craftmusic · 6 years
BeatPete - Craft Music Podcast #2
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Guest mix + interview from Berlin based strictly vinyl DJ - BeatPete How many years do you collect vinyl? Do you remember your first record and what’s the size of your collection now?
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I started collecting vinyl slowly with 17 or 18 years. I bought a few records before but around this period I decided to buy vinyl only! So its more or less 17 years of collecting. I started the collection with some Madlib stuff…Quasimoto - The Unseen, Ahmad Miller - Say Ah!, KAZI - Down for the KAZ and a few V. A. Funk / Soul Sampler. I do not really count my records so I would say not enough!
It seemed to me lately you have a lot of jazz-funk in your mixes. Have you been exploring this musical style lately?
Since I found out about sampling I was into all kinds of music. All that sample based music opened a completely new world to me. From one second to the next every genre and style was interesting. I know some of this music for years but its one thing to know the music but its the other thing to buy all the stuff on vinyl. Over the years I decided to buy less Hip Hop and more other music. And there is no end when it comes to exploring new music.
How much time per day do you spend on discogs.com? And how often do you visit vinyl yards and shops in Berlin?
I do not really spend much time on discogs. Sometimes I have a look but thats it. I prefer small record shops and second hand stuff. There you can find the most surprising stuff.
What are your impressions after the party in Moscow? Do you know any cool hiphop dudes from Russia?
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I played two times with the homie Wun Two in Moscow and both trips were incredible! Moscow was the blast and the people were lovely! The Dope90s crew invited us and showed us the city, some nice record spots and great food! Our first trip was in July 2016 but I’m still in contact with some of the guys like Boora, Anton, SameOne and Vital.
Tell us about your friendship with the American label Mellow Orange?
I had an event focussing on Instrumental Hip Hop / Beatmaking and in 2014 Freddie Joachim was my guest. After the party we had a talk together with Yusai, one of the Mellow Orange guys, and they asked me if I want to be a part of the label roster. It was a nice surprise to me and from that point on I was on the label.
Does the vinyl session take place right at your house? How much time does it take to install a single podcast? Who was the most interesting guest musician of all time in your podcast series?
Yes, I record the sessions always in my apartment. It depends on the length of the mix / video how much time I need. Recording the mix is not the big deal.  I use IMovie afterwards to cut the video and put the photo s inside and this part always takes hours! Its hard to say who was the most interesting guest. For sure Damu The Fudgemunk was a highlight to me. He is a really nice and crazy talented dude! He played also at my party in 2015 and on the next day he visited me and we recorded the session together. But in generell I had fun with all guests over the years. We chill, listen to music and at one point we decide to press record and than we make a spontaneous session.
What is your favorite hiphop beatmaker of all time?
It’s not possible to name only one! Here are ten producers I really dig! Its not possible to name only one! Here are ten producers I really dig!
Five veterans and five from the younger generation. Madlib, KanKick, J Dilla, Pete Rock, MF Doom
Wun Two, Hubert Daviz, digitalluc, Torb The Roach, Fredfades
The record that surprised you most for the last few months?
I would say Roc Marciano’s Rosebudd’s Revenge 1 & 2. The thing is I’m not surprised about another dope release from him, its more that I’m not really listen to much rap in the moment but his records are on heavy rotation! https://soundcloud.com/beatpetemixtapes
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