I'm going to try and get this blog ready to be operating by August or September. October may be pretty scattered because I'm due October 16th!
Also, there are several people in my inbox that are asking me to follow them...and I already do. One particular person keeps sending me messages over and over again and I know I've been following them since last year! So, please pay attention to who is following you before you ask, or I will start ignoring/blocking people.
Right now I'm concentrating on working on my theme for this blog, drafting a few song/video posts to post later, etc. I've been super busy with baby stuff...planning, pictures, baby showers, etc. And I cannot promise that October will be full of activity from me, because of being a new Mommy, but I promise I will try my hardest. November and December should be full of posts from me!
I hope you guys stick around til then!
If you would like to see my maternity pictures click here. :)
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Holy crap, if you guys still follow this blog then BLESS YOU to the fullest. I know I lacked out on this blog after Christmas, actually before Christmas because my fiance and I moved.
Then I got married.
Then I got pregnant! Hahah.
So yeah, I am almost 7 months pregnant right now. My baby will be born in October, so if I am not too busy with a newborn, I will try my hardest to pick this blog back up this October-December.
Thanks for sticking around with me, guys! :)
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