street by her throat letting her legs drag on the ground. He couldn't deny it, he enjoyed the struggle as she tried to shake her way away from him, but he had complete control of her. 
"Shhh, don't you worry it'll be over soon It’ll hurt just a bit." 
Cameron smirk grew as his fangs came out, the devilish look on his eyes coming out. His eyes filled with hunger and emptiness. His veins slowly appearing on his face, poking out through his skin across from his eyes to his cheeks. The veins on his hands also poking out as his grip grew tighter around her neck. They were purple and red you could easily see the blood running down his veins, the moon light highlighting those areas. The moment stayed still, he felt the woman breathing getting harder and harder.  He could tell she was getting scared and who wouldn’t he looked like a monster removing his sheep’s clothing. Cameron leaned forward biting down on her neck, the blood gushing into his lips. That first taste of iron and metal hitting his lips for the first time. It had becoming a refreshing taste. The woman's screams becoming louder only adding to his momentary satisfaction. His fangs puncturing her flesh, sucking on her blood. Drips of blood running down the corners of his mouth, the blood dripped down all over her neck as well. Cameron couldn't stop until she was drained dry. Every ounce of her blood taken out of her and filling himself with what was left to be satisfied for the moment she was still there. Once Cameron was finished he sat her down on a near by bench. He paced back and forth watching as she was sat down. Cameron fixed her hair to cover her neck wounds making her look her best. He chuckled at himself knowing he could snap her head right off. Cameron held her neck in his hands and smiled licking the rest of the blood from his lips. In one simple snap her head was detached from her body. Cameron chuckled a little more as he held her head in his hands before placing it beside the rest of her body. He licked his fingers getting a last taste of her blood. He pulled his cigarette pack out of his blazer pocket with the lighter he sparked his cigarette walking away from the corpse as if nothing had happened. He slowly disappeared into the night becoming part of the shadows. 
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countcameron · 4 years
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“When was the last time you felt alive?”
A question not many would like to answer. 
It was a hard question in particular for Cameron. He thought back of his years as a mortal, half of his life he wanted to die and the rest of it he spent numb. Nothing made him happy, he could have anything he ever wanted handed over to him. The privilege made him angrier and he searched for happiness that much harder.  Even then he was barely living, he could feel death at arms reach. Maybe, that was when he felt most alive; finally getting what he wanted, DEATH. Even that was taken away from him, immortality wrecking and taking it away that brief moment of feeling alive. Only when faced with death you can feel the life inside you.
He could touch the left side of his chest and know he wasn’t truly alive. No heart beat, his chest didn’t rise or fall. Hurt and pain meant nothing when he could shut his feelings off at a blink of an eye. Life is nothing when you have nothing to life for. His empty life haunted him for eternity. 
Out here writing like a mad man.
Shit sometimes doesn’t feel real.
Am I even here? 
What if it’s all just a Dream.
Why am I still breathing?
I can feel myself drowning slowly.
Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
My heart stopped beating 
Do you think I’m crazy?
No, you just think I don’t give a damn.
That would hurt if I didn’t hear it everyday.
Isn’t that sad?
I’m used to it by now.
I just woke up.
You never cared, I hear it until I pass out.
But I thought I was dreaming.
I’m not good enough.
Why are you listening to that depressing music?
Turn it down, turn it off.
I was just soul searching.
What’s another day living the same thing. 
Everyone else believes it but no one believes in me.
Why wont you let me die?
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countcameron · 4 years
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Crawling out of his core, it was time to feed. Cameron was trying to suppress what he was for the longest time. Living out of blood bags and human food was no longer cutting it for him. Traveling made him want it that much more, blood from every inch of the country calling his name. 
-Cameron... Cameron.... Cameron...-
It began to haunt him, hundreds of people surrounding him testing him and poking at him until he could no longer hold back.
- It was time... it’s time...-
“You can’t kill your own fans”
He thought to himself in his dressing room. 
“Don’t do it Cam. Fuck!”
