cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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For my Menu redesign I choose to do a local cafe/dinner in my hometown of dansville called Java Jungle. I also choose to do a trifold menu that people could pick up and flip through, although the only menu that I could get ahold of from there was onlin. I choose to do this because then it could then be used within the restaurant and could also be given to customers as a take out menu. The next decision I had to make was what menu I was going to choose to do because the serve breakfast lunch and dinner and all of the menus are rather lengthy and different. I choose to do their breakfast menu because they serve breakfast not only just in the mornings but all day long and because there breakfast menu has some of my personal favorites on in. I began my project by taking their breakfast menu that was online and printing it out I then simply cut out all the sections and rearranged them in the order that I wanted and divided them up to fit on to four pages of the trifold. After that I made up some sketches for the front cover and came up with some possible color schemes and began to put it together. For my cover I decided to make it a bright orange background with a tiger face on it and writing in a fun jungle ish font and rather big that says “Welcome to The Jungle”. The for the center pages I choose to do a background that was a photograph of a tiger in a jungle and then make three columns of white boxes that were transparent in order to make my text stand out better and not get lost in the photograph. Another design that I made was hierarchy I choose to do the headers of the sections in a large bold font and then the subheaders in italics and smaller than the headers and then the body text in a plain and easily readable font. Critiques helped me alot. For example at first my background picture in the center was some what pixelated and I didn't even notice it also helped me realize that I needed something to help the readers eye over to the prices so I then put the periods going from the item to the price. Another thing was my text was too large overall and needed to be smaller not only to create more room for other items but to be able to center and align everything the same. I think that my overall project was successful because now they not only have menus for people while they are in the restaurant but now they have some that people can take with them to use in order to order things to go or to call in and order out. Also I believe it was successful because there original menu hasn't been changed in quite sometime but they are redoing there look so what better to go with a new look to the building but also a new menu. I am happy with the outcome of my project but if I were to change anything I would work a little more on the graphic to the front cover and possible incorporate more color into it instead of just orange and black. A challenge that I faced with this assignment was how to use an image for a background in indesign and not have it come out pixelated or blurry. I found that if you are using an image that is labeled for reuse of the internet you should file save the image directly from the site and then once it is save place it into indesign, rather than dragging and dropping it like I was which was condensing the image. I believe that I accomplished a lot this semester! I came into this semester never have using indesign before and now i'm rather comfortable using it. Also I feel like everyday I learned something new whether it was in  illustrator, photoshop, or indesign. I like that the projects were structured but also were open to interpretation. I feel as though my person style really came out in my work and that it shows. Lastly I did achieve the goals that I set out to accomplish and I walked away from this class with a lot more knowledge of now only typograph but also how to use adobe and things that will help me with my graphic design major.
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cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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For my magazine I decided to do a magazine all about dogs. First I came up with a couple of names but settled on the name cosmopawlitan. Next I sketched out a few covers and came up with the idea of using my own photographs of my dogs, so for my cover I used a photo of my dog samson with a bright blue sky in the background and put the title at the top and centered and bold. I also created a illustration of a dog paw to use as the a in cosmopawlitan. Then I choose to add the titles of the articles off to the left side and to do them different from one another as far as color and italics go. Lastly I choose to separate the titles with small yellow bars. And add Unleashed edition at the bottom to make it look like a stamp. For my first spread I choose to do an article about what dogs can and can't eat for example chocolate and ice cream are things that they can't eat. I decided divide the article into two and do the cans and can'ts on opposite side and do the title of the article in the center of the spread going across both pages and called it can my dog eat that? For my next spread I did an article called ten signs your dog loves you! And put the title stretching across the top. I did the background of this spread all blue and put the most of the writing on the first page and only some on the next page I also included a picture of my dog bishop which I only included the dog itself and then place an illustration of two hearts over the dog's eyes. For my third and final spread I choose to do an article that I made up myself about dogs being babies best friends and them even having their own language. For the background of this spread I used a picture that I took of my nephew of Jonah and his dog Titan. I put the writing of the article in a small transparent box at the bottom of the left page and the title of the right side I also included a drop cap at the beginning of the article. Lastly on the bottom right hand side I included another small box for a caption to say who the picture was of. Progress critiques always help me alot. For example it helped me decided the my text on the second spread needed to be a lot smaller and align all the text to make it look more magazine like. It also helped me when it came to the cover by pointing out to me that some of the text need to be bigger and a different color to that it was easier for the reader to read. I am happy with the final outcome of my project but if there was anything that I would change it would be my first spread just because that was my least favorite spread, what I would change is the layout all together. I did face some challenges throughout the project. For example I didn't know how to use paragraph styles and I also didn't know how to do a drop cap but now that Jen was such an awesome teacher I know how to do all of that.
