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I want to fall to sleep with you, and I could care less whether it is in layers upon layers of clothing or only our skin - all I really want is to wake up not knowing where I end and you begin.
Beau Taplin  (via perrfectly)
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I like how the term “as fuck” is a common unit of measurement.
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I deserve someone who actually gives a fuck about me because I’ve spent my entire life making other people happy when all they did was leave.
10:22 pm (via written-on-polaroids)
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You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly.
Unknown (via hplyrikz)
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Marina and The Diamonds // Teen Idle
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I hope you fall in love with someone who never lets you fall asleep thinking you’re unwanted.
Unknown (via fashion-in-ny13)
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Clear your mind here
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I wonder if you ever talked about me to someone.
(via difficult)
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You don’t tell people you’re not okay,“ she said, “because it’s hard watching them not know what to do. “Then you end up comforting them, even though the one who needed comforting was you.
S.Z. // Excerpt from a book I’ll never write #222 (via blossomfully)
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sometimes people who are sad dont always need the “it gets better talk”
sometimes people just want to hear “you are sad, you are trying your best, and it’s okay. you’re okay and you’re alive and that’s a big accomplishment”
because i know for myself unconditional optimism gets really fucking annoying. sometimes i just want to be sad and have it be okay that im sad.
don’t make me feel weirder than i already do in my own skin.
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