He yelled at himself, punching through the mirror in his dressing room. He walked out and ran off. He took off running for miles until he was in an unfamiliar place. Nothing but woods and animal sounds becoming louder as it got darker. He sat on a large rock throwing pebbles at frogs. He could hear a car coming not too far away maybe a mile or two. He stayed seated looking at the grown. Head lights blinding him. He stood up, he could hear the hearts beating of the passengers, two of them. 1,000 feet away, 700 feet away, 400 feet away and 100 feet away. Cameron instantly stood up without any thought cutting the car off. The breaks squealed until it made a full stop. He could see and hear the panic of the driver as he approached. Cameron opened the door grabbing the male driver by his neck. The female passenger screaming at the top of her lungs. Cameron’s eyes darken turning completely black.
“Shut up! Darling.”
He shouted to the 120 pound female as she cried in a fetal position in her seat. Cameron turned his attention back to the male he was holding up. 
- A good 178 pounds -
Cameron thought to himself, his fangs instantly came out and dug into the males neck. His blood spilling all over his neck and down his chest. Cameron drank as if he were dying from dehydration, sucking the male dry from his blood. Snapping his head off the moment as he was done. Cameron smirked the blood covered his mouth and down his chin. The female was screaming uncontrollably, Cameron smiled his teeth were blood red and the corners of his mouth dripped with blood.
“You’re a monster!”
She yelled louder and louder. 
“Get off of him!”
The female cried, wrapping her arms around her legs bringing them up to her chest sobbing back and forth. Cameron walked to the other side as the female attempted to run but Cameron was that much faster in any given day, but now even more since he was feeding straight from the source. He pulled her back and let her fall to the ground scrapping herself, her arms and legs. Cameron crawled on top of her, a devilish smirk on his face knowing that she knew exactly what was going to happen next. His fangs and teeth dug into her flesh, Cameron began to suck her blood; draining all of her blood from her veins. He moved down to her wrist since he got better flow specially with small females. Before she was fully gone Cameron closed her eyes shut before snapping her neck and tossed her head to the back of the car. He carried her body and buckled her in and assembled the bodies back together. Before walking away he sparked a fire right under the engine by the time he was gone the car would be caught on fire and would shortly explode.
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countcameron · 4 years
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“New York is an ugly city, a dirty city. Its climate is a scandal, its politics are used to frighten children, its traffic is madness, its competition is murderous. But there is one thing about it - once you have lived in New York and it has become your home, no place else is good enough.”
It was summer in New York; it was time to pack your bags and head to the Hampton’s for the next month. Cameron was currently living in the Bronx in a studio apartment with no working washer or dryer. He had about 20 dollars to his name. He was a nobody, but a junkie looking to get his next fix.
He’d been using drugs since he was a young teen. He started smoking hash when he was fifteen years old. After that he started using cocaine and hallucinogens. Cocaine was one of his favorite party favors. The life of the rich kids of the upper east side took him right to it. Easy access and it was that much easier to exceed. That’s what happened to Cameron by the time he was  seventeen – eighteen years of age, he was using cocaine almost on a daily basis. It didn’t take him long for him to start using heroin, that was a completely different high, the rush it sent through his entire body it made him feel out of this world. Nothing he could get would compare to the outer body experience he felt when that first needle entered his veins. 
( writing includes excerpts from writing with Sadie V. writer ) 
Summer 2010 Cameron’s old friend from prep school sent him a text, it was sent to everyone they knew. His friend’s parents were headed to Spain and the Hamptons house was going to be empty for the rest of the week. Cameron smirked looking at his phone tossing it in the backseat of the car. A bottle of Jack in one hand and the steering wheel in the other. Playing hip hop music, Biggie Smalls as he drove through the winding roads. No more city lights aiding his already blurred sight, New York City slowly disappeared into the night sky. Cameron’s head nodding to the music and he started to sing along. He sped more than he should as he always did feel in control for once again. A control he craved, it could be since his father had always put him down and telling him how big of a fuck up, he’d always been. “A complete embarrassment to the family.” Those words crowding his mind he slammed his foot on the gas pedal, he didn’t see the stop sing and he didn’t even hit the brakes of the car.
