hey i’m gonna be moving mara over to a multimuse – @beliefruined​ 
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mara jade commission
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Marvel Queen Photoshoots of 2018: Chloe Bennet by Benjo Arwas
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I don’t think just kicking ass means badass. I feel like a lot of people I know that are badasses are women. And they’re sensitive, and emotional, and that’s badass to me.
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“No,” He agreed with a dreamy smile on his face as pulled his head back a little to look at her.  She was beautiful.  “No, it’s never been like this before.” He knew exactly what she meant.  Their connection in the Force, it made everything new and deepened– more intimate than anything he’d experienced before, with anyone.  Even without that, even without the Force’s influence, it was different with Mara; it had always been different with Mara.  Early on, he wouldn’t have said anything for fear of scaring her away, but it was true. It had always been deliciously different with her.  
“I don’t want to let you go.” He said after a moment, his arm wrapped around her shoulder to hold her close.  It wasn’t a statement made out of fear or anxiety about the future, but a simple statement of fact.  They wouldn’t get to be left to their own devices forever and for now all he wanted to do was hold her, kiss her, listen to her and talk to her, simply be in her presence, and start trying to make up for lost time.
“I know,” she said, she had been inside his mind after all. She knew that the way he loved her wasn’t like the way he loved anyone else. Mara had felt the way he loved her. Could feel it now. She knew he had never connected like this with anyone else -- and neither had she for that matter. So deeply and intimately that it was like they were a part of you. 
“Well, lucky for you we can probably stay here for a few more days without your sister coming to the planet and kick down the door,” she said, pressing her cheek against his chest. “I would say eloping is still on the table, but I’m kinda hoping to get a few years of marriage out of you before I become a widow,” she joked, pressing her lips against his shoulder. “Let’s just enjoy the time we have together now.” 
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endless gifs of daisy johnson. ( 2/?? )
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4th November 2018  ✨
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“I did make it work for me.” He pointed out. After all, they didn’t give the title Hero of the Rebellion to the kind of guy anyone’s good Empire loyal dad would want to be introduced to. In fact, he was pretty sure he’d got his first temporary relationships from that alone… but those were fleeting and for good reason.  Luke could joke about his bad boy Rebel reputation all he wanted– Mara knew him for the dorky farmboy he was.  Knew him, and loved him for it.  He was truly a very lucky man.  
“Lucky me,” He repeated aloud, but the smile on his face was soft, gentle and sincere.  He wasn’t smiling about the joke any more.  He was smiling because he believed it.  He was lucky to have her. 
“How about ‘Skywalker gives up bachelor life forever. Quote: I was lost before I found Mara.’  or maybe, ‘Senator Organa-Solo arranges marriage for brother. Quote: I know better than him.’” At least one of those would have to be a win, right? The jab about the 501st had him chuckling though, “If they could shoot any better he might never get grandchildren.”
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“Anybody that was into you because they thought you were a “bad boy” wasn’t worth your time,” she said. It was really as simple as that. Same as the people who were only into him because he was a Jedi master or because he was into him because he was a hero of the rebellion. Then again if anyone had been willing to see past those things to the man underneath the titles then she never would have gotten a chance to fall in love with him. 
“Yeah, lucky you,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. Leaning in she pressed her lips against his. If anyone was the lucky one of the pair, Mara had alway known it was her.  
She lifted both eyebrows, “To be fair to you, you did also know you wanted to marry me pretty early on,” she said, “Even if Leia knows better than you.” Mara chuckled before she ducked her head kissing at his neck. “So imagine what the rest of the Empire was left with for soldiers if your father picked out all the best.” 
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“Oh, I have a whole laundry list of Crimes Against the Empire.  Remind me to recite them all to you in bed later.” It wasn’t often that Luke’s playful, somewhat cocky old pilot side came out, but she did make him grin.  Leave it to Mara to get him joking, smiling, no matter what obstacle.  There was a reason he loved her so deeply. 
This was another fun game too– one he usually ruined by being too literal, but he wasn’t going to let that happen this time. “I can see the news holo now: ’Emperor’s Hand– elite Imperial Assassin – runs off with Hero of the Rebellion; Darth Vader wins award as world’s worst father-in-law.’ though Han’s already been telling everyone that part.” 
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“Oh you’re real sure you’re going to be able to pull off the bad boy thing and make it work for you, aren’t you?” she said, a grin tugging at her lips. “Newsflash, farmboy, I’ve never been into bad boys.” Being a rebel wasn’t why she’d fallen for him. She’d fallen for him because he was a farmboy. It was a relief to see him smiling again. That’s what she wanted. He didn’t need to spend more time wallowing than he already did. 
