Sarrow's Way
A long time ago .. a man thought something he shouldn't .. a long time ago someone felt bad about what they felt .. a long time ago someone thought about leaving everything they felt bad about .. a long time ago someone remembered a mother lost a long time ago .. not so long ago people began walking under sarrow's way ..
Sarrow's way is under the stars .. far away .. where .. things like .. people like .. lost parents can be found to spend a moment from far away in sorrow .. beyond sarrow's way where this is called sorrow by us because these things are sad for us .. because they're far away .. as the stars ..
If you find yourself .. sad .. lonely .. hurt .. misunderstood .. feeling sorrow because .. what you knew is .. far away .. walk .. at night .. five minutes .. and .. spend a moment on sarrow's way .. under the stars .. it is kind ..
Courage Morrigan
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A word on courage ..
I see a great number of doubts of people as to .. the worthiness of leaders who in earnest go out and earn a place in American history .. as worldly relevant .. and although .. you .. many .. question without regard the ability of a man who stands with us .. for us .. as one who has said and is willing to beyond all comparable doubt as .. leader of the Free world .. As one of the leaders of the Free world .. and accept responsibility for the lives .. families .. children .. and families to come .. of these United States of America .. and the countries of the earth .. and their families and citizens .. their families and citizens to come .. who not only stand with us but .. in effect have effect on the course of us as we stand together United are in fact .. wrong ..
Throughout the course of this governments history there have been 45 men who have had the courage to accept this position of unimaginable responsibility and consequences ..
In this country today there are three hundred thirty million citizens who .. by all rights and measures have the ability to .. provide for their family and kin .. friends .. neighbors .. and country men .. through such a varying degrees of individual means there is truly no reason not to .. in some manner or other find .. their truth .. their liberty .. their happiness .. their American way .. and although here in America there are .. homeless .. there is violence .. there is ability to question .. and promote the destabilization of as .. acts of free conscious supported through our first amendment and this true gift of liberty .. freedom of speech .. this needs to be kept in mind ..
When through derogatory measures .. methods .. and acts .. you find yourself in question of a man with the courage to .. lead .. accept responsibility for .. and choose accordingly as the President of The United States is bound to through Presidential office and the oath sworn upon commencement .. this is necessary .. ask yourself .. do you have the courage .. did you have the courage to .. present yourself to the population of this The United States of America .. introduce yourself to Millions of American families .. and dedicate the remaining life of yours to the service there of .. because in truth .. forty five men in history have .. and .. they deserve respect .. truth ..
Colin A Mitchell
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Rules to live by
Don't be fair .. everyone .. it's the mistake everyone makes .. don't be .. don't be fair .. it's why you can forgive ..
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