courtelizabeth · 4 years
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
I'm just excited to see what God can do to a person who is fully surrendered to Him.
I'm saying yes to this journey.
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
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And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name [a]Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” —Matthew 1:21
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
“I was approaching the Bible like medicine, but what I realized is it is food. Yes, if you have an ailment of your soul, you need to read your Bible for comfort and answers, but so often if we would eat the Food, we might not need the Medicine.”
— Lorisa Miller
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
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Love came down…
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courtelizabeth · 5 years
A lot of times I run to humans when I’m looking for answers, because I know they’ll give it to me right away. I am not a patient person. So, when I ask God a question I want it now. I want it so loud and so obvious that I can’t miss it. I’m coming to terms that God does not work this way. To hear him you have to listen. To be patient. He won’t always give you the answer you expect. He could give it to you in the form of breakup, sickness…. His answer could be in your pain. LISTEN.
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
“The Maker of awesome galaxies and stars is also the infallible Physician of broken hearts and wounded spirits.”
— Charles Spurgeon
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
love one another intensely from a pure heart. you have been born anew.
1 Peter 1:22-23
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
“A walk with GOD without repentance is no walk with GOD at all.– Luke 13:5 (KJV) I tell you, but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
“Guys, just to start off, being a Christian is more than just simply listening to Christian music, or reading your Bible. And it’s more than just getting a few doctrines right, and it’s more than witnessing. It’s literally, every aspect of your life being submitted to Scripture so that you do stick out like a sore thumb.”
— Paul Washer
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
You are in control of your attitude. Even on your worst day, you can treat people with kindness and respect. Going through a tough season is not an excuse to take that out on the people around you. Hold yourself accountable for your emotions and responses. And if you find yourself reacting negatively, be quick to apologize. Do not buckle down and let pride convince you you have a right to be a jerk. Own up to your bad attitude and apologize for projecting that on someone else’s peace.
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
It’s never a compliment that a man wants a woman sexually. It just means he has an itch and he needs someone to scratch it. It’s a compliment to want to have a man to lay down his life and bring out the best in a woman and love her with all that he is. that’s a compliment. anybody can want to have an orgasm, but who’s really ready to give her their life?
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
Of course, your former friends will be very surprised when you don’t eagerly join them anymore in the wicked things they do, and they will laugh at you in contempt and scorn. But just remember that they must face the Judge of all, living and dead; they will be punished for the way they have lived. That is why the Good News was preached even to those who were dead—killed by the flood—so that although their bodies were punished with death, they could still live in their spirits as God lives.
1 Peter 4
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
Of all the temptations you face, the only temptation you can’t stand and fight is sexual temptation. You should literally flee from it just like Joseph did (Genesis 39:15).
“Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” - Matthew 26:41
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
“Have you thought about Eternity today?”
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courtelizabeth · 6 years
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God is preparing you
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