I believe that I accomplished a lot this semester! I came into this semester never have using indesign before and now i'm rather comfortable using it I dont think im an expert at it by far but I have a pretty good base idea of how to use most of the tools. Also I feel like everyday I learned something new whether it was in  illustrator, photoshop, or indesign. I like that the projects were structured but also were open to interpretation. I feel as though my person style really came out in my work and that it shows. Lastly I did achieve the goals that I set out to accomplish and I walked away from this class with a lot more knowledge of now only design but also how to use adobe and things that will help me with my graphic design major. I truly enjoyed this class as a whole I think that the critiques were a huge help and also the fact that our teacher was so helpful and personable made it a lot easier.
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cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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The name of my magazine is Cosmopawlitan and it's a about dogs. I have all the images that i'm going to use for the . I've decided to use a typeface that i found off of dafont and i'm also going to use just a plain and simple front called minion. I choose these typefaces because they are easy to read and legible. The overall goal for my design is to create a magazine for an age dog lover.  The first article i'm going to use on my first spread is going to be “can my dog eat that” and i'm going to include two photos of food that your dog can eat and also one of food that your dog can't eat. For my second article i'm doing “10 Signs Your Dog Loves You.” and i'm going to use a picture of my dog and put hearts over the eyes kind of like the emoji. The third article i'm going to do is “Prince the Rescue Pooch” which is a story of a rescue dog which belongs to a friend of mine so i'm going to use actual pictures of him.
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cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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For my magazine I decided to do it about dogs. My magazine i'm going to focus around different things you can do with your dog some helpful training tips and do articles such as a tale of two bird dogs and  I'm going to call it CosmoPAWlitan. My magazine is going to be geared towards dog lovers and honestly anyone who likes dogs or who has a dog. For my Cover I'm going to do a golden color with a black transparent paw with a dog's face over it for my other colors i'm going to use a yellow and a couple different blue colors. Also i'm going to put the article information off to the left side of the cover and some on the bottom.  My sources helped me come up with a common layout for any type of magazine it also gave me ideas for layouts of not only my cover but also for my spreads. I also found a couple different ideas to use for articles to included in my magazine. Some of the articles that i'm going to do are helpful tips to calm your crazy dog, Can my dog eat this. I'm not sure specifically what types of dogs i'm going to do yet.  For my moodboard I found found different types of dogs so that I have an idea of what kinds of photographs to use. I plan on using a plan front for the article and bolding the titles as for headers i'm not sure yet what kind of fonts i'm going to use.
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cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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I believe that my infographic successfully advocates my topic of endangered sea turtles. The overall type and image relationship does create a legible, readable, and unified representation of the information that I want to get across to my audience. It does this by not only having factual information in text but also having information represented as graphics. I believe that if someone walking by saw my poster they would in fact be able to retain information from it because it not only has short bits of information about the turtles but it also have imagery to go along with it encase it is a child who may not be able to read as well as an adult. It also highlights some of the more important and shorter bits of statistics about the turtles by showing them in black text instead of white and highlighting the numbers by making them bigger and a bright red in order to draw in someone's attention. I feel as though the process that I went though to make this infographic may have taken awhile but in the end was well worth it to make sure all the information was accurate. The critique did in fact change my design it did this by at first I did not have much imagery also it pointed out to me some of my spelling errors and it also helped me figure out where I should put in some more or less information Lastly it helped me decide if i should or shouldn't have my type go along with the bands of water or not. I have used Illustrator before but I feel as though I learned a lot more with this assignment and took a lot away from it.
