cpritch-blog · 12 years
I just dont understand...
I know I didnt know you all that well but you remind me so much of myself.  Runnin around with our baby faces, dorky glasses, and a big caring heart that would help anyone.  It really killed me to see your mom even had jade in a pic under a photo file named "daughters"  like how could she take a life away from someone who considered her one of their daughters?!!  I prayed theyd find you the other night, I was hoping theyd find you alive, but I also prayed that if you had already passed on to the big beautiful other side theyd find your innocent body so your mom and family could have peace and bury you with no doubts of where you were and to also be able to convict those cowards for as long as possible!!  For real, you were the type that wouldnt ever even hurt a fly, so whyd they have to be so cruel in what they did to you?!!  I just hope since theyre both young those hardened criminals tear them a new ass in prison and big bertha makes them feel pain every single day!!  you have made me wonder about karma...because what could you have done to ever deserve this?!, i do believe karma will get them both but karma made a mistake with you.  You were only 20 and in college and starting your whole life, and in a flash its all gone.  People really make me wonder sometimes,  what could possess you to be so evil?!! to take a loving persons life!!  But maybe the saying is true that only the good die young...but i still think you should be here.  If us young people could learn one thing from this horrible event is to make sure we tell the ones we love...we love them everyday,  before we end every phone call, and never stay mad...because what if we dont have tomorrow to say I love you or Im sorry...and now I really do understand why my mom even though im 18 wants to know where im going and who Im going to be with,  because Im alot like you and would never expect an ex or a friend I do stuff for to turn and kill me.  If you even suspected such a thing im sure you never would have went.  But you were loving and caring and seen only the good in people and those two cowards took advantage of that...i really want to know what their motive was?!!  But look down on this earth from heaven and enjoy the beauty up there because as you can see its just getting uglier down here!!  Live it up, up there!!  You deserve to be happy. I do believe in heaven because where else would an angel like you go?!  I hope and pray your family gets through this because everyone that knew you loved you!!  And to have such a bigg loss is very hard but they will see you again:)  and they just need to remember that it might not be now or tomorrow but someday they will:)  RIP Brandy
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