cowmudlover · 8 months
6 months in the making - part 2
I laid on the bed for about another 30 minutes stuffing Rambone and Mr Ed up my arse. I alternated with those big boys and my slightly smaller Irish cob didlo which was supplemented with a smaller throat fucking dildo. Both went in eventually, but it was still not hitting the mark for being a dirty pig.
I got out of bed, moved some of the toys back into the shower cubicle, had the lube on the shower shelf and started to get set up again.
A this point I remembered that I had a used condom in the bathroom bin, so hooked that out and added fresh cow shit to the cum still sat in the tip. Tied that off and put it to one side for further play back in bed later.
The bucket was still slightly warm, but I added a bit more hot water to loosen it up a bit and got myself in position for a full head dip.
Sown I went right up to my shoulders after making sure I had breathed out first. I sat there hunched over with my head fully submerged for a few seconds until I started hearing my heart pounding in my chest and took a breath.
My mouth filled half way and then I let it out again.
Up from the bucket and then straight back in mouth wide open.
I kept doing this until my mouth was full and then used the throat fucking dildo and shoved it as far as possible into my mouth. No gag - throat training was paying off - and I felt the first chunks hit the back of my throat.
I swallowed eagerly and repeated this action about 6 more times.
It was at this point that I thought “I ain't getting enough inside me in one go” - so mouth open again, breathed out and plunged head first back into the filth!
I gulped and swallowed a good three-quarters of a litre, maybe more, before coming back up for some much needed air.
I was rubbing my swollen cock and tied off balls with my shitty hands but made sure not to do it too much, I didn’t want to come yet!
By now my body as well as my head were pretty plastered in shit, and felt it was time to get out of the mess, clean up and get to bed.
But first, one more open mouthed plunge, swallowed two more full mouthfuls and pulled my heading from the suction of the bucket.
I moved the bucket to the outside of the shower and turned on the hot water. I had already removed the shower trap as I knew it would get blocked if I didn’t, so let the hot water start to clean me.
I was not able to see much as my eyes were so full of shit, and hearing was very muffled, but it felt good to feel the lumps of shit fall off of my body. I was exhausted but elated at the same time.
After ten minutes the water was running clear and I was able to dry off. Rambone, Mr Ed, the Irish Cob and other toys were now clean too, so I tossed them onto my bed.
Quick tidy up in the bathroom and back to bed.
Now the cowshit and cum filled condom came into play.
My balls and cock were still tied off and were aching for release, but first I squirted some lube into my mouth, laid on my back, got my throat fucking dildo in one hand and the condom in the other and started to relax.
I placed the tip of the condom into my mouth and let it slide down into my willing throat.
Releasing the tied up balls and my cock, lube squirted onto the head, I started to massage my aching head.
I knew it would not take long as I had waited six months for this session, so I started sucking the condom in and out, then forced it into the back of my throat with the dildo.
I did not last long at this point and shot load after load across my chest, splashing cum on the condom hanging out of my mouth.
I laid there for about 10 minutes, condom hanging out of my mouth and felt completely drained.
Shall I take another shower - nah I thought, lay here with cum drying on you, shit still in your mouth from the ruptured condom and enjoy the moment!
Maybe same thing again in a weeks time if I am lucky, maybe some pictures this time if I can get it set up properly!!
Until then, I have the memory!!!!!
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cowmudlover · 8 months
6 Months in the making
I had a fantastic night last Wednesday involving large dildos, Old Holborn roll-ups and 10 litres of fresh cowshit!
But first a little background....
I knew I was going to have the house to myself for 6 days so started planning what I wanted to do.
Monday night was going to be the first night but two days before the weather forecast looked like it was going to rain!! Shit I thought - well rather no shit - would be watered down or washed away.
Monday afternoon I set off for some "farming" - about 20 minutes from where I live. I parked up and saw that the cows were down the lane, but the fencing was down so did not know where the farmer was so could not take the chance. I walked down the lane a little bit, but nothing there! Dejected I walked back to the car, rolled a fresh one from Old Holborn aromatic and drove home.
I set up the Black and Decker workmate and set about strapping Rambone to one side and Mr Ed the horse dildo to the other. Made up a fresh batch of X-Lube, smoked another rollie and then set about stretching my arse.
2 hours later I was worn out, hungry for food and decided to take a break.
Wednesday was going to be my next chance.
So on Wednesday after shopping I drove back towards home, went straight past and arrived a the lane again. Fence was down but the farmer and the cows were walking away over the far side towards the farm.
With a throbbing cock, rolled one up, got my bags and set off slowly down the lane.
BINGO! Fresh cow pats everywhere!
Using my bare hands I filled two carrier bags with the fun stuff, and headed back to the car.
I didn't plan this properly as I now had hands covered in thick green stinking cowshit. Oh well I used it as hair gel. Hands clean, hair styled, time for a roll-up.
I was shaking with excitement as I drove home thinking how my luck had changed.
I had nearly everything for a great night: fresh cowshit without bugs in as it was so fresh, an ample supply of Old Holborn Aromatic and Original, Licorice Rizla, huge dildos, fresh lube and no disturbances for at least two days.
I was planning on eating some food first so I did not need to stop, but decided on the fuck it approach, no food just smokes and shit.
Tipped the two bags into a large bucket, added some boiling water to get it to the right sticking consistency and texture, also made it warmer for smearing, inserting, eating, etc.
Attached Rambone to the shower wall, had the Irish Cob dildo and lube to hand, Mr Ed laying on the bed and climbed into the shower cubicle.
I was so excited I just stuck my head right in to the bucket, completely submerged and breathed out. Now if I wanted to breathe it would mean getting a mouthful!! So I did!!!
Again and again and again.
After 30 minutes I wiped most of the shit off of my head, and popped a t-shirt on covering what was already running down my body nto my cock and balls, slipped on some jogger bottoms and headed out of the bathroom.
I had to be careful not to drip shit all over my bed as fresh cowshit stains everything green.
Headed outside with a glass of wine and some Old Holborn for a couple of smokes.
I was stinking, plastered in cowshit over my head, chest, cock and balls stood outside in full view of anyone who wanted to look grinning from ear to shitty ear.
The shit in and around my mouth coated the outisde of my wine glass which added to the atmosphere of a complete dirty pig.
I repeated the above for about another 2 hours and was completely exhausted. I hadn't come so was still horny, but needed a break.
I laid on my bed about 3 hours after first dunking my head thinking that I really should get some sleep, but the bucket of hot shit was calling me back.
I'll post the next stage over the next day or so as sat here now with a boner and need to address that first!!!
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cowmudlover · 1 year
Reblog if you would be willing to try this.
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