couples-xx · 2 years
If you ever meet someone who makes your life flow easier and makes you laugh a lot, keep them. That’s all you need.
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couples-xx · 2 years
Your emotional intelligence and intuition will offend anyone who can't bullshit or manipulate you.
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couples-xx · 2 years
Normalize not forcing connections. If someone doesn't see the value in having you by their side, don't try to convince them.
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couples-xx · 3 years
The Reason Why I'm Cutting People Out of My Life.
Over the years, I’ve been surrounded with negative/toxic people. Most of them are members of my family, friends and co-workers. For the long run, I’ve been keeping them because that’s what I’ve been taught when I was a child. To be good with everyone. But there are people who doesn’t deserve your goodness.
The result? They take away my positivity, the suck the happiness I keep on building. I’ve befriended too many people who have tried to belittle me or made me doubt my capabilities. Worst? They made me question who the fuck is the real me.
According to Gestalt Theory in Psychology, “whole is something else or something different than the sum of its parts.” It’s the same thing about people. Only in people, the whole is less than the sum of its parts. How? You’re friends with a lot of people because you don’t want to be alone. But in the end you felt more alone when you are with them.
I don’t want to keep people who will make me feel like I’m not even in the option. I deserve better than that. I want people who will give me positivity in life, who will make be believe in life. I want people who will choose me, completely. I want people who knows that I’m not for temporary but for a lifetime.
People accept incredibly less than they deserve. Don’t keep people who will make you feel like a total shit, just because you don’t realize that you are much better than them. You are not obligated to keep them.
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
Toxic Friendships
A friendly reminder that a real friend will not:
Lie about you/to you for their own amusement
Spread false information about you to anyone
Share your secrets/personal information with other people
Make hurtful comments about your life/work/relationships
Try to manipulate you in any way, shape or form
Demand that you put in extra effort in the relationship while not holding up their end of the bargain
Use you as their personal therapist
Make you feel like it’s your responsibility to “fix” them
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couples-xx · 4 years
“I’m trying. I’m trying really hard but I can’t pretend it doesn’t hurt when it really does.”
— Leohearts
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
tbh… to be really honest… the best and sexiest romances are those that are build on a longstanding, deep friendship. one where you have experienced hard times together and grown from it. one where you have complete mutual respect. one where you can be honest without fear of judgement. one where you support each other without restricting one another. I could go on but I think you get my point
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
“I can’t hold enough of you in my hands.”
— Franz Kafka // Letters to Milena
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
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couples-xx · 4 years
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