cppcrition · 2 years
“Who is Brangelina and why is she back together?,” Tinya’s eyes widened. They never thought of themself as one for gossip and drama, but a newfound interest in human celebrities was clearly changing that. They held up the tabloid magazine up to their companion, “Is this her with that ugly man?”
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cppcrition · 2 years
[ text : ????? ] wow you’re sweet. a stranger just screamed at you and you’re nice to them.  [ text : ????? ] not used to that. well i am actually.  [ text : ????? ] and it’s nothing major - just some teens being annoying and thinking they have free reign to do whatever they want. 
[ text : t wazzo ] oh well you didn’t scream at me, these are text messages !! i can’t hear u ! [ text : t wazzo ] ah you should try calling the police or their parents, no? [ text : t wazzo ] getting into trouble can be pretty persuading
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cppcrition · 2 years
╰┈➤ @cppcrition​ !
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the skies are overcast as courtney pushes her way through new york’s bustling streets—not ideal for outdoor filming, but luckily courtney had other plans for today’s vlog. after pushing her way down another street, she finds the place she’s looking for: a little specialty tea shop standing as a peaceful getaway from the rush and chaos of the rest of the city.
before stepping inside, courtney readies her new canon camera (an extravagant purchase, especially the size of her current paychecks), angling it at her own face as she presses record. “hey guys, welcome back to my channel! today, i felt like trying a new tea shop, and i heard this one is the best in new york. i haven’t found a tea shop better than my favorite spot in los angeles yet, so i’m excited to see if this shop deserves my star of approval! let’s check it out!” she flashes a bright smile at the camera before cutting the recording, then takes a moment to record a separate video of b-roll footage outside the store. satisfied, courtney finally steps into the shop.
she takes a moment to assess the store, instantly knowing she picked the perfect place to film. the décor was like an instagram influencer’s heaven, and the tea displays and dessert case are an aesthetic dream. camera in hand, courtney steps up to the counter and smiles at the cashier. “is it okay if i film in here? i promise i’ll buy a lot.”
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Tinya was honestly a little relieved by the horrid weather New York had been having with the changing seasons. Although they loved the summer, rainy days like this meant a much-needed reprieve from the endless stream of demanding customers that frequented the shoppe. When Tinya had decided to get a job, they’d though working with tea would be only a step up from consuming it as a hobby, but no. Retail work was incredibly humbling, not unlike all the pressure Tinya faced on their home planet. 
As the hours ticked on throughout their shift, Tinya was taking the slow business as an opportunity to clean as much as possible. They’d just begun to rinse the grout underneath the main counter when a bubbly blonde entered - instantly brightening up the atmosphere of the shoppe, “Welcome! Yeah, i-” Tinya called, as was typical to greet customers. They quickly quieted down once they realized she was filming something though, “Oh, oops, sorry! I didn’t interrupt your shot, did I? We’ve never had someone film us before.”  
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cppcrition · 2 years
greta took in the breeze; grateful for the change of scenery from the humdrum, monotone vibes of the headquarters.  while surprising, the ghoul took it surprisingly well.  it had been a while since they’ve last done something so youthful.  at their question,  greta just shook their head.  “ nope! just earth. but i would love to go to space.  i bet it’s real nice out there. “
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The garden was as peaceful as ever, a slight relief in Tinya’s mind that neither of them would get caught somewhere they weren’t supposed to be, “Oh, you haven’t been? We should-” Stopping mid-sentence, with their finger up in the air with a bright idea, Tinya’s voice fell, “Ah, no. Humans haven’t commercialized their space travel yet, have they?” A tragedy, truly, that the species was so behind the times.
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cppcrition · 2 years
“You should swipe right on him. He’s holding a fish, so he must be a very effective hunter and provider,” Tinya leaned over their friend’s shoulder softly, eyes widened in a bizarre fascination with these things called dating apps, “But I don’t think people named ‘Drake’ are very trustworthy.”
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cppcrition · 2 years
“Have you heard of these ‘Book of the Month’ clubs?” Tinya was only barely used to giving their address out online, so subscription services were the next whole can of worms to open, “Are those like, a worthwhile thing? And what about magazines? I’ve heard your print media is still quite popular here.”
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cppcrition · 2 years
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“I’m sure I wouldn’t,” Ororo responded, thinking it through. It was rare she had the chance to look back like this. Particularly in the last five years, there’d been so little time to herself, to think. “That’s not to say I would have been worse off, just different. Perhaps I would have left the X-Men, perhaps I wouldn’t now be its leader … there’s no way to say, really.” Ororo shook her head, as if to break herself out of a reverie and refocused on Tinya. “Well, that’s it. It’s just important to fill your life with the things you need. I can understand that. I’m afraid, for me, life has never exactly managed a slow pace, but perhaps you’ll have more luck. Do you have plans for your future? Returning to your planet?”  
Ororo had this smooth, mature way of talking that clearly made Tinya feel like they needed to listen. It was like every soft word was a parable of great importance - kind of made Tinya feel like they were missing out without some life experience in the 21st century, “You think you’ve become a better leader, due to having strong romantic partnerships?” Well, Tinya answered their own question with that one, “I’d really like to return as soon as I can! I miss my mom, and I think I’ll spend a little more quality time with everyone on my team. Actually, I think being transported here has taught me to live life a little slower. Not everything has to be so... intimidating.”
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cppcrition · 2 years
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          WHILE  MAGIC  DID  MAKE  things  easier  for  zatanna  ,  she  technically  still  had  to  learn  how  to  do  her  chores  before  even  thinking  about  incorporating  magic  .  “  that’s  understandable  ,  ”  she  nods  ,  making  her  way  down  the  halls  and  over  to  the  elevator  .  “  don’t  worry  ,  you’re  not  a  messy  roommate  .  if  it  makes  you  feel  better  ,  i  think  i  lucked  out  !  we  both  could’ve  been  stuck  with  way  worse  roommates  ,  tinya  .  other  than  adulting  ,  how’s  2025  treating  you  ?  ”
Zatanna’s words definitely came as a little relief to Tinya, slumping their laundry basket onto their hip and following her along the hall, “Oh yes! Before, in my time, we had to live for months on spaceships, and some of our boys did not pick up after themselves,” As the child of a politician, Tinya found it unbelievable how impolite some people could be, “Of course, I love all my teammates. I miss them! I mean, 2025 was fun for a little bit, but it’s kinda weird being in the past? Your computers are so slow and you have no maid service!”
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cppcrition · 2 years
[ text : ????? ] oh [ text : ????? ] wait. it seems that i’ve accidentally sent this to the wrong person. [ text : ????? ] this is so unlike me. i must be getting too distracted these days. my apologies.
[ text : t wazzo ] oh that’s okay i hope you have an amazing day !! [ text : t wazzo ] would you like to talk about what’s distracting you? [ text : t wazzo ] venting can be very therapeutic
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cppcrition · 2 years
Tinya took to retail work like a fish to land. Sure, they were always friendly with customers, but their handiwork wasn’t always as finessed as someone who... Well, someone who had had a job before. Paperwork and public speaking? Easy. Fighting bad guys in outer space? Piece of cake. Carrying 2 serving tray with lukewarm tea at once? Quite impossible, judging by how Tinya had unceremoniously gotten lodged in between the glass counter on her way back to the kitchen, spilling the thin liquid all over the floor, “Oh my gosh, pretend you don’t see this!”
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cppcrition · 2 years
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Taking in Tinya’s nervous expression, Ororo gave them a gentle pat on the shoulder. “Of course I don’t mind you asking. I don’t know if favorite is the right word exactly. They all remain among my dearest friends. And no less important for that. But perhaps my first love was a woman called Yukio. She was unlike anyone else I’d ever met. Well, she still is,” Ororo said, lips curling into a private smile. “She helped me bring out my rebellious side. In fact she helped me realize I had a rebellious side. That’s the greatest part about love - whether it’s romantic, or that of friendship, any kind. For me, at least …it’s taught me about parts of myself I didn’t even know were there. Without it, we’d just be stagnant.” 
Tinya sat enraptured like a student listening to a teacher. Ororo had this great ease to the way she spoke, making the alien distantly think about how she should be one of these famous romance authors lining the shelves, “That’s beautiful, I quite like that way of seeing it. You think you wouldn’t be the same person today if that hadn’t happened?” The idea sort of made Tinya wonder how they’d end up if they’d gone through some kind of epic romance, “I don’t think I’m too stagnant though without it. Honestly, I kinda wish life would slow down a bit.”
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cppcrition · 2 years
greta smiled at tinya’s exclamation ; it touched upon greta’s long - held admiration for their own occupation . who didn’t want to be a superhero when they grew up ? sure , once they actually did young justice stuff , it wasn’t the easiest and sometimes made them wish of an even easier existence but greta still liked the work regardless .  “ well , that’s a doozy .  i think they’d rather just call us ghosts or aliens . they meaning the ones that we probably usually save . “ the ghoul noted . 
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It was a bit thrilling to meet someone who was, as far as Tinya could see, ‘like them’. If not from Bgztl, Greta had the same abilities and seemed like a sweetheart. It made Tinya feel a little bad about yanking her around the building, but they were blessedly greeted by an outdoor breeze soon enough, “Yes, I think it’s rather fun being an ‘alien’. In my timeline, we sort of just consider everyone an alien because, well, you rarely ever stay on your home planet for long,” The brunette shrugged, “You are not from space though, I take it?”
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cppcrition · 2 years
[ text ] ––––– > @cppcrition​
[ text : ????? ] turn the music down please [ text : ????? ] this is not just a school but people’s home so please be mindful of that and turn the music down [ text : ????? ] or it’s an extra 2 hour danger room session with professor logan. your choice. 
[ text : t wazzo ] hello i am not playing music ?? [ text : t wazzo ] also what’s a danger room? [ text : t wazzo ] i don’t think you can be threatening me, stranger
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cppcrition · 2 years
the high priestess & the hermit !
the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
tinya likes to consider all options before making decisions, but also relies quite a lot on their sensibilities and gut instinct over more concrete means. as far as tinya is concerned, it’s always more important to be fair and sensitive than cold and logical.
the hermit  : how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ?
oof, tinya could probably stand to be a little more self-aware and introspective. they do have a healthy understanding of emotional intelligence, but have been making an effort to slow down and meditate every day or so. helps them to process everything going on.
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cppcrition · 2 years
# for a RANDOM text ( for zatanna <3 )
SEND A : # for a random text
[  tinya , 8:00 PM  ]  –––   heeeeey just a silly lil question
[  tinya , 8:00 PM  ]  –––   how do you clear the disposal
[  tinya , 8:01 PM  ]  –––   and did you really love that red scarf on the mantle??
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cppcrition · 2 years
the wheel of fortune and justice
the wheel of fortune  : how well / badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals ?
tinya is actually a little bit too prone towards toxic positivity... they tend to push and push towards goals, not really considering whether setbacks can be a positive thing for testing patience or thinking problems through.
justice  :  does your muse find it easy to be impartial in emotional situations ?
absolutely not. tinya gets caught up in the emotions of a dilemma easily and can be swayed to whichever side appeals to them. they will especially be swayed if a close friend is involved in one side of an argument over another.
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cppcrition · 2 years
“Why of course,” Carl couldn’t help the laughter that overcame him drowning out any worry he had about being homeless. “You could definitely get paid for it, was pretty convincing. Although I was thinking of going to the x-men since that would be a more in depth look at my abilities, and then I could definitely try out Sword, even if they sound rather medieval.” he mused. “It’s like a new world full of discoveries for me too.”
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Tinya squinted a little, “X-Men? Yes, I think I’ve read of them,” Probably in a history book back home. That seemed as good an option as any, actually, and probably a little more trustworthy, come to think of it, but Tinya didn’t want to scare the new guy off with talk of the scary corporations, “You’re not from the future though, are you? I would’ve remembered you,” Not that Tinya had met every superhero ever, but they liked to think they were adept with faces, powers, and species, “I’m Tinya, I’m from Bgztl.”
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