crane-posting · 2 days
What should I do if my amygdala is so fucked fear toxin just makes me kinda loopy?
If you want to feel fear, you can do fun things such as submit yourself for examination by one of the Scarecrows, schedule yourself for brain surgery by Hugo Strange, or the like. This also rather depends on the type of fear toxin you receive- some are hallucinogenic substances that affect parts other than the amygdala, whilst others simply affect fear.
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crane-posting · 3 days
Hm. Just a few multiversal inconsistencies, I suppose.
Arkham again?
apparently I ended up in a screaming match with a guard last night. so I got a lovely sedative induced sleep
my favorite part about it is how I wake up with a horrible migraine!
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crane-posting · 3 days
Unfortunate. The medication is oh so easy to palm out of most people's hands.
Arkham again?
apparently I ended up in a screaming match with a guard last night. so I got a lovely sedative induced sleep
my favorite part about it is how I wake up with a horrible migraine!
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crane-posting · 3 days
Fascinating. They tend to just go for the straitjacket and solitary cell for me after I injected myself with a compound that essentially fear gassed the entire facility once they attempted to sedate me.
Arkham again?
apparently I ended up in a screaming match with a guard last night. so I got a lovely sedative induced sleep
my favorite part about it is how I wake up with a horrible migraine!
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crane-posting · 3 days
Believe- and do- what you wish. It does not affect me either way.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
The principle of collateral damage should be familiar to you. I find that the whiplash of massive amounts of mustard quite ruins the ambiance. And the wind speed is always something to consider.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
If you come back looking like a Bat Burger vomited all over you, Nigma, I will laugh.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
I can, I just do not want to. If you wish to hold some sort of riddle death arena whilst smeared with entirely becoming mustard, you may feel free to do so.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
I require a delicate balance of compounds for the most effective data collection, Nigma. I do not wish to document more fears along the lines of 'getting eaten by a giant hamburger' than strictly necessary.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
If you like. My chemicals do badly with sugar-based products sprayed all over them, so I prefer to err on the side of caution.
Condiment man is planning on pulling a large-scale heist on Friday. I am not working under those conditions- I caught wind of an attempt at aerosol ketchup.
I will be stowing all of my important equipment behind air-tight spaces. I suggest you do the same.
Being cooperative now, are we? Very well ... if Condiment King makes himself known, you will be one of the first I let know. Though, it's very likely that recreant will not go through with whatever he has arranged.
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crane-posting · 4 days
Fascinating. I have so many types that it seems unlikely people do not know sufficiently of a previous version to create their own.
What would you do if you met someone who knew all about your toxin, how it was made, every little detail
But it wasn't another you?
if they're from my universe?
immediately murder. I'm still trying to figure out how to murder Hugo, considering he took my chemicals when he was in charge of Arkham..
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crane-posting · 4 days
Of course. You may want to get out some specialized equipment, however, for the aforementioned experiment.
Crane. Do you care to explain why there is a crow in my working environment? I do not recall any of our other colleagues having birds in their possesion.
Oh, it is an experiment. Do not mind it; If the crow is displeased you will know.
It is fond of pistachios and street carrion.
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crane-posting · 4 days
Surely the smartest man in Gotham can manage one little crow.
Crane. Do you care to explain why there is a crow in my working environment? I do not recall any of our other colleagues having birds in their possesion.
Oh, it is an experiment. Do not mind it; If the crow is displeased you will know.
It is fond of pistachios and street carrion.
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crane-posting · 4 days
Crane. Do you care to explain why there is a crow in my working environment? I do not recall any of our other colleagues having birds in their possesion.
Oh, it is an experiment. Do not mind it; If the crow is displeased you will know.
It is fond of pistachios and street carrion.
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crane-posting · 5 days
This is supposed to be romantic? Oh, my.
Heyyy, magic man! Wanna say cheese? Because you're question marks make you look holy, and not in a religious way!
(Nonny nonny)
Gross, and quite frankly, a pathetic attempt at complimenting me.
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crane-posting · 5 days
What the fuck does that even mean.
Heyyy, magic man! Wanna say cheese? Because you're question marks make you look holy, and not in a religious way!
(Nonny nonny)
Gross, and quite frankly, a pathetic attempt at complimenting me.
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crane-posting · 5 days
Halloween is approaching, Crane. I would appreciate it if you let me know beforehand if you were to do anything special for the occasion.
I am sure you would. Closer to the day I will send you a general itinerary- plans are still being sorted out.
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