craneswings · 16 days
Preparing and packing small meals is a skill Yuzu needed to master early in her life. Extended journeys over the mainland - let alone elongated campaigns during times of war - left little opportunity to cook up full-course meals. That is why she holds great pride within her family’s concoction of the ration ball: a palm-sized produce that packs all of the nutrients that a warrior requires. Procuring all of those materials on site makes it only inevitable that swordplay is needed at times to cut the ingredients down to size.
This is all to say: Yuzu takes the act of slicing up food to be anything but a game. So when she enters the mess hall to see food, from apples to carrots, being chopped up for nothing but sport?
Well, of course she must honor her family’s honor of sword swings and slices!
As eager as the Hoshidan is, she seems to have entered the ring at a horrible time. Many other students have already gone for the record, leaving a great mess of fruit juice puddles in their wake. The center of the cafeteria is a questionable game ground…yet if she falters any longer, the adults might get involved, and she’ll miss her chance.
Yuzu puts a pause on concerning herself about the how, and rather turns to acknowledge the who. Another girl of similar height is also staring at the ensuing chaos.
“Ho there,” Yuzu speaks in a slightly rushed tone. “Have you taken an interest in their sport as well?”
Actions always speak louder. Yuzu gives her sword hilt to the side of her belt a light, visual tap. “Do you tire of simply watching?”
slice n dice: the magic spice!
mission task: anniversary (sword+1)
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craneswings · 22 days
“Aah! Sto-”
Not even sparing the chance to talk things out, the blonde badnik returns to the wall to tarnish more of Yuzu’s hard work. Potentially even worse, the girl lacks any sense of aim, shooting at seemingly random spots of the purple square. Or…no, she is aiming with purpose. With her round of volleys, the pink has formed two eyes and a smile.
While the other matches the painted expression, Yuzu’s eyes remain thin from shock. Taken aback from the presentation, the bow-wielding samurai lacks any extreme anger…that is, until she sees that sliver of tongue. That was it.
Now, any unworthy warrior would take the taunt head-on, perhaps even attacking back with ire. But Yuzu is better than those untrained, and would never directly strike a foe first. Directly, however, is the keyword here.
“Is it better? I believe…” Yuzu reloads her triple crossbow, and without delay proceeds to shoot at the innocent smiley face. Pink splotches soon return to their “original” purple hue, though some drops of the brighter color remain between. A shame, but it still strengthens Yuzu’s point.
“...you missed some spots. The walls must be filled with your color, not partial.”
Unlike her immature rival, Yuzu does not resort to tongue-lashings as bait. Although…a cocky smirk does peek through at the blonde.
triple dip
mission task: anniversary (bow+1)
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craneswings · 22 days
Upon the audible snapping of Randal’s rod signifying unity, Yuzu accepts the starting invitation with a hearty, determined glare. One more trip into the box to attach the proper lure, and she can begin the lesson proper.
That being said…this lesson. Randal was the one to equate fishing to the swing of a sword, yet is she worthy of teaching him under that mindset? Randal is vastly more honed in the blade than her. Attributing the rod to the sword can only result in meager imitation of his technique, let alone her original instructor’s…
Yuzu allows her legs to drop by the planks as she gets seated. She takes one final look between him, then goes back to her rod. Yes…to properly ascertain the title of master, she must execute her technique like no other would.
“Picture the rod as your own…hand.” Yes, comparing tools to limbs is nothing new. Yet the comparison to a hand? It at least makes sense to Yuzu…Randal would get it too, yes? “It seeks to scoop the fish within from the waves…as so!”
She casts the line with a more horizontal swing. What it lacks in distance, she makes up for with spirit. Then it comes down to waiting…Yuzu holds no sage wisdom to break this silence. It does give her the environment to focus, however. And focus she does, as ripples near her lure soon turn into forceful tugs.
“Hup!” Yuzu punctuates her battle with the fish with hisses as she pulls. Shoulders contort and spread based on the tugs’ directions, but eventually the fight is won. With a flick that nearly throws Yuzu across the planks, a medium-sized bass reveals itself from the waters.
She removes the fish from the hook with both hands. Randal didn’t bring a bucket for storage along with him, did he? “Aye, those are the basic steps,” Yuzu nods, ignoring the fact that she only gave one step. “Do you have any query?”
gone wishing
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craneswings · 22 days
Seemingly unaware of the proposed concern put forth by her coworkers, Yuzu hunches down further by the edge. The second person’s remark holds truth; something small yet thin glimmers in the water against their homemade lights.
“...” Yuzu keeps to herself for a moment. The thing bobbling in the water, it faintly hovers toward the opposing shore. If that’s the case…the drop isn’t that high…
She blows out her torch and rolls it back to the others. “Look over the bridge. I shall pursue,” and without skipping a single beat, Yuzu leaps off the structure hands-first.
“Yuzu?!” “Oh, come on!” “Will she be okay??”
Those are the replies the student can only faintly make out as she takes the plunge, most of them sounding more exhausted than concerned. It would be foolish to assume they actually will continue work on the bridge, but it’d be a better suggestion over following her into danger. She will handle this.
The seas are dark without the blessing of a torch, but Yuzu is capable of seeing far enough within the night. Her splashing caused the floating object to move partially off-course. Some abstract paddles though, and it is in her grasp. It’s strangely damp…slimy, even, to the touch. The color is difficult to make out without much moonlight, but it is certainly a lighter shade.
But no matter; as she should focus on following the trail first. Especially if there truly is a beast lurking in these depths. Yuzu’s naturally a fast swimmer…though she does perform strokes at a slightly faster pace, considering the uncalculated risks. Fortunately, no harm comes to her as she reaches the surface sands.
The unidentified object still within her right hand, Yuzu gives her arms and legs a light shake in an attempt to dry. The island regularly has a warm climate, though the chills of night makes getting wet unideal at best. With a light shiver, she realizes she is not alone on this land.
“H-Hmm? What is your p-purpose for being out so late? Are you aiding in construction a-as well?” Yuzu stutters from the bite of the cold. In times like these, she almost misses the cape from her Valentian days…it could serve as emergency blanket whenever needed. (What? That’s not its purpose?)
Dragon of the lake what is your wisdom
(Yuzu + Nils)
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craneswings · 23 days
A grunt in exchange for his own grunt, just as her opening is exchanged for Al’s rebuttal. This swing holds much greater force than his first, forcing Yuzu to back off with a wince.
Such reckless abandon when presented with clashing blades…would the boy do just the same if her sword had the intent to kill?
The sting of the practice sword is quick to wear off, providing Yuzu the encouragement to charge forth herself. Not before a feeble attempt to cut down that grin with counterargument.
“Take too much hurt, and you lose your chance,” she huffs. But why speak further, when actions will prove her point easier?
Yuzu 4/5/5HP hits Al 4/5HP with Training Sword [Roll: 10, -0.5HP, Al 3.5/5HP]
To avoid the risk of her clash being turned against her, Yuzu sweeps lower, still aiming for the body over the legs. If she avoids clinging to his blade, she can go for a poke without allowing ample time for a counter.
No Items Swordsmen Only Final Destination
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craneswings · 23 days
[A few days later, and the return envelope is nothing less than as ordinary as the initial stationery. However, the opposite may be applicable for the letter itself; the script being rather stilted and perhaps…a little rushed?]
To Ry Sir Ryoma,
I take great shame in my untimeliness. Forgive me if you can, but this letter came to me with great surprise. In a sense, I found myself at a loss, no different from yourself.
The words were difficult to find, though not because of your position as faculty. You are actually the second faculty member I have written to, the first being an academy counselor. A sword instructor is a position I would love to meet with haste, though the assignment restricts us to penmanship. I must wait for another time, regrettably.
But of course, I should introduce myself first. As you already know, my name is Yuzu. And aye, I hail from Hoshido as you suspect. I was raised there on the path of the samurai, and I continue to hone my skills beyond my homeland.
At risk of raising awkwardness, I shall exchange my own question. Your own name…it is Hoshidan too, but is it inspired by anyone? It has been some time, but I still am able to recall the young crown prince being named “Ryoma.” Does your name come from there?
From, Yuzu.
are you there yuzu? it's me, ryoma
( non mission task — affluence )
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craneswings · 23 days
The smile that the lady knight gives her is serene. Yet to Yuzu, she can sense some strength from it and her returning prose. Although they are far from any battleground at the moment, the student cannot help but wonder if Fiora maintains a reposed nature in combat.
“Aye,” she gives a simple answer. Though then she soon adds more, for clarity’s sake. “They who claim to be guru…how may they be capable of curing one’s fear, no matter the fear? It sounds no different to arrogance. I have no alternative outside of seeing for myself.”
That is to imply that Yuzu has no clue what “fear” she will even confess to the sage. Not to say that Yuzu sees herself as fearless; she can recount some fears of her own. But a person who can erase any fear you come up with? It is nothing short of ridiculous.
Is this a ridiculousness that Fiora believes in, though? Yuzu decides another question won’t hurt. “Do you have more direct reason for seeking them? Or only want to see, as I?”
Fighting Off The Vignette
Faith +1
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craneswings · 23 days
While her friend retreats to the depths of the ship, Yuzu manages to shimmy between panicking crewmates and wait nearby Emma’s entry point. There are a few men getting their act together, but most of the force is still scattered. The student debates shouting a rally for morale sake…but decides against it. None of the crew knows her or Emma, and singling them out in a crowd will be too embarrassing to bear.
…Emma has been under for some time now. Is she well?
Just before Yuzu can step down to check, a pegasus whinney announces the arrival of Emma’s steed. The girl is capable of riding atop without a doubled grip…it has been a capability Yuzu has seen many times before, but those times have been so long back. It’s nostalgic, in a sense.
Meanwhile, the thumping of another near-fatal cannonball is not nostalgic. Yuzu nearly topples over this time - if Emma hadn’t offered her hand to mirror the samurai’s earlier save. Amongst the ongoing chaos, she gives her fellow countryman a brief smile as gratitude. Though she also knows there is little time to waste. She hefts herself up with Emma’s support and sets her legs securely over the mount.
It’s no grounded horse - and Emma’s pegasus is on the smaller end - but Yuzu is comfortable enough as they are whisked from their ship to over open waters. Her hunch already pays dividends, as Yuzu notices the small band of pirates wielding only axe as they approach. With no long-ranged bows in sight, only a third cannonball puts them at risk of harm.
One of them seems to have gotten the same epiphany, him suddenly throwing down his axe and darting back to where the ammo lies. Yuzu needs to keep both hands on the saddle, but she pokes her head forward by Emma’s shoulder as best she can to point.
“There! Dismount me at the back of the mast. Then nothing can bring you down.”
The pegasus seems to have understood Yuzu’s command, already on their way to zip by the opposing boat. The increased speed is sudden, though it only results in Yuzu needing to secure her landing with an additional hand as she jumps a small distance off. She is not blocking off the retreating pirate, but without a weapon he is practically cornered.
“Too slow,” Yuzu mutters as she pulls out her blade and slashes it forward in one smooth motion. Fear on his face turns into a blank stare as he is knocked out. That should spare Emma for now…
…next, to spare herself from the rest of the crew.
booster series 23 will now feature boat maps
GD-mission task: showcase (heavy armor +1)
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craneswings · 24 days
“...Maid cafe? Aye, it is worth a try…”
Yuzu mulls over the flashy front entrance before eventually slipping into the classroom-turned dining area. She was on her way to train, but the excessive amount of “cute” outfits peeking out of the doorway is enough to convince her to enter. Her coin pocket is quite light, but something light shouldn’t kill her fun-
“H-Huhh?! Sir Dimitri???” Yuzu’s thoughts get cut off by her reading one of the available maids aloud. She recognizes that name; that’s her own house leader, is it not? And he is right here, ready to serve?
The price is a step steeper in comparison to the others offered. Yuzu slaps down the necessary coinage without doubt. Any amount would be worth it for this moment. Fie, her wallet was preparing for this moment.
…it is then, when Yuzu sits at her assigned table, that she remembers that this is a cafe and not the training grounds. She doesn’t suppose there’s a “dueling” option within this menu…? Nope. Ah well, that will have to wait for another day.
Her eyesight is so locked on studying the actual options that she does not realize when her maid of honor is finally ready to take her order.
is this better or worse than seeing your classmate in a costco
mission task: anniversary (any+1)
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craneswings · 24 days
When Yuzu steps into the exterior of the stables, she is not met with horses but instead…wolves? Or what she assumes to be wolves, as the small group of animals are no more than pups at the moment.
It’s a foreign sight for the traveling samurai. What purpose would the monastery have in adopting a litter of bigger dogs? The premises were not shy of the occasional cat or pet wandering about. Wolves, however? Those are a different breed entirely…
…though at the same time, one of the pups notices Yuzu standing back. It stares at her with large eyes, and with a fluffy covering of light grey fur. So cute… How could she not resist the temptation to approach at once?!
Yuzu trudges forward with one hand outstretched, practically in a daze. Before she can make contact with the fluffy being, though, the corner of her gaze notices another woman surrounded by even more balls of fur. It takes the Hoshidan a moment to recognize her, but her light blonde, flowing hair makes her appearance quick to remember.
“Lady Céline?” Yuzu asks with a hint of excitement in her voice. She could never forget a trustworthy classmate, let alone one who excelled in their arena bouts. “It is an honor to see you today. Um…have you taken to raising these cubs?”
the wolf among us
mission task: anniversary (riding+1)
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craneswings · 24 days
the wolf among us
mission task: anniversary (riding+1)
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craneswings · 24 days
plik plik plik!
A trio of strangely soft sounds for the arrows that make their mark on the Dining Hall’s walls. Upon contact with the stone, each arrow partially sticks only to fall down after releasing a small burst of paint. Deep purple paint, at that. A color that matches the archer who made the shot quite well.
Yuzu retracts from her aiming position, finding a faint joy in seeing the paint that matches her aesthetic splattered on academy property. Admittedly, the bow she decided upon while signing up is…peculiar, to say the least. A crossbow that accepts up to three arrows that spray across a wide cone. Certainly a waste of ammo on the battlefield - but it does fit with her current goal of painting the town purple.
The Dining Hall isn’t entirely hers to conquer just yet, but Yuzu is only getting started. It would be wise to scout the other buildings, to see any other heavily contested spots…
It is just then, as Yuzu turns her back on the freshly painted wall, that she hears another arrow be shot just nearby. The crane flicks her neck back at her canvas only to see a…pink blotch right in the middle of her purple!
At once she turns back to find the origin of that accursed bright color. Naturally, it comes from another bow-wielding artist; a smaller girl with long, blonde bobbles of hair. Rather cute, but Yuzu cannot allow that to get in the way of vandalism.
“You! Fie, how dare you cover my artistry with…pink?!”
She really is hung up on the pink. Not even another, darker color? Pink???
triple dip
mission task: anniversary (bow+1)
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craneswings · 24 days
August Activity Check
Level Up! (Passed)
Status: Cleared! Points Obtained:
+1 Any (Monthly Activity) +1 Faith (Thread completed: Kurthnaga 01) +1 Heavy Armor (Thread dropped: Percy 01) +1 Any (Thread dropped: Ratatoskr 01)
Total Points: 9 –> 13 Point Allocation:
Reason: E –> E+ Faith: E –> E+ Heavy Armor: E+ –> D Flying: E –> E+
New Classes Accessed: Recruit Classes Mastered: N/A Inventory Changes: Steel Shield (tbc)
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craneswings · 29 days
A beam of light that greatly contrasts with the first foe’s gales of darkness cuts through the air to meet a pressured Hugh. The sender reveals a second rat, this one brown and with a rounder tail. The mercenary manages to get a decent hit with fire on both assailants, yet the combined assault makes him look worse for wear…
With the tiny duo surrounding Hugh as he shouts pathetic bargaining, an outsider could consider this an embarrassing sight. For Yuzu, though…well, yes, the moment is rather pitiful. Though humiliation does not deter her from assisting a man who had only done the same for her.
“Quiet down, mice!” Yuzu holsters her blade, replacing her iron weapon with a set of bright-blue, disc-like knuckles. They were a recent addition to her inventory, but she had never got to test them beforehand. Hopefully they are satisfactory enough to chase off small targets.
Yuzu 10/10HP hits and auto-crits Ratty Rogue 7/10HP with TM 04: Ice Punch [Rolls: 15 & 17, -1.5HP, Ratty Rogue 5.5/10HP] Ratty Rogue 5.5/10HP hits Yuzu 10/10HP with Wind Sword [Roll: 16-2=14, -1.5HP, Yuzu 8.5/10HP]
Her fist makes contact with the purple rat, only for ice to sprinkle from the knuckles and encase the foe. What an inscrutable power! Seeing how the frost makes them a stationary target, Yuzu follows up with another cold blow. The ice breaks, making the rat stagger back while launching a retaliation. The magic makes its mark this time, dodging with gauntlets not being the girl’s forte.
Ratty Rogue 5.5/10HP hits Yuzu 8.5/10HP with Wind Sword [Roll: 5-2=3, -1.5HP, Yuzu 7/10HP]
Clearly wanting revenge, the mouse closes back in for a melee swipe with its tail. She fails to evade in time and endures a small burn from the magical tail. She has no time to reequip her sword, but if these knuckles truly contain ice magic…
Yuzu 7/10HP barely hits and hits Ratty Rogue 5.5/10HP with TM 04: Ice Punch [Rolls: 7 & 10, -0.5HP, Ratty Rogue 5/10HP] Ratty Rogue 5/10HP is Frozen!
Aye! Yuzu’s first punch only manages to tickle the creature’s whiskers, but a second attempt is all she needs to make a clean hit. And with that hit, shards of ice surround the rat once more to leave them motionless.
“They are entrapped, Hugh! Do with this as you will,” Yuzu’s instruction is brief and open, considering the fact that her ally may still be overwhelmed by ratty wrath.
Oh, rats! [May Mission] [Sword+1]
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craneswings · 29 days
Hands are done grabbing at farmland. Now they mindlessly grasp at the air, Yuzu struggling to imagine holding each weapon Leif mentions all at once.
“A step further indeed. All that our Master of Arms requires is competency in sword, lance, and axe alike. Though a potency in the bow or throwables is never shunned. They are well-versed in close-quarters combat, but not many other scenarios.”
Yuzu’s eyes thin and head lowers, deep in thought. “A mastery in magics and horseback, however…I must admit I’ve only had short exposure to the latter. Even less so when it comes to magic; tomes or otherwise.”
It is after self-reflection that Yuzu returns to the fact that stuns her the most out of all of this: Leif’s claim of the title at a mere sixteen years of age. Her hands are done grasping at nothing, lowering to her side as she stares at the talented boy.
“And you tell me you’ve already been knighted as master…? Apologies for my daftness, but…where is there to go after attaining so much?”
         ⤷   mission task:   showcase  ( lance +1 )
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craneswings · 29 days
He may miss it due to strolling after she takes on the burden of the crate carrier, but a faint shade of red climbs on Yuzu’s cheeks upon compliment. Randal’s manner of speaking has always had a strong pinch of wiliness, yet the way he addresses her with “Miss” now…the compliment sounds genuine. After seeing years of conflict with him, deep down Yuzu believes she knows when Randal means his tongue.
Letting the blush die out before continuing, she trails close behind Randal as they approach the fishing spot. Yuzu gives a slight head tilt at his evaluation of the pastime. He did just mention doing it to kill time, but why would the knight partake in something that he disliked…?
This must be a test. Sir Randal had seen me first, and he is testing my fishing aptitude!
She fully gives into the rash assumption and straightens her head with a confident smirk. “The two acts do share similarity, when you put it that way. Very well then. I will teach you!” To the best of my ability, she hides the doubt in her mind.
When they near the planks’ edge, Yuzu quickens pace to end slightly ahead of Randal. She sets the box of equipment down behind where they’d sit. Getting on her knees, she rummages through its contents and removes two halves of a simple rod. While not a weapon she has vast experience with, it takes little effort to snap the two together to form the rod.
As she tightens their point of combination, she shifts attention back up to Randal. “Would you prefer to take a rod of your own? Or shall I start solo?”
gone wishing
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craneswings · 29 days
From the corner of her vision, a black-haired lady swoops in as some of the gargoyles start to spread out. Yuzu tries to scream for her safety, yet her energy has to be saved for the foe in front of her. In self-defense, she blocks one claw swipe, one tail slash, and then…
…then the monster gives Yuzu an awkward look and turns from their victim. Sword still held in front, Yuzu pants as head turns to see all of the flying creatures, even ones clawing at trees, lose all will to fight. Though only a few climb down immediately to huddle by their previous zone of captivity.
Her pupils slightly grow in befuddlement. Even with only a brief history of facing untraditional forces, this behavior is purely unnatural. They clear a path for the woman to hurry over toward Yuzu. Could she…? No way…
It takes the student a second to realize her blade is still outstretched as the other places a hand on her shoulder. The gargoyles are still present, most of them loose, and yet…the mere touch of this woman is enough to convince her to withdraw her weapon. Has she felt this touch before…?
“Aye…I’m fine,” Yuzu manages to mumble. “Our clash was only temporary. The cargo had no time to inflict any injury.”
To demonstrate, she holds out both hands, palms open. There are a few marks from struggling with the crate’s rope, but they are otherwise spotless.
In a sense, danger still surrounds them. But Yuzu cannot abstain from keeping focus on the kind woman and asking the first question brewing in her mind.
“These fiends…are you the one that managed to subdue them??”
night wings ensnared
mission task: affluence (flying+1)
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