courageleft · 2 years
name :           kazimir brahms alias :            the blue demon, kaz, cassie age :              thirty - five birthday :      april 28th
sexuality :     bisexual, female leaning   height :            7'1  /  217 centimeters weight :            769 lbs  /  349 kilograms
not much is known about kazimirs history prior to being found in the aftermath of an explosion; crushed half to death by rubble and clearly having been torn apart from being close to the explosion itself it is a wonder he survived. a fighter through and through kazimir seems to have clung desperately to life as though he had a reason to keep going. he was brought to a research specialist, someone who had worked relentlessly to find a way to create artificial limbs and prosthetics for people and use technology to save lives threatened just like kazimirs. she succeeded, managed the impossible; out of someone half dead slowly but surely over the span of three years became a man whose life was saved thanks to cybernetics - enhanced and stronger than ever as he claimed, kazimir promised to write reports about his progress and development in return for being allowed to live his own life. ever since he has drifted from town to town, seemingly avoiding being seen. over the past six years he has lived a life others would simply describe as shady; hunting down criminals while seemingly without hesitation to commit certain crimes himself. his skin, once littered with scars and proof that he only barely managed to survive even with transplants, now has been recreated and grafted on top of his old wounds to finally give him an appearance that sticks out less like a sore thumb; though one might argue that the cybernetic eyes connected to his nerves and brain that have an unnatural blue hue to them stick out more than scars. not that he cares, if anyone approaches him about it they’re either going to be ignored or in for a surprise. kazimir claims that the life he has lived before his supposed death was one he would rather forget; that he only ever hurt those he tried to protect and that the fault was with him. that everyone was happier without him. though the anonymous messages, untraceable and unidentifiable, he tends to send out sometimes to certain people only seem to underline that his words are merely a mask meant to keep a distance between him and whatever happened. that he uses his tendency of self-blame to keep people at an arms length even when it is so painfully obvious that even for strangers he cares deeply and greatly. currently he resides in the shadier parts of new york city, seemingly hunting down a bunch of people that have begun imitating a serial killer from little over a decade ago. thanks to his cybernetics and enhancements that are mostly undistinguishable from normal human features thanks to his doctor, kazimir makes money with illegal fights or other jobs he deems morally understandable.
at first glance kazimir may seem intimidating; unnaturally blue eyes, a less than friendly expression on his face and a very clear “piss off” practically stamped to his forehead. that’s mostly just a defense mechanism to keep people at arms reach - he is afraid of letting someone close and only ending up being the cause for their misery. in his own eyes, he is someone who only brings pain and misfortune to people and is therefore destined to be alone. because of that he’s usually not the one to approach others; despite that once someone actually dares to approach him he is actually polite and friendly and so incredibly welcoming that he almost seems like a different person. whether it is years spent in mostly solitude or the past he pretends to ignore - it is very clear that kazimir is starved for social interaction. he may not seem like it, but he’s a very caring person who tends to jump into danger headfirst to protect others. back in his youth it’s what got him into multiple near death situations, nowadays all it ever does is cause him mild trouble and some paperwork or reparations. he’s protective of most people, especially the ones he considers the weaker one in a confrontation and even if he claims to not be a morally well aligned person especially given that he does commit cruel murders on other criminals it is very evident that he has a strong sense of justice and refuses to sit silently as others suffer. he is surprisingly at peace with his new body, even though a solid 75% of it have been recreated and newly grafted - sometimes he’ll even joke that the false skin makes his chest almost like a pillow and, on days where his dark sense of humor wins the battle of “trying to be civil” he might even joke about other parts of his that have been replaced and / or renewed in a much cruder fashion. thanks to this peace he’s made with his current life kazimir is a lot calmer and less hostile to others than he would have been before his supposed passing. this is a big wip please have mercy with me :(
there are faint traces of his old scars underneath the false skin that was grafted onto him; one would have to use a little bit of pressure to feel them but they’re there. the most evident ones would be on the right side of his face and his back
kazimir very clearly remembers his past, he just tends to either lie about it, directly say he is uncomfortable with the topic or, depending on who is asking, will make up an outrageously ridiculous story to deter people from asking again
kazimir was the cause of the explosion that nearly killed him. so far nobody has gained enough of his trust to hear the full story behind it from him, but should someone ever get close enough to him they’ll be able to ask him about it
he has superhuman strength enhanced by the cybernetics implanted in him that partially replace multiple muscles of his; he doesn’t usually use it and keeps his strength to a minimum (still rather strong for a normal human) but just be aware that you shouldn’t let him give you a bear hug or your spine might be broken
he doesn’t have a real apartment but rather refurbished an abandoned top apartment in an old, unused building. it’s surprisingly nice and clean (modern, too) despite not looking like it from the outside
he has multiple strays that tend to follow him around every now and then because he enjoys taking care of them; half the time most contents in his fridge aren’t even food for him but for animals he feeds
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courageleft · 2 years
this blog will contain triggering content, mostly violence, mentions of gore, body horror and injustice. other triggers might be mentioned; everything will be tagged accordingly with "tw: word", so please either blacklist that tag or simply do not follow me if you're sensitive to such things. your mental health comes before a hobby such as writing.
essential roleplaying etiquette is expected; do not godmod, do not force things down my throat and tag and cut your posts as you can. i will do the same thing; let's keep things mutually respectful, yeah?
I DO NOT SUPPORT CALLOUT CULTURE. it started as a good idea giving psa's to warn people of dangerous people but it's become nothing more than a petty salt fest and i'm honestly too old and too tired to deal with that. if you support callout culture DO NOT FOLLOW ME or i will softblock you.
nsfw content will be present on this blog, mostly mentions of murder, violence and gore but content of sexual nature might also be present. i will try my best to tag everything and put it under a read more but i can't promise i'll always be able to do so. i ask that you do the same, or at least try to.mutuals, shipping & writingI LOVE SHIPPING, but it is not a priority for me. kazimir is an incredibly complicated muse to ship with and i'm not going to lie, i don't think he's all that interested in relationships anyways. you can approach me though, i'm sure with a bit of plotting or pre-establishing anything is possible.
i might be selective with whom i follow and i will prefer to write with mutuals only but i have no problems writing with non-mutuals. just approach me and we can talk stuff out!
i tend to prefer to wing things but i am also willing to plot. the best way to interact with me is either sending me a dm to plot or to just randomly chuck an ask meme in my inbox. if you'd like to plot, though, feel free to ask for my discord.
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