All Cameron could feel was the car jolting forward into another vehicle. His airbags released right after impact making his body hit the back of the car seat. Glass shattered everywhere all over him, but he was able to get out. Cameron gasped reaching for the bottle of whiskey taking a drink as he kicked the door open. His body pumped with adrenaline as he crawled to the back door and grabbed his phone. Dialed his father’s number “Father, I’ve fucked it up again” he said before he could hang up. Running away calling a friend that was nearby to pick him up and take him to the party. He knew his car wasn’t going to be there when the police showed up. Good Ol’ Dad would take care of it. The Stone name will not be put through shreds just because of a little accident.
To be continued...
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countcameron · 4 years
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Sometimes it's good to forget, but at what point is forgetting the point of no return.
Cameron had been having an easy transition to being back to living his regular life. He took "vacations" to go hunt, even though he was chased out of Italy not once but three times. He was what most people call normal. He was feeding carelessly, he fed when he wanted specially when he had shut his feelings off. Heart break was hard for him to take specially when his feelings were intensified. He felt pain he had never felt before. The heart he once had was broken, he could even hear it beating for the first time since before May 26, 2019.
Cameron stayed local this time, he stayed in the West Coast heading to Las Vegas his favorite place. On his way, he killed along the road leaving bodies up and down route 15. He entered homes and at times he was invited in. His looks helped with getting his foot in the door. After long nights of partying, the alcohol was not enough. His hunger took over, he needed to feed. One beautiful girl after another, their blood tasteful and filling. His entire mouth covered in blood, like a savage animal. He chased one of them outside the house, letting her run as if she could really get away. Out of nowhere Cameron appeared in front of the screaming girl.
 Cameron held her arms and screamed right back at her “AH!” he screamed right on her face. 
The girl became still shocked and paralyzed in his arms, it was perfect Cameron thought. He tilted her head biting down on her neck, his fangs easily puncturing her flesh, he began sucking hard draining her of her blood. She tasted sweet, her blood was smooth and refreshing. It was like a cold drink on a hot summer day. Cameron’s eyes turned black as he closed them and slowly started turning blue again. Letting the girl fall down as she fainted. Cameron walked around her. Slowly bending down and snapped her head off, with ease at a snap of a finger. The rage took over and snapped her arms and legs off. Leaving nothing more than a torso. Cameron put her back together and sang Humpty Dumpty before setting her on fire. He smiled as the flames got bigger the warmth of the fire making him feel dizzy and that’s when he decided it was time to go. He did the same thing over and over meeting random girls at the bar and going home with them just to feed on them before moving on to the next. He did this until he reached Nevada.
Las Vegas, bright lights and no one there gave a damn. Carefree city, everything that happens stays there. He walked around getting in fights just to beat guys into a pulp and to feel some sort of pain but that was the thing he couldn’t feel anything. Morning and night went by, he was trashed in a Vegas bar at least that’s what he could remember. 
His eyes slowly opened bright lights flashing into his eyes. “Dammit” he said feeling himself strapped to a table. 
He tried to pull himself up but he couldn’t. He was weak and hungry but not the kind of hunger that he had been accustomed to. He looked around but nothing was familiar, yet it was. He had been there before, but he was not sure if it was reality or just a dream.
There she was approaching him, dark hair flowing as if there was a gust of wind, she wore a black and red dress. It was as if she was floating towards him with a bowl in her hands. The flash back came rushing through his mind. He remembered the pain, his heart almost done beating. His face on fire, the song he chose to forget playing all over again. He could smell the rain and gasoline, he could hear the screams. His entire body shaking wanting to get out, breaking into a sweat.
“Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me.
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good.
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.”“
Let me go! You crazy bitch!” he yelled and screamed.His body stopped, that’s when she walked up to him.
“Drink!” She demanded.
Cameron didn’t want to, but it was as if he couldn’t say no and so he did. He drank the bowl until it was empty.
“What are you doing to me?” he asked.
The woman lighting candles around him.
“You’re not appreciating the gift I gave you.” 
She finally spoke sageing the room and his body.
“A gift? What fucking gift? I’d rather be dead than fucking live like this.” He said  back snapping at her.
“Kill me already if you’re going to, stop wasting both of our time.” Cameron yelled that much louder.
