countersscountress · 3 years
                            A WITCHES LOVE
A wooden carriage pulled up by the stables, hoofbeats rhythming across the ground. Two beautiful American Quarter horses pulling the wooden contraption. Once the cart was at a complete stop, a young woman stepped out from it. She had medium lengthened shiny blonde hair and her clothes were unusual. She walked about a few feet away from the carriage, giving it one last look as her ride rolled away.
The young woman sighed. She walked towards the fence and admired the horses grazing.
*Oh my, how pretty! * The woman thought in complete awe. All of the horses looked as if they were angels sent from above. She'd try to walk closer to them, but the fence in front of her pulled her back. As if seconds later she'd been pulled to daydream about the horses.
'Hello, ma'am? ' A voice asked from behind her. The woman jumped out of her dream and turned around.
'Oh, so sorry to startle you ma'am' A young boy around her age apologized.
'You must be Marley, yes? ' He'd ask with wide eyes.
Marley didn't need words, she looked at the boy and nodded.
'Okay, great, great! ' He said excitedly. Marley looked at him and muttered out a word.
The boy grabbed her hand lightly, both humans blushing at the feeling.
'I'm completely sorry, Marley! ' He'd apologize. Marley gruffed at him mumbling an 'it's fine'.
The boy motioned at her to follow him. They started to head towards a forest-y area, it wasn't much of a forest. However, it did have a good variety of trees. Some pines, some oaks, some willows and a few spruces.
'Ah yes, I completely forgot to tell you my name earlier, I'm Zander! ' The boy in front of her exclaimed.
'Hm, that's a nice name...' Marley muttered too low for him to hear. The hills got quiet and all you could hear was a few singings of the birds and grass flowing.
About six minutes later a few houses pulled into view. It was a mini village. The houses had cobblestone wall trims around each base, a wooden structure made from oak. Also, a stone roof with moss splattered on each of them.
'Our destination has been reached my good friend, Marley! ' The familiar voice boomed out. Marley got shocked from the sudden enthusiasm and jumped. Although, Zander didn't notice it as he was walking more towards her house.
'I can take it from here...' Marley said in a low tone.
'Oh of course, I'll leave you to it, maybe we can meet again? ' Zander said with sweat dripping of his forehead.
'I'd like that' Marley said before grabbing her keys for her house and walking inside.
Out of the window she saw Zander slowly walking away. She felt a little sad to see him go.
Marley took off her witch hat and ran her fingers through her hair. She'd look at the books in the bookshelf, one book stood out to her the most. It looked like it was made in medieval times, she flipped the book to the first page and started reading.
I woke up from under a willow tree, my hair flowing behind me. I'm sure I woken up from the breeze. I looked around at my surroundings all I could see was a long field of corn. I had something in my lap, it was a trinket. I admired it for a few moments before it shattered in my hand. One of the shards left a cut in my hand, I dropped the trinket as quick as I could. Now, tending to my hand.
'For heaven's sake...' I gasped out. Few of my hairs flowed towards my face getting in the way. I pushed them back with my non-cut hand. My back was scratching against the bark of the willow tree. Id pull myself up and look at the spot I was sitting in before. While I walked away, I could feel the glass of the trinket crack more under my weight.
Marley closed the book shut, feeling a bit bored from reading. She'd sigh before looking at the window behind her, the sun had begun to set. Marley got up from her wooden rocking chair, as it made a squeak from no weight crashing on it. She'd start to walk towards the open bed that was freshly made for her arrival.
She sat on the bed feeling relaxed and ready to nap for a few hours. Although, her relaxation was cut short by a 'mewling' sound coming from her front door. Marley pulled herself up once more before taking a peek in the window. Marley's heart broke as she saw a little Maine Coon, it was most likely still a kitten. She knew the cat was hungry seeing as its bones were showing. She grabbed the doorknob as quick as she could, but she grabbed it a bit too fast and scared the poor kitty.
The Coon looked up at the opening door a bit scared. He got a bad feeling from how Marley opened the door. The cat backed up from the door not wanting to get hit.
'Oh my, such a dear in such cold weather! ' Marley blurted out with remorse for the kitten. Of course, the cat couldn't understand her but felt safe as she hasn't kicked him or threw something at him. The woman let her hand out to let the Coon sniff.
Marley let the kitten rest by the fire to keep warm as she headed to bed.
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