crashalido · 7 days
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Baby Arctic fox tries to eat man alive
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crashalido · 7 days
Visiting Pompeii - September 16, 2024
Some of the beautiful photos taken yesterday by Pavel Tacina
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All these photographs belong to Pavel Tacina
Please just reblog, don't repost, otherwise be respectful and give credit to Pavel Tacina
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crashalido · 7 days
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2024 September 18
The Mermaid Nebula Supernova Remnant Image Credit & Copyright: Neil Corke; Text: Natalia Lewandowska (SUNY Oswego)
Explanation: New stars are born from the remnants of dead stars. The gaseous remnant of the gravitational collapse and subsequent death of a very massive star in our Milky Way created the G296.5+10.0 supernova remnant, of which the featured Mermaid Nebula is part. Also known as the Betta Fish Nebula, the Mermaid Nebula makes up part of an unusual subclass of supernova remnants that are two-sided and nearly circular. Originally discovered in X-rays, the filamentary nebula is a frequently studied source also in radio and gamma-ray light. The blue color visible here originates from doubly ionized oxygen (OIII), while the deep red is emitted by hydrogen gas. The nebula’s mermaid-like shape has proven to be useful for measurements of the interstellar magnetic field.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240918.html
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crashalido · 11 days
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2024 September 13
Aurora Australis and the International Space Station Image Credit: NASA, ISS Expedition 71
Explanation: This snapshot from the International Space Station was taken on August 11 while orbiting about 430 kilometers above the Indian Ocean, Southern Hemisphere, planet Earth. The spectacular view looks south and east, down toward the planet’s horizon and through red and green curtains of aurora australis. The auroral glow is caused by emission from excited oxygen atoms in the extremely rarefied upper atmosphere still present at the level of the orbiting outpost. Green emission from atomic oxygen dominates this scene at altitudes of 100 to 250 kilometers, while red emission from atomic oxygen can extend as high as 500 kilometers altitude. Beyond the glow of these southern lights, this view from low Earth orbit reveals the starry sky from a southern hemisphere perspective. Stars in Orion’s belt and the Orion Nebula are near the Earth’s limb just left of center. Sirius, alpha star of Canis Major and brightest star in planet Earth’s night is above center along the right edge of the southern orbital skyscape.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240913.html
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crashalido · 25 days
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crashalido · 25 days
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2024 September 1
The Moon Dressed Like Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Francisco Sojuel
Explanation: Why does Saturn appear so big? It doesn’t – what is pictured are foreground clouds on Earth crossing in front of the Moon. The Moon shows a slight crescent phase with most of its surface visible by reflected Earthlight, known as Da Vinci glow. The Sun directly illuminates the brightly lit lunar crescent from the bottom, which means that the Sun must be below the horizon and so the image was taken before sunrise. This double take-inducing picture was captured on 2019 December 24, two days before the Moon slid in front of the Sun to create a solar eclipse. In the foreground, lights from small Guatemalan towns are visible behind the huge volcano Pacaya.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240901.html
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crashalido · 27 days
Remember the 1996 movie Fly Away Home? In it orphaned geese were shown where to migrate as their caretaker flew an ultralight aircraft. Based on a true story, it has since inspired other conservation efforts involving migratory birds, in this case the northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita).
Because migratory birds learn their migration routes from their parents, attempts to simply let a captive-raised batch find their own way by instinct ended in failure. Instead, ibis conservationists allow the newly hatched ibis chicks to imprint on their human caretakers, who then fly along for the aircraft-led migration the following autumn.
The species went extinct in Europe three centuries ago, and numbers have plummeted elsewhere in their range across the Middle East and northern Africa, largely from a combination of a slow rate of reproduction, habitat loss, and overhunting for food. In fact, between 1900 and 2000 the number of northern bald ibis dropped by 98%.
Efforts to protect wild and semi-wild populations in Morocco and Turkey have met with success, while human conflicts in Syria have hampered ibis conservation activities. The reintroduction of ibises from European will help bolster numbers in their historic range. Moreover, there are plans to reintroduce ibises at historic breeding grounds in Morocco. With only a few thousands remaining in the wild and in captivity, any gains in northern bald ibis numbers will be worth celebrating.
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crashalido · 27 days
Now they left GAZA a lone
🚨The EU is Just scattering phrases right and left but no actions to stop the massacre , the eu like the us also supplies the zionists with weapons and huge amounts of aids .
The vice president of the european commission says :
~ The situation in GAZA is shocking , and aid workers are being killed . (so what did u do ?)👇🏼
~ UN activities have been suspended .
(Now GAZA between the fangs of a beast . This sure harms the opressed civillians in gaza )
~He says : The quantity of the human aids that entered GAZA in July is the lowest since the beginning of the war (so what did you do ?! )👇🏼
He proposed to the EU expanding the sanction list to include more occupation ministers but there was no consensus
This is a clear complicity
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crashalido · 28 days
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This photo contains both flight (flat in the foreground) and qualification assembly (upright in the background) versions of the Solar Array Sun Shield for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. These panels will both shade the mission’s instruments and power the observatory.
Double Vision: Why Do Spacecraft Have Twin Parts?
Seeing double? You’re looking at our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s Solar Array Sun Shield laying flat in pieces in the foreground, and its test version connected and standing upright in the back. The Sun shield will do exactly what it sounds like –– shade the observatory –– and also collect sunlight for energy to power Roman.