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cpposts-blog1 · 7 years
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For my human rights poster I choose to do Article Four and do it about sex slavery. My poster does successfully advocate because the imagery is a woman in a small slinky red dress with a barcode on her leg showing that she is a piece of property that can be bought and sold just as though she is an object almost as though she is cattle or livestock! I decided to go with a creepy grungy looking large font that says “Stop Sex Slavery” to draw in people attention and then do the rest of the text in a simple font so that once the poster ha someone's attention it then has the rest of the information creating a hierarchy. The overall type and image relationship does create a readable legible and unified to represent my human right of stopping sex slavery. I believe that my imagery is definitely enough to get the point across to someone who is not english because it shows a barcode on the womans leg as though she is something you could buy and sell almost like cattle or livestock.I feel as though doing research on the topic of sex slavery and seeing other posters for it truly did help me come up with an idea and showed me how endless my possibilities truly were with this topic. The critiques were very helpful. The first critique of the sketches were helpful in the fact that it helped me narrow down my ideas because i had so many ideas of what I wanted to do! It also helped me simplify some of my idea because some of them were rather complex and overwhelming. The next critique helped me in the fact of font and typefaces my font seemed to be too playful for such a harsh and serious topic. The last critique also helped with typeface by putting the rest of my text in a much simpler font so that the piece wasn't so overwhelming, also with spelling errors and moving some text around to make it look and flow more lastly is helped because one of my words was cut in half and didn't look right. Lastly it helped with my imagery of the U.N. symbol by moving it over and also making it smaller so it looked like it wasn't just floating off to the side. Overall I feel as though my poster did advocate for human rights and draws attention to how much of a problem sex slavery truly is it also draws attention to how poorly women who are in sex slavery are treated because of how they are bought and sold all over the world from place to place.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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My idea is to use like an ocean or beach theme and talk about the 6 threats that sea turtles face on a daily basis.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
Design Brief
My plan is to use of a color scheme of ocean colors such as blues, greens and tans. I plan to do a ocean theme and start at the bottom and have eight different sections six of them will have the six different threats that sea turtles face starting at the bottom being a tan like a beach that will be the coastal development and i'll explain how it is a threat and then the next section will be global warming and it will be light blue. Then will be poaching where I will explain how this is a threat, the next section will be plastic and marine debris where I will explain this threat to the turtles and will have trash floating around. The section that comes next will be pollution and will be dark blue will contain an oil spill. The last section will be entanglement and will be a blue and contain an explanation of the treats that are faced here and will have a boat with a net in the water. Lastly off to the left hand side will be a big sea turtle and will contain “seven different sea turtles roam our oceans and 6 out of the 7 of them are endangered or vulnerable.
For my infographic i’m going to do the important cause of endangered sea turtles. In fact sea turtles have been roaming our oceans for 110 million years and now six out of the seven of them are either endangered or vulnerable. There are six main threats that the turtles face on a daily basis Entanglement in fishing gear:  Trawls, longlines, driftnets, gillnets, pots, and traps are all responsible for the death of marine creatures by incidental capture or entanglement. Longlines, containing thousands of baited hooks on lines that can be tens of miles long, hook and entangle many animals and fish that aren't intended to be caught.  Sea turtles, particularly greens, loggerheads, olive ridley’s, and leatherbacks, and seabirds like albatross, are attracted to the bait and get caught on the hooks or become entangled in the lines and drown. 40 percent of all animals caught in fisheries are discarded as trash. Trawls catch about 20 pounds of bycatch for every pound of target species. 
Poaching: Sea Turtles are slaughtered for their eggs meat, skin and shells. Their skin and shells are used to make jewelry, sunglasses, tourist trinkets, instruments and wall hangings. Some cultures believe that the eggs are and aphrodisiac and others believe that it makes them live a long life.
Coastal Development: this is a broad category and can included by is not limited to beachfront construction of homes, hotels, restaurants, and roads, often for tourism  beach renourishment, seawall construction, and nearshore dredging and oil platform construction. Half of the world's population lives within 100miles of the coastal line. Sea turtle hatchlings are guided to the ocean at night by the natural light on the ocean horizon. Beachfront lighting disorients hatchlings when they emerge from the nest, leading them away from the water and towards roads and buildings where they die of exposure, fall victim to predators or vehicles, or become trapped by obstacles. Beachfront lighting also disorients nesting females and may result in failed nesting attempts.
Plastic and Marine Debris: This is manmade waste that may or may not be routinely disposed of into the oceans. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales, and other marine mammals, and more than 1 million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in marine debris.  Many turtles mistake plastic such as grocery bags as food and when consumed cause digestive problems.
Global Warming: The rate of global warming is so fast that the turtles cannot adapt quickly enough. The rising of the sea due to global warming causes beaches to slowly disappear and for the turtles this means less nesting area. Hotter sand from increasing temperatures results in decreased hatching rates or complete nest failure. Increased sand temperatures also affect hatchlings by altering natural sex ratios, with hotter temperatures producing more female hatchlings.