“Wow, I can’t believe our romance would make the news. You sure they wouldn’t go with .... Skywalker’s flame of the week, mystery redhead?” she teased. Lifting both eyebrows she wrapped her arms around his neck, “Does he count as a father-in-law if he froze him before he got married, because most of my grievances with Vader are about the 501st. Do you think he’d have left me one competent storm trooper if he knew I was going to be his daughter-in-law?”
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v fun to eat cereal with no pants @chloebennet
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@davestanwell: @chloebennet keeping it chill - @KiraNasrat #HairByDave - best morning hangs coffee, catchups and a lil hair makeup on the side (x)
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@craveschallenges continued from x
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“Funny.” He returned, but it was with amusement.  “It’s more than that I guess.  Either the sand has swallowed it up by now, or someone else has moved in.   Either way, it’s more effort than it’s worth to go back to Tatooine, even just for a little light arson– which, I’m sure you know, was also listed as one of my crimes against the Empire.”
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“I thought you just blew stuff up. I never knew you set something on fire too,” she shot back. “And actually I don’t know. I didn’t worry about the Rebellion. I dealt with corruption inside the Empire. I thought you guys would never get anywhere, and weren’t stressing out about,” she said, a grin tugging at her lips. “If I had been sent after you ... I guess we just would have fallen in love earlier.” 
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I probably would burn the place down…. if it were legal…
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“Oh well if that’s the only thing stopping you,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Good thing you always follow the law. And never ... rebelled against the government, I can’t remember how many laws did you break when you joined the Rebellion?” 
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Luke had to agree with an acknowledging lift of his brow.  That he was placed with his father’s brother, still bearing his father’s name– it just showed that Vader didn’t think to look or Luke, at least, would have easily been found and killed or taken.  
“I don’t know how many people knew Anakin Skywalker to begin with.” He was a Jedi, but there were many Jedi in that time, and many more famous than Anakin Skywalker.  Besides that, all the records were destroyed, along with the Jedi who kept them, created them, and were mentioned in them. 
“What do you think they would have told them about our mother?” He couldn’t imagine that Owen and Beru had ever known about he and Leia’s mother– they’d never mentioned her when his father had come up a time or two, “I wonder if they knew about Leia…”
“Well .... I mean Anakin Skywalker was like... one of the most famous heroes of the galaxy. So, I think a lot of people knew Anakin Skywalker,” she said, half a chuckle rolling from her lips. “You really didn’t know that? Your dad was a big deal. One of the heroes of the Clone Wars,” she told him. 
Mara shrugged, “Might have been safer not to tell them who she was,” she said. “I mean it was pretty stupid to put you with his step-brother, on the planet he lived, with his last name. But overall they probably counted on him never visiting his family. But if they slipped and told the wrong person he might have come running at the sound of your mother’s name on Tatooine,” she said. 
“I doubt it. Leia didn’t know about you, and it’s like Bail and Breha actually knew about you.” 
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Shit Said on Discord Part 1
❝ I probably would burn the place down…. if it were legal… ❞
❝ Taco bell is pure ass. ❞
❝ That feeling when you take a nap and when you wake up 90% of what your friends talked about were memes. ❞
❝ I’m so confused why is there suddenly 849295 gay British tv shows. ❞
❝ I don’t know what that is but my mind went to ‘It’s raining tacos, hallelujah, it’s raining tacos’. ❞
❝ I don’t think you’re appreciating my Snapchat messages. ❞
❝ I’m doing the emo do with Nickleback playing in the background and you can’t stop me! ❞
❝ No one gets me , fuck off. ❞
❝ I’m not the one listening to dick songs. ❞
❝ Your epidermis is showing. ❞
❝ I literally forgot your name for a solid 10 seconds. ❞
❝ I saw you typing don’t you ignore me. ❞
❝ Did somebody say smack dAB? ❞
❝ I’m going to go cry myself to sleep now that I’m officially a unicycle. ❞
❝ Welcome to Daddy Hell. ❞
❝ #NOTMYDADDY… never thought I’d have to type\say that but here we are. ❞
❝ Excuse you you’re the ones that took the u out of colour. ❞
❝ it is really weird to tag “bug daddy” just so you all know. ❞
❝ How fucking dare! ❞
❝ God fucking damn what the hell is that Satanic monstrosity, begone thot! ❞
❝ I’m not wrong I’m ashamed of myself. ❞
❝ “Fix-It Felix would treat me right”… I’m having a stroke! ❞
❝ Dancing queen, young and sweet, at 18??? I think not! ❞
❝ My birthday passed you butt. ❞
❝ brb dying of laughter. ❞
❝ You’re not being fun! ❞
❝ Oh wow fuck you too. ❞
❝ What math is that? ❞
❝ God has left the chat. ❞
❝ Don’t yell at me you’re scaring me to dead. ❞
❝ Oh good there’s the pain i was wondering when it would show up. ❞
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