These solar panels are twins, just like several of Roman’s other major components. Only one set will actually fly in space as part of the Roman spacecraft…so why do we need two?
Sometimes engineers do major tests to simulate launch and space conditions on a spare. That way, they don’t risk damaging the one that will go on the observatory. It also saves time because the team can do all the testing on the spare while building up the flight version. In the Sun shield’s case, that means fitting the flight version with solar cells and eventually getting the panels integrated onto the spacecraft.
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Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's primary structure (also called the spacecraft bus) moves into the big clean room at our Goddard Space Flight Center (top). While engineers integrate other components onto the spacecraft bus in the clean room, the engineering test unit (also called the structural verification unit) undergoes testing in the centrifuge at Goddard. The centrifuge spins space hardware to ensure it will hold up against the forces of launch.
Engineers at our Goddard Space Flight Center recently tested the Solar Array Sun Shield qualification assembly in a thermal vacuum chamber, which simulates the hot and cold temperatures and low-pressure environment that the panels will experience in space. And since the panels will be stowed for launch, the team practiced deploying them in space-like conditions. They passed all the tests with flying colors!
The qualification panels will soon pass the testing baton to the flight version. After the flight Solar Array Sun Shield is installed on the Roman spacecraft, the whole spacecraft will go through lots of testing to ensure it will hold up during launch and perform as expected in space.
For more information about the Roman Space Telescope, visit: www.nasa.gov/roman. You can also virtually tour an interactive version of the telescope here.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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crashalido · 29 days
He has places to be
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crashalido · 29 days
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2024 August 28
Tulip Nebula and Black Hole Cygnus X-1 Image Credit & Copyright: Anirudh Shastry
Explanation: When can you see a black hole, a tulip, and a swan all at once? At night – if the timing is right, and if your telescope is pointed in the right direction. The complex and beautiful Tulip Nebula blossoms about 8,000 light-years away toward the constellation of Cygnus the Swan. Ultraviolet radiation from young energetic stars at the edge of the Cygnus OB3 association, including O star HDE 227018, ionizes the atoms and powers the emission from the Tulip Nebula. Stewart Sharpless cataloged this nearly 70 light-years across reddish glowing cloud of interstellar gas and dust in 1959, as Sh2-101. Also in the featured field of view is the black hole Cygnus X-1, which to be a microquasar because it is one of strongest X-ray sources in planet Earth’s sky. Blasted by powerful jets from a lurking black hole, its fainter bluish curved shock front is only faintly visible beyond the cosmic Tulip’s petals, near the right side of the frame.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240828.html
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crashalido · 29 days
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All of my friends that work at wildlife rehab centers have had to untangle animals from this stuff, or had animals brought in that died in it. This is especially nasty for small owl species.
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crashalido · 29 days
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2024 August 27
Moon Eclipses Saturn Image Credit & Copyright: Pau Montplet Sanz
Explanation: What if Saturn disappeared? Sometimes, it does. It doesn’t really go away, though, it just disappears from view when our Moon moves in front. Such a Saturnian eclipse, more formally called an occultation, was visible along a long swath of Earth – from Peru, across the Atlantic Ocean, to Italy – only a few days ago. The featured color image is a digital fusion of the clearest images captured during the event and rebalanced for color and relative brightness between the relatively dim Saturn and the comparatively bright Moon. Saturn and the comparative bright Moon. The exposures were all taken from Breda, Catalonia, Spain, just before occultation. Eclipses of Saturn by our Moon will occur each month for the rest of this year. Each time, though, the fleeting event will be visible only to those with clear skies – and the right location on Earth.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240827.html
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crashalido · 30 days
The Salic Law/ Lex Salica
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The Salic Law is the written law of the Frankish empire. Its origin is both in Germanic customary law and Roman criminal law. Continuing Roman law fitted in the “Imperium Romanum Aeternum" or the idea that Rome was everlasting (the early Merovingians still saw themselves as Roman and didn't consider the (Western) Roman Empire "fallen").
There are many versions and interpretations of the Salic Law, depending on the Germanic additions made to it. This is especially true for customary law, punishments and inheritance. The most famous rule included in the text is that Kings/rulers have to be succeeded by their eldest son.
In some instances, new laws and punishments were added after incidents occurred which were not previously considered. There were for example different punishments for people who were free vs. slaves. Punishments could also vary, depending on the amount of people involved. Later Catholic additions include the banishment of pagan elements such as animistic practices, future predictions or the names of our weekdays. Some of these banishments are the only documented proof of certain pagan elements which were successfully oppressed by Christianity, such as the habbit of saying "bless you" after a sneeze. This indicates that a sneeze was used for interpretations (foresight, good luck charms, etc.) that could not coexist with Catholic devotion. "Bless you" was installed to replace whatever it was Germans did after a sneeze, turning it into a "positive" that survived into our current time.
Image: page from the 794 AD Salic Law
Library of the Sankt Gallen abbey - Switzerland.
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crashalido · 1 month
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I noticed the old/original version of this piece got some retweets recently and I haven’t posted to Tumblr in awhile, and it’s a pretty good time to dust off my account.
I call this piece “Butterfly Effect” because I just couldn’t resist that title no matter how hard I tried.
5x7″ and 11x17″ prints are available on my website.
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crashalido · 1 month
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Dinosaurs Survived!...and the stickers have arrived!
All 5 new stickers are now available in my store. Each sticker pairs modern day dinosaurs, aka birds, with the skull of their ancient theropod relatives that lived in the same area millions of years ago.
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crashalido · 1 month
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