Ocean Pollution: Pollutants include things like toxic metals, pcb's, petroleum products, and agricultural and industrial runoff of contaminants such as fertilizers, chemicals, nutrients, and untreated waste. Pollutants may cause immediate harm to sea turtles through direct contact or can build up in tissues over time and lead to immunosuppression resulting in disease and death. FIBROPAPILLOMAS This disease is a threat to sea turtle populations worldwide. Also known as "FP", this disease causes cauliflower-shaped tumors on external soft parts and internal organs of a sea turtle. The exact cause of FP is still unknown, however, researchers believe there is a link to ocean pollution. External FP tumors can create drag and slow sea turtles down making them more vulnerable to predation and collisions with boats.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
Sea Turtles
Seven Different species of sea turtles live in the oceans.
Sea turtles have been around for around 110 million years
Global Status According to IUCN Red List
Leather Backs: Vulnerable
Greens: Endangered
LoggerHeads: Endangered
Hawksbill: Critically Endangered
Olive Ridleys: Vulnerable
Kemp’s Ridleys : Critically Endangered
Flatbacks: Data Deficient
The Biggest threats that sea turtles face
Entanglement in fishing gear:  Trawls, longlines, driftnets, gillnets, pots, and traps are all responsible for the death of marine creatures by incidental capture or entanglement. Longlines, containing thousands of baited hooks on lines that can be tens of miles long, hook and entangle many animals and fish that aren't intended to be caught.  Sea turtles, particularly greens, loggerheads, olive ridley’s, and leatherbacks, and seabirds like albatross, are attracted to the bait and get caught on the hooks or become entangled in the lines and drown. 40 percent of all animals caught in fisheries are discarded as trash. Trawls catch about 20 pounds of bycatch for every pound of target species.
Poaching: Sea Turtles are slaughtered for their eggs meat, skin and shells. Their skin and shells are used to make jewelry, sunglasses, tourist trinkets, instruments and wall hangings. Some cultures believe that the eggs are and aphrodisiac and others believe that it makes them live a long life.
Coastal Development: this is a broad category and can included by is not limited to beachfront construction of homes, hotels, restaurants, and roads, often for tourism  beach renourishment, seawall construction, and nearshore dredging and oil platform construction. Half of the world's population lives within 100miles of the coastal line. Sea turtle hatchlings are guided to the ocean at night by the natural light on the ocean horizon. Beachfront lighting disorients hatchlings when they emerge from the nest, leading them away from the water and towards roads and buildings where they die of exposure, fall victim to predators or vehicles, or become trapped by obstacles. Beachfront lighting also disorients nesting females and may result in failed nesting attempts.
Plastic and Marine Debris: This is manmade waste that may or may not be routinely disposed of into the oceans. Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles, whales, and other marine mammals, and more than 1 million seabirds die each year from ocean pollution and ingestion or entanglement in marine debris.  Many turtles mistake plastic such as grocery bags as food and when consumed cause digestive problems.
Global Warming: The rate of global warming is so fast that the turtles cannot adapt quickly enough. The rising of the sea due to global warming causes beaches to slowly disappear and for the turtles this means less nesting area. Hotter sand from increasing temperatures results in decreased hatching rates or complete nest failure. Increased sand temperatures also affect hatchlings by altering natural sex ratios, with hotter temperatures producing more female hatchlings.
Ocean Pollution: Pollutants include things like toxic metals, pcb's, petroleum products, and agricultural and industrial runoff of contaminants such as fertilizers, chemicals, nutrients, and untreated waste. Pollutants may cause immediate harm to sea turtles through direct contact or can build up in tissues over time and lead to immunosuppression resulting in disease and death. FIBROPAPILLOMAS This disease is a threat to sea turtle populations worldwide. Also known as "FP", this disease causes cauliflower-shaped tumors on external soft parts and internal organs of a sea turtle. The exact cause of FP is still unknown, however, researchers believe there is a link to ocean pollution. External FP tumors can create drag and slow sea turtles down making them more vulnerable to predation and collisions with boats.
"Sea Turtle." WWF. World Wildlife Fund, n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.
US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. "Endangered
Ocean: Sea Turtles." Ocean Today. N.p., 05 July 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.
"Sea Turtle Threats." SEE Turtles. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.