But it didn’t matter what Cameron did, she was in control and he didn’t have any, she made him into who he was and could easily take it away. He could feel himself dying, everything in his memory flashing before his eyes, even things he still hadn’t remembered since his transition was back. All the pain, the good times he had, his childhood, his first overdose he was reliving it all over again...
He fell back asleep.
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countcameron · 4 years
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The end of The Rolling Stone’s and so they rolled.....
Friday night should’ve been one of the best nights for Cameron. He got to perform at one of his favorite spots in town, Kanaloa Beach Bar. His artist had been performing there every weekend and now it was his turn to spin the tables. The party was bumping, it was their busiest night the bar was crowded, shoulder to shoulder. His set was off the hook, he had been working on it since the beginning of the month when he decided he would perform, getting back to doing the shit he loved. Drinks being poured since the moment he walked in. You’d think that would be good enough for him to take him out of his funk but he was 10 feet under. The last few days he’d been fighting with his wife and had him in the gutters. He messaged his drug dealer, Draven asked for a quarter of his best smack. He’d been doping up for the last three days nonstop as soon as his high was wearing off he shot back up. He didn’t care to be in a sober state anymore. He was letting his mind and body go at this point all he wanted was self destruction.
Fuck it, he repeatedly said to himself holding the needle up to his veins. His eyes rolled back to his head and shortly after began twitching. He spent his days just like that until the show. Getting high in his car before his set, snorting lines and drinking all the booze he could, free drinks made that easy. His body was home to toxic waste at this point killing it from the inside. After the party was over it was about 3-4 in the morning, Cameron and Moon Byul Kim-Stone were going home or anywhere the car would take them now. No words spoken to each other.
It had been raining all day. Storming more like it, loud claps of thunder and lightning filling the air. The pair had already had a particularly rough argument just before getting in the car so the tension between them was already thick. A fight so stupid it shouldn’t have happened in the first place; she knew this but let it happen anyway. If only she had believed him maybe they wouldn’t be so quiet in the car right then. She reached over to turn the blasting radio down just a little bit. In return he just turned it right back up.
“Could you not? I have a headache.”
Moon spit out right as she reached for the knob again to turn it down. Cameron simply rolled his eyes at her and turned it back up.
“You don’t tell me what to do.”
He spat right back at her. She looked at him for a moment before turning in her seat to look away from him mumbling under her breath,
“You’re an asshole.”
Moon kept her eyes looking out the window while he tapped along on the steering wheel to whatever song was playing. The rain was starting to pick up more outside, the drops clashing against the windshield harder and harder at a faster rate. She noticed that he was making no move to slow down from the high speed he was going. 
“Cameron, slow down please. It’s getting harder outside.” 
Her body moved to sit up now, facing forward, her heart falling into the pit of her stomach. He let out a soft huff
“We’re fine. It’s just rain. Chill out.”
Cameron looked over at her direction before leaning back in his seat even more. Moon leaned over the console to look at his speed, gasping softly when she saw he was already well over the speed limit on top of all the rain pouring down.
“Please..just slow down...”
She reached for one of his hands on the steering wheel only for him to snatch it away from her grasp. His jerk of the wheel matched with the accumulating puddle of water as they rounded the curve only sealed their fate. She was screaming as the car began to swerve, her eyes wide as he tried to gain control of the car but there was nothing he could do at this point. It was a lost cause. The vehicle swerved off before hitting the embankment and started to flip.
As fate would have it ‘Last Kiss’ by Pearl Jam played….
“Oh, where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good. So I can see my baby when I leave this world.”
The windows started to shatter, glass flying everywhere cutting his face up, blood spilling from almost every inch of his upper body. Cameron made an attempt to grab for her but it was too late. Her seat belt had snapped and she was thrown from the car into a nearby tree. He barely had time to call her before his side was slammed into the side of another large tree, his head hitting at an unsightly angle, causing his brain to bleed killing him within seconds. In her last few moments she saw the car land and tears filled her eyes. Ringing in their ears the last thing they were able to hear. The sustaining injuries to her spinal cord aiding in her last breaths. The pair had gone within a few minutes of each other. The rain started to stop and the car caught in flames, no passerby’s coming to their aid. 🔥
April 26, 2019
Before that date Cameron was just a man. Many talents followed and many vices followed. Those are the things that killed him on that dreadful night. The fire ignited through out his car, he bleed to his death. Wounds and injuries marked his dead body.
May 26, 2019
A month later he woke in shivers, his body tied down to a wooden bed in a place he’d never been before. Candles lit up the room he was in and he heard chanting happening around him. His body in cold sweats. Cameron’s body drenched in his blood and sweat. He had a burning fire inside him, his own blood making him burn from the inside out. He looked around in the dark room his pupils were dilated, everything was intensified. His body had no harm done for what he could tell. He had one mark on his body right on his face. A bruise covering his entire cheek from where his face slammed onto the windshield of the car and the fire burns. He was healed but not complete reminding him of his previous life, one mark left of humanity.
He had a thirst he couldn’t explain, a thirst he never felt before. It was driving him and controlling him. He tried to get untied but the chains kept him down, he felt weak yet strong. He was going mad until he heard a voice coming from the shadows.
“Now, now, relax”
The female said as she approached him with a glass in her hand.
“Take this, you’ll need it to survive”
Cameron looked at her, he had fear in his eyes. Not knowing what was happening to him. He leaned forward taking a sip of the beverage she offered to him. Spitting it out from his human instinct but he wanted more.
“This is only the begging.”
“We hadn't driven very far
There in the road, up straight ahead
A car was stalled, the engine was dead
I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night
The screamin' tires, the bustin' glass
The painful scream that I heard last.
Oh, where oh where can my baby be?”
That darn and damned song kept playing in Cameron’s mind even after he told himself to forget. It played the moment he started to remember. Remembering her was the best and worse thing that had happened to him. He could finally feel pain since his transition. Aching for the moment he could see her again. He left everything else behind they were suppose to go together and he would spend eternity until he found her again, he would find her again.
June 4, 2019 
He chased high and low went to every place he knew. Every place he took her and every place she took him to. Slowly remembering the little things that they had done together. Slowly the memories of them came and went maybe not all of them but most. He stayed in New York for a few days and headed to upstate New York to see if she was there. The trail went cold and he wasn’t getting any more memories after a day of finding nothing but his old family estate; Stone Manor intact and it made him to start to reminisce about his childhood. Only to remember why he left and headed to California.
June 6, 2019 
San Diego, California it was 9 pm, Cameron was confused forgetting about the time change between the East and West coast he had to adjust. He was also feeling hungry and food was not cutting it anymore. Once it was night he headed to the beach a couple of lonely passerby’s were his victims that gave him the fix he needed. Every time he took a life, he felt more alive.
“Darling this will hurt but for a second.”
He said to the female that was screaming and attempting to run away. He covered her mouth and dug his fangs in her neck sucking every last drop of her blood. She was young and he could tell by the taste of her blood she took care of herself, she was healthy and now she was dead. Soon her boyfriend would be too, they both ended up together after all. He threw them in the middle of the ocean for the sharks and the natural elements to erase them from this earth.
The following morning, he continued his search leaving a trail of bodies with their heads cut off behind him as he traveled around the West coast and finally ended up in Las Vegas. The place he and the woman he was looking for had gotten married. He was happy he remembered. He wanted to see her smile and those eyes shining one more time. Between feedings and beheadings, she kept popping up like a ghost.
“Cameron you shouldn’t kill them to feed.”
Even when she wasn’t around she was telling him to be better than what he was. To be good even if he was bad. He figured that was something she did often. He stopped by a gas station and cleaned himself up, stole some clothes from a man that was pumping gas before killing him and draining him dry. He had arrived at the Graveyard, it looked familiar but not at all. He walked inside and immediately felt relief as he walked in. He was amongst friendly’s and immortals as himself. He walked to the bar and ordered a drink. Bourbon on the rocks the first drink was his last the liquor burned down his throat, a feeling he had missed.
June 10, 2019
After spending sometime with Lucy and indulging himself in distractions but also getting to know himself in his new form with her help. He headed on his search it kept pulling him as much as he didn’t want to be anymore. He headed to place he didn’t know would really existed. He was there unsure of how he had got there but he made it there. The help of the gods led him there, there was no other way he could’ve made it to Olympus. There she was standing in the roof top with a long beautiful dress. She was more beautiful then he had imagined. Every thing about them starting to come in flashes in his mind.
The first time he’d ever laid eyes on her in Las Vegas in that crowded club as she danced eating her chicken wings. That evil, I’m going to kill you look for stepping on her chicken wing. The long nights in the studio creating a song not knowing he would fall in love with her shortly after that. The first night they’d ever spent alone. The day they got married now understanding completely why he headed to Las Vegas in the first place. They had eloped and he had the time of his life with her.
“It’s you!”
Cameron approached behind her.
“I’ve found you”
He was finally able to speak again after gathering all of his thoughts at once. Taking a step closer to her waiting to put his arms around her. He got an unexpected response from her.
“You’re not real..”
She wiped at her eyes while the tears began to fall.
“You aren’t real; this is just in my head... This is in my head...”
Moon ran her hands through her hair, grabbing at her head while she shut her eyes real tight.
“When I open them he’ll be gone... he’s not real, get it together he’s not fucking real.”
Her voice was breaking the more she tried to talk to herself but the break down was already building up and the dam was soon to break. She was breaking his heart how could she not see he was standing right in front of her. To take her back and for them to continue their lives together. They weren’t done just yet.
“I thought this might go a little bit different when I found you again, babe.”
He spoke softly, standing back as he watched her, curious about what the hell was her problem.
“Stop talking, You’re not real…”
He could see her crying and he didn’t know what to do. He took one step closer trying to reach for her but before he knew it she had stepping off the ledge falling and falling. His dead heart dropped. He wasn’t quick enough to catch her his hand graced her dress but it slipped through his fingers. He found her to have lost her all over again. She was gone now that he remembered every little thing about her. So it did that fatal night came flashing back.
“You’re an asshole!”
He could hear her yelling as if it were yesterday. The car drifting and the rain hitting harder, the fog making it that much harder to see. That tree that ended everything as he knew it. The fire and the reason why there was a scar on his face. His head slamming straight on the windshield cracking his head and cutting up his face the fire burning half of his face.
Cameron fell down to his knees. Holding his chest up, it became harder to breath. He killed his wife all over again. He couldn’t save her, he killed her.
“Oh, where oh where can my baby be?
The Lord took her away from me
She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world.”
...What A Fatal End
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countcameron · 4 years
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Full name: Cameron Jack Stone
Date of Birth (age): September 23, 1990 (29 years old)
Place of Birth: New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Strigoi
Social Class/Community Status: Upper Class (Manhattan's Elite)
Language: English
Relationship Status: Single 
Residence: Hilo, Hawaii - New York, New York
Mother: Eleanor Grace Rutherford - Stone - Corporate Lawyer/Socialite
Father: Jack Alexander Stone - Senior Equity Accountant - Wall Street
Baby Mama: Tallulah Lynette
Son: Trojan Nathaniel Stone 
Born: February 19, 2015
Son: Otto Stone - The Panther
Son: Tito Stone - The Chimp
Son: Tony Stone - The Tiger
Son: Lars Stone - The Bunny
Daughter: Reggie Stone - The Rhino
Para/Roleplay style: Para & Liners & GIF
Physical Description
Height: 6’8”
Weight: 172lb
Hair: Slick black, dark brown
Eyes: Green/Blue/Black/Red
Tattoos/piercings: Yes & Yes
Typical Clothing/Style: Rugged punk - Mostly ripped jeans and band shirts - Suits at events and when he is in New York
Personality/Attitude: Closed off, passionate, artistic, addictive personality, demanding, hard working, thrill seeker, doesn’t like big crowds.
Skills/Talents: He can be a handyman, he likes to do everything on his own. Since he was a young boy he's been musically gifted.
Goals/Ambitions: He is currently working on bringing his record label to the top. Being a good father to his son and eventually moving back to New York and build a family.
Hobbies/Interests: Travel, playing instruments, extreme sports, camping, exotic animals.
Religion/Beliefs: TBA
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Getting divorce at the age of 28. Watching his Second wife die in front of him in early 2019.
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Straight - loves confident women, attracted to a woman's innocence.
Drink/Smoke/Drugs: All, mainly cocaine and weed. 
Education/Special Training: College
CEO/Producer - Stone Records [EST 2018]
Owner/Management - C It All [EST 2020]
Owner - High Records [EST 2020]
Model - Kenlie Modeling Co.
Past Occupations: House DJ
Tattoo Artist: TBA
Drug Dealer: Amoret McAlister
Talent Agencies: Kenlie Modeling Co.
Caterer: Dream Puffs 
Roommate: None
Best Friend(s): Liv Reut
Friends: TBA
Ex Wife: Jessica Stinson
Ex Girlfriend (In bad terms): Averie Sinclair
Ex Girlfriend (In good terms): Evangeline Rose
Drug Friends (current & past): Constance Vlad
Witch (turned him into a vampire): Giovanna Katsavis
Vampire friends: TBA
Werewolves (enemies): TBA
Cameron is a 29 year old male, born and raised in New York. He is son to Jack and Eleanor Stone. He attended Ross School from K-12 in the Town of East Hampton. When Cameron was a young boy he was always interested in music. At the age of seven Cameron started playing the drums and piano, his love for music continued to grow and realized he had a natural gift eventually picking up the guitar and music board. This eventually lead to opening his independent record label, Stone records  in 2018 and his music store, High Records in 2020. He always had access to anything he’d ever want, being the only child and a boy he was favored by his grandparents throughout his childhood, but the relationship with his father was always estranged. As Cameron became his own man through a road of mistakes and fighting with addiction his father never approved of his way of living. Fifteen year old Cameron started dabbling in drugs for starters weed and cocaine. From there, Cameron started drinking by the time he was seventeen he started to experiment with harder drugs and became addicted to heroin. That’s when he moved out to a shitty apartment in the Bronx, he wanted to get out of the eye of being Manhattan’s elite. Cameron was disowned by his father shortly after, but his mother at times paid for his backed up rent and had a security detail follow him for most of his early twenties. He shortly became a heroin addict and an alcoholic. The addiction lasted a couple years until 2015 when he met his first ex-wife Blayne Stinson She was twenty-two and he was twenty-five. 
In the summer of 2015 Cameron moved to San Diego, California looking for a fresh start and ran into Blayne at a house party and the rest was history. Cameron stayed cleaned for about two years while dating Blayne. They got married in the spring of 2017 but, it quickly ended due to his addiction and they divorced by winter. After his divorce Cameron focused on his career and created Stone Records while battling with his addiction he was able to bring the label to the top and signing top charting artist. He was in and out of relationships because of his addictions and not being able to commit. Cameron met a beautiful girl Moon Byul Kim, through his record label after becoming good friends they started to date. They got married in 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The marriage ended that same year when they got into a car accident after leaving one of his shows causing her death and his own.
About month later Cameron woke up in a strange room, a witch, Giovanna had saved him and had kept him captive for a month.  She had cursed him to save his life turning him into a vampire. After months of adjusting to his new life Cameron returned to California and continued life as normal, as much as it could be. He feed on strangers and slowly revealed what he was to a few trusted people in his inner circle. To try to keep the front of living a normal life and hide what he truly was he created a strip club, C It All Yacht in the summer of 2020. The club would be where his underground life could be lived and as well as keep up with appearances. After months of getting his memories back Cameron went through a downhill spiral, losing control of himself causing a spree of killings throughout the West coast as well as Italy. This caused him to move out to Hilo, Hawaii to try and live a simpler life and not hide his true self. His life changed again when he ran into an old friend and fling, Tallulah in December of 2020 and saw she had a five year old boy with her that looked a lot like his old childhood photos. Cameron learned she had gotten pregnant after one of their nights together during the summer of 2014 and decided to keep the child and rise him on her own. Not that Cameron would’ve made a good father back then, knee deep in his addiction she made the right call.  Cameron couldn’t stay away from his son and wanting to get to know him. Tallulah had agreed to coparent with Cameron and let him be part of the child's life. Since he never had a good relationship with his father and had given up on ever having a family of his own this was his opportunity to have it all.
To Be Continued...
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countcameron · 4 years
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countcameron · 4 years
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