"Sea Turtles Threats." Sea Turtle Conservancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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I feel as though my post card came out really well. On the front of the post card I not only included the name of my typographer but also some of the typefaces that she is most know for creating and designing. On the back I included a short bio of who Carol Twombly is as though is was a real postcard and her bio was where someone would write there message. I struggled a little with the stamp and what to use for a stamp and then came up with the idea of using a picture of carol and turning it into and making it look as though it was a postage stamp. I really liked this idea because it allowed me to kill two bird with one stone by including a picture of Carol and also a stamp. I feel as though I grew as a designer because of the stamp/picture idea.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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For my Giff containing an object I used a baby as an object. So this is my Nephew Jonah and he is three months old right now so very easily entertained.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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This is my Giff project for about me. This is my dog Samson who is a Newfoundland. In this Giff he is  trying to eat the water thats being sprayed at him. Fun fact he wanted to get the water so bad that he jumped into the pool.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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Carol Twombly was born in June 6th in the year 1959 in Concord U.S.A. Carol was originally into sculpture but when she attended Rhode Island School of Design like her brother did she came to the conclusion that Graphic Design would be the more practical choice to study. According to Carol "I discovered that communicating through graphics - by placing black shapes on a white page - offered a welcome balance between freedom and structure." While attending RISD her professor Chuck Bigelow and his partner Kris Holmes introduced her to type design and her career took off from there. After graduating she went on to work for Boston Graphic Design Studio for a year  and then attended Stanford University where she participated in a newly added program for digital typography yet again with her professor Chuck Bigelow. After finishing she went to work for Bigelow and Holmes Studio. In the year 1988 Carol joined Adobe and worked for them for eleven plus years, during this time she designed many typefaces such as Trajan, Charlemagne, Lithos, and Adobe Carlson. During Carol's career as a graphic design she received many awards such as in 1984  she was awarded the first prize in the Morisawa type competition in Japan for the typeface Mirarae. She also in 1994 received the Charles Peignot Award for this award she was the first woman and only the second american to receive this award. After leaving adobe she continued her artistic pursuits just not computer based doing things such as sculpture, basket weaving and and silk painting. Carol now lives in the Sierra foothills where she enjoys volunteering for the community, and hiking.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
For my Found Objects project I choose to do the word burn out. I choose this word because when it comes to love people say it starts with a spark and then turns into a flame and sometimes it tends to burn out and die. Therefore I choose to do the word burn out in matches, I did this because obviously matches start with a spark when you light when the turn into a flame and eventually burn out. I made this project by taking a piece of maple wood and torched it and scorched the background to make it look as though it had a burnt or charred look to it. Then I took matches and hot glued them to the board spelling out the words burn out. I choose to do the letters attached and more of a script/cursive look to give it more of a flowing feel to it. Once done I took the original photo and decided to change it to black and white because some people see love as very black and white. I then took the entire piece outside and lit one match creating a spark and lighting the rest of the matches at the end of the word out, meanwhile taking a time lapse and watching the entire project go up in flames and then eventually burn out. I enjoyed this project and working with mixed materials and not just behind a computer screen. However it was a long process to actually physically construct, it took about 8 hours total not including breaks and consisted of about 1,300 matches total.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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I found my assigned piece (Ruth Ansel’s Harper's Bazaar) some what challenging because I haven't used photoshop for anything but editing photos so it was difficult to use it in a way I hadn't learned before. My techniques differed from the original piece by I obviously used a different model and I also used the shape tool to add the pink circle instead of pink day glow paper , this is because I worked in a digital platform and I believe that working in this platform did change the aesthetic of the work because it looks smoother and more put together rather than the choppy look to the original piece. Lastly I believe it tells a similar story as the original. I found many things about the original piece interesting. For example how it looks like the background was cut out and placed there. Also an example is how small some of the writing is. Lastly I found it interesting that the original piece was completely changed at the last minute. If circumstances had been different I wish I could've done more editing to the model and maybe changed the color scheme.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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I choose to do my name and profession in the biggest font because they are the most important thing on the image. I  also choose to do a design of boxes to grab people attention and to draw them down the image to then look at the rest of my contact information.
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cpposts-blog1 · 8 years
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My typographic treatment of the word Freefalling is that the letters look as though they are falling down the image and all jumbled up. I packed the letters in tightly and also I tilted and rotated the letters to make them look like they are falling. This exercise changed me by coming up with a word that